...says DarkFlow.
People travel miles to see your reviews.
Way to fall back on ad hominem.
...says DarkFlow.
People travel miles to see your reviews.
Way to fall back on ad hominem.
Eeyup, just got out, completely terrible. I went with Thatonemoor and he pretty much echos my opinion, and yes it's worse than Amazing Spiderman 2
you guys are both lame, don't worry! You have some common ground in this debate!
If the movie was a comic writer, who would it be? Would it be more Chuck AUsten or Mark Millar?
I'm pretty lame of late especially. I've had all this free time, and all cinemas have to offer is Kevin James once a month!
It would be Jeph Loeb.
Loeb is not anywhere near those two.
Nope! But he is carny as fuck, which the dialog here ends up being.
At least Austen has some recent experience in animation
And Loeb hasn't screwed up Agents if S.H.I.E.L.D. (yet).
Mark Millar is just... no words can describe him.
I will take corny over dead cannibal baby comedy anyday
And Loeb hasn't screwed up Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (yet).
Mark Millar is just... no words can describe him.
For real? Last thing I seen by him is World Watch.
If the movie was a comic writer, who would it be? Would it be more Chuck AUsten or Mark Millar?
If the movie was a comic writer, who would it be? Would it be more Chuck AUsten or Mark Millar?
It's really not that corny. My comparison to Ang Lee's Hulk makes a lot of sense. It's mostly docile dialog which is fine. Then it needs to make a hint to connect it to anything related to a comic book, then a line comes in.
The Thing's "it's clobbering time" line actually works great! It's just wasted overall because the film's gamble is fucking stupid.
Good for himI was watching Steven Universe on Cartoon Network and the dudes' name showed up in the opening credits as a supervising producer. I thought "no fucking way" but I looked it up and sure enough...
Reginald Hudlin
DamnFrank Miller's career.
Decent at the beginning, followed by some great parts, but then it just all goes to hell and you wish it was over before it got started.
Good for him
He only made Doom(bot) racist
To everyone else who's seen it
where the fuck did Doom get that cape? How do you make fabric on a world with no life?
He did, Josh just deleted it about a minute or so after posting it.If Trank really posted that tweet he can kiss his career goodbye.
Doesn't really get explained in the movie. It does make me wonder ifThe flag, maybe? I think that was left on the planet after the other three fled.in any of earlier cuts.there was any Doom on planet by himself
Seriously, the movie was slow and sonewhat boring to begin with, but with some really good acting, but the second they get their powers we go into complete shit territory. Theis a decent idea, but they completely waist it with Reedtime skiprunning away from a secure facility in the middle of nowhere somehow and not seeing the other three for a year.
If we know this movie sucks why is anyone seeing it in theaters
Found these on Know Your Meme
Did they explain how the place game them powers? And why Doom is more powerful?
Found these on Know Your Meme
If we know this movie sucks why is anyone seeing it in theaters
The place gave them powers...for reasons, I think they all teleported back with a specific thing in their pods, Ben with rocks and Jonny was on fire. Sue didn't go to the other dimensions and just got her powers from the explosion they caused when they came back. Doom is more powerful because they leave him there and he spends a year in the other dimension.
It's too bad the movie establishes that line asthe catch phrase used by his older brother when he used to beat up on Grimm as a kid.
Basically reasonsWhat was in Reed's pod?
I don't think anything was....
Also Doom's plan isto destroy the Earth because he fell in love with the barren planet somehow. The military wants to go to the planet to make super soldiers and plunder resources, and Doom's like, "If Earth has to die to protect my new home, then so be it."
That is so beneath Doom that it's not even insulting, it's just pathetic.
How was the Thing, did he have any personalty?
How was the Thing, did he have any personalty?
None at all. He's absent through pretty much all of the movie until they go to the other planet, after that he's pretty much a sad garden statue thatI'm really struggling to think of a single line of dialogue he had with any of the four besides Reed. Heck, he's only known Doom for a half hour tops.hates Reed.
That is so beneath Doom that it's not even insulting, it's just pathetic.
Doom IS pathetic in this. He's a sad loner with no friends. The first time we see him he's in a small room full of trash and junk food wrappers with his hair over grown and in a computer with way too many monitors.
What would Aunt Petunia say?
Was he using a mechanical keyboard?
I don't think this movie has any truly outrageously bad parts to it. It's just really goddamn boring and it feels like half the movie is missing. Like, the second act basically doesn't exist and the third feels like it was sliced in half.