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No New DC Comics Movies For “At Least 3 Years” Besides Batman and Superman Films

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I didn't realize there were so many people that only like dc for batman. Its a shame because there are so many excellent characters to read about.

Really? I see the whole "the only good DC character is Batman" thing all the time, be it on Gaf, on my fb/twitter, or even talking to some of my friends. DC has done an awful job getting people to know more about their characters. People still toss out the whole "all of DC's characters are perfect and above normal people" thing, even though that hasn't been true in a long time.
DC has just as many great charecters as Marvel but WB/DC is unwilling to give them exposure and when they do they completly fuck it up (ex: jonah hex, green lantern, steel movies). Seems like they just pick stuff at random and hand them off to some coke snorting producers to make into movies.

If you want a sample of DC greatness I suggest you watch Justice League Unlimited or read the paperbacks for the comic series called "52" really awsome stuff.


It's a shame we will never see Aquaman on big screen. The closest we came was on Entourage [and those 15 seconds were great].
Not even remotely interested in a JLA movie, I don't think i'm interested in any DC characters beides Batman and Superman, period. And I doubt I will continue to be interested in Batman after TDKR.

They make a Batman beyond movie and i will be there at fucking midnight....


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Really? I see the whole "the only good DC character is Batman" thing all the time, be it on Gaf, on my fb/twitter, or even talking to some of my friends. DC has done an awful job getting people to know more about their characters. People still toss out the whole "all of DC's characters are perfect and above normal people" thing, even though that hasn't been true in a long time.

I've dealt with the perfect characters thing, which irritates me as well, but batman being the only character worth reading about is new .


Pretty much this. WB/DC has been fucking around with their film properties since I was a little kid in the late 80s/early 90s. It's literally a miracle that Bruce Timm's DC animation and Chris Nolan's Batman movies turned out so well because everything else has been complete shit. I can kind of forgive them for making all the christopher reeve superman movies shit because it was a brand new ballgame back then but I can't forgive them for batman forever and all the other garbage they have subjected fans too over the years. Here is Kevin Smith's account of what he had to deal with when writing a script for a Superman reboot:


fucking embarassing DC deserves to fail.

I just watched that. Holy shit this Jon Peters guy is terrible. Also from wiki:
Jon Peters's involvement in producing the adaptation of the Sandman comics for Warner Brothers met with controversy. One draft script commissioned by Peters was reviewed on the Internet at Ain't It Cool News,[10] and was met with scorn. Sandman creator Neil Gaiman called the last screenplay that Warner Brothers would send him "...not only the worst Sandman script I've ever seen, but quite easily the worst script I've ever read."[11] By 2001, the project had become stranded in development hell.

In a 2005 interview, Gaiman summarized the Peters approach as follows: "But Sandman movies, they just got increasingly appalling. It was really strange. They started out hiring some really good people and you got Elliott and Rossio and Roger Avary came in and did a draft. They were all solid scripts. And then Jon Peters fired all of them and got in some people who take orders, and who wanted fistfights and all this stuff. It had no sensibility and it was just...they were horrible.
I don't think a DCU in same vein as MCU would work at the moment. There's only so many super hero movies you can pump out in a year before the audience suffers from fatigue.

I think the best way to go would be tie-in a Batman reboot into the same world as Man of Steel and then have a Batman Vs Superman film. That I would love to see.

And then possibly in that include cameos/hints for WW, GL, Flash and then spin them off into their own movie.


Basically this (From IAL). I think would reach 1 Bil no problem.


It's such a shame with DC Movies. I really think that they could really have just asked Bruce Timm/Paul Dini to adapt some of their DC animated universe story lines into several live action feature films.


DC/Warner has fucked up ton of times. Not just with Superman Returns and Green Lantern but also with Jonah Hex and Catwoman, awful awful movies. Shame about Jonah Hex, he's comic line has been consistently good and he's once chance at a live action movie is a huge turd. Anyways personally I would like to see a Birds of Prey or a Secret Six movie, not gonna happen especially with how things are at DC/Warner movies. Mean while at Marvel/Disney their making a freaking Guardians of the Galaxy and a Ant-Man movie, who would have thought of that happening just a few years ago.


It's too bad Green Lantern was terrible. They failed in every way possible, the suit (MASK) was bad, the hero was bad, the villain was bad, the plot made no sense, the pacing was off.
I could go on.

I really love DC characters, even more-so than Marvel but they suck at everything that doesn't have Nolan attached to it


Throwing in the towel so quickly, eh? Justice League could have been great.

