It's called graphical consistency and Forza is known to at least try to keep the consistency throughout its games.
It is called PR.
And am I constraining myself to reply on your nonsenses here for pages and pages now, but now it is not even funny. I do not have a slightest idea how old are you and what is your background, but I can tell you that your replies are sometimes beyond insulting for the common sense of the intelligent people.
Many of us came to NeoGaf because we found something very unique here, especially in the field of driving games. It is called objectivity and constructive criticism. We have been here for years now, some of us (like myself for instance) needed some time to understand the behaviors and way how things are dealt here, but today I find NeoGaf as the most constructive and objective place to discuss driving games. Interesting, isn't it.
All of us have our preferences, I am probably most known for my love towards Gran Turismo, but to be honest, my favorite driving game of all times is F355 Challenge - and I am driving all games on all platforms for decades now. Some guys here are PC drivers for decades, some are Forza lovers, some are GT fans - but somehow we all come together. Damn, even I and Shinn found some silenced mutual understanding after years, despite all differences we had (and I hope he will be back soon). Not even to speak about Iknos, Solal and other great guys who were - just like I was years ago - sometimes too defensive about something.
But this, what you are doing, this is taking everything to a whole new level. I am watching you here for months, since our own great "RUFgate" and you have been very entertaining, I give you that - especially with your rants over NeoGaf on the other forums while you were banned. But your dancing in the waters of blindness have surpassed even those I originally attributed to my good friend Iknos in the legendary GT vs. Forza thread.
What you are doing here the whole day today is something I originally elaborated in the first FM5 thread where I said how behavior of the Forza fanbase is really getting worrisome because it that does nothing else but vocally points out the various perceived shortcomings of Gran Turismo compared to Forza when faced with criticism of fields where Forza series has been stagnant. You are the perfect example. What you do here all day is trying to do damage control of something every Forza fan should be absolutely mad about with Gran Turismo 5. Please, man.
Should I point you (again) on the very words of the Dan Greenawalt prior to very Forza 4 release on X360 regarding possibility to have day/night and rain in FM4 on X360 hardware in 2011? You know, the man that was speaking about "buton passing", "definitive definitive definitive" and such nonsense?
Here, read,
from the very interview:
What can you tell us about night racing and weather effects in Forza 4?
Forza Motorsport includes alternate times of day for a small number of environments, but those alternates do not include dark night or weather effects. For Forza 4, the majority of our graphical investment went into our new image-based lighting (IBL) model, as well as new material shaders, which give our cars and tracks such a realistic, detailed look. With IBL, supporting the general look of night is not particularly hard. However, we take frame rate pretty seriously—we believe that having a solid 60 frames per second (FPS) experience with no tearing is very important for a simulation racing game. Delivering night is about more than just getting the general look right. As we found on the original Forza Motorsport, having multiple headlight projections with multiple cast shadows is computationally heavy—even using clever tricks like we did on the less powerful original Xbox platform. This makes delivering a strong night racing experience very difficult at 60 FPS without significant compromise.
Regarding weather conditions, we do simulate different track temperatures. However, we did not get tire data for wet conditions from our tire partners at Pirelli. We do have SAE data about wet conditions, but it’s nowhere near as comprehensive as our Pirelli data. In order to simulate wet correctly, we’d like to get custom real-world test data to input into our system. Of course, physics isn’t the only difficult aspect of delivering wet conditions. Creating believable weather effects also depends upon gobs of particles and lots of shiny, reflective surfaces. There are several tricks for doing this, but it would still have made delivering the new graphical fidelity of FM4 at a solid 60 FPS nearly impossible in our development timeframe.
If we cut down on the number of cars on track, used original Xbox-generation car models, dropped to 30 FPS, or (and this would be the most effective solution) built specific tracks from the ground-up to have less detail and thus extra performance headroom, then night racing and/or weather conditions may have been possible. Some of those trade-offs, we just were not willing to do. Others would require time that we used to develop other features in the game—specifically, the new graphical look of the game in general. Night and weather are features we will continue to evaluate as the franchise continues. We’re waiting for the right time to deliver these features to our fans.
From the
Eurogamer interview:
Every version we explore night and weather. We whittle down thousands of ideas, and we have these autonomous teams. We hire specialists. We build the game like an onion. At its core is a drop-dead amazing simulation engine. But we always assume we're wrong, and then find the best way to make it better. It's that commitment that makes me confident we have the strongest simulation, because we build partnerships other companies just can't, and we have a commitment to getting it right at our core.
We then build assists and fun gameplay and things on top of it without ever sacrificing that. Well, part of that is a solid 60 frames per second. And I mean solid. When you start doing multiple projected shadows off of the front of the car... we have 16 players, so 16 cars times two, so 32 projected shadows. That is a very graphically intense thing.
