I'm waiting for this to happen. My "problem" with the nerfs isn't so much the nerfs itself, but the people who complain about content being too hard without taking any time to try and learn their class or learn the fights. I understand not being able to find a static and not being able to do coil because of it, that really sucks. Trying to get a static together and coordinate everyone's schedules can be a nightmare. I consider myself lucky to be in my static and if it suddenly fell apart I would probably have trouble finding a new one for a little while. These nerfs are good for that in the sense that you don't need a static for some of it, save for T9 (and maybe T8? I don't know how much it was changed). It's also good for those of us who don't have all of our gear from SCoB because farming is now easier.I can only imagine the players that are now used to the nerfed T6-T8 shocked at T9 even with the 10% buff. That first ravensbeak that one shot kills the tank lol.
My main problem is the people on the OFs who complain about coil being too hard after putting in minimal effort to try and learn their classes or the fight as if they're owed a clear. They'll soon be complaining about T9, and if they do make it to FCoB they go through the same thing all over again.