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EA had a fantastic 2013, huh?

First world gamer problems.

I still can't believe EA won worst company in america what? 2 years running? Shows just how out of touch, disconnected and how little "gamers" care about real life problems. These problems don't even outweigh sweat shops that some american companies use but hey.. Not our problem, right? Fuck those guys, i want to play my video game!

Walmart, Apple, Nike, etc. are never going to change their labor practices because even if they did win this title, nobody would care. I know Foxconn is terrible. And that does not stop me from buying my electronic products. I know Walmart underpays every employee. That does not stop me from going to their stores for great deals. "BUT THAT'S JUST YOU!" No, that's everybody. And we all know it's true. We all know that the McRib is...whatever that sponge was. Nobody will stop buying gasoline from BP because everyone "needs" it.

The gaming community is very vocal. And it is filled with very passionate people. How many people do you know that state that they will buy their next iPhone used in order to protest Apples' backwards policies? Every year, those lists include companies that offer products or a service that seem "essential" to our everyday lives. The few that don't, have a consumer base that simply does not care and will buy their next big product. Gamers can and will buy on their personal principles. Just look at Microsoft earlier this year.

Yeah, it would be nice if Nike stopped using sweatshops, but realistically, not a single company will change their ways from that list. EA, if it continues to get the same award, year after year? They'll eventually be forced to change due to a lack of confidence from consumers. People voting for EA is actually the only logical choice because it's the only one that has a chance for any sort of impact.


I can't believe I spent nearly $100 on BF4.. that said, when the game works it is great fun. Get your shit together EA!


Still looking forward to their Star Wars games, particularly by Visceral and my dreams of BioWare proper taking another shot at an RPG. Plus DICE nickel and diming me for maps/weapons in BF4 and the eventual Battlefront.


Worst company in the gaming industry!

they poison the fuck ouf of this industry, everything they touch turn sour
I borderline refuse to give EA any of my money. Dead Space 3 wasn't complete trash but it pretty clearly suffered thanks to EA. All of their other games have such crippling problems that I won't even touch that shit.



Plants vs Zombies 2 was released on mobile in August, taking what was once a fun and challenging adventure into a free to play microtransaction mess that wins the "Most Disappointing Game" award from Pocket Tactics. Lots of strategy videos pop up for the game, mostly focusing on how to win the game without spending money.

Peggle 2 was also released in December on Xbox One, featuring less levels than the previous version, missing leaderboards and local play, as well as choppy framerates in online play. Popcap says they'll patch in those missing features for free and will get right to work on addressing the issues. Given that this was already delayed from the XB1 launch, I wonder if EA pressured PopCap to release something that wasn't quite finished in time for Christmas? Huh, that doesn't sound like EA...

At least be fair, rather than leaving out positive details.

Plants versus Zombies 2 was free, as opposed to its predecessor which cost $20. It was also completely beatable without spending any money. You didn't need a video to teach you how to win without paying -- the game made it pretty plainly obvious.

Almost all the paygates in the game have been patched out now anyway.

Peggle 2 is also half the cost of its predecessor.


Did you read the OP? Reasons why the company gets so miuch hate are listed right there.

Yep, and I don't consider any of them worthy of the vitriol. Don't like them? Don't buy them.

Vote with your wallets. It's not like what EA does is affecting people in some significant way.
I'm sure this has been covered but...

Lost the NCAA liscense and then couldn't work out deals to keep the game going.

Dropped Tiger Woods... golf future hasn't really been laid out yet I don't think.

"Legacy Edition" FIFA for full price.

Madden is shit.

No NHL next gen.... why?

And I'm glad you mentioned Plants Vs Zombies 2 as PvZ1 is an alltime favorite game and PvZ2 isn't in my top 10,000.

And this is scuttlebutt but the reason they signed the exclusive deals with MS was because MS confirmed the DRM early in the year and Sony said they hadn't decided.

On the plus side... FIFA next gen is very fun. And NBA 2k takes sports gaming microtransactions to such an insane place that FUT in FIFA almost seems balanced because of it.

Also BF4 will be great someday. Right? Guys?


I wish they'd continue more with what they had going on Star Wars wise early 2000...

Feels like it can only go better from here so we'll see.

Star Wars deserves much more game wise but I'm guessing the market appeal is not big enough nad it's more of a fan service (can this even change?).


EA did do that Baller-Tier Humble Bundle for charity that had Burnout, Dead Space 3, BF3, Mirror's Edge, etc, so I can't say they have been completely terrible this year. They also stopped doing online passes, which is nice.


The only titles I'll buy day one from EA are from Bioware. Yeah, Dragon Age 2 is considered to be a gigantic misstep, but I enjoyed Mass Effect 3 and the Mass Effect series as a whole. The worse game Bioware has made is easily Jade Empire, the taste of dookie is still in my mouth.

