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God Of War 3 Has Gone Gold - Lots of Reviews Out Already


Magnus said:
Yeah, I'd definitely let people know if I'd just bought it from somewhere. :lol

It's a personal connection.

Man, I was so hungry; I hadn't eaten in 8 hours, and when I was about to when I got home, I scrambled to get the GT trailer up instead. :lol I took the opportunity to read up on the plots of GoW and II while I ate, and holy shit, I can't believe they left all of you with that as a cliffhanger at the end of II. Unreal. Now I understand what the fuck is going on, and why everyone was so amped to see how III opened. :lol This is unbelievably epic.

I suggest watching the GoW1/2 CG videos to see exactly what you missed, and not just read :p

I read about GoW2 before playing it, but seeing certain moments happen on-screen were just indescribable with words.


And on the sixth day the LORD David Bowie created man and woman in His image. And he saw that it was good. On the seventh day the LORD created videogames so that He might take the bloody day off for once.
I'm loving these spoiler-free impressions. Keep 'em coming! :D


Please, in spoiler boxes, let us know what that weird controversial thing Geoff mentioned towards the latter half of the game is when you get there. :p


And on the sixth day the LORD David Bowie created man and woman in His image. And he saw that it was good. On the seventh day the LORD created videogames so that He might take the bloody day off for once.
Dogenzaka said:
Please, in spoiler boxes, let us know what that weird controversial thing Geoff mentioned towards the latter half of the game is when you get there. :p
I say we keep major shit like that out of this thread, even if it's tagged.

Way too risky, know what i mean?


Catalix said:
I say we keep major shit like that out of this thread, even if it's tagged.

Way too risky, know what i mean?
when the game comes out there will most likely be a separate thread to discuss it without tags.
Catalix said:
I say we keep major shit like that out of this thread, even if it's tagged.

Way too risky, know what i mean?
Yeah, I'm with you on this one. Lets keep this thread spoiler free as well as from black blocks of text :D


Catalix said:
I say we keep major shit like that out of this thread, even if it's tagged.

Way too risky, know what i mean?

You're right I suppose.

At least let us know that you know what it is so I can PM you and ask :(


Yeah please just keep spoilers out of this thread

I can totally picture spoilers being like "oh wow I just beat the final boss! I can't believe

Or the infamous typo before edit

Wow Kratos reincarnates as Brock Lesnar in the modern day!
Gamespot has a small article on the characters of GOWIII and a vid of some of the highlights of the series.

Its been a while since I played the two games so it was a nice little refresher.


I was fucking obtuse during certain parts of the first half hour :lol. Had my ass handed to me a number of times, I'm pretty terrible.

The scale of this game is staggering. I want an HD Shadow of the Colossus more than ever. The PS3 could do that vision such justice, and then some.

Boss 1 details:
To actually realize I was fighting Poseidon was a sweet moment; Im sure fighting Ares back in the day must have been a similar rush. The ending of the fight against the god of the sea is so creatively brutal :lol I couldn't help myself from laughing like an idiot as the brutality just dragged on for what was basically a 30 second-long execution. So over the top, haha

I'm so exhausted. Bed time. Can only jump back in after work tomorrow evening. :(


Magnus said:
I was fucking obtuse during certain parts of the first half hour :lol. Had my ass handed to me a number of times, I'm pretty terrible.

The scale of this game is staggering. I want an HD Shadow of the Colossus more than ever. The PS3 could do that vision such justice, and then some.

Boss 1 details:
To actually realize I was fighting Poseidon was a sweet moment; Im sure fighting Ares back in the day must have been a similar rush. The ending of the fight against the god of the sea is so creatively brutal :lol I couldn't help myself from laughing like an idiot as the brutality just dragged on for what was basically a 30 second-long execution. So over the top, haha

I'm so exhausted. Bed time. Can only jump back in after work tomorrow evening. :(

What?! Bed time? SLEEP?


Well we're getting The Last Guardian, and I would be absolutely surprised if, by the time TLG has a release date, Sony hasn't announced a Team Ico Collection for PS3 with SotC in HD :p


Dogenzaka said:
What?! Bed time? SLEEP?


Well we're getting The Last Guardian, and I would be absolutely surprised if, by the time TLG has a release date, Sony hasn't announced a Team Ico Collection for PS3 with SotC in HD :p

Despite owning both I would totally double dip for the HD face lift + trophies.


Baha said:
Despite owning both I would totally double dip for the HD face lift + trophies.

Since I don't own Ico and I don't want to pay $30-40 for it, I wouldn't dip, I'd belly-flop into the opportunity of buying a Team Ico Collection.

