So is Tom Baker constantly on some form of hallucinogenic? He speaks and acts like the Little Britain narrator... all the time.
That scene summed up what is wrong with modern who for me. Yes, that was actually a really great/funny thing, we all get the gag, but had to be stretched out by Clara saying "wait a minute, you didn't think to check the door?" There was no need for that dialogue, it convoluted a great moment. This is a small criticism of a single scene, however it is the sort of thing that happens all the time in modern who.I do love the gag that three incarnations of the smartest guy in the galaxy are in one cell, and none of them think to check if the door is actually locked. Too smart for his (their?) own good.
I guess I'm not seeing how the universe isn't still portrayed as a dangerous place in the Eleventh Doctor's run? It seemed violent enough to me. More over, though, I honestly liked that they ended this entire thing on a positive and redemptive note, because after 3 Doctors you can only drag on the "Woe is me I killed them all" for so long. Show was so dark, so I was glad to see some light finally cast on the character of the Doctor.
Are people seriously saying that? A period in which an antagonist deliberately manufactures the child of the Doctor's companions into a twisted Time Lady intended only to destroy him is way darker than any Davros/Dalek plot.
Really? You think that's darker than Davros harvesting food from the bodies of people who had come believing they were to be placed in stasis until medical science could cure them, feeding that to the rest of the galaxy, and then also using those bodies as a source for new organic material for a new breed of Daleks?
Yeah, he should have been in the role of the War Doctor, since it seems like it was made for him. But, John Hurt was so great that not once it came up to me while I was watching it.
This could happen.
I wonder if the lost Gallifrey is just meant to set up a very long Homeward Journey?
I disagree, I don't think Eccelston was ever going to be the War Doctor, we know Moffat had talks with him before they started filming but I can't see them writing a script that relied on him being there, especially considering his view on the show over the last number of years since he left. They probably wanted him with 10 and 11, or maybe just for a proper regeneration scene, but never as the War Doctor.
It's a shame really, considering he was the one who played The Doctor that brought the show back, but now he is the guy who wouldn't return for one of TV's oldest shows biggest celebration.
They could have always used McGann. That would have been a perfectly suitable replacement option which wouldn't have required a massive rewriting of continuity.
That would mean that the Doctor number count being thrown off, the need for a secret Regeneration, all that messy continuity stuff could have been avoided if Eccelston hadn't pitched a fit.
They could have always used McGann. That would have been a perfectly suitable replacement option which wouldn't have required a massive rewriting of continuity.
"Never cruel or cowardly"
1st and 7th Doctors: "Lol"
Are people seriously saying that? A period in which an antagonist deliberately manufactures the child of the Doctor's companions into a twisted Time Lady intended only to destroy him is way darker than any Davros/Dalek plot.
It would have been a pretty massive rewrite of the 8th Doctor's personality to have him be the one who committed double genocide.
I find it sort of interesting for someone to rip into the characterization of the Doctor in modern Who when the very nature of the character is that his characterization changes generation to generation. Yes, he's essentially the same person, but his behaviors, mannerisms, and attitudes can shift pretty widely. Eleven likes to talk big? That's part of his character - he wants to be cooler than he actually is; in fact, I think Matt Smith has specifically stated that about this Doctor.
I'm not going to speak for Kuwabara here as my issues aren't exactly the same as his, but while I can appreciate on some level that the writers are very aware and specifically writing Smith's Doctor to be overly bombastic and clearly trying too hard to be cool and "quirky" and badass because he's desperate for the approval of his companions, I feel like that irony is completely lost on a huge segment of the fanbase
You absolutely can't please everyone all the time though. It's like how some people thought Tennant bowing out in End of Time was whiny. Different people are going to view different Doctors differently. It's hardly expected that you'll like all 13 actors interpretation of a particular character, but that's okay, because in 4 years it'll be someone else.I feel like that irony is completely lost on a huge segment of the fanbase
I'm not going to speak for Kuwabara here as my issues aren't exactly the same as his, but while I can appreciate on some level that the writers are very aware and specifically writing Smith's Doctor to be overly bombastic and clearly trying too hard to be cool and impressive and badass because he's desperate for the approval of his companions, I feel like that irony is completely lost on a huge segment of the fanbase
So, in that sense, I could see someone saying that they don't like the Eleventh Doctor... hell, I didn't like the Ninth... but saying the creative team is 'missing the point' of the character... Frankly, it sounds like the person saying that is missing the point of the Doctor. He regenerates, it's a new ballgame.
If the next Doctor is the same way, then yes, I could totally understand the assertion that it's become a bit much. For now? That's just Eleven.
I'm not going to speak for Kuwabara here as my issues aren't exactly the same as his, but while I can appreciate on some level that the writers are very aware and specifically writing Smith's Doctor to be overly bombastic and clearly trying too hard to be cool and "quirky" and badass because he's desperate for the approval of his companions, I feel like that irony is completely lost on a huge segment of the fanbase
I'm not going to speak for Kuwabara here as my issues aren't exactly the same as his, but while I can appreciate on some level that the writers are very aware and specifically writing Smith's Doctor to be overly bombastic and clearly trying too hard to be cool and "quirky" and badass because he's desperate for the approval of his companions, I feel like that irony is completely lost on a huge segment of the fanbase
True, however just because it's in a character's nature to act a certain way doesn't make it any less annoying for the viewer. Like in LOST, I could understand Michael being a wreck after he lost Walt, but when every scene he's in he's just shouting WAAAALLLT & THEY TOOK MA BOY, it's annoying and not great to watch.
I do think it gets a bit much, and it's not like it didn't happen in seasons 1-4, but it certainly happens way more nowadays, and i say that as a big fan of Matt Smith!
That does tally with rumour people, who were 100% correct in everything else they said about the episode, even down to Baker playing "The Curator" - who said that Eccleston actually had a wobble and fucked them over at the last minute. I believe it, really.
Who are these wonderful rumor people, is it GB?
Argh I lost my bluff. Figured those Christmas rumors were bullshit and thus, read every one of them :\Yeah. Some of the same people have also given a frighteningly detailed early description of Christmas which, based on the 11 second trailer, also appears to be bang on so far.
Moffat and everyone have been very nice and things about Eccleston in interviews, but that's surely just so they don't ruin a potential relationship further down the line. Do think Tennant's "it'd be churlish to not do it," comment in an interview last week was basically a dig at him, though.
What episode is Eccleston's "for my next trick" clip from?
"Never cruel or cowardly"
1st and 7th Doctors: "Lol"
Yeah. Some of the same people have also given a frighteningly detailed early description of Christmas which, based on the 11 second trailer, also appears to be bang on so far.
I took some screencaps from the ending shots
The quality isn't the best, but I did what I could. The top one is my new phone background.
I still can't believe they snuck in wax Tom from the Five Doctors.
The Power of the Cloud™If there was one potential plot point that was faulty it had to do with the sonics, they were doing a calculation for hundreds of years. Yet Eleven actually fried the tenth's sonic early in his adventures and then got his new one. So it wasn't just a new casing as Hurt says unless the sonics always link up with the Tardis to keep information up to date.
Eleven actually fried the tenth's sonic early in his adventures and then got his new one. So it wasn't just a new casing as Hurt says unless the sonics always link up with the Tardis to keep information up to date.