Not for me, off the top of my head people I'd like to see in the film universe

Green Arrow with Roy Harper
Captain Marvel (as a light hearted/comedic thing)
Red Hood
Zatanna Zatara (please!!!!)
Cassandra Cain
Jade with Roy Harper
Power Girl


I don't think a DCU in same vein as MCU would work at the moment. There's only so many super hero movies you can pump out in a year before the audience suffers from fatigue.

I think the best way to go would be tie-in a Batman reboot into the same world as Man of Steel and then have a Batman Vs Superman film. That I would love to see.

And then possibly in that include cameos/hints for WW, GL, Flash and then spin them off into their own movie.


Basically this (From IAL). I think would reach 1 Bil no problem.
Great idea. I can't see a Superman film doing well alone, but this would be huge upon huge.
Throwing in the towel so quickly, eh? Justice League could have been great.


Yeah, no one not immersed in comicdom has any idea about those characters.

DC could probably get away with a standalone teen titans movie though, given the success of the animated show a while back.
Yeah, no one not immersed in comicdom has any idea about those characters.

DC could probably get away with a standalone teen titans movie though, given the success of the animated show a while back.

You are wrong.

DC are a bunch of fuck ups, sure, but warner animation gas made a lot of the DC characters surprisingly popular


After all these iffy starts for some characters, seems to me they need to do a half opposite Avengers, throw out Superman and then this reboot for Batman they are going to have to do, tie them both together in the Justice League.

They need to do what the avengers did with Bruce Banner/Hulk, create this character that even though we havent really seen in a previous film, you want more of. From there make some more films of the more well known ones and tie again for a JL2, then again, but a few more characters.


You are wrong.

DC are a bunch of fuck ups, sure, but warner animation gas made a lot of the DC characters surprisingly popular

Those movies didn't sell as well as you may think:


Sure, that is pretty good for direct to dvd animation, but I wouldn't call them surprisingly popular. Green Lantern sold 3 times as much as the better selling DCU animated movies on DVD and most people hated that movie.


After all these iffy starts for some characters, seems to me they need to do a half opposite Avengers, throw out Superman and then this reboot for Batman they are going to have to do, tie them both together in the Justice League.

They need to do what the avengers did with Bruce Banner/Hulk, create this character that even though we havent really seen in a previous film, you want more of. From there make some more films of the more well known ones and tie again for a JL2, then again, but a few more characters.
That's what I've been thinking. I'm pretty sure that folk would turn up just to see a movie with Batman and Superman together. The other characters would be a bonus. Then they could basically do the Marvel method backwards.

The only thing that makes me not 100% sure that would work is the fact that whoever ends up making the movie would have to create the "Hulk effect" with 3-5 characters, depending on the size of the League in the movie.
Every knows who Nightwing is.

Everyone? No. Comic fans? Sure. Nightwing has literally zero exposure outside of dc comics. No games, no television shows, no movies, nothing. Are there appearances in the dc animated direct to video films? Sure. But those are not mainstream by any definition, and reach a fraction of the audience that bombs like Jonah Hex do.

Iron man was considered to be a relatively unknown b tier property before IM1 blew up into a worldwide phenomenon, and Iron Man had a thousand times the exposure nightwing does right now.


Unconfirmed Member
The only 3 DC heroes at this point in time that are "well known" are Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman. You can show those characters/logos to anyone on the street and I'm sure 95% of the people could tell you who they are. After that, the drop off would be substantial. Even Green Lantern would probably be 50/50 at this point. You know how many times I heard people call him Green Hornet? After that, The Flash might be around the same success rate, but I doubt it. The people might go, "Oh yeah he's the guy that can run fast, what's his name again?". But good luck with Martian Manhunter, Hawkman/girl, Cyborg, Vixen, Aquaman, uhhh who else is even on the JL now a days?


SMH at everyone that always state that all of DC is trash except Batman properties. The reason why Batman is the only popular series is because Batman is the only property that is pushed in mainstream media. (Nolan Batman films, Batman TAS as well as numerous other TV series and direct to dvd films, popular video games such as the Batman Arkham series)

I really really recommend watching Justice League + Unlimited for anyone not well versed in the DC universe, there are a large number of great characters and personalities around. Batman is a great character, but it is an injustice to toss aside everyone else.


Aftershock LA
It's interesting, because Iron Man wasn't really ever a top tier Marvel character, but it was a master stroke that they got Robert Downey Jr to play the role of Tony Stark, and he took to it like a fish to water. Blade also worked because they perfectly cast Blade with Wesley Snipes, and the script and directing was really good. The budget was also modest, so they don't have to keep sinking these $200 million budgets into these things. Some clever directing, writing, and production staff can shave a shit ton off of the budget.

DC has some heroes worthy of film, like Green Lantern, Flash, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, etc, but their method of going about bringing those guys to the big screen has been atrocious.

