You're not wrong.
But like someone else said, the industry created this problem.
I would love nothing more than to go back to those old conversations, but I don't blame people for pointing out the obvious here. I used to not pay any attention to it, but it's getting ridiculous at this point. It's clear many people miss playing games as old school, bad ass, more masculine and serious characters to experience escapism without modern day, forced developer tiktok fetishes being injected. It's everywhere now and it's exhausting...and I am tired of pretending it's not.
Now it's mostly all the same old "girl boss" characters with an attitude and gen z dialogue with over the top toxic positivity in most of these new games nowadays. Feel free to disagree, I don't even care what people call me anymore, but this is what I see and I'd be lying to everyone if I said it doesn't affect the overall appeal of a game, movie, tv show, etc..
A few years ago I would have salivated at the thought of a sci-fi Naughty Dog game. Now imagine the reception of this game's reveal yesterday if the main character for Intergllactic was a character resembling Solid Snake or Nathan Drake instead of teenage Jada Pinkett Smith, voiced by David Hayter or Nolan North. But nope....we can't have that anymore. Because fuck the old target audience, we want to attract a new demographic of players. We'll see how that plays out.
I am also not blind. The old GDC keynotes from Druckmann where he was virtue signaling and mirroring Anita Sarkeesian's obsessive remarks, all the recent years of media and social media brainwashing people telling them how bad or racist men are, the totally unnecessary Sweet Baby Inc consultations and threatening influences that have infected SIE and other companies, the fake corporate lingo advocating this stuff saying they care when we all know they don't give a shit...
It's all just exhausting. So yeah, we're going to talk about it.