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Dota 2 |OT13| 6.86, our Pit Lord and savior

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Just looking at the Dotabuffs, I would say in general, play safer. I notice in most of your most recent games, you have a really high amount of deaths. Especially in lower level pubs, if something seems sketchy, don't do it. Even if your teammates are egging you on to do it, and you know better, don't listen to them. It isn't worth going in and feeding a double or triple kill just because your teammates told you to go in.

Also this is hero specific, but I'm not really a fan of Battle Fury PA. I know some people might disagree with me on that, but I don't think it's good just because it doesn't really work well with the hero. Crit cleaves are cool and all, but the item is so expensive, and really all you need to farm well is Lifesteal. She's not like Anti-Mage where she split pushes with a blink on a 5 second CD. PA is meant for manmoding people and surviving. You need things like HotD, BKB, and of course Basher is pretty core on her these days. If you max Blur second, you can still farm ancient stacks with an HotD, and don't need a Battle Fury for it. If your lane is rough, and you can't really walk up and get many last hits, get Basilius/Aquila and Dagger for them. It's not ideal, but you can make the best of a bad situation that way.


i dunno i think playing safe is an awful way to learn dota. keep the same level of aggression as that's what feels natural to you, and likely what you'll have most fun with, but make a mental note of when you die and (this is the most important part) try you best not to repeat deaths.


People usually don't post in the chat room. Post your steam id here maybe someone will play with you.

Don't let the anime scare you

My steam friend id is 91512947
My in game name is T'Challa with a black panther avatar
2k :( MMR and I usually play on weekends since school is back on.


i dunno i think playing safe is an awful way to learn dota. keep the same level of aggression as that's what feels natural to you, and likely what you'll have most fun with, but make a mental note of when you die and (this is the most important part) try you best not to repeat deaths.

Nah, playing safe is the only way to learn Dota. People always make the mistake of going too ham when they are learning the game. Granted, half of that comes just from not knowing the game at all (everyone had that first game where they got killed by creeps, or spammed their spells on creeps and were out of mana in two seconds, etc.), however generally doing sketchy manuevers is a recipe for disaster, unless you have a plan for it.

An example of this that happened in a game I played the other day: I was Ember Spirit against Invoker mid. Dazzle TP'd mid to try to gank him, however there was no vision on his high ground, Invoker obviously saw him, deployed Forge Spirits (which started hitting him and bringing his HP down fast), and backed onto his high ground at a safe distance. Seeing as Dazzle was almost dead, trying to dive that would be straight up suicidal. He was telling me to go as he was mostly dead, and I was telling him to back off. He died, blamed me for it. I told him it was a bad idea and he said it was my fault. Me going in on that would have just given Invoker a double kill. No reason for that. Unfortunately, this caused this Dazzle to mute me because I was explaining to him why he was wrong, and he refused to listen because he was an idiot.


Bull on a Donut
real pic january

this is my real pic
fuck people who can't play safe for shit, it's annoying having to save a game where two morons have 20 deaths somehow and you have 6


Description: The face of Chris Mead, the Director of Partnerships EMEA at Twitch.
Hylian's advice is good. Play safe, die way less and don't pick trashy heroes. You can add me if you want to learn. I consider myself the best position 1 player in the 4k-4.5k range in Europe ez.

Edit: You don't play in EU Servers, nevermind then.


Unconfirmed Member
Hi man, I've been stuck on ~2.8k for a bit now EU, any advice based on how my dotabuff looks like?


dunno if it's relevant at that bracket since there are so many ways to improve at that level but maybe when playing ranked find 5+ heroes or so that you think work for you and then keep grinding. Just sticking to my highest winrate heroes certainly gave me a good boost.
And it does teach you a lot since you get to think about specific matchups, you begin to realize weaknesses and strengths better.

Beside that I think people at that bracket don't really think about the game.
They often do just the comfortable thing. When I ask my friends at that bracket why they placed a ward at a certain position they can't answer it. Even their items builds often fall victim to that. They also don't think about the map at all and where they need to be.

Everyone is missing your team is on the opposite side of the map you're a hero with no escape but you farm the lane far away from the tower instead of where there's likely no enemy vision. Surprise you die to a gank. Or as a support you're ahead your mid that owned is making a risky move and you're not there with him. Surprise he feeds.
Games are pretty straight forward at that level if you really think about it you can guess what everyone wants to do, if not ask and then make decisions.

Also tips for wards I don't know but if you play a good amount of games if you really think about it it's fairly easy to decide where to ward especially at that bracket where nobody counterwards. I mean as support you kind of control the game with your wards.

