My new PS4 + Chun-Li:
Pacific NW? Rhododendron + tons of trees is generally a dead giveaway.September was kind of an epic month, for us so much so that its going to spill over into October!
NEW HOUSE!!! [9 acres in total]
My new PS4 + Chun-Li:
Pacific NW? Rhododendron + tons of trees is generally a dead giveaway.
If so, grats, fellow rural NW pal.
Awesome barn. My wife would kill for one.
Well, in any case, awesome setup. Nothing like having your own land.It def has that feel but the house is in the North East! The barn is awesome to have (it was built in 2000) however we are converting half of it into a blacksmithing forge for me and the other half into a wood shop for my wife.
where'd you get the chun li?
i want that white ps4 but i don't even turn on my black ps4..would be a waste of money
It was some Malaysian seller on eBay. When I saw it I immediately loved it because it seemed to be done by a fan or something. Pretty sure it wasn't mass produced but I could be wrong.
Same honestly in terms of turning on my PS4. I've just been playing a lot of Hyrule Warriors on my Wii U. I know things will chance once Bloodborne comes out. Pretty much the main reason I got a PS4, Guilty Gear Xrd and The Evil Within look good too though.
Oh, and Dream Tomica Godzilla Car. It's like a little Kaiju Tumbler! 12" NECA Godzilla approves.
Oh, and Dream Tomica Godzilla Car. It's like a little Kaiju Tumbler! 12" NECA Godzilla approves.
Really digging that Godzillamobile. What the heck is it and where did it come from? I love Kaiju collectible stuff.
Looked for film Z in walmart and target today since I was in town. I don't know why I even bothered.
This just came in today. Bought it to support the developers, how I wished my Wii U was region free like my PS3 is...
First time posting in this thread, love all the sick pickups every month and love going through and seeing all the new stuff. Just got a new vehicle so the timing seemed perfect to pop my cherry. Octobers my favorite month of the year, so every just lined up well.
Super Smash Bros. (3DS) - Nice to get an early delivery!
Obligatory:Not really a "new" pickup, as I grabbed this a lil while back when I went to Japan, but I just opened it, so I figured its all good.
Not really a "new" pickup, as I grabbed this a lil while back when I went to Japan, but I just opened it, so I figured its all good.
This just came in today. Bought it to support the developers, how I wished my Wii U was region free like my PS3 is...
Maybe I shoulda gotten a JP Wii U instead of an NA one...
My new PS4 + Chun-Li:
New books
What an awesome cover. The box color makes it even cooler. Enjoy the game!
Just picked up some new headphones. Old steelseries were getting too uncomfortable, and loved the look of these Sennheisers.
Is that porn?