Now, that's totally possible on the Xbox 360, but it means the specialists we have in graphics would need to work on that problem, and it would be a hard problem. The hard problem we chose to take on with our graphics this version was Image Based Lighting, and working with Hollywood. Every version, we look at this long list of features we would do, and they are divided into these different autonomous groups that have the specialists that could actually do it. We just can't take a network developer and say, hey, why don't you do a new particle system. It's not that they're smart guys, but we hired them because they are so good at delivering network code.
Graphically, doing huge particle effects, we would have to have that group that was developing IBL, and that took a long time for us to get it right. We had to implement a whole new way of thinking through the partnership with Hollywood. We'd have to have them working on that from the ground up. So that's the type of thing where we could do it. We could do it on this hardware. But it didn't prioritise higher than IBL, because the IBL and the way the game looks now is stunning, and it's universal. It helps everybody, no matter what type of player you are, having a beautiful looking game that runs at 60 frames per second is awesome.
The things I've read on forums, people saying, well, I wish they didn't do this feature - first, that shows a lack of respect for the people who are going to love that feature, which is fine. I don't expect gamers to respect people the way I do. But, the assumption in that statement is, we have 350 people, why don't you just move them all on to this other thing I want?
It's like, I can't move artists onto it. That's not going to help. I can't move networking devs. I can't move my physics developers. I can't move my AI developers. To hire the best in the industry takes years. Years. To hire the type of guys we get, you have to take people from Hollywood and other game companies. It's the only way you get senior talent. So you can't just decide, we want to do more, let's just staff up.
What do you have to say on all that? Years after those interviews? After dozens million dollars spent? After tens of thousands of man hours invested? What is the 2013 result we should go and spend 700 euros - without new wheel - just to be able to play?
What do you say about what they did on X360 wheel support? About famous - probably most famous - saying that "night driving" and "pitstops" are
rather minor details? Also, I really have to highlight again the super-ego-trip of passing the baton, just take a look at those words used:
“We watched the Sony press conference and we were like, OK so we just brought what we believe firmly is the best racing game ever made, and our competition didn’t show up. So now you can see why I’m fairly bullish. I hate to sound so cocky but the truth is the stars have aligned. I don’t know how else to say it.”
So in many ways he’s handing the baton to me. He probably doesn’t see it that way, but I do, because I believe that I’m now taking what he ignited in me as a passion, and taking it to a much, much, much broader level. I’m not saying it’s necessarily larger yet, but definitely broader, younger, older, men, women. So I’m really excited.”
Because, you see, I am Forza fan. I have been playing Forza avidly since Forza 2. I have bought 2 damn X360 to play Forza, I invested hundreds (not FM5 "hundreds", but more then few HUNDREDS EURO - not dollars) euro - in the Forza Motorsport series and I am proud owner of FM2/FM3/FM4 LCE's, FM3 GOTY, Forza Horizon and have shovel down hundreds of euro to MS throat for Gold so I can play Forza with my friends and other great drivers I've met.
And for years I am listening to that same guy speaking nonsense with his smug attitude - excuse me Helios if you are reading this, I am speaking only as a fan here - where everything is nothing but large bag of PR talk. Why are you buying that? Why are you trying to downplay the fact they first said all tracks will be laser scanned, and later they've admitted they will not be. Oh, yeah,
some will be laser scanned, but some will be "surfaced scanned", including fictional tracks? What kind of nonsense is that? Also, yeah,
we remodeled all cars from the ground up. No, you did not. Why are you saying things that are not accurate? And now all this in the past few days, I can't even get myself to comment on this because it is crazy.
Here, read my
original reply to Paladin - sorry Paladin to use this as example - regarding my opinion why Forza series needs fans that should wake up.
Yeah, I am probably not going to buy Forza 5. I will not be missed apparently. And trust me that I am deeply honest when I say am deeply disappointed and sad when I see what has Forza series become since the greatness and potential that were FM2 and FM3 to today. Big congratulations to Playground Games (despite the fact how Gavin Raeburn - TOCA and CMR undertaker - is leading the project) for their job on Horizon - that was a great new game - but what we - long-time loyal fans of Forza - are witnessing today with the mainline series is really shameful.
You should understand my position a bit better now, and I also hope a similar position of other people here that are being vocal regarding this situation. You are really sounding like someone who is doing damage control from unknown motifs. And if you ask "why", then please read again everything I said above. All regarding Turn10 have always been PR and nothing but PR. I know there are great people that work there, very competent, very knowledgeable and with AAAA knowledge of their job - my personal congratulations to them and to their astounding work for this franchise.
But this guy... man. He has no single dime of respect towards all of us that have been avid fans of the series he is directing and producing for more than a decade now. And that is the main problem. He treats us like we are not intelligent people, but only an obstacle in his PR crusade where inaccuracy said thousand times becomes a truth. He obviously does not think we are people who love and share passion for cars and that want to have good relationship with franchise they love. Constructive relationship. Permanent two-way-benefitial relationship. From everything I read from him in years, all he want is that we do not exist. And I finally decided to grant his wish - because after all, it is nice to be courteous.