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God Of War 3 Has Gone Gold - Lots of Reviews Out Already


It's sad to me that FFXIII isn't even being tossed around as a possible GOTY candidate n people's lists, even though I agree. What happened to the FF name? :lol

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
Magnus said:
It's sad to me that FFXIII isn't even being tossed around as a possible GOTY candidate n people's lists, even though I agree. What happened to the FF name? :lol
This FF has so much hype built on it. Years of secret trailers/small amounts of information to tease the masses. Its not a bad game, I like it, but I think people were expecting the second coming of Jesus.

My pants...so unclean now...


Gold Member
Gokurakumaru said:
I'm sure scrolling past my post wasted precious seconds of your life. By all means, get back to pages of people saying "Holy shit!" and "10/10!!!"

that's what the thread is for, son :lol


makingmusic476 said:
God of War looks amazing, but I think Zelda will be the game of the year. ^_^

Followed by the Last Guardian. <3

mario, metroid, zelda in the same year? i hope so :D


Corran Horn said:
This FF has so much hype built on it. Years of secret trailers/small amounts of information to tease the masses. Its not a bad game, I like it, but I think people were expecting the second coming of Jesus.

Which is the kind of quality people should have gotten when drip-fed those incredible trailers and being in the oven for FOUR YEARS.


10 days, at least GDC will have some info and keep me distracted. I want this game so badly.

As for the GOTY thing, add heavy rain to the contenders, but i doubt any game can beat GOW3 on visuals, presentation, epicness and overall production values, besides proven gamplay addiction that causes Kratos rage :D


Holy shit, I missed a new Zelda being confirmed for this year too? What's Nintendo doing putting out all three big pillars (Mario, Metroid, Zelda) in one year? How awesome :lol


Magnus said:
Holy shit, I missed a new Zelda being confirmed for this year too? What's Nintendo doing putting out all three big pillars (Mario, Metroid, Zelda) in one year? How awesome :lol

I doubt that it official, but with Galaxy 2 launching this early in the year, it's becoming more and more likely.

As for GOTY, it'll be between GOW 3 and Galaxy 2 for me for now, with Red Dead as a runner up. Zelda should become instant first when we get some info, and not a poster as the only thing to go by....
nskinnear said:
I think GOW III, Zelda and Halo will be the front-runners for GOTY at most sites. I'd like to add The Last Guardian to that list as well, but I don't see it releasing in 2010.

I am, and it should be up by Tuesday ;)

Awesome buddy, you did a great job with A Crack in Time :D Can't wait!


Magnus said:
It's sad to me that FFXIII isn't even being tossed around as a possible GOTY candidate n people's lists, even though I agree. What happened to the FF name? :lol
I have played every final fantasy game and I have no desire to run out an buy 13. When I read the game was one long monster hallyway with no towns and few side quests I decided I'd rather spend my time elsewhere


Zelda is definitely coming out later this year. It's been 4 years and E3 is its big reveal. They need a Fall hitter.

Regardless, I'm not too hyped for it (yet I suppose) since the God of War series, to me, has had better polish and puzzles and level design than anything I've seen in a Zelda since Ocarina of Time, and Team Ico games have drawn more emotion and artistic connection successfully from a "boy and his companion" story than I've ever felt in a Zelda game.

So TLG and GOW3 coming out this year are really monumentally more important to me than a new Zelda game at this point, especially after Spirit Tracks.

Anyway, back to GoW3.......


Not Wario
How can you people forget about Starcraft 2 and Civ 5? :lol

(And, as far as I'm concerned, SMG2 is the biggest candidate of the year given how the last one took every game this gen to task)

If there was any year where game of the year was not be in the bag, this would be it. The year is just too stacked. I will say that it's nice to see frontrunners hitting the year during every season for once, though.


I was just thinking, there has to be a part in the game where Kratos just digs his arms into some monster's or titan's back and just rips out their spine. I don't care how they do it it just has to happen.:D


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
RustyNails said:
U crazy? Athena saved Kratos' ass more than once. First, after he jumps off into the aegean sea and second, where she disobeyed Zeus in GoW 2 by not getting rid of Kratos' Godly powers. Zeus says something like "Since Athena would not obey me I had to come down here".

