Dragon Age: Veilguard |OT| 'Oof': A non-buynary return to form


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
Neither is “Veilguard is a bad game with clearly antiquated mechanics and terrible writing”.

Kitty Roll Eyes GIF by VH1


I’ve played 20 hours and I don’t think it’s a bad game. Average game with poor writing, some interesting lore, and fun combat in my opinion.
Avg is 5/10, now question is, is such a game worth 70$ at launch, even for western rpg and DA series enthusiast? For u its a yes, for majority of ppl its a big fat no, especially if we include politics(well not we, they-devs of the game did) :)
Not saying u are wrong, enjoy it bro :)


Put few more hours in.

I kinda like the pixar look now.

Its very unified and goes well with lighthearted aestetic of the game. I agree with people praising the rouge combat. It is quite fun and enough flashy.

I am juggling three games this weekend. Cod campaign, dragons dogma 2 and this. And it really feels great to comeback to vailguards cartoonish world after the other two’s realism.

Also story has enoug intrigue that i wanna see how it plays out.

Lot to like here. I dont know.


Played a few hours last night and really enjoyed it. Game looks legit amazing on my setup. 4070ti, 65 inch OLED, full Atmos with height speakers ☺️. Game runs great on DLSS balanced 4k.

What really is amazing is the hair tech. It makes such a difference with all the characters having decent hair. Hopefully more games can get good hair going forward as it really is a game changer


Am I imagining things? It's hard to tell when you know the agenda behind the game:

Since I started, my heterosexual white male Rook only got 1 romantic dialog option with the girls, I just unlocked Lucanis and already got 3...
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Am I imagining things? It's hard to tell when you know the agenda behind the game:

Since I started, my heterosexual white male Rook only got 1 romantic dialog option with the girls, I just unlocked Lucanis and already got 3...
You’re probably doing something wrong then, I’ve had the flirt option with Harding, Neve, and Bellara so far. Harding had two before I even met Lucanis.


Am I imagining things? It's hard to tell when you know the agenda behind the game:

Since I started, my heterosexual white male Rook only got 1 romantic dialog option with the girls, I just unlocked Lucanis and already got 3...
Its a bioware game. You can pretty much always have a romance option with everyone in your party. I think you just need to progress further to reach them


Gold Member
Its a bioware game. You can pretty much always have a romance option with everyone in your party. I think you just need to progress further to reach them

This is the first bioware game that lets you romance anyone, every prior game the companions had their own preferences if they where romanceable at all, this is a first that just says "everyone is Bi"


Is it true that if you DON'T do the "non binary quest" you are locked out of the "good ending"?

Somebody answered that in steam regarding if you can play the game without Interacting with Trash.
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You’re probably doing something wrong then, I’ve had the flirt option with Harding, Neve, and Bellara so far. Harding had two before I even met Lucanis.
Sorry I wasn't clear: I got 1 flirt option with every girl (Harding, Neve and Bellara) but Lucanis gets 1 in the first conversation when you meet him (weird), then another after the quest is over, then another when he gives you his companion quest.
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This is the first bioware game that lets you romance anyone, every prior game the companions had their own preferences if they where romanceable at all, this is a first that just says "everyone is Bi"
Everyone should be bi in your party in game like this imo. I dont like when they jam social politics down my throat but also i believe everyone should be able to romance whom ever they want to wheather they are gay or straight.

So thats a positive in my book i guess


I think the game's not for me, I don't really enjoy the gameplay as a warrior, I just tested explosive shield and it's shredding everything to pieces, it's not even fun, my range attack is way more powerful and on lower cd than my melee skills for which I need to build rage, it's much more effective to run around and shoot stuff freely.
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Got the game gifted, may give a try soon. Reading they retconned the Qunari into the ground, good show destroying an established culture and race to push a white gender agenda.
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I’m dissapointed with the male long hair options. I can’t find one I like which is a first in an RPG
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Tempted to get it just cause I want some RPG action but dunno if to get it for PC (3060Ti or PS5)
PC. Only for the fact you can refund the game if you don’t like it. Have to keep play time under 2 hours i think. Refunds on ps5 are a nightmare.
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I don't know if people will understand what I mean but everything in this game feels like a basic jrpg.
The corridors, the "towns" with mute pnjs, the inexistence of exploration, basic "puzzles", useless chating with companions, action oriented combat... etc.
And it's not what I'm waiting for when I launch a game named "Dragon Age".


Sorry I wasn't clear: I got 1 flirt option with every girl (Harding, Neve and Bellara) but Lucanis gets 1 in the first conversation when you meet him (weird), then another after the quest is over, then another when he gives you his companion quest.

Maybe a matter of having picked other dialogue options others didn’t Iike that has your relationship level back a tad with them?

I’m playing as a female and have had the heart dialogue pop up 3 times for Harding, but none for Neve or Bellara yet.
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I was curious for those who are playing, are Skill Up's criticisms valid based on your experiences of the game?

I am not a fan of the cartoon art style and one of the things that made previous entries great, was the stakes of your decisions and how they impacted events throughout the game. A lot of those were very dark and made the game world for me seem more real. But based on Skill Up's review those seem to be virtually non existent in this game and everything seems watered down and PG-13. He also brings up the lack of character conflict within the party that was prevalent in previous entries.
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Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
Am I imagining things? It's hard to tell when you know the agenda behind the game:

Since I started, my heterosexual white male Rook only got 1 romantic dialog option with the girls, I just unlocked Lucanis and already got 3...

You are imagining things, unless you are only doing Lucanis’ side quest.


From what I’m reading here and what I’ve seen on Twitch, I think I’ll stay on my initial opinion and I’ll probably play it on big discount.

My understanding:
- it’s not really a Dragon Age game I style or gameplay.
- Story isn’t that great
- gameplay is ok but nothing impressive.
- technically it is really good.
- background is beautiful
- but the level design is bad. You really feel in a video game with corridors, ladder.


Got the game gifted, may give a try soon. Reading they retconned the Qunari into the ground, good show destroying an established culture and race to push a white gender agenda.
I saw some badass Qunari in a city in the early part of the game. I'm still not that far into the game so I don't know if they'll play a part. But they look like the Qunari from DA2 but you can't see their faces as they have large helmets on.


I came in with very low expectations. Sure, it doesn't have a very mature tone. And there's some cringe moments in there. But damn if I'm not actually having a lot of fun with this game.

Runs great for me on PC, seriously impressive in that regard. Artstyle is what it is, but it doesn't bother me very much. Facial animations are the biggest issue I find, but I can live with it. As a whole this is one of the more impressive games graphically that I have played.


I don't know if people will understand what I mean but everything in this game feels like a basic jrpg.
The corridors, the "towns" with mute pnjs, the inexistence of exploration, basic "puzzles", useless chating with companions, action oriented combat... etc.
And it's not what I'm waiting for when I launch a game named "Dragon Age".

Yeah, it's like they hit the bare minimum requirement in each category for this to technically be considered an action RPG and called it a day. It's a classic, garden variety 7/10 type of game tbh. That said, I'm enjoying it for what it is.
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Gold Member
The game runs great on Ultra settings on the laptop. The writing of the game is like a mature Saturday morning cartoon.

It has kind of a wimsical vibe to it.


Gold Member
To make my character, I took one of the preset characters and made him whiter and made him ginger. Got rid of the body paint.


I was curious for those who are playing, are Skill Up's criticisms valid based on your experiences of the game?

I am not a fan of the cartoon art style and one of the things that made previous entries great, was the stakes of your decisions and how they impacted events throughout the game. A lot of those were very dark and made the game world for me seem more real. But based on Skill Up's review those seem to be virtually non existent in this game and everything seems watered down and PG-13. He also brings up the lack of character conflict within the party that was prevalent in previous entries.
The game is gorgeous on PC, it looked like shit in videos but it all comes together when playing imo. It's definitely a weird art style though


Gold Member
I always get annoyed with how Steam enables it's Steam Input as it's default.

This game does not need it. It supports all the major controllers.

I always have to switch the damn thing off.
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