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EA had a fantastic 2013, huh?


Out of curiosity, which major publishers do people like? EA is obviously not well liked. Activision also gets a great deal of criticism. What about Ubisoft? Take 2? What about major Japanese publishers like Capcom? SquareEnix? Sega?

Aside from the BS Persona 4 Arena region locking incident, I believe that Atlus gets a lot of love on here. One thing though is that I don't know how major of a publisher one would consider them to be.
If EA just went out of business? How bad would it be for the industry and how long after they were to cease operations would the absence of EA be felt through out the industry? Would it be as if we lost the arm or leg of the games industry, or maybe just a few fingers? Or is the games industry like a lizard and if it loses its tail (EA), it will eventually grow back (another company stepping in relatively quickly and easily filling that roll). Would we be up shits creek if we lost EA? Do we need them for our industry to thrive?

I wish at the very least, they would consider trying to do things in a fashion that doesn't come off as if they are intentionally trying to sour our sensibilities. It's an endless calamity, and I'm sick and tired of it.

I really hope we get more ambitious ideas and creations from indies in the vein of No Man's Sky in this new gen. I want the indie scene to put some of these major pubs to shame, to make them aware that they can be replaced, to scare the living day lights out of them... then maybe, just maybe they will do right by everyone... gamers, devs and most importantly to them, shareholders. A win-win-win situation.

A man's gotta dream...


Not the worst company in America.

Absolutely the worst company in this industry, though.

Nah that's Sega for refusing to fund Bayonetta 2, releasing Bayonetta on PS3 as a broken mess and refusing to localize games. Fuck Sega.


Out of curiosity, which major publishers do people like? EA is obviously not well liked. Activision also gets a great deal of criticism. What about Ubisoft? Take 2? What about major Japanese publishers like Capcom? SquareEnix? Sega?
I admire the way Take Two approaches their big projects, they put a lot of faith in the studios they believe in. Sony and Nintendo have their shit together. Ubisoft, Sega, Microsoft and Zenimax have their good and bad moments, but net positive overall for me.


Aside from the BS Persona 4 Arena region locking incident, I believe that Atlus gets a lot of love on here. One thing though is that I don't know how major of a publisher one would consider them to be.

If we went by the amount of games, I'd say they're not that small :p

I hate SquareEnix for what they did in the last gen and because of their shitload of mobile games. I loved Squaresoft, I loved Enix, but SquareEnix most certainly was a bad decision :/


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
"What should we do this year with Fifa Manager 14?"
"Eh, just change the cover and the roster. People will buy it"
"People didn't buy Fifa Manager 14"
"Eh, shut down the developer. That'll teach em"


People still don't get it, listen. The 'worst company in america poll' top spot is wasted on one of these banks/oil companies because their whole existence is to be a blight on society. If they gave a fuck they wouldn't exist. Whereas a company like EA might take the win into account.

Not likely though after seeing this utter shit show of a year.
Also why dont people spam threads with how EA can fix everything like they do in Nintendo threads with the fire Iwata nonsense?

Because people actually want Nintendo to survive, succeed, and thrive - they just don't necessarily agree with one another on how they can best go about that.

A lot of people would rather see EA crash and burn, so long as the studios and properties under their umbrella landed on their feet. The general feeling is that while people may feel Nintendo isn't making the best games they can, no one else could make the games they make better. Comparatively, most people feel that the games being published by EA would be better off with literally any other publisher, and the best thing they could do for the industry is divest themselves of all their assets to better stewards and dissolve themselves as a company.

This might be hyperbole in many cases, but that's how people feel.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
People still don't get it, listen. The 'worst company in america poll' top spot is wasted on one of these banks/oil companies because their whole existence is to be a blight on society. If they gave a fuck they wouldn't exist. Whereas a company like EA might take the win into account.

Not likely though after seeing this utter shit show of a year.

Well their old CEO "stepped down".

Of course they replaced him with the guy who was responsible for EA Sports turning into a total shit show including the debacle that was NBA Elite / Live.
I hate EA for the way BF4 has been handled.

How the hell can you get away with forcing a game out the door which is unfinished, not working as intended, and yet have the developer clearly already working on DLC content, graphics etc for Premium?

The guys working on implementation of all the DLC stuff should have been working on the game to get it fixed.

