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Fake Picture GAF v9 — No Man's Thirst

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This guy...this guy right here.

And yet again, Apple moves the industry forward. And yet again, the same tired, predictable outrage from the same intellectually lazy and short-sighted people. Yes, headphone companies will ALL support the lightning jack, and be more motivated to make quality wireless headphones. They show more foresight and maturity than anyone in the OMG APPLE IS SO TERRIBLE headphone jack thread. Within a year every single reputable brand will have lightning versions, and every single old headphone you own will STILL work with the iPhone 7 with the adapter.

Cause it's a PC.

People in this thread will provide a hundred different "solutions" which will take you hours, if not days, to try. They might have an effect, they might not. But in a week, you'll be back to same thing. Windows is built on crumbling infrastructure that is coded to start running poorly after X amount of time. It's by design, and there's absolutely no real solution.

Buy a Mac. You'll thank me.

Nope, Apple is the only tech company out there that does give a shit about consumers, and about progress. Every other company is too fucking cowardly to move forward- they wait for Apple to make the change, use the opportunity to attack them for a while, then just go ahead and implement the change themselves when its nice and "safe", cause they're too terrified to lose sales. Apple, on the other hand, is willing to lose some sales to move their products, and the entire industry forward. What's "clear" is that you don't get it, and it's laughable that you think that companies include the headphone jack, for example, cause they "care". If it was up to them, we'd still have optical drives, serial ports, flash as a standard, bulky as fuck devices, etc- cause they don't have the guts to remove anything and risk a single annoyed customer.

So, "brand" is why the iPhone is the best reviewed phone out there, the iPad is the best reviewed tablet out there, and the Macbook line is the best reviewed laptop out there, all of these products recommended by an overwhelming majority of publications and tech blogs, who do independent testing and have independent opinions? Not to mention that these products have the highest customer sat scores in the industry?

Gotcha. If anything, Apple's brand sets their products under a much stronger microscope, increases expectations, and encourages reviews to be tougher. Yet, they still come out on top. So, enough with this "brand" bullshit. It's not a magical thing that allows them to sell anything in infinite numbers. They have to maintain it every single day, in an ultra-competitive industry. Your "reason" doesn't hold water. Apple's products are insanely successful in spite of these pain points, caused by much needed transitions, because the products are THAT fucking good and have no equal in the rest of the industry.

But sure, all reviewers are brain-washed by "brand". Only the brightest bulbs like you have figured out it's all a sham.

I could tell from the title this would be an ignorant, troll-infested Apple shit-fest, and boy, I wasn't wrong.

Yes, Apple removed the headphone jack, as has been rumored and basically known for MONTHS. I love how people are still trying so hard to work themselves into a rage about it, even thought they've had so much fucking time to get used to the idea. Don't like it? Deal-breaker? Don't buy the damn phone. Meanwhile, this is no different than all the other transitions that Apple has pushed in the past and which in retrospect were absolutely the right course of action to take, and which enabled better, sleeker, and more reliable and robust products. Is using an adapter 100% ideal? No, but you can never have a perfect transition. Does that mean you should NEVER make changes? That's what I get from this thread. The hatred and viciousness towards Apple is really pathetic.

Phil offered what could be a useful solution to those wanting to charge the phone while using the 3.5mm jack. Apple hasn't gone on a fucking marketing campaign advertising the dock for this purpose. It was a sincere email to a questioner, and it could have very well solved their problem. Apple is not pushing anyone to buy anything. The adapter is included in the fucking box. The dock has been around a long time. Nobody is putting a gun to your heads and forcing you to smash you current iPhones and run out to buy the 7. The 6S is still a beast, and an excellent phone. And for those of you who DO get the 7, all your headphones will ALSO work on it, right out of the box. It's a product positioned for the future, just like Apple has done countless of times in the past. And each time, we hear the same angry whining from the same kinds of entitled people who are unwilling to look 2 feet beyond their own noses. In a year almost all headphones will have lightning versions and this will be a complete non-issue.

But feel free to spend your energy in the meantime pretending that Apple has taken infringed on your human rights, just like every other fucking time Apple has made a change for the better, and were followed by the rest of the industry in short order. Whether it's optical drives, or Flash, or removal batteries, it's the same predictable, short-sighted shit each time. And, given time, Apple has been proven right in pretty much every single instance. Not that anyone here would actually admit that, as obvious as it is.


