It was mixed for me.
Expedition 33 (visual direction and gameplay both)
New Perfect Dark is apparently a ME clone (I consider that a good thing

), visually pretty solid too.
South Of Midnight (Visual highlight of the show for me - even though I am not entirely sold on the stop-motion style of animations. Not sure why they decided to copy Kena gameplay elements though - was that so popular?)
Mixtape (visual/audio)
Snake Eater (framerate issues, visually uninspiring, and presumably a literal retread of originals - why is this being made again?)
Indiana Jones (I don't know what happened here - I can't find anything good to say)
Life Is Strange (I thought this would be a highlight but... no, just no...)
Nothing else stood out as memorable (or I don't remember it at all). So I guess it's a C/B, as there's more highlights than lowlights.