Anyway, as far as GoW goes, I just recently picked up the GoW Collection and I was stunned by how hard the series gripped me and pulled me in. I have mid-terms next week but I hardly studied because of how good the pacing in these freaking games are. I can usually find a stopping point in most games I play, where I save and put the game away for a day.

But it just didn't happen in GoW1/2. It was always "just one more puzzle...just one more chest....just one more boss....just let me get to that area over there." And that mindset continued until I saw the ending credits. But it was soooo good.

Like, I underestimated just how incredible these games are until I got to play and finish both one after the other.

They take elements from different games and completely perfect them. I don't think I've found a dungeon in Zelda since OoT more satisfying than the extremely nifty puzzles in the GoW series. And the fact that the camera always shows you exactly where to go....and that the secret chests are always in the exact spot you would THINK they would be, and exploration, although linear, is always rewarded.

The idea that they totally trumped GoW1 with all of these aspects in GoW2, makes me cringe in fear as to how my studies will go when I'm supposed to be doing homework during Spring Break...and this happens to release when mine is just starting. xD

Full time university student/EB Games Senior Sale

I suppose putting up with the laundry list of terrible and infuriating experiences that come from working at GameStop/EB are sort of appeased when you get to take God of War 3 home almost 2 weeks early.
Replicant said:
Great, it looks like it'd be harder than I thought to get the LE.

You probably aren't going to get it if you haven't pre ordered it. Given how rare it is that SCEA does a legitimate limited edition (meaning something other than just a different boxart), you know that when they do one that it definitely is going to be "limited".


SolidSnakex said:
You probably aren't going to get it if you haven't pre ordered it. Given how rare it is that SCEA does a legitimate limited edition (meaning something other than just a different boxart), you know that when they do one that it definitely is going to be "limited".

Yeah, I've been going from EB to EB and they all said they're running out. FML. But I didn't have money back then. *sigh*


time to take my meds
Dogenzaka said:
Please, in spoiler boxes, let us know what that weird controversial thing Geoff mentioned towards the latter half of the game is when you get there. :p
are you serious? the first 10 mins of a the game was pushing it, now you want the game's story ruined for you? you're weird man, just weird.

Jim please dont post that request. next thing you know, somebody will quote it without spoiler tags.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
Bad_Boy said:
are you serious? the first 10 mins of a the game was pushing it, now you want the game's story ruined for you? you're weird man, just weird.

I want the spoiler too. In fact, I'll probably just read the plot synopsis on Wikipedia before I get the game. I tend to do that with movies, books and video games :lol


hide your water-based mammals
Combichristoffersen said:
I want the spoiler too. In fact, I'll probably just read the plot synopsis on Wikipedia before I get the game. I tend to do that with movies, books and video games :lol
Well at least they will get your sale.


Neo Member
Combichristoffersen said:
I want the spoiler too. In fact, I'll probably just read the plot synopsis on Wikipedia before I get the game. I tend to do that with movies, books and video games :lol

Sometimes, it`s better not knowing.


time to take my meds
Combichristoffersen said:
I want the spoiler too. In fact, I'll probably just read the plot synopsis on Wikipedia before I get the game. I tend to do that with movies, books and video games :lol
:lol ;)
"I want the spoiler too. In fact, I'll probably just read the plot synopsis on Wikipedia before I get the game. I tend to do that with movies, books and video games"

I can't understand why spoilers are considered bloody murder to some concerning any media. An entertaining experience is an entertaining experience, period. Knowing a plot in advance. at least for me, has never lessened the enjoyment I have gotten out of a movie, television show or videogame.
I could understand Islamic countries banning the game for the violence or the mandatory sex mini game, but for the "God" in the name? This game isn't about the islamic God, it's about Greek mythology :/ It's sad for the gamers out there.


RockmanWhore said:
I could understand Islamic countries banning the game for the violence or the mandatory sex mini game, but for the "God" in the name? This game isn't about the islamic God, it's about Greek mythology :/ It's sad for the gamers out there.
fucking radicals
RockmanWhore said:
I could understand Islamic countries banning the game for the violence or the mandatory sex mini game, but for the "God" in the name? This game isn't about the islamic God, it's about Greek mythology :/ It's sad for the gamers out there.

These are the same sorts of countries where women don't have the right to drive, go out un-escorted by men or without being covered head to toe, and can get whipped or worse for the dishonor they bring to their family from being victimised in arranged marriages or rapes. Getting indignant about a game being banned -- ludicrous though it is -- is not something we should be upset about.