The best thing EA themselves have done in the past few years was the EA summer sale, the golden ticket yielded many games for all.


Lets not forget the WiiU situation and how some of their devs tried to crap on WiiU which is completely unprofessional

Yeah that has been the part that has bothered me the most with EA.

I think the only redeeming factor for them this year has been the Humble Bundle.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Hah indeed. Though that was 2012, another smash up year.

They were, but only mediocre really. It takes true talent to completely destroy a franchise, like Simcity.

"Please understand."
Wow, it was 2012. Dont care, put it in anyway. SUX'd
So Sony was thinking of doing DRM policy?

Sony's had patents for console DRM filed for years now, if I'm remembering right. The possibility was always on the table, but Microsoft kindly faceplanted onto that landmine for them.

That's not to say they absolutely, definitely would have done it, but they've certainly always had the option under consideration.


EA pls.


Worse than the PS3 Skyrim malarkey.


"While we have not announced sales for Dead Space 3, we are proud of the game and the franchise remains an important IP to EA," (EA spokesperson to Eurogamer.)
They were so proud of it that they didn't even put it behind the "beat the average" during the EA humble bundle
Absolutely. They steal unsuspecting peoples money and deliver shitty products.

As unbelievable as it sounds, they somehow found a way to be worse this year than last year.

They'll win next years award easily and there won't be a close second.

Wait... Some people are actually serious about EA being the worst company in America? Not just out of gaming companies, but every company?

An offline solution, RFID based, but... yes.

The writing was on the wall when they danced around this issue at E3
but some people refused to acknowledge it

But the important part is that they didn´t went ahead with it !

OT: EA seemed so promising around 2008. Sad to see what they have become.
I didn't buy a single thing from EA in 2013. And this is from someone who bought at least their sports games in the past among other things.

2014 is looking to be another EA-less year for me. Fuck them.


It's straight forward to fix, eliminate microtransactions, eliminate always-online DRM, make release dates more flexible in order to reflect the readiness of the product.

But they're too beholden to their shareholders to do ANY of this.


Wait... Some people are actually serious about EA being the worst company in America? Not just out of gaming companies, but every company?

I hope not.

If so, people need to re-think their priorities in life.

That being said, good job OP on listing their fuck ups this year.


EA did do that Baller-Tier Humble Bundle for charity that had Burnout, Dead Space 3, BF3, Mirror's Edge, etc, so I can't say they have been completely terrible this year. They also stopped doing online passes, which is nice.

They did a similar thing during The Old Republic to take eyes off of their poor business practices.

Its all smoke and mirrors put together by their PR team.


just awful but it's not surprising at all.
I even bought simcity and tried (yes, tried, 'cause in the end the game couldn't start, origin-so-good) to play it.


y'all should be ashamed
At least be fair, rather than leaving out positive details.

Plants versus Zombies 2 was free, as opposed to its predecessor which cost $20.

I would gladly...GLADLY...pay $20 for a PvZ2 that didn't involve microtransactions rather than get it for free. cmonson.gif


Agree with the rest but Plants vs Zombies 2 is not a problem at all. I unlocked everything free and cleared the whole game without using any guide.

If anything, it's a little bit too easy for people like me who've already mastered Plants vs Zombies.


It's getting easier by the day to boycott EA. I haven't seen much aside from FIFA that makes me pine for their games.

It was much harder around Mirrors Edge, Bad Company 2 era.


Ahhh.. The Golden Poo is in reach once again. It'll be a tossup with Microsoft this year maybe?

MS screwed up badly, but at least they're responding a bit to feedback. EAs gotta win again, they don't respond to any feedback unless it affects the stock market.
EA didn't do entirely bad. Actually, I kinda agree with the OP in saying they did very good this year. They had that humble bundle where they accepted no profits from the sales and gave it all away to charity. That bundle was also probably the biggest and definitely amongst the biggest bundles humble bundle has ever offered. AND they offered ownership of the titles on both origin AND steam where the steam versions were available.

Anyone calling them the worst company... just come on guys/gals.

I actually like Dead Space 3.

Sim City had a bad launch but followed up with a free game... kinda makes up for it somewhat.

BF4 has had a bad launch on some platforms, but PC seems to have been swell the entire time, at least from what I can tell. My issues with the game are design related rather than performance. Well it is a bit mixed bag there tbh. I blame my issues on DICE rather than EA, but who knows.

I like PvZ2 (kinda noticing I played a lot of EA this year).

Titanfall looks amazing...

The sports side of EA is irrelevant to me since I don't play sports games outside of social events, but it has been quite a long time... ever since I graduated college so basically the last time I played a sports game was on ps2 lol...

Tough crowd though huh... seems like nothing EA does will ever satisfy some people...
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