Eh, I still have faith. It has no chance of being as good as Hickman's run, but that was building off of everything prior to that point.
I've never heard of them but I looked them up and it turns out they're the former Spill crew
now interested
Eh, I still have faith. It has no chance of being as good as Hickman's run, but that was building off of everything prior to that point.
But why
Damn! They're still wanting to make a sequel for this. I thought Fox was just doing some damage control.
Well, I have no expectations. Ergo it can't disappoint me as much as Thor 2, which I had expectations for. And if it is worse, dear God... DOOM WILL FALL UPON US ALL.
lol..why you gotta do that to the man?Critic earlier said Thor's 2 villain was Darth Vader compared to Doom Hacker. Just in case you wanted to start getting some expectations.
Well, I have no expectations. Ergo it can't disappoint me as much as Thor 2, which I had expectations for. And if it is worse, dear God... DOOM WILL FALL UPON US ALL.
No joke, Thor 2's villain comes across as superior to this movie's Doom.
... And I say that with Doctor Doom being my absolute favorite supervillain of all time.
You know what?
If Marvel does get their characters back, the only thing I'd really want from them is a Dr. Doom fictional bio-pic.
That might be the only MCU film apart from Civil War that I will watch in theaters nowadays.
You know what?
If Marvel does get their characters back, the only thing I'd really want from them is a Dr. Doom fictional bio-pic.
That might be the only MCU film apart from Civil War that I will watch in theaters nowadays.
Straight adaptation, no deviation whatsoever.
Can someone confirmed that Doomin the film.plays Assassins Creed Unity
You vile cad... if this is true I will cry during my video review.
You know what?
If Marvel does get their characters back, the only thing I'd really want from them is a Dr. Doom fictional bio-pic.
That might be the only MCU film apart from Civil War that I will watch in theaters nowadays.
Straight adaptation, no deviation whatsoever.
Straight adaptation, no deviation whatsoever.
Can we use this as the source material? If you have not read these I highly recommend. In my mind this is the origin story of Doom. The art is also great. A Doom bio-pic would be infinitely greater than any Fan 4 movie. You can add them in some battle scenes or whatever.
My man
The thing is that I don't trust the MCU with Doom, at all. They get Loki right only in as much as Tom H is a great actor. He carries some seriously shitty material with abloom. And Doom's even more complex. If the MCU barely gets Loki right, and every other villain is uninspired, I don't think much of their chances at nailing Doom - who is the crown jewel of comic-book 'villains' next to Luthor.
The thing is that I don't trust the MCU with Doom, at all. They get Loki right only in as much as Tom H is a great actor. He carries some seriously shitty material with abloom. And Doom's even more complex. If the MCU barely gets Loki right, and every other villain is uninspired, I don't think much of their chances at nailing Doom - who is the crown jewel of comic-book 'villains' next to Luthor.
A Dr.Doom movie to launch a potential Fantastic Four reboot would be pretty inspired.
i think Marvel does with it villains what they do for a reason.
Ronan, Malekith, Iron Monger, Whiplash, etc
At these dudes are story villains, at best arc villains.
Thanos, and Loki? they are minimum arc villains and always event villains.
I don't ahve any fear with Doom in Marvel's hands
basically there are levels to this shit.
The problem is that Thanos absolutely sucks in the MCU so far. Not one victory, tells rather than shows, sits in his chair like a chicken legged bitch. Incomprehensible as Loki is, he at least does/achieves shit. Thanos gets punked out by fucking Ronan Space Keaton for fuck sake - in a game of cosmic steroids no less.
The problem is that Thanos absolutely sucks in the MCU so far. Not one victory, tells rather than shows, sits in his chair like a chicken legged bitch. Incomprehensible as Loki is, he at least does/achieves shit. Thanos gets punked out by fucking Ronan Space Keaton for fuck sake - in a game of cosmic steroids no less.
Thanos is playing the long game, and they going to give this dude 5 hours, closer to 6. Don't want to fatigue people.
The rights for Fox to make a Daredevil movie expire. Disney offers Fox an extension for their project - which has work on it underway - in exchange for the rights of certain Cosmic Marvel characters that Marvel Studios does not own, such as Silver Surfer and Galactus. Fox callously refuses the deal to part ways with Cosmic Marvel characters (even though they do not plan to use said characters again) and Disney gains Daredevil, which they turn into a critically-acclaimed Netflix series two years later.
A Dr.Doom movie to launch a potential Fantastic Four reboot would be pretty inspired.
Oh FOX, you giant bag of dicks. Galactus and Silver Surfer shall forever suffer within movie limbo.
There's still a chance to incorporate Silver Surfer in their gritty reboot universe.
He could be a dude who's the ultimate pro-surfer in New York with a surfboard spray-painted chrome and a matching chrome wetsuit with it. The Fantastic Four have to top him in a surfing contest if they're going to convince him to rally support to start a clean up crew for the beach that's becoming unsafe for fellow citizens due to all that trash and broken glass.
I can't believe Devin Faraci gave it a fresh rating. Doesn't that guy whine over Nolan films and JJ Abrams Star Trek all the time?
God, editing this gave me a rash. At least now it's readable/pertinent.
He was using Jacob.
i think Marvel does with it villains what they do for a reason.
Ronan, Malekith, Iron Monger, Whiplash, etc
All these dudes are story villains, at best arc villains. Usually minions for bigger badder dudes
Thanos, and Loki? they are minimum arc villains and always event villains.
I don't ahve any fear with Doom in Marvel's hands
basically there are levels to this shit.
Marvel uses C- Tier Villains on purpose to avoid fanboy backlash when they change the character to be relevant. The ONE time (Madarin) they do it with a B- Tier villain the fanboys fucking hate it. With this in mind if Marvel gets Doom back, expect them to play up his Mommy issues, a-la-Loki's Daddy issues, and don't expect him to be an evil Dictator either.
There's still a chance to incorporate Silver Surfer in their gritty reboot universe.
He could be a dude who's the ultimate pro-surfer in New York with a surfboard spray-painted chrome and a matching chrome wetsuit with it. The Fantastic Four have to top him in a surfing contest if they're going to convince him to rally support to start a clean up crew for the beach that's becoming unsafe for fellow citizens due to all that trash and broken glass.
You obviously feel some type of way.
Sure, Doom. Sure. Will do.
Not a problem.