How the DC origin movies have failed, while the Marvel ones have flourished are beyond me.

Green Lantern was an amazing opportunity to have an awesome "Space Cop" film, with Hal and the Corps patrolling the galaxy kicking ass and dealing with intergalactic threats, setting the stage for a potential conflict so big that the Justice League would have to be brought into the mix. It would also be a great opportunity to bring in Superman's world, as Krypton could be name dropped as a planet in a sector that one of the GL Corps failed to protect.

Wonder Woman isn't as hard to bring to the big screen either. They just need to drop all of the ridiculous tropes that surround female protagonists in film. She's basically god tier, like Superman, but she has more of a gray area of morals in comparison to Superman and Batman. A movie focusing on her could have her wrestling with that strong, aggressive Amazonian side, and her role as an Ambassador.

Even Aquaman could be turned into an awesome movie, without having to resort to dudebro "XTREME!" measures.

It's all about the strength of the casting, director, and screenwriters. Marvel took that shit seriously, and look at the results.

It's obvious that DC and Warner Bros just doesn't give a rats ass about the DC roster that isn't Batman and Superman. They barely care about Superman.

Respect the property, and get filmmakers that respect and understand the property, and maybe, just maybe, you'll get some of that sweet profit pie that Marvel has been munching on for a while now.


But good luck with Martian Manhunter, Hawkman/girl, Cyborg, Vixen, Aquaman, uhhh who else is even on the JL now a days?


Current team in the funny books. Assuming this would be the team in the movie, WB/DC has their work cut out for them. Bats and Supes are Bats and Supes. Cyborg is mostly known from the Teen Titans cartoon, so anyone who saw that probably has a favorable opinion of him. The rest, though? Green Lantern was a bomb. Flash is mostly an unknown beyond "the guy who runs fast" like you said. Wonder Woman and Aquaman are well known, but are treated as jokes by most people.

A "Justice League" would have to really knock it out to change people's perceptions of their characters.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"

Current team in the funny books. Assuming this would be the team in the movie, WB/DC has their work cut out for them. Bats and Supes are Bats and Supes. Cyborg is mostly known from the Teen Titans cartoon, so anyone who saw that probably has a favorable opinion of him. The rest, though? Green Lantern was a bomb. Flash is mostly an unknown beyond "the guy who runs fast" like you said. Wonder Woman and Aquaman are well known, but are treated as jokes by most people.

A "Justice Leasue" would have to really knock it out to change people's perceptions of their characters.

i hope they modify cyborgs costume a bit if they plan on doing a movie with him. design wise his best version has been the teen titans animated version.
Kids growing up today probably know Iron Man and Spider-Man more than Superman.

Just asked my 6 year old:

Superman vs Spidey
Ironman vs Batman
Wonder Woman vs Black Widow

Marvel won each time. All of the DC movies in his lifetime have either been too adult, or just bad...therefore he hasn't seen a single one.
Everyone? No. Comic fans? Sure. Nightwing has literally zero exposure outside of dc comics. No games, no television shows, no movies, nothing. Are there appearances in the dc animated direct to video films? Sure. But those are not mainstream by any definition, and reach a fraction of the audience that bombs like Jonah Hex do.

Nightwing does have exposure
Batman: the animated series
The batman
Teen Titans
Young Justice
Batman Arkham City
DC Universe Online
Lego Batman
Batman Brave and the Bold
Injustice:God Among US
Under the Red Hood
And has had his own roller coaster in New England
It's interesting, because Iron Man wasn't really ever a top tier Marvel character, but it was a master stroke that they got Robert Downey Jr to play the role of Tony Stark, and he took to it like a fish to water.

DC has some heroes worthy of film, like Green Lantern, Flash, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, etc, but their method of going about bringing those guys to the big screen has been atrocious.

How the DC origin movies have failed, while the Marvel ones have flourished are beyond me.

Green Lantern was an amazing opportunity to have an awesome "Space Cop" film, with Hal and the Corps patrolling the galaxy kicking ass and dealing with intergalactic threats, setting the stage for a potential conflict so big that the Justice League would have to be brought into the mix. It would also be a great opportunity to bring in Superman's world, as Krypton could be name dropped as a planet in a sector that one of the GL Corps failed to protect.

Wonder Woman isn't as hard to bring to the big screen either. They just need to drop all of the ridiculous tropes that surround female protagonists in film. She's basically god tier, like Superman, but she has more of a gray area of morals in comparison to Superman and Batman. A movie focusing on her could have her wrestling with that strong, aggressive Amazonian side, and her role as an Ambassador.

Even Aquaman could be turned into an awesome movie, without having to result to dudebro "XTREME!" measures.

It's all about the strength of the casting, director, and screenwriters. Marvel took that shit seriously, and look at the results.

