Since the topic of "woke" is already extended to +40 pages, maybe instead of adding to the stove, i will allow myself to focus on another issue: does this feel like a new chapter for ND and people who like the games they mentioned in the trailer?
Or is this an extension of a divisive trend started by TLoU2 in the form of a particular narrative backbone that is so inflexible by nature?
A new IP, in my opinion, works best if it draws a clear line between itself and what came before.
It's hard to judge anything based on a trailer like this, but it seems to still be built around a certain narrative, just from slightly different building blocks.
In other words, it feels like something i've already seen before, even if going to space is quite a change.
It's like, leaving planet earth behind isn't enough to get rid of what made this place so annoying, lately.
I don't know, i'm still struggling between justification for this type of choice and the awareness of forced feminist tropes (those that don't even serve women, causing negativity instead), i would like it to be a credible story about a human being, not a banner for any recent ideology, just this fucking once please.