2 months ago on GAF:
That hype spike!
2 months ago on GAF:
That hype spike!
PS4 owners have a lock for a winner with it.
Bloodborne. But, beware, it may get a bad review from somebody, too, which, of course, means it will ruin your impression of the game as a whole.
You can absolutely know how many tracks, cars and gameplay modes are available without playing it.
Did you not see what I laid out just a few minutes ago for a similar post?So hilarious certain posters predictably do this over and over. Picking among the worst review out of dozens and dozens, and then basing one's entire opinion around it.
The graphics over gameplay argument seems strange to me. Yea, I get it, the game is getting mixed reviews but none of these reviews are actually criticizing the gameplay or that its lacking, the most they go to is that its a "standard circuit-based racer."
That doesn't tell me graphics over gameplay were prioritized or even that the gameplay is lacking.
I could be wrong, but didn't the devs say that it would be more accessible than the Souls series?
On metacritic
Dark Souls got 89
Dark Souls II got 91
so that's not true at all.
People really need to stop conflating a highly regarded series with a completely different game with odd quality qualms and a troubled development.
2 months ago on GAF:
That hype spike!
2 months ago on GAF:
That hype spike!
Really. I thought the health gaining mechanic looked too forgiving, guys I was wrong.I've played the alpha so I know, it's actually harder than previous games. Reviewers are gonna get destroyed.
They thought Dark Souls 2 was hard hahahahahaha
No ultimatum from bish for this?
It'll sell a shit load of copies?
People really need to stop conflating a highly regarded series with a completely different game with odd quality qualms and a troubled development.
They don't mean jack shit if the driving is bad.
2 months ago on GAF:
That hype spike!
I hope people like you stop having an impact on the genre. Unfortunately, it looks like this way of thinking is more or less the norm. Very irritating.And no matter how good the driving is, it won't reach its potential without a variety of things to do.
This game has little in common with PGR, IMO. Been kind of annoying since it was announced to see people say it's the PGR spiritual successor to try and give it credence or something, but it's never felt like it beyond being an arcade racer and having some interesting locale choices. Haven't played it myself but the handling also looked very rough and not like PGR at all when cars lost traction.I guess the PGR formula is officially dead. This was a nice throwback, but arcade sims have no place in the industry it seems :/.
The same could be said of the whole review industry. Everyone's gotten a lot harsher since a few years ago, though I can't say that's a bad thing.
DriveClub is pretty much Destiny of the racing games, according to reviews and first impressions of my friend. Polished gameplay, with huge lack of content and focus. Oh well, can't complain about it being free with PS+.
2 months ago on GAF:
That hype spike!
Damn! I really was hyped like hell for this game.
I don't understand the hype for this.
Looks o.k., nothing mind blowing to go crazy about.
Like the same thing we seen from higher end racers all throughout last gen, only with higher res PC like textures.
Maybe I need to see a direct feed to be more impressed (but then again, it's 30fps).
GTAV, GT5, PGR 3 & 4, Grid 1 & 2, Dirt 2 & 3, pretty much all the recent Need For Speed games.
I mean the graphics aren't that far above the games I mentioned.
Higher LOD backgrounds, high res textures & 1080p withstanding.
Disingenuous my ass.
There is some revisions history going on here as if DriveClube is the first game to have epic long draw distances in a racing game.
The 1080p resolution makes this game have a automatic superior IQ over the 360 & PS3 games, but outside that, what is so revolutionary about it?
The number of cars on screen, the car physics, the car deformation, the framerate, etc...
I'm with Jeff Gerstmann, when he said that this doesn't look anything too special.
No they went with detail over content, but that applies to the whole game, presentation and gameplay IMO, from what I have seen.
DRIVECLUB |OT2| No romance. No soul. Just driving.
That was from the post e3 builds that showed the crappy footage.
They started showing the new builds afterwards & it looked amazing.
I was sold on the amazing environments.
Nobody said it was an exact copy of PGR. It shares some of it's elements. Even though they don't call them kudos, you earn kudos. And the racing model hovers along that arcade/sim line much the way PGR did. Nobody is out there saying this game is PGR all the way.This game has little in common with PGR, IMO. Been kind of annoying since it was announced to see people say it's the PGR spiritual successor to try and give it credence or something, but it's never felt like it beyond being an arcade racer and having some interesting locale choices. Haven't played it myself but the handling also looked very rough and not like PGR at all when cars lost traction.