It's obvious that DC and Warner Bros just doesn't give a rats ass about the DC roster that isn't Batman and Superman. They barely care about Superman.

Respect the property, and get filmmakers that respect and understand the property, and maybe, just maybe, you'll get some of that sweet profit pie that Marvel has been munching on for a while now.

Oh I totally agree with you. I had a discussion with a poster in another thread that the "marvel heroes are more realistic/relatable than DC characters" really hasn't been true since the 60s and 70s. Both companies now have a stable of well fleshed out characters with some depth to them.

However, DC has just not been as effective at promoting their B-tier as marvel has, and it shows in the movie strategy. The only JLA/Justice league that anyone knows about consists of their core properties (Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, GL, Aquaman, Flash, and Martian Manhunter) and even the latter 4 have traditionally been treated as afterthoughts by DC.

on the flip side, Marvel has brought properties like Ghost Rider, Blade, The Silver Surfer, and the Punisher to the big screen alongside their bread and butter properties like Spider Man, The X-men, and the Hulk. They gambled big time on Iron man (and the subsequent avengers strategy) when they COULD have doubled down on the properties with the highest name recognition.

DC really hasn't done this, and needs to.

Nightwing does have exposure
Batman: the animated series
The batman
Teen Titans
Young Justice
Batman Arkham City
DC Universe Online
Lego Batman
Batman Brave and the Bold
Injustice:God Among US
Under the Red Hood
And has had his own roller coaster in New England

This...isn't exposure at all. Despite the fact that he headlines literally none of these, These are all cameo and guest appearances in direct to video and saturday morning animated shows and a few videogames. What kind of ratings do you think these actually have? It's reaching the same niche audience over and over again. That is, the audience that has an interest in and pays attention to comic properties. Stop 10 random people in the street of any age 18 to 80, in any english speaking country and ask them if they know who spider man is. You'll get at LEAST 90% recognition. Ask the same random 10 who nightwing and the red hood are. You'd be lucky to get 10%. Nightwing has ZERO exposure.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Just asked my 6 year old:

Superman vs Spidey
Ironman vs Batman
Wonder Woman vs Black Widow

Marvel won each time. All of the DC movies in his lifetime have either been too adult, or just bad...therefore he hasn't seen a single one.

damn, superman lost to spidey? you need to find some dvd sets of the superman animated series dude.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Everyone? No. Comic fans? Sure. Nightwing has literally zero exposure outside of dc comics. No games, no television shows, no movies, nothing. Are there appearances in the dc animated direct to video films? Sure. But those are not mainstream by any definition, and reach a fraction of the audience that bombs like Jonah Hex do.

Iron man was considered to be a relatively unknown b tier property before IM1 blew up into a worldwide phenomenon, and Iron Man had a thousand times the exposure nightwing does right now.

He was in Batman: The Animated Series, cameo'd in Teen Titans, and now Young Justice (as an evolution of a main character from the first season.) He's getting more and more exposure lately, I would imagine YJ is pretty big and he might be the most visible character on the show now.

And has had his own roller coaster in New England

One of the best coasters at the park, actually. I only think I've enjoyed Batman more, and that's because it was floorless.


Unconfirmed Member

Current team in the funny books. Assuming this would be the team in the movie, WB/DC has their work cut out for them. Bats and Supes are Bats and Supes. Cyborg is mostly known from the Teen Titans cartoon, so anyone who saw that probably has a favorable opinion of him. The rest, though? Green Lantern was a bomb. Flash is mostly an unknown beyond "the guy who runs fast" like you said. Wonder Woman and Aquaman are well known, but are treated as jokes by most people.

A "Justice Leasue" would have to really knock it out to change people's perceptions of their characters.
I'd watch a movie with all of them. That's not a bad roster, it covers a lot of different power sets and looks. I like Manhunter a lot, but having Cyborg in his place can be like the Tony Stark techy dude. Plus, Manhunter is a lot like Superman anyways.

In my mind, I would want Man of Steel to be the "Iron Man" of DC's phase 1 and be the starting point for the JL movie. Maybe you don't even need any other movies beyond Superman before launching right into a JL movie? Start the JL movie with that roster and explain on the way that Earth has other heroes beyond Superman and they have to stop Darkseid or something. Then break off into movies of the singular characters that fans reacted to positively. Of course they'll do another Batman movie, but now that you've established a more comic booky world, you can have him fighting Mr. Freeze, or Clayface, or more of the "out there" villains and people will buy it. I would like to see the next set of Batman movies be a hybrid of the Burton and Nolan ones. I don't want to see Gotham look just like Chicago or New York, but I don't want it to be so over the top like in Burton's films either. The way it worked in Arