How do you rate Xbox Games Showcase 2024?

How do you rate Xbox Games Showcase 2024?

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It was a solid show with lots of games.

Only issues being there’s not many First Party games for this year.

So many games look years away including GoW.

Secondly it looks as though Microsoft have literally shown all their games for this generation. Lots of good and potentially very good games.

Which one was spectacular?

No Elders Scrolls, No Fallout or Halo this gen.

Great showcase, Microsofts billions of investment starting pay off finally. Doom, Fable and Flight Sim were the highlights for me, but pretty much everything they showed in the first hour was very well presented and looked decent. Polar opposite to Sony's showcase which had so much shite to pad out it's already short runtime.

The only real negative is how a lot of it was just in-game cinematic and mock gameplay, Perfect Dark reminded me of legendary fake Killzone E3 FMV demo, Microsoft must have told these studios you gotta show something after x years, so they pulled some vertical slice footage out of the bag. But even if you discount them, they had some solid looking gameplay clips for other games.

Congrats Microsoft.
Here he is, today must feel like the snap in infinity war right?

If you need to talk my pm's are always open


Rat Rage

Doom looked kinda good, Black Ops looked ok, if you like that franchise I guess... but almost everything looked bad and very similar. I think I just can't stand these overly cinematic presentations anymore.

Dr. Claus

You so clearly are buddy, it's okay to just eat crow and admit it was a great showcase. Saying it's an F is just showing everyone that nobody should take you seriously.


If you even bothered to read my statements about Sony and Nintendo prior, you would see I am critical of all the major companies because I am not mentally challenged enough to tie my entire personality around a plastic box. I just want good games and none of the three big press events so far have been good.

But looking at your post history, it is clear to see you are a massive Xbox warrior. So this will fall of deaf ears.
A, easily. Anyone disappointed is either lying to themselves or there’s simply nothing MS will ever be able to do that impresses or entertains you. Non stop games and great looking updates.

My only letdown was that State of Decay 3 had such little gameplay. But man how about South of Midnight? Looked sick. Doom by itself beats SGF and whatever that was that Sony put out.
I'm usually very stingy with votes but this was an A.

Many interesting games but i would have loved for some game to have a fucking 10 min vertical slice of uninterrupted gameplay instead of these trailer with cutscene and some brief cuts to gameplay.

The ball is in your court, sony.
The runaway leader of this gen literally doesn’t care. I guarantee it


9.2/10 showcase. Would have been perfect if they had some major surprises.

The question now is how long until the game pass price increase? They are adding at least over billions of dollars worth of content within the next couple of years.


C. Not much of Xbox’s first party announcements are releasing this year, and the limited gameplay shown looked rough for the most part, particularly Fable, Perfect Dark, Avowed, Indy, South of Midnight, and State of Decay. They all seemed to preferred showing cutscenes and probably for good reason from the snippets of gameplay we saw.

Stalker 2 looked better than its initial announcement but I still worry about a new studio’s first game.

Doom was probably the highlight.

Gears of War was a nice surprise. Glad they aren’t doing another Kait one, at least for now. Hope they don’t retcon the story in some dumb way.

I didn’t watch the CoD direct. I trust CoD is still CoD.
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Gold Member
Kind of strange that Avowed didn't get a release date. Wondering if that one might be pushed back.
I was thinking the same thing. My biggest frustration with Microsoft this gen has been them having these pretty good shows that make promises of games that are coming then they struggle to deliver. I know things happen and it's better to delay sometimes but they really need to focus on getting stuff done and out the door.



If you even bothered to read my statements about Sony and Nintendo prior, you would see I am critical of all the major companies because I am not mentally challenged enough to tie my entire personality around a plastic box. I just want good games and none of the three big press events so far have been good.

But looking at your post history, it is clear to see you are a massive Xbox warrior. So this will fall of deaf ears.
Then you are in the 1% that didn't think this was a good showcase. I am PC gamer, honestly here to bring balance to absurd number of Playstation fanboys on this site, but thanks for your personal input. I'll make sure to let that thought pass without a care, since you make it clear you are a cynic and not a critic.
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Most of the games we saw today had 2024 or 2025 release years.

Perfect Dark, Gears, plenty of others. Lots of vague 2025.

This is Xbox. We've seen how badly their studios are managed time and time again.

We also have more than a few Xbox games announced years ago that haven't been seen since their announcement.


Just got home and started watching. That expedition 33 looks dope as hell. Old school turn based rpg with modern gfx along with dark fantasy atmosphere sign me up.
Show was amazing. I never really doubted Xbox here their shows have been good at the very least lately.

Hopefully the games all turn out to be good.


Some good games (in theory) announced, Doom looks great, I'm really excited for a Gears game with the OG cast (well what's left of it I guess).

A lot of the "gameplay" videos was so heavily scripted, it might as well have been CGI cutscenes (Perfect Dark for instance). Dragon Age is dead to me officially. New AC looks better than I expected but I still probably won't buy it. Odyssey was my last one and I think I had enough of it after that. Black Flag is evergreen for me so I can always go back and play that when I need a hit.

Anyways, nice pacing, lots of game reveals, but not much for me personally. I gave it a C.


It was fine. Probably too much filler and way too much stuff without dates or open ended "2025". They have a pretty poor recent history of delivering the games they've been showing so not sure how that'll work out.


A desperation showcase, they went all out because they had too. Sony should be embarassed after their turd of a show. The show was no less than a B+ and potentially an A+. I'm curious how cheap the digital Seriex X will be. All I know is I can see myself subbing to game pass a couple times to play Indiana Jones, Perfect Dark among others, even if it's on PC.

The show gave me those late Sony PS3 vibes and turning things around. I will say Microsoft messaging is still confusing overall.

Dr. Claus

Then you are in the 1% that didn't think this was a good showcase. I am PC gamer, honestly here to bring balance to absurd number of Playstation fanboys on this site, but thanks for your personal input. I'll make sure to let that thought pass without a care, since you make it clear you are a cynic and not a critic.

Yea, I have odd opinions. There are a wide variety of genres to choose from and not all games are made for everyone. It isn't like I don't think there are any good games shown, as I have said that I am excited for: DOOM Dark Ages, Expedition 33 (Assuming no involvement from SBI/DEI Consultancy Agencies), Ages of Myth Retold, and a few others. The majority of the games shown just didn't interest me. Either because they have heavy involvement from DEI consultancy groups (Flintlock, South of Midnight), are Ubislop, look nothing like the franchises they come from, or are DLC to games I am not interested in.

I can only rate a conference based on what I got out of it and, at least for the Playstation Showcase, Summer Games Fest, and now Xbox Games Showcase - I didn't get a whole lot of things that interest me.
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