Dany needs to learn to ping the minimap more often, like several dothrakis were running around the ballista chasing horses and people
Time to build some dragon armour. Problem solved.Woof. This was a rough episode for #teamlannister. Went from jobbing the Tyrells to Brooklyn Brawler status in an eyeblink. Damn lizard.
Mental note: build waaaaaaaaay more anti dragon weapons for Round 2. You guys need as much air coverage as you can get.
It's absolutely halal.I thought they were gonna do it right there in the cave.
We warcraft
Her character is a young woman who had to hide her true feeings around the psychopathic husband and mother in law who could kill her on a whim. I've always seen it as.. just the character.. she was a bratty teen who wore her emotions on her sleeve until what she went through with the Lannisters made her cold and calculated.
"You grace! The armour will slow down your dragons. That's why we can't make the armour. Until we can figure out a lighter armour, and by which time two of your dragons have been killed".Time to build some dragon armour. Problem solved.
I cannot get over the fact they keep calling these dragons but don't have four legs.
She was complaining about the food stores at Casterly Rock since the Unsullied are trapped there with little supplies. Not the Dothraki.
I like the detail of the painted white walkers blue eyes being blue stones
Fuuuuck, Dany going full King Aerys. Burn them all.
She must be stopped, actually finding myself rooting for the Lannisters here, no-one should have this much power.
Damn it Sony,
I cannot get over the fact they keep calling these dragons but don't have four legs.
Are you a dragon expert?
No. But years of dragons in media and in much older stories have shown what a dragon looks like.Are you a dragon expert?
Damn it Sony,
why'd they have to screw up LAIR
Jon's speech when Dany asks him what she should do was great.
That was the moment Dany fell in love with him.
That was the moment Dany fell in love with him.
At first she was like "fuck this guy" but now she's like "must fuck this guy".
Tyrion Lannister looked kind of upset seeing Lannisters getting destroyed like that. When the dothraki said "your people can't fight lol(ok i added the lol )" Tyrion looked upset.
is anyone able to get this scene in a high quality screen/wallpaper?
But she still needs food for her own armies. She messed up big time here.So this was a good W for Daenerys right? She wiped out Cersei and her allies food supply?
Probably couple of those Giants can kill a dragon. Maybe King Kong vs T rex style fight?I wonder if the reason why all these weeks and months pass in the show and the ww haven't actually marched on the wall is because the NK is actually waiting for something.
Can Bran only see the past or can he see the future as well? What if the Night King has the same ability? And he knows Beric and the Hound and that group are headed up north and maybe maybe the NK was just waiting for Beric to come and get killed and that other guy to try and revive him again, and it causes some magic thing that let's the ww's breach the wall.
Either that, or Dany gets lured over the wall (maybe Melissandre tells her she has to save Beric or something) and the NK either gets one of her dragons, or her and subsequent control of her three dragons, and it's apparent he was just waiting for that future to play out before marching on the wall. Yeah, no chance in hell for that twist. Night King and Queen with their dragons trying to conquer Westeros
I was only half serious earlier in the thread when I said maybe the NK can breach the wall with a dragon, but, if he has the ability to reanimate non-human creates, and with the way Drogon was put on display in this episode, I could maybe start to see Drogon getting killed and the NK resurrecting him. I don't know with what though. I don't think the ww's have ranged weaponry.
So this was a good W for Daenerys right? She wiped out Cersei and her allies food supply?
So this was a good W for Daenerys right? She wiped out Cersei and her allies food supply?
And her food supply (which she really needed, probably more than Cersei and the entirety of King's Landing). Also, Cersei's gold, although it can probably still be saved.
So this was a good W for Daenerys right? She wiped out Cersei and her allies food supply?
Some of you guys are ridiculous.
After every terrible legitimate thing that's happened in this series, you're flipping out because of Dragonfire on the BATTLEFIELD?
Were you down on Tyrion when he used wildfire in the Battle of the Blackwater?
I thought they were gonna do it right there in the cave.
And her food supply (which she really needed, probably more than Cersei and the entirety of King's Landing). Also, Cersei's gold, although it can probably still be saved.
Probably couple of those Giants can kill a dragon. Maybe King Kong vs T rex style fight?
Of course they were down for it. They were down for it when the Mountain was raping and killing the Riverlands for Tywin, when the Lannisters were torturing and killing at Horrenhaal, when Euron on his own took Dorne and the Greyjoys out, when the Lannisters just wiped out the Tyrells and were looting the place of its gold and food, when they decided to beef up their armies with oath breakers and bigots, etc. But Dany shows up to bring decades of furious retribution down upon the Lannister ARMY, it's suddenly "OMG, LOOK AT HOW EGOMANIACAL AND TYRANNICAL THIS WOMAN IS!"
I bet you they were also frothing at the mouth when Dany told Jon she'd help him if he bent the knee this episode, while doing this,
when Jon gave damn near the exact same speech to Mance Rayder.
The gold made it to KL. So many people missed this
Why was Dany wearing that same outfit? Does she not have an outfit for battle? It looked so out of place.
So this was a good W for Daenerys right? She wiped out Cersei and her allies food supply?
Thanks B'y, I appreciate it.Try these mate:
Good point. I forgot about the giants. Maybe they can throw some tree sized spears at them or something.
Without a zombie dragon his side I don't see how the white walker storyline is just completely anti-climactic. Dany could just fly over their horde with three dragons and burn them to shit in a couple of minutes.