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EA had a fantastic 2013, huh?

Did people at EA actually play bf4? The SP campaign doesn't work for me any more because it just keeps resetting my save game no matter how far I go.

I am sure they knew exactly how broken it was, but they would rather ship a turd in Fall than shop a good game the following Spring.

People still bought the game, because we are idiots who rush out and buy games at launch instead of waiting for actual reviews to begin to trickle in.

Want to blame someone for bf4? Blame the consumers who bought it before researching the matter.
Yep. The sooner people stop buying their garbage the sooner our hobby begins to improve.

I'm doing my part. It's actually not that hard at all. BF4 is the first ever BF game that I've missed and honestly, I'm not regretting it at all.

Titanfall might be hard to pass up though. Will have to see...
Fuck EA. Horrible company. They've closed many fantastic studios, release broken and bug ridden software, everything is becoming full on reliant on future DLC and micro transactions. Creating the god-awful Origin and allowing no future releases via Steam. Exclusivity deals, anything for a quick buck. Watering down of once great franchises. They are vampires.





The game also has an 86 on Metacritic. It's a quality game.

Yeah and the Sim City and Battlefield issues were also completely ignored by the media.

One day we'll stop using Metacritic as a way to judge a game's quality. The media has proven themselves to be 100% useless to the consumer.


There was a short period during the last gen where it seemed like EA was actually trying to be a decent company. They released some interesting titles like Dead Space and Mirror's Edge, and in general seemed to be heading in the right direction. But now they're back to their old ways, except arguably much worse. It's a huge shame, since they were actually producing some interesting new series during that short window of time.

EA was on a roll in 2007-2008.

Orange Box, Crysis, Rock Band, Mirror's Edge, Dead Space, Burnout Paradise, Skate...

Shame what has happened since.
Hey, at least Origin is still around!

The worst part for me. There was so much ra-ra capitalism flag-waving about how important it was for consumers to have an alternative to Steam. I was even on board for the idea, because while they aren't spectacular, the other competing services do routinely push Steam to offer more, better deals to maintain their position.

So, what's SimCity running on Origin, these days? Three times what it would be up for non-sale price on Steam? Five times, maybe? I can feel those consumer benefits kicking in already! A "benevolent" monopoly might suck, but apparently not as much as a company like EA having their own distribution platform.
First world gamer problems.

I still can't believe EA won worst company in america what? 2 years running? Shows just how out of touch, disconnected and how little "gamers" care about real life problems. These problems don't even outweigh sweat shops that some american companies use but hey.. Not our problem, right? Fuck those guys, i want to play my video game!

They are absolutely NOT the worst company in America, but I don't think it's a case of gamers being out of touch. From what I can tell, gamers found a website that was hosting a "Worst Company in America" contest and decided to exploit it to send a message to EA. They're aware that there are worse companies. They just wanted to make their discontent known to EA.


If anyone is not terrified of what EA will do to that game, I don't know what to tell them. Hope for the best but expect the worst, I guess.

They are rebooting the series after one game, this just shows what the thought processes when making the game and it doesn't feel good =(


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Dead Space 3 is so bad. Really unfortunately what they did to the game and it has nothing to do with microtransactions.

I mean 9.5 polygon score approved™


They are absolutely NOT the worst company in America, but I don't think it's a case of gamers being out of touch. From what I can tell, gamers found a website that was hosting a "Worst Company in America" contest and decided to exploit it to send a message to EA. They're aware that they are worse companies. They just wanted to make their discontent known to EA.

And EA's response?

"Guys, stop. Please. We refuse to change, but don't hate us for it!"


Hmmm... I soo hate that statement. Start looking at companies that actually kill people/destroy the environment /Pillage our resources... then maybe, just maybe look at video game companies...

Look at it this way though, EA's attitude towards it's consumers is so toxic people across the internet flock to the Consumerist.com website, a site that the majority of voters probably don't visit often, and vote for EA to be declared the worst company in America. People will make it a goal to make sure EA takes that title, to send EA a message.

And what does EA do in return? "We're sorry consumers feel that way, we'll strive to be better."

Yeah, right.


You don't even need to put all these games in the OP. BF4 is more than enough to tell you how fantastic EA are.

It was better that he was comprehensive. I don't play sports games much so NBA being garbage was a revelation. I can't believe a company that has a a history selling games yearly could screw up something that should be routine.
I agree. :) EA made so many good games and they made so much money that they deserve. :) Thanks for Battlefield 4 EA, such a great game that's much better than Battlefield 3, which was already great. Can't wait for you to fix the issues so Battlefield 4 is truly amazing.

Can't wait until TitanFall next year, gonna be the next big thing in the FPS space. :)


2014 has tghe potential to be really good for them ,with TitanFall and DA3 etc. I am hoping they manage not to fuck them 2 up , then I remember DA2 and how shitty BF4 is :(


Canadians burned my passport
Well when you lay it all out like that... lol

Hopefully Titanfall isn't a disaster. I really want to buy that game, but if it's as shoddy as BF4 was, then I'm not going to want to reward EA for it.


I dunno, FIFA was behind a bunch of hacks, and the next gen version was basically old gen with a little bit of extra sparkle. I think you could easily toss that on the pile.

Behind a bunch of hacks? Buh?

The next gen PS4 Fifa has kept me and my friends perfectly entertained for 2 weeks and will throughout Christmas. Hard to see how it could be much better now that they've fixed the shooting (added random aerodynamic ball flight paths). People complain about lofted through balls but in my experience they never work either for or against me.

FUT is great, Career is great, the online play works flawlessly, all the licences are there and kept updated week to week... what's not to like?


First world gamer problems.

I still can't believe EA won worst company in america what? 2 years running? Shows just how out of touch, disconnected and how little "gamers" care about real life problems. These problems don't even outweigh sweat shops that some american companies use but hey.. Not our problem, right? Fuck those guys, i want to play my video game!

It was an internet poll set up like the March Madness college basketball bracket, rewarding the Golden Poo Award to the winner.

The pathetic thing isn't the people who thought it would be funny if EA won the Worst Company award - it's the people who get super offended about it.
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