This has been less and less true as you yourself pointed out. Most of the co-processors listed also exist under PC, i.e TrueAudio, graphics, video encode/decode etc (general file compression is still handled in software on the 8th gen afaik). What does the 8th gen do in dedicated hardware that's left to brute force on PC at this point? Almost every single generation in a linear pattern has reduced its reliance on bespoke hardware. See PS2 - PS3 - PS4, the trend has marched towards generalized compute.
TrueAudio DSP is not a baseline feature in PCs, it only exists in certain AMD GCN GPUs and it has been deprecated in favor of compute/ray-traced audio in Polaris and beyond.
What's interesting here is that PS4 Pro/XB1X still have the TrueAudio DSP for BC reasons, despite having Polaris-based GPUs. PCs just don't have this semi-custom luxury (mixing old and new stuff).
Audio processing has been CPU-based for a long time on PCs (since the Vista that changed the audio stack) and you have so many CPU cores these days. Hardware-accelerated EAX has been abandoned and older drivers just don't work.
Video encoding/decoding exists in most PCs, but I see famous Twitch streamers saying all the time that you need either an expensive multi-core CPU for streaming or a dedicated 2nd PC (isn't that a waste of electricity?).
File decompression is handled by a dedicated Zlib ASIC in both consoles. Many current-gen games allow you to start playing almost immediately, while they decompress & install the rest of the game (if they had to tax the Jaguar CPU with decompression duties, you wouldn't be able to play, at least not in playable framerates).
Anyways my point was, clearly Jaguar has been a big bottleneck on the 8th gen, so in response to the comment about overstating the importance of the CPU in 3D rendering, that's only been true on PC where the baseline has been way above Jaguar for years, it'll be an important jump in the console space.
It depends on what your definition of a higher "CPU baseline" is.
Baseline IPC/ST? Sure.
Baseline in terms of supporting modern instruction sets?
Not really:
Ubisoft: release patch to support AMD Phenom Proccessors in Assassin's Creed: Origins
EDIT: found a fix finally alright so i'ma throw out an edit now for all you folks this solution worked on a phenom II X4 945 with a gtx 760 gpu updated to the new game ready drivers that nvidia posted via their update software specifically for no man's sky that's 372.54 for the main driver make...
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Destiny 2 PC AMD Phenom II hotfix, which will remove the SSSE3 CPU requirement, releases today, Bungie has confirmed.
Jaguar is on par with Haswell instruction set-wise (not IPC-wise, obviously).
There are lots of PC folks with old ass CPUs and Zen 2 is going to increase the baseline (not just in terms of IPC) even higher. Steam hardware stats don't lie.