Tbh I just want to talk about Star Trek now. Might stop at a friend's house on the way home and try to convert them


irresponsible vagina leak
Tbh I just want to talk about Star Trek now. Might stop at a friend's house on the way home and try to convert them
Make sure to get the pocket sized bibles of Star Trek.
that used to be me then seven years of boring married sex happened so I'm kinda ¯_(ツ)_/¯ on the whole thing now.
Its all depending the season really. Sometimes I do it more than others. Then when you have all the free time in the world you need to keep yourself busy with something 😂


I had a date on Wednesday and one on Thursday. The one on Wednesday was with a "nerdy" girl who was very similar to me on paper, we had a lot in common and the same sense of humor. I wasn't sure about her pictures though going in, whether or not I'd be attracted to her in person or not. Texting before meeting up was good. I was cautiously optimistic going in. She turned out to be a bit more quiet than I was hoping. She didn't really ask a lot of questions and I ended up carrying the conversation all night. We were at a bar for three hours and she didn't even ask me what I did for a job, just to give you an idea. Physically she was decent looking, nothing too great or bad. I could tell she was really into me by her body language. As we were leaving, I kind of mind a big mistake. Maybe it was the alcohol or maybe it was because I haven't been in a relationship in a while, but I did start to get heavily flirty and ended up kissing her. It's a mistake because I don't wanna give her the wrong impression. Kissing her felt great, but I don't think there's any potential here. Now she's gotten a bit more frequent and assertive with the texting. Whoops. I'll meet her again and see if she opens up a bit more and is more comfortable in conversation. Some people do get a little nervous on the first date. But my initial feeling is nope.

Thursday date was interesting because I couldn't get a read on this girl going in. Both in her pictures and in text. She seemed really quite at first, when we talked on OKC. Her pictures were a bit inconsistent too, in terms of attractiveness. Once we started texting she seemed to talk a lot more, which was good. My initial reaction to first meeting her was tepid, but after the course of the date I ended up really enjoying myself. It was the opposite of the girl on Wednesday, the conversation felt natural and comfortable, she talks a lot and a good sense of humor. I was becoming progressively more attracted to her over the course of the date. But she was really difficult to read in person too. She was laughing and having a good time but her body language seemed a bit disinterested, lots of arm crossing. I really wanted to kiss her at the end but was thrown off on how she felt. We texted after and she says she had a lot of fun and wants to go out again. She was crossing her arms a lot because she was cold lol

yay online dating?


I get the feeling it might be kinda generic and be afraid to go in on things. Maybe tho since it'll be online the network won't pressure as much

I'm optimistic because of bryan fuller. mainly because of what he did with hannibal

The least lore heavy stuff. Also make sure to put a different variety of episodes since they are a bit versatile with the tones tbh.

skip all the robin hood holodeck crap. don't skip the moriarty holodeck stuff.

everything borg was dope

everything Q was stupid


The least lore heavy stuff. Also make sure to put a different variety of episodes since they are a bit versatile with the tones tbh.
I think I'm going with one offs that are primarily about a specific topic. I think measure of a man and q who might be good ones to start with. They do require a bit of knowledge of who the characters are but they aren't in the middle of any story lines and are told very well
I'm optimistic because of bryan fuller. mainly because of what he did with hannibal
Interesting shows tend to have a limited run or end early these days unfortunately so I'm mostly worried that they'd be concerned about that. He definitely has the skills and pedigree tho
skip all the robin hood holodeck crap. don't skip the moriarty holodeck stuff.

everything borg was dope

everything Q was stupid
What about q who? Both The Borg and q :p
Really that's the only episode I liked him in.


Redmond's Baby
Going on a ice hockey game and after that to the town, to check what is new. I won't go out tomorrow, because I have a lot of work to do at the weekend house


Going on a ice hockey game and after that to the town, to check what is new. I won't go out tomorrow, because I have a lot of work to do at the weekend house

Deciphering your nationality from this text is impossible, no Canadian, American would be caught dead calling it "Ice hockey".
You might be a Brit?


Did you want to PM me context? I work in JobActive, so I'm decently familiar with the Centrelink backend and may be able to give you answers.