Not only has the car selection looked incredibly basic and typical from the start, but now I find out it's only European cars? As un-PGR-like as possible. The eclectic and bizarre (no pun intended) choice of vehicles was something that made PGR stand out from the crowd as well.
It's always been a stretch comparison. That said, PGR4 got hit super hard with similar complaints that Driveclub did with respect to not reinventing the wheel.. but it boasted a lot more content-wise than Driveclub.
There must be some weak minded people to be swayed so quickly by somebody's else's opinion.
Man... if you're a serious racer, than you either play online against other players and can't rewind OR you play offline and try to beat your fastest leader-board times. I don't know what games you are talking about but in Forza Motorsport or Codemasters games you get "dirty lapped" for using a rewind and even if the best lap time on the planet is a 1:19 your 1:18(dirty) will be send directly behind the slowest 24:59(clean) lap time on the board.
I actually think that in a way, review scores are more meaningful than the text because it's an honest assessment of the reviewer's overall opinion.
When you play a game, do you make a list of pros/cons, carefully deliberate on it, then decide the score? No, you probably know instinctively how you would score it, then you attempt to put into words what you liked or disliked about it.
A 5 from Gamespot. Kevin VanOrd review? Kevin VanOrd review.
I love it when people who aren't even fans of racing games review racing games. And even if they're semi-fans, they need their racers to have some flashy new gimmick. Cop chases, buildings falling down around them as they race, large scale and uber-cool crashes, and other weird shit that has little to do with substance and all to do with flash. Thank fuck someone out there is still making these "boring" racing games where you - wait for it - RACE.
I hope people like you stop having an impact on the genre. Unfortunately, it looks like this way of thinking is more or less the norm. Very irritating.
You can absolutely know how many tracks, cars and gameplay modes are available without playing it.
There is a speed penalty if you drive off the track & the a.i. will constantly bump you off the road. I don't like the rewind feature in games, but for shit like this, I would definitely use it.
The a.i. drives like they are glued to the driving line like in the older Gran Turismo games & the races showed more a point to point/rally type of tracks that do not compliment that type of a.i. behavior.
For real. Dark Souls 2 was really easy. Not kidding.I've played the alpha so I know, it's actually harder than previous games. Reviewers are gonna get destroyed.
They thought Dark Souls 2 was hard hahahahahaha
thanks for proving me right, the easiest Souls game by a country fuckin mile has the best score. WHO KNEW!
2 months ago on GAF:
That hype spike!
I hope people like you stop having an impact on the genre. Unfortunately, it looks like this way of thinking is more or less the norm. Very irritating.
2 months ago on GAF:
That hype spike!
How is the sound though?
You care about what one person says so much to go look through there post history 2 months back? Why? If they don't like that game ignore them. The reviews are actually decent I don't see why everyone is arguing about it. It got like 2 bad reviews, everything else from both User Impressions from the OT here and other reviews make the game seem to be great for people who like Closed Circuit racing like I do. Gamespot and Eurogamer were obviously looking for something else in a racing game and sadly scored it that way, but anyone who plays it expecting a closed circuit racer is gonna get just that and from what I've seen they may end up enjoying it. Only blemish I've really seen besides the missing features that are gonna be patched in is the fact that there is limited car makes and there is no real customization. Besides that the game sounds great. I'm just trying to say, it seems weird that if anyone has an opinion about something that they might go and dig stuff up on you. If you don't like their opinion, ignore it, don't go spend time looking up posts they made 2 months ago. If he was in here constantly spamming BS then I would understand, but he made like one statement lol.
so your saying need for speed, the Grid series, the Dirt series, ridge racer series, wipeout series, etc. are bad games?
I remembered that name from some of the posts he made in past Driveclub threads previously. It took me 45 seconds, including writing my few words to make that post. But I have to admit I'm pretty good at using google.You care about what one person says so much to go look through there post history 2 months back? Why?
[wall of text]
Add you to the list of people who have no idea what they are talking about.There is a speed penalty if you drive off the track & the a.i. will constantly bump you off the road. I don't like the rewind feature in games, but for shit like this, I would definitely use it.
The a.i. drives like they are glued to the driving line like in the older Gran Turismo games & the races showed more a point to point/rally type of tracks that do not compliment that type of a.i. behavior.