Kratos: if i do this, will i be haunted by these memories?
Athena: lol, totally (lol!)
Kratos: *does it*
Kratos: Okay Athena, free ME FROM MY TORMENT
Athena: haha no

If she held true to her stinky bargain without being such a sneaky snake, Gow2 wouldn't have even happened!


traveler said:
How can you people forget about Starcraft 2 and Civ 5? :lol

(And, as far as I'm concerned, SMG2 is the biggest candidate of the year given how the last one took every game this gen to task)

If there was any year where game of the year was not be in the bag, this would be it. The year is just too stacked. I will say that it's nice to see frontrunners hitting the year during every season for once, though.

Well all SMG2 has going for it is fun platforming. There's no real story or plotline, incredibly high production values, or anything much different from SMG1 except new levels and Yoshi and new power-ups. I don't think it has GoW3 beat in terms of what it achieves as a sequel. Not undermining SMG2's fun factor, but I just think GoW3 is a rounder package in what would define "GOTY".

By the way, Athena said quote: "your sins will be forgiven", not "we'll wipe your memory for you". Kratos needs to remember the stupid things he did so that he remembers never to become that person again.


Y2Kev said:
So you're saying Athena is not a sneaky snake?

I'm saying Kratos is dumb for making assumptions lol.
If you're going to go off and slay a god and infiltrate an ancient temple for the favor of Olympus, you'd best confirm what your true reward is.
Y2Kev said:
So you're saying Athena is not a sneaky snake?
Definitely not, in my opinion. Athena never promised Kratos that his past will be erased, only that he will be forgiven. She always seemed to be on Kratos' side, unlike Zeus or Ares (partly because Kratos helped saved her city Athens).


traveler said:
How can you people forget about Starcraft 2 and Civ 5? :lol

(And, as far as I'm concerned, SMG2 is the biggest candidate of the year given how the last one took every game this gen to task)

If there was any year where game of the year was not be in the bag, this would be it. The year is just too stacked. I will say that it's nice to see frontrunners hitting the year during every season for once, though.

Civ 5 is a Take Two game so it will obviously be delayed.


Y2Kev said:
So you're saying Athena is not a sneaky snake?
She clearly is. Notice she didn't say, "No Kratos, we can't remove the memories but you will be forgiven." Kratos was emotional and willing to do anything and she took advantage.
Akainu said:
She clearly is. Notice she didn't say, "No Kratos, we can't remove the memories but you will be forgiven." Kratos was emotional and willing to do anything and she took advantage.
Dogenzaka said:
I'm saying Kratos is dumb for making assumptions lol.
He probably felt that if his sins are forgiven, the burden of what he did will become lighter. But alas, it was not meant to be for no one can forget what horrible shit he did, not least Kratos himself.
RustyNails said:
U crazy? Athena saved Kratos' ass more than once. First, after he jumps off into the aegean sea and second, where she disobeyed Zeus in GoW 2 by not getting rid of Kratos' Godly powers. Zeus says something like "Since Athena would not obey me I had to come down here".
don't forget the ending of Chain of Olympus where Kratos fall from the sky and Athena (and someone else) saved him and took zeuz gauntlet and other item.

btw, I'm still not sure, who's the god that's beside Athena during that ending? is it Zeus?

and in GoW2, who's sending Pegasus? Athena?


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Dogenzaka said:
I'm saying Kratos is dumb for making assumptions lol.
If you're going to go off and slay a god and infiltrate an ancient temple for the favor of Olympus, you'd best confirm what your true reward is.
RustyNails said:
Definitely not, in my opinion. Athena never promised Kratos that his past will be erased, only that he will be forgiven. She always seemed to be on Kratos' side, unlike Zeus or Ares (partly because Kratos helped saved her city Athens).

You two are now both on the lists of sneaky snakes.

Akainu said:
She clearly is. Notice she didn't say, "No Kratos, we can't remove the memories but you will be forgiven." Kratos was emotional and willing to do anything and she took advantage.



Callibretto said:
don't forget the ending of Chain of Olympus where Kratos fall from the sky and Athena (and someone else) saved him and took zeuz gauntlet and other item.

btw, I'm still not sure, who's the god that's beside Athena during that ending? is it Zeus?

and in GoW2, who's sending Pegasus? Athena?

Pegasus came down hoping to spend a night of rest in Rhodes, maybe hitting up the local lady horsies, when suddenly this angry white dude with giant blades jumps on his back and forces him to fly hundreds of miles into an angry titan's mountain.


