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EA had a fantastic 2013, huh?


Who said anything about seriousness ^_^.

I'll break it down for ya:

- Peter Moore is sort of a loudmouth for a CEO of a massive company like EA
- He responds to direct criticism
- This is where poking the bear can be entertaining
- Talk about EA's faults enough directly to him on Twitter and he might just do something silly.
- ???
- Fun

The games they have and likely already have refused to localize in the future offends me far more than anything EA has ever done. Because of Sega I'll never get to play Valkyria Chronicles 3 for example. And this won't be the last game denied to us either.

Multiply that by all the studios EA has bought and shuttered while they're in the midst of active projects. Origin, Pandemic, Bullfrog...the list goes on. Localizing is small beans compared to that, but you're debating semantics at this point.

As an aside, I give EA a lot of shit, but Moore is pretty much the only guy I respect over there. He has the balls to say what he feels, even if it makes him look foolish on occasion. I can at least respect that, if nothing else.


They're a rabble, at the moment. The only real positive they can fall back on this year is snagging the rights to Star Wars.

Star Wars is a shit brand built on 15 years of mediocrity at best, and absolute shit for the most part.

A perfect fit for EA.

As an aside, I give EA a lot of shit, but Moore is pretty much the only guy I respect over there. He has the balls to say what he feels, even if it makes him look foolish on occasion. I can at least respect that, if nothing else.

Moore deserves zero respect. He has been an arrogant twat in the past. Lied about RROD, flipped off scammed customers with 'things break' denials, and now he is presiding over EA Sports which is responsible for Fifa hacks and widespread credit card fraud on psn and xbl.

Everything he touches ends up being shit.


I don't know if this has been mentioned yet, but all this happened when Riccitiello wasn't in charge. If there was ever a man who ran a company based on quarterly reports and treated shareholders as the only people who matter, it was him.

Riccitiello was in charge then. I thought he was trying to turn things around, pushing lots of new IP. Or maybe he was just riding out the last guy's tenure who was doing all that stuff.

There was a short period of change at EA and I always thought that Riccitiello spearheaded that but maybe that's not the case.


Having a ton of fun with BF4 but no amount of enjoyment is going to make me look passed a games technical flaws.

I can play for sure, a lot actually. But the over arching crashes just pain me as i dont know which game will crash and which wont.. It cam happy on any map (more frequent on some than others) but the roulette really stresses me out lol. It hurts thatthey oushed this thing out like this. I have had issues with launch dice games in the past, but i havent experienced anything auite to this degree.. Im pretty sure they dont even know what the general issue is either, considering they are asking for help on the matter.

This is why i was excited when the visceral rumors started floating.. Hoping for a change in developement pace or something.

I couldnt tell you if this was due to EA or DICE but i can tell you DICE have no idea how to fix the issues, especially the crashes even after months of release, so that at peast is on them.

They want to head on COD so terribly that they are willing to sacrifice their core audience to do so and i hope it doesmt beckme a trend and rather a one off, after seeing our reaction.

The halting of dlc developement is a start.


I found also disgusting how Ghost games (with former employes from criterion) said it's ok to have 30fps on PC with NFS Rivals. It baffles my mind that a engine like Frostbite 3 can do much more than that but the ignorance from them is horrible. EA wants to make good pc games? Make them not limit a PC to it's power and stop making shoddy console ports this feels like it's 2005 all over again. Why does NFS Hot Pursuit 2010 have the same thing and it works like a charm? I hope your reading this people from EA because these practices are unacceptable.
I haven't bought an EA game since SimCity 4, afaik.

I was tempted by the new SimCity, but its online issues, tiny city size, and the more generalized gutting of features ensured that did not happen. Oh, and Origin.

Though I did download the FIFA14 demo for ps4.


May I have a cookie?

I think EA is having a problem with developers knowing it fucking sucks to work for EA, and so it's harder to get good developers for the teams. Seriously, who right now says "Oh man, I'd LOVE to work for EA!?" except maybe some brogrammer cause like sports and stuff. I'm sure they didn't plan for this in their short term money-grab thinking. Managers are chosen because of their short term money-grab ideas that please the higher-ups (and that use up precious development time), and not because of their ability to actually lead a team to an amazing final product.

EA is a mature company and it needs to make mature decisions. Chasing short term money at the expense of long-term stability is going to fuck you up, possibly irreversibly.

Origin is fucking stupid. I don't even bother to open it to play the couple almost-free games I got from the EA Origin humble bundle.

EA had several chances to change this stigma with their EA Partners Program.
Do you want me to go over each of the games they published as a part of that program and see how the developers and end-products were affected in each case?


Junior Member
They love buying up them studios only to either close them down right after or later after...or simply stick their greedy hands into their newly acquired studios and ruin them.

Two series that i really liked until EA bought them out and ruined them or flat out vaporized the franchise were..