But generally if you don't know how the game is going I think warding in a way that allows your carry to farm more spots safely is the safe way to play.


i dunno i think playing safe is an awful way to learn dota. keep the same level of aggression as that's what feels natural to you, and likely what you'll have most fun with, but make a mental note of when you die and (this is the most important part) try you best not to repeat deaths.
Actually, playing safe is probably the best way to learn dota. Instead of risking time and wasted effort on trying to do an aggressive gank, hold onto your tp, win your lane and force them to rotate. If you use tp to counter gank successfully, then you just wasted their time, exp, gold, and effort even more. Also look at mini map when ganking and go by this rule. If you see at least two or three other heroes missing on the minimap, forget about ganking.


Fuck playing safe when learning dota rofl. The important part is knowing when to be aggressive and knowing how aggressive you can be before its overextending.
You'll never learn your limits if you always play it safe, you learn from mistakes. I always see pros do shit I didn't know was possible with their heroes, they learned that by continuously testing their limits, not by never taking risks.
I recommend not listening to hylian or imp advice if you're not already grounded enough to understand why they're telling you to do whatever.

Just play heroes you like, try to farm wherever you can (or stack, place wards, and join fights as a support) and you'll find yourself climbing as long as you're self aware enough to steadily acknowledge and minimize your mistakes.
same aggressive style but learn when to not be aggressive which means youre playing safer because you know when to be aggressive

the dumbos in this thread are breathtaking.


Hi man, I've been stuck on ~2.8k for a bit now EU, any advice based on how my dotabuff looks like?


I was in the same boat. Then I started spamming good heroes to go straight to 3.4K. Finally, I got bored of grinding and created a smurf to try new heroes without being a hassle to good boys. I have no problem experimenting heroes or troll builds with smurfs, even in VHS bracket.


Edit: sorry for double post.



Don't let some genius support set up perfect kills for you.

Open your eyes.

I haven't ever suggested shying away set up kills at all.

You can still be aggressive and play safe. Newer players just get very overly aggressive sometimes and might find they have the highest number of deaths. This doesn't mean playing passively (insert WCA joke). It just means apply common sense. Don't do something that looks like a bad idea just because your teammate tells you too. Keep an eye on the minimap. For instance, if you're chasing someone to T2 at 5 minutes in the game, and you don't see anyone on the map, you should let it go, no matter how low they are. I always see so many people just make things worse by making dives that aren't worth the risk.

Bottom line is, examine the situation, and if in doubt, don't do it.


Unless you thread switch there's no way to get out of 2k

Serious answer:
Find a handful of heroes you feel comfortable with, preferably all in the same role (carry, support, offlane, etc), and play around with them. Try different item builds, different skill builds, different lane partners, learn their weaknesses and strengths. By the time you "master" those heroes you'll have a much better understanding of the game as a whole, be it positioning, timings, decision making on when to be aggressive or defensive, etc. It will also make it much easier to branch out and try other heroes and roles.


You'll never learn your limits if you always play it safe, you learn from mistakes. I always see pros do shit I didn't know was possible with their heroes, they learned that by continuously testing their limits, not by never taking risks.

That's what Wagamama always says, too; the way to get better is to push things to explore just how much you can do with the hero.

This doesn't mean, of course, "have bad positioning and get caught out all the time" or "go in one by one", but it does mean "don't run away from teamfights instantly", for example.
Hi man, I've been stuck on ~2.8k for a bit now EU, any advice based on how my dotabuff looks like?

Well, lately your games have mostly been wins so it's tough to say. Hero choices are okay, item builds don't look too off either. Other than your PA game in which you had a Battle Fury, you virtually never hit the 5 last hits per minute mark on your cores though (150 last hits in 30 minutes for example) even in games you win. Obviously, hardly anyone at that bracket does (my stack is entirely 2.5k-3k) but if your ambition is to climb, you might want to work on your farming efficiency and your farming patterns.
But from the looks of it, this patch seems to be quite deathbally so I'm not 100% sure on how game deciding good farming capabilities are. For me, it usually makes the difference but my playstyle is mostly about efficiency and GPM and entering fights with more items than anyone on the enemy team. A lot of players manage differently and are better than me so it's just one approach. You being 2.8k have probably a lot of things to work on.


Welp, I ether got a Kidney Stone, or an Kidney infection. I hope the pain killers the doctor gave me work well, since I do need to actually work.

I just wanted to say that I got the same pain due to a kidney stone yesterday night. This has been the most awful pain that I have ever endured so far: 8 hours of relentless sharp pain in the back until I could get my medicine and wait 2 hours for them to have any effect. No matter what I did, sit, lie down, stand, walk, whatever, the pain was constant. Apparently, there are many possible causes, and I heard drinking not enough water can be one of the causes.


I just wanted to say that I got the same pain due to a kidney stone yesterday night. This has been the most awful pain that I have ever endured so far: 8 hours of relentless sharp pain in the back until I could get my medicine and wait 2 hours for them to have any effect. No matter what I did, sit, lie down, stand, walk, whatever, the pain was constant. Apparently, there are many possible causes, and I heard drinking not enough water can be one of the causes.

I involuntarily took a swing of water reading this.

I know it's coming though... coffee will be my downfall. Stupid fucking useless kidneys.
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