It's okay. I called them this morning and I'm still getting benefits. They basically sent that letter out of error. I'm very unamused. I barely slept and cried all night.

I did have a dream where Seth and I jumped in a lake, though. FakeGAF dreams are a rarity for me so that was kinda cool.
Never, ever gonna let you go noooooooooooow
I don't wanna cryyyyyyyyyy
Never, ever gonna let you go nooooooooooooow
Now that I'm in looooooooveeeeeeeeeeee



It's okay. I called them this morning and I'm still getting benefits. They basically sent that letter out of error. I'm very unamused. I barely slept and cried all night.

I did have a dream where Seth and I jumped in a lake, though. FakeGAF dreams are a rarity for me so that was kinda cool.

man I haven't took a swim in a lake in AGES. that does sound like fun.

once upon a time I did a bit of wakeboarding. I was never that good though.


man I haven't took a swim in a lake in AGES. that does sound like fun.

once upon a time I did a bit of wakeboarding. I was never that good though.

Yeah, I was apparently visiting Orlando for some reason. Like most dreams, the details are starting to recede now. And you didn't have your facial hair, boo!


I think the reason Star Trek connected with me is two things. One is that it has a fleshed out universe that is willing to get into culture wo details instead of just what's relevant to an action plot and the other is that they tackle things primarily as allegories which I've always really liked.


I think the reason Star Trek connected with me is two things. One is that it has a fleshed out universe that is willing to get into culture wo details instead of just what's relevant to an action plot and the other is that they tackle things primarily as allegories which I've always really liked.

the only star trek thing I haven't seen is DS9 which is supposedly the best one


the only star trek thing I haven't seen is DS9 which is supposedly the best one
Watch it!
It starts out slow and eventually ends up with long plots

I prefer TNG so far but I get the appeal

Also I have huge crushes on Jadzia and Ezri. Might help that they've both kissed girls tbh :p


It is the best one. And you should watch it. I'm currently in the middle of a rewatch, myself.

I'll put it on the agenda.

I'm currently waiting on netflix to put the latest season of New Girl and Penny Dreadful up later in the month. Luke Cage is also coming out soon too so I'll be pretty occupied for awhile.

Watch it!
It starts out slow and eventually ends up with long plots

I prefer TNG so far but I get the appeal

Also I have huge crushes on Jadzia and Ezri. Might help that they've both kissed girls tbh :p

I know I'm probably in the minority on this one but I actually really liked Enterprise. Sucks that they killed it when it was starting to get really good.


irresponsible vagina leak
It's okay. I called them this morning and I'm still getting benefits. They basically sent that letter out of error. I'm very unamused. I barely slept and cried all night.

I did have a dream where Seth and I jumped in a lake, though. FakeGAF dreams are a rarity for me so that was kinda cool.
Next time dream lewd things of me and Seth and share with the thread💅🏽


Next time dream lewd things of me and Seth and share with the thread����

You were mentioned in the dream, actually. Seth mentioned that he had hung out with you just before we met up. I woke up before you were officially introduced, though. ;)

Watch it!
It starts out slow and eventually ends up with long plots

I prefer TNG so far but I get the appeal

Also I have huge crushes on Jadzia and Ezri. Might help that they've both kissed girls tbh :p

What chokes TNG for me is that it has two bad seasons (1, 7) and one iffy one (2). The show only really has four seasons in its prime whereas DS9 starts out fairly good and only gets greater as it progresses (although it could be argued the final season is a disappointment on a lot of fronts). On the other hand, TNG has Patrick Stewart and that makes up for a lot of bad writing.


irresponsible vagina leak
why do all the gay dudes in this thread want to bang me?

where are the female affirmations?
Its the eyes tbh.
I'm certainly not hoarding them binders full of gaffettes.
You could have my nudes but you never request em

You were mentioned in the dream, actually. Seth mentioned that he had hung out with you just before we met up. I woke up before you were officially introduced, though. ;).
Hope the continuation happens ;)
oh thank you. i did that and I didn't see the result, must have missed it
You're welcome o/

Funky Papa

wow that's a long time. what are you going to do with all that freedom?
Lots of flexing at the gym, bad films at home and some nights out with the mates.

Oh, and spreading all across the bed all night every night.

She's not having a good time, though. I'm taking it much better than her and she's not departing until Monday.
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