Gokurakumaru said:
These are the same sorts of countries where women don't have the right to drive, go out un-escorted by men or without being covered head to toe, and can get whipped or worse for the dishonor they bring to their family from being victimised in arranged marriages or rapes. Getting indignant about a game being banned -- ludicrous though it is -- is not something we should be upset about.
well as you know , they are Islamic too


Kasra_2x4 said:
well as you know , they are Islamic too

And yes I am sure that has everything to do with being "Islamic".

Plus I also heard that its also legal to pay women to dance naked for you, Must be an "Islamic" thing.


Gokurakumaru said:
These are the same sorts of countries where women don't have the right to drive, go out un-escorted by men or without being covered head to toe, and can get whipped or worse for the dishonor they bring to their family from being victimised in arranged marriages or rapes. Getting indignant about a game being banned -- ludicrous though it is -- is not something we should be upset about.

Apparently your schooling was done at home with FOX NEWS.

Its funny how people get instant Ban for racial statment. Yet this type of B.S goes un-notiiced and even accepted.

So i guess its okay to say in U.S its these type of countries where priest sleep with little boys, people are encouraged to cheat on there wives, black people are treated like slaves, Jews run the banks and abuse the power, All black people have crimnal records.

Must be a "Christian" thing.


crackhead_bob said:
I can't understand why spoilers are considered bloody murder to some concerning any media. An entertaining experience is an entertaining experience, period. Knowing a plot in advance. at least for me, has never lessened the enjoyment I have gotten out of a movie, television show or videogame.

You can't understand how the element of surprise that so many stories in films, games, shows or books is destroyed by knowing something crucial ahead of time? How the tension, suspense and twists the producers carefully craft to pull at your emotions are basically dismantled in significant ways by knowing things before you're supposed to as an audience member?

You're in the minority. :D No one's denying an entertaining experience will somehow not be entertaining anymore, but the dramatic impact is lessened with knowledge ahead of time. "Period". :lol


Magnus said:
You can't understand how the element of surprise that so many stories in films, games, shows or books is destroyed by knowing something crucial ahead of time? How the tension, suspense and twists the producers carefully craft to pull at your emotions are basically dismantled in significant ways by knowing things before you're supposed to as an audience member?

You're in the minority. :D
Good morning! Now play!

Also spoilers are for the weak and impatient. Why would any one want a mystery solved for them when the most fun comes from finding it out On your own?


Vizionblind said:
Can I just play #2 before playing #3 or do I need to play #1 as well?
the first game is pretty much the origin of kratos, and it's pretty important to understand why he is so angry.
However part 2 has a recap and is directly related to part 3 so you should definitely play part 2 first if you can. I'd play part 1 also, but you are running out of time....


rhino4evr said:
Good morning! Now play!

Gotta go to work! :lol

And man, is that User Profile information out of date. :lol

For those that have been asking by PM, I'll check on Spanish language options available in the game when I next get a chance to play.


ghostofsparta said:
So the posiedon boss is pretty hard? Everyone, including me, was bitching about how terribly easy it looks on the video.

Well, that video that people were basing their impressions on misses the
whole first half of the fight, at the least
... and it's not being played on hard. It's like a
20 min long battle, with little breaks in between, and not many checkpoints. On hard, you can only take like 2 hits from him.

By the way, the stylized intro is awesome! It sorta describes plot of the first 2 games in a subtle way.


Jim said:
By the way, the stylized intro is awesome! It sorta describes plot of the first 2 games in a subtle way.

Reminded me just a little of an intro montage like the one that started off Spider-Man 2, though nowhere near the same art style. :lol


Jim, I have to ask; is the intro of the game, the one where (SPOILERS)
the Gods stand on top of Olympus, looking down then jump off the tower/cliffside
, completely 100 % real time? I've always wondered this after reading the dev comment that some parts will be videos à la Uncharted 2.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
Amidst the chaos being inflicted upon my wallet in this glorious first part of 2010, the desire to buy and replay the first two games is being spurned by this thread.


BeeDog said:
Jim, I have to ask; is the intro of the game, the one where (SPOILERS)
the Gods stand on top of Olympus, looking down then jump off the tower/cliffside
, completely 100 % real time? I've always wondered this after reading the dev comment that some parts will be videos à la Uncharted 2.

It looks like in-engine rendered to video to hide load times just like Uncharted 2. So far, there are no load times anywhere unless you restart from a checkpoint, and then it's a few seconds. And game saves are super quick.. much quicker than in the GoW collection.
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