Santa May Claus
Callibretto said:
don't forget the ending of Chain of Olympus where Kratos fall from the sky and Athena (and someone else) saved him and took zeuz gauntlet and other item.

btw, I'm still not sure, who's the god that's beside Athena during that ending? is it Zeus?

and in GoW2, who's sending Pegasus? Athena?

Pretty sure Gaia sent Pegasus. Though how she does it is never explained.

In the very next cutscene, it shows that Kratos can't control where Pegasus goes and Gaia's voice tells Kratos that Pegasus is on the path that he needs to travel.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Whoever got the game, is
Stheno, the 3rd sister of Medusa and Euryale
GuardianE said:
Pretty sure Gaia sent Pegasus. Though how she does it is never explained.

In the very next cutscene, it shows that Kratos can't control where Pegasus goes and Gaia's voice tells Kratos that Pegasus is on the path that he needs to travel.

when Kratos 1st saw Pegasus, he said something like "looks like I still have an ally in Olympus". so I assume whoever sent Pegasus is one of Olympians
Callibretto said:
when Kratos 1st saw Pegasus, he said something like "looks like I still have an ally in Olympus". so I assume whoever sent Pegasus is one of Olympians

I always wondered about that line.

Either Athena was conspiring with the Titans or Kratos kinds just assumed Gaia was Olympian.
Someone have a good site that can fill me in on every event and critical point of the GoW trilogy? With MLB, Battlefield and FF13 I don't see myself completely the GoW Collection before the third installment hits.

The furthest I've gotten was landing on Crono in GoW1


Dogenzaka said:
I'm sorry but every fabric in my being doubts Super Mario Galaxy 2 being able to overtake God of War 3 as GOTY this year. Then again, I have to play both.
I wasn't suggesting that but, it will defiantly be a GOTY contendor.


Callibretto said:
when Kratos 1st saw Pegasus, he said something like "looks like I still have an ally in Olympus". so I assume whoever sent Pegasus is one of Olympians

Pegasus was Poseidons son. He bumped uglies with Medusa and spawned a flying horse. I think at this time Poseidon was still supporting Kratos, what with the Hydra and all in the first.

BTW, who writes the Greek mythology shit? God its good...Its like soapies for Ancient Greeks.

Square Triangle said:
Someone have a good site that can fill me in on every event and critical point of the GoW trilogy? With MLB, Battlefield and FF13 I don't see myself completely the GoW Collection before the third installment hits.

The furthest I've gotten was landing on Crono in GoW1

Shit son, you got ages (and some of the best bits) to go yet just on GOW1


Square Triangle said:
Someone have a good site that can fill me in on every event and critical point of the GoW trilogy? With MLB, Battlefield and FF13 I don't see myself completely the GoW Collection before the third installment hits.

The furthest I've gotten was landing on Crono in GoW1

Funnily enough I was just perusing the God of War wiki today. I've not checked everything but it looks like its got all the info you would need.

edit- This thread moves pretty quick :p


Square Triangle said:
Someone have a good site that can fill me in on every event and critical point of the GoW trilogy? With MLB, Battlefield and FF13 I don't see myself completely the GoW Collection before the third installment hits.

The furthest I've gotten was landing on Crono in GoW1

Frankly, I'd just play the first two games then play GOW3 after you're done with them. Despite what you may understand from GAF, you do not have to buy games you like day one. With few exceptions, they'll still be there later (possibly cheaper!). The first two are both wicked games and you'd be missing out.


Will drop pants for Sony.
Grooski said:
Pegasus was Poseidons son. He bumped uglies with Medusa and spawned a flying horse. I think at this time Poseidon was still supporting Kratos, what with the Hydra and all in the first.

BTW, who writes the Greek mythology shit? God its good...Its like soapies for Ancient Greeks.

Shit son, you got ages (and some of the best bits) to go yet just on GOW1

pretty much why the gods are so petty.
Thanks guys, I may just listen to grumble, I WILL be buying this Day 1 (especially since I wanna open my Pandora's box!) I'll work on finishing the first two.

I have CoO as well and I've been stuck in this circular room with two saw blades that have two knights and harpys. I know what to do but I enter the room with half the health I wish I could have =(
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