1. Rallisport Challenge Series

2. Burnout Series

Both excellent racing games until EA bought out their studios...now none of them are around...well Burnout is now basically Need For Speed but my point is EA buys some awesome studios only to fuck them up or kill them off...pathetic!!

Then we do not know the real deal behind closed doors on the NFL Exclusive deal but NFL2k football games were fun regardless of their shortcomings..but soon as the NFL2k games started to surpass Madden...once again who's fingerprints do we see left over after the disaster and the dust settles? EA

People say it was not EA's fault on the NFL deal...but man i sure feel like there were some EA Shenanigans going on behind closed doors in that deal


EA had several chances to change this stigma with their EA Partners Program.
Do you want me to go over each of the games they published as a part of that program and see how the developers and end-products were affected in each case?

I would actually love an in-depth examination of the EA Partners program. Tales and insight from the industry always fascinate me ... especially when shit goes wrong.


Unconfirmed Member
They love buying up them studios only to either close them down right after or later after...or simply stick their greedy hands into their newly acquired studios and ruin them.

Two series that i really liked until EA bought them out and ruined them or flat out vaporized the franchise were..

1. Rallisport Challenge Series

2. Burnout Series

Both excellent racing games until EA bought out their studios...now none of them are around...well Burnout is now basically Need For Speed but my point is EA buys some awesome studios only to fuck them up or kill them off...pathetic!!

Then we do not know the real deal behind closed doors on the NFL Exclusive deal but NFL2k football games were fun regardless of their shortcomings..but soon as the NFL2k games started to surpass Madden...once again who's fingerprints do we see left over after the disaster and the dust settles? EA

People say it was not EA's fault on the NFL deal...but man i sure feel like there were some EA Shenanigans going on behind closed doors in that deal

I thought Microsoft owned the Rallisport Challenge IP ?


I would actually love an in-depth examination of the EA Partners program. Tales and insight from the industry always fascinate me ... especially when shit goes wrong.

Everyone is terrified of NDAs and vindictive firings.

Gossips comes very rarely via people like CBOAT, and even her/him has been muzzled.


good thread. i don't even have to try to boycott them, they don't make anything i'm interested in.

battlefield 4 is shameful though. i hope this has a huge impact on the future sales potential of the series and gets the shareholders grumpy.

dat Mirror's Edge 2 tho

that game being quietly shelved ala bg&e2 will be a nice part of this thread next year or the year after


May I have a cookie?
I would actually love an in-depth examination of the EA Partners program. Tales and insight from the industry always fascinate me ... especially when shit goes wrong.

I'm actually not an industry insider and am just basing my opinion off of stuff that is known.
A lot of the information has been gathered on wikipedia and if you read about the individual games in the EA Partners program you'll see many of them caused considerable trouble for the developer and/or resulted in a poorly received end-product. These include APB, Brutal Legend, FUSE, Hellgate:London, Kingdoms of Amalur, and Syndicate. Some also had potential to be expanded and grown but were not given the chance such as BulletStorm. EA was probably not directly responsible for all of these games' failures, but the pattern isn't pretty. The recent TitanFall (also an EA Partners game) news on twitter also shows they still have issues to work on.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
I didn't get burned by anything in the OP, and I agree its all awful. But, I got my money's worth from NFS Rivals and NCAA 2014. That doesn't outweigh the long list of grievances though.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I haven't bought an EA game since SimCity 4, afaik.

I was tempted by the new SimCity, but its online issues, tiny city size, and the more generalized gutting of features ensured that did not happen. Oh, and Origin.

Though I did download the FIFA14 demo for ps4.

Excluding The Saboteur, which I nabbed for free thanks to OS3874XVC-gate, I think the last EA game I bought was Alice: Madness Returns.


Sorry for the OT, but... What's up with all these users putting on a Saoirse Ronan's avatar these days?
I feel like we were facing the invasion of the JaseC-snatchers.

The best kind of invasion. ;)


Neo Member
It's terrible that EA didn't even inform the Titanfall devs about the Microsoft exclusivity.
I picked up Battlefield 4 for £15 and probably wouldn't have paid more than £20 for it.

Waiting for a Premium sale. Despite all the issues people are reporting on BF4 I haven't really experienced any. Apart from Battelog refusing to connect every now and then/displaying pings


y'all should be ashamed
He doesn't. He made an otherwise good OP but then decided to pad the content with a game he never played and based it on heresy. What a terrible decision.

I thought Pocket Tactics was a more than fair website to base that opinion on. The game might have been patched later to better help with the economy, but that doesn't change the initial opinions that a lot of people had for the game.
First world gamer problems.

I still can't believe EA won worst company in america what? 2 years running? Shows just how out of touch, disconnected and how little "gamers" care about real life problems. These problems don't even outweigh sweat shops that some american companies use but hey.. Not our problem, right? Fuck those guys, i want to play my video game!

Exactly. The fact that, in earnest, some people actually believe EA are the worst company in America just shows how ridiculously myopic some people can be. It's kind of scary.


