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EA had a fantastic 2013, huh?



I wasn't aware of this. That's fucking awful that they didn't let them know


People keep buying EA games, the fuck they expect? I don't support them. That also means, they can keep their products. I'm not interested.


Nice writeup OP. only EA game I've played this year is NFS which seems pretty solid on ps4 except for the annoying host migration stuff
Dead Space 3 is so bad. Really unfortunately what they did to the game and it has nothing to do with microtransactions.

I mean 9.5 polygon score approved™

9.5? *checks review suspecting a certain someone gave that score*

Quelle surprise, it's Arthur Gies! It's like he tries to be wrong.


Worst Company in America
Just within the gaming space I've been arguing Microsoft'd give them a good run for their money, but they seem they may be getting receptive to negative feedback.

Still, EA does worse WITH their games, while Microsoft possibly isn't quite as bad or is ready to fix stuff up, but can more readily affect the landscape at large.
that would be comcast
Yeah, once you exit the gaming space there are just so many better choices, even the worst companies in regards to gaming are absolute saints compared to some of these assholes out there. At least Microsoft is TRYING to be a progressive company in regards to society at large, and EA seemingly treats their employees well now, probably the one lesson they actually remembered over the years.


Sim City is about the worst shit in gaming...it some how manages to show everything that is wrong with gaming. The all out brokenness of the game where its much older predecessor did everything bigger and better while the game manages to have microtransactions that in some cases was just paying for an ad; The pointless expansions selling at a high price point; the always online when there is nothing in the game that should require it yet lie straight up about why its there. The thrown in mp that just breaks the normal game and adds nothing to the genre.

Battlefield 4 still in my opinion has the worst way to join a game for such a big game. If I have to have a browser to join a game you are doing it wrong. Its also broken and all the new features make the game worse.

Like every next gen they just rush job some awful sports titles out for them.

Destroyed PvZ2 microtransactions...and now it appears like milking it for other late to the party type games like tower defense fps.

Stopped support for Nintendo

On the plus side it looks like NCAA games are done for and one less game they can continue making money off of delivering that garbage game.

Heavy layoffs after heavy layoffs

EA gets StarWars....yeah


They should release an EA Humble Bundle every year as part of their penance.


Sorry for the OT, but... What's up with all these users putting on a Saoirse Ronan's avatar these days?
I feel like we were facing the invasion of the JaseC-snatchers.


Absolutely shit wank showing from EA this year. Only game I have of theirs is FIFA 14 on the PS4 which is fine but FIFA's always safe anyway for the most part.

I don't expect much from them in the future.


The worst part? They made mad stacks off all these games.
I think a lot of that has to do with the strong reputations these franchises still had before EA got a hold of them. Now that EA has tarnished basically all of them through terrible QA and design choices, the future sales will (hopefully) plummet.


I just thought to myself, what was the last EA-published game I bought? I think it was Mass Effect 3. Looking back over the past generation, I've only bought about a dozen EA games, which is fairly low for me. I've definitely bought way more Activision and Ubisoft titles than EA ones. Hell, I think I even have more Atlus titles than EA ones.


y'all should be ashamed
It existed.

Hah indeed. Though that was 2012, another smash up year.

You forgot FUSE and Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel and Tiger Woods PGA Tour 14. They were really bad releases.

They were, but only mediocre really. It takes true talent to completely destroy a franchise, like Simcity.

Come on, EA apologized for nearly every major release this year. You're just a fanboy.

"Please understand."


Titanfall, ME4 and maybe even DA3 will all probably be amazing.

Haha at that pic of douche Brees.

Yeah, probably.

If not for some of my little faith left in Bioware, and promises of ME2, I could easily just forget about EA. I've been burned so many times by this company that it makes it really hard to care.
Can we finally stop buying their games...
I stopped a good while ago(not even on steam sales anymore) , didn't buy nfs of bf4 , I dodged those bullets and it feels good

that could have been you not getting fucked by EA,just pause and imagine it.


Dudebro, My Shit is Fucked Up So I Got to Shoot/Slice You II: It's Straight-Up Dawg Time
They donated $10 million or so to charity. Good in my book, but I also don't care for most of their games and trends gamers moan about are inevitable and unlikely to be stopped.
I only played Fifa 14 on Xbox One and Xbox 360 but it had connection issues coming out of its arse until the Xbox One version got a patch recently (perfectly fine now). My brother has it on PS3 and said one of the patches borked the game but I have no idea if he's just using hyperbole as he's not very good at it.

I think Battlefield 4 issues are a massive joke. Also I'm playing the campaign now, not finished it yet apparently its very short though which I think is pretty stupid, don't really understand why they put such little effort into it. I expect EA to use Titanfall as an excuse to not bother with a campaign in future instalments.

The fact that they got Insomniac to change Overstrike to Fuse and then completely failed to market it or be of any use to that game is a shame. They didn't bother marketing Crysis 3, Bulletstorm (not this year admittedly) and plenty of other titles which they do on a regular basis. EA bin off so many staff on a regular basis and still sign up titles when they say they're cutting down and just don't bother with them (Syndicate FPS comes to mind) they're such a stupid company more than anything else.

Did Army of Two The Devils Cartel really need to exist? Especially when they didn't make any effort towards it. As usual.

Peggle 2 is a great game, not sure I understand why it doesn't have leaderboards, crashes a bit as well which is annoying. It is a bit short but theres tons of replay ability which is expected in the game. I think once they patch Duel Mode etc it'll be fine.

I think/hope Microsofts vested interest in Titanfall's success (selling consoles etc) and stuff like using their servers etc will hopefully mean its tested much better than whatever pitiful attempt EA use for it. I don't hold much hope for the quality of the 360 version but it'll possibly end up selling highly due to the install base.

Mass Effect is a series I felt got progressively worse after they bought Bioware, I'm also finding the constant teases and talking of the next one rather tiresome either announce it properly or stfu. I have concerns about Dragon Age Inquisition and Mirrors Edge too. I think Battlefront could be great but I want it to have a decent lengthy single player campaign which I don't expect.

Almost everything about the company is half arsed and it doesn't make any actual sense because it just makes people dislike them. Their pricing of the legacy editions of Fifa too, just eugh they have no shame.

Jamie OD

You forgot FUSE and Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel and Tiger Woods PGA Tour 14. They were really bad releases.

Forgot about FUSE. They had a unique, good looking shooter that captured everyone's attention when it was announced and then scrapped it due to focus groups wanting it to be more like the usual stuff instead.


It was an internet poll set up like the March Madness college basketball bracket, rewarding the Golden Poo Award to the winner.

The pathetic thing isn't the people who thought it would be funny if EA won the Worst Company award - it's the people who get super offended about it.

Someone gets it. I thought I was all alone here.

The thing is, there is a degree of angry sentiment towards EA, even if a lot of people are voting for them and laughing about it, and I wonder if a lot of the gamer bitterness towards Microsoft will save EA from the WCIA honour three years running.


y'all should be ashamed
Forgot about FUSE. They had a unique, good looking shooter that captured everyone's attention when it was announced and then scrapped it due to focus groups wanting it to be more like the usual stuff instead.

I think Insomniac claims that they weren't pressured at all from EA to change up their game.

Dunno if I believe that, but that's the official word.
It existed.

It was just "normal" bad, though, right? Like, "This was both a poor concept for a game and a less than ideal execution thereof", but it didn't have any major pratfalls outside of just not being very good?

I mean, that's a step up, comparatively, if they're just releasing games that are not very good rather than making good games bad through active malfeasance.


Was Real Racing 3 done by EA or just simply published? That also seemed to be pretty shitty with its death by a thousand cuts style freemium model.

Game was totally ruined by f2p :(

I would have paid 10 euro for it but its unplayable now.


Lets not forget the WiiU situation and how some of their devs tried to crap on WiiU which is completely unprofessional
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