Why is there no probe into this? Why do publishers have free roam to literally do as they please? Why do developers not have more say on when content will be available for release? Why do we as consumers put up with this sheer, total and utter bullshit?

The obvious answer is that they have money so herp derp no one can go up against them.

The sad thing is that these practices seem to be happening more frequently in other areas of our lives where if you have money, you can get away with anything. The same goes for Government officials where they receive fraudulent expense claims and pay rises yet the average citizens haven't had pay rises in years, have had taxes increase, bills go up, etc etc.

I've went a bit on a tangent here but the core question is the same, the core point is the same. Why are the people whom are in 'power' allowed to roam freely and do as they please without punishment nor consequence?

It just seems to me that the whole world in a simple term, is fucked.
Nah that's Sega for refusing to fund Bayonetta 2, releasing Bayonetta on PS3 as a broken mess and refusing to localize games. Fuck Sega.

No, that is nothing. One company's actions in regards to a single franchise and the localization of games can't compare, at all, to what EA has done over the last 20 plus years. Sega shouldn't even be mentioned in the same sentence as EA - the latter really is that bad.


Have you heard of Monsanto?

I honestly can't believe I am about to argue this but --

Monsanto is harmful in a bunch of ways: their mono-culture corn, their habit of suing small farmers who refuse to be extorted etc. They are bad but little of that is visible to the customer. I just know that when I, as a consumer, go to the store and buy one of their products like Round Up, I can be reasonably assured that it will fucking work when I get it home. They don't display the utter contempt for their customers that EA does. EA will knowingly sell you a piece of shit and then act like they are doing you a favor when they scramble to fix it. They never deliver on their promises and will actively sabotage their legacy properties in order to chase easy money in the short term.

They do everything possible to ensure that their would-be fans hate them and the saddest part? They aren't even successful at it. I could at least understand the impetus for their actions if they were raking in the dough but they aren't. They fail in all respects.


The OP forgot mentioning their "unprecedented partnership" with Nintendo, and the subsequent stop in releasing any new games at all for the WiiU (and only FIFA for 3DS). But I'm no longer certain if that's a bad thing or if it's a good one.


I don't think I've actually bought a game of their's this year. Good on me. They've become everything I resent in gaming these day; yearly sequels, everything needs to be a shooter, a sports game, or both and instead of broadening their horizon, they've narrowed it down to the extreme and seem hell bent on sucking every nickle out of that small but dedicated group of gamers.


Yeah and the Sim City and Battlefield issues were also completely ignored by the media.

One day we'll stop using Metacritic as a way to judge a game's quality. The media has proven themselves to be 100% useless to the consumer.

There was no way to know at the time the reviews were released that the online infrastructure of those games were going to be a mess because they were reviewed before the game launched. In the case of BF4, it seems like most were playing the multiplayer with other journalists at PS4 events.

The core gameplay in BF4 is really strong -- probably the best the series has ever been. The technical issues are what's killing them.

In the case of SimCity, there were serious issues with the way the Glassbox engine works that really damage the quality of the core gameplay. Many of those issues still exist because, for instance, they can't technically pull off a system where thousands of agents find a permanent home and job and stay there. Many of the reviews for SimCity knocked it for this (and some of the later reviews had seen the early online disaster and also dinged it for that). If anything, though, the metacritic score SimCity is a little too low for the state of the product, because the servers are no longer an issue and the game has some merit -- in many ways it's a better game than Tropico 4 & Anno 2070.


On the business side, I think EA is a decaying, cynical organization, with a pervasive self-defeating anti-consumer culture. Short of a wide sweep of execs, I don't know what will change things there.

Not to take anything away from the studios and partners that they publish games for, but that's not really what EA as a corporation does (i.e. I don't see them as a game developer) - they are a publisher, and a bad publisher, IMHO.

My own opinion has changed from complete ban, to grudgingly buy what does not suck when it's cheap enough, with the full expectation that EA will pull the plug on the game at their earliest convenience. I hope they don't manage to completely ruin Titanfall for everyone.


What's so hilarious is how delusional they really are. EA actually thinks the criticism is unfair. And then you have media sites saying how EA aren't really that bad, and people just don't like big companies.


But then you see this big list of games completely failing at launch (or having terrible business practices that treat the consumer like shit), and you can't help but be amazed by those defending it.


What are you talking about? How has the gameplay changed?

You can use money to unlock a few additional plants or fund some pointless one-time cheat attacks. There is no in-game economy, aside from the coins used to buy cheat moves. It's easy to beat the game without any of that stuff though. I've spent nothing and have progressed quite comfortably.

This is just nonsense. The game is exactly as fun as the first. The only point in mentioning "I beat it without paying" is to address the people crying about the dumb F2P stuff.....most of whom didn't even play it in the first place. The Premium plants are not particularly useful and the battles are not designed around the use of coin attacks.

Yeah those complaints are just complete bullshit. PvZ2 is just like a majority of the mobile games out there, except it belongs to the smaller subgroup where the iap is done right. Nothing is necessary to progress and you only need to spend money if you really, really suck at gaming.

Before I played the game I read the online comments and had worries that it would take forever to farm the keys, yet it turns out to be just a bunch of whiners and the keys drop regularly.

Beat the whole thing in a few days without a sweat. Can't wait for future episodes.

I do miss those premium plants though. A few of them were my favorites in the first game.

Then that's very different than when it first launched.

Still zero interest in the game but good to hear they did something about the awful grind.

As far as I know nothing changed. You can get more keys than you will ever need by 1) finishing the regular stages, 2) redo the stages once for the special missions. If you are still missing a few keys, just play 10 levels or so of the endless mode and you'll get them. Coins are completely useless except for trying to go as far as you can in the endless mode.

There were NEVER an awful grind. Just a bunch of whiners who exaggerated and blown things out of proportion.
EA was on a roll in 2007-2008.

Orange Box, Crysis, Rock Band, Mirror's Edge, Dead Space, Burnout Paradise, Skate...

Shame what has happened since.

I don't know if this has been mentioned yet, but all this happened when Riccitiello wasn't in charge. If there was ever a man who ran a company based on quarterly reports and treated shareholders as the only people who matter, it was him.


This is a company that seems to literally survive off of exclusive rights they outbid from competitors and purchasing promising companies and running their popular franchises into the ground while making some profit in the process.

If EA went belly up tomorrow the world would be a better place. I believe that. Yeah I'd feel bad for the employees in the short term but in the longterm they would find jobs at better companies that are better for the industry. EA is constantly leading the charge with what is wrong with games today.

The sooner their blatant, antagonistic, anti-consumer approach to video games can be eradicated the better.

Dead Man

In terms of not pissing on customers, EA could be the worst company in America. It may not do the worst things, but it pisses on customers regularly and continues to be rewarded for doing so.


Sometimes I love some of their games like Tiger Woods PGA for example. I understand the company haven't been consumer-friendly at all and even the company communicating in a professional way there's a lot to fix (that Peter Moore-comment at Videogamer, what was he thinking? He should know better...) but I will buy an EA game if I like it. Sorry about that.


Also why dont people spam threads with how EA can fix everything like they do in Nintendo threads with the fire Iwata nonsense?

Because EA are financially successful. EA's moral behaviour is criticised all the time.

What do you mean? You can finish the entire game without firing a gun.

You can, and I did, but there are definitely sections of the game in which the developer intended people to use guns.


Unprecedented support vindicated? Maybe EA was throwing Nubtendo a bone by letting them know all the games they were going to bring in 2013 were garbage?
The sad thing is that they could actually make fantastic games if they would cut the crap.
Don't try to slap microtransactions and always-on DRM on everything. Don't release unfinsihed games. Don't take away feature from game series that were already awesome.

The thing that they don't give a shit about what people think as long as they're making money. Nobody gives a shit about what people are thinking, companies only care about profit.
So I hope the mistakes they made this year actually affected their profits.


Damn, when you lay it all out like that, EA had a helluva an EA-year in 2013. This is quintessential EA, or possibly final-form EA, because I'm not sure how they can top themselves next year.

Sigh, it's posts like these that make me ever so grateful for the watchful eye of GARME JURNALIZM!


Sucks, don't see myself buying another EA game for a while and I loved the Dead Space franchise (and nothing else, EA focus just isn't for me anymore). They've become worse than Activision now, how that's possible I don't know...
You know, I think EA honestly at least tried this year. I might be the only one, but I think they and Microsoft both realized that if they don't start listening to customer feed back will eat them alive. Granted...I don't think I bought a single game from EA this year and I wasn't even trying, they just didn't put out anything I really needed.
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