That's an impressive list of huge fails - and all of them are bad to very bad for the consumer. They clearly need to change a lot - otherwise I hope more and more consumers will stop to buy their games.


Giving $10.5 million to charity.... How dare they. WORST PEOPLE EVER.




Also 8 AAA games for $5? God they're so cheap![/QUOTE]

Nuance, how does it work?

Moreover, it's not like these "charitable" acts by a multi-billion Western company somehow negate the listed problems and controversies in this thread.

Add to the fact that 1.65 million dollars "raised" by EA was people paying for the games/donating to charity, not EA themselves.


Giving $10.5 million to charity.... How dare they. WORST PEOPLE EVER.




Also 8 AAA games for $5? God they're so cheap![/QUOTE]

While it was a good thing to do, the Humble Bundle was a ploy to get people onto Origin. Let's not pretend EA did this out of the kindness of their hearts.

But so as to not look completely cynical, let's remember that just because a company does good stuff, it doesn't mean we should absolve them of the bad things they do. This isn't a balancing act. A raging dickhead can also do nice things on occasion, just as a company that releases shoddy products and continually pisses off its customers can also raise money for charity. These things are not mutually exclusive.


Giving $10.5 million to charity.... How dare they. WORST PEOPLE EVER.

Also 8 AAA games for $5? God they're so cheap!

What is the point you're trying to make here?

That a ridiculously terrible company can occasionally do something good?



None of that means they aren't a ridiculously terrible company.


Didn't give them a cent in 2013, and I feel like I got a pretty good deal out of that.

OP also forgot the awful, awful murder of Dungeon Keeper that was the crappy FTA port with some of the worst art I've seen in a game... well, ever.


I thought Pocket Tactics was a more than fair website to base that opinion on. The game might have been patched later to better help with the economy, but that doesn't change the initial opinions that a lot of people had for the game.

The game was not patched later to better help the economy. I beat the entire game a few days after release, unlocked all stages and got all stars and non-iap items.

I read the review, it's not a fair article at all. The "grind" he talked about is redoing the same stage with additional challenges. It's not playing the same level the exact same way again. It's the same mechanism used in modern Mario games. You earn stars by replaying the same level but are asked to play it differently. All these complains are from people who just want to go straight from start to finish (which is only 30 or so levels) without doing any of the challenges or optional levels. The game could be beaten in hours if you play it that way.

And that's the only point made in the entire review, which shows that the guy was biased to hell and just wanted to use whatever excuse to slam EA and F2P games, despite PopCap doing a pretty good followup.

There's a lot to hate about EA, but I am not going to let biased reviews slide especially when they basically gave veteran gamers a free game in PvZ2.

Edit: I haven't tried the latest update yet, but apparently they've made the game linear without branching to appease the people who complained like the Pocket Tactics reviewer, and in doing so they've completely scrapped the Mario style game progression and actually made the game worse. Well, thanks for nothing!


You ain't gotta like it but the hood gonna love it, people still buy their games, myself included albeit I got FIFA 14 for free. But I went ahead and bought BF4 + premium on pc, not like there's a whole lot of choice of other games like it out there...

EA is bad but I feel people should be blaming Dice too.
Lol, every corporate company EVER in America gives to charity. Doesn't mean that they aren't still terrible.

What is the point you're trying to make here?

That a ridiculously terrible company can occasionally do something good?



the Humble Bundle was a ploy to get people onto Origin. Let's not pretend EA did this out of the kindness of their hearts.

Wow. Gaf cynicism at its worst. That's right my fellow gamers, every facet of Electronic Arts is out to ruin your life and haunt your dreams. This year might not have been the best for the company in terms of PR, but my god. THE WORST COMPANY IN THE WORLD would not give money to charity or participate in a program like The Humble Indie Bundle.

Just keep in that in mind and vote with your money. You have every right to ignore EA outright. No harm to you.

Edit: Oh yeah, no more of these either.
While it was a good thing to do, the Humble Bundle was a ploy to get people onto Origin. Let's not pretend EA did this out of the kindness of their hearts.

A ploy to get people into Origin? Right... that is why they included a copy for both steam and origin. You only needed origin if you wanted to play games that are only located on origin.

I can't express my frustration at reading all these posts trying to twist EA's donating all the profits (this is not even normal for humble bundles) to charity into some evil motivated act of selfishness and/or depravity. And the bundle they put up was amazing...


Wow. Gaf cynicism at its worst. That's right my fellow gamers, every facet of Electronic Arts is out to ruin your life and haunt your dreams.

This year might not have been the best for the company in terms of PR,

but my god. THE WORST COMPANY IN THE WORLD would not give money to charity or participate in a program like The Humble Indie Bundle.

Just keep in that in mind and vote with your money. You have every right to ignore EA outright. No harm to you.

Edit: Oh yeah, no more of these either.

First has never been said.

Second is an understatement of the highest order.

Third is a tax write off

Fourth is a fair point and what I will be doing from now on

And fifth unless I am mistaken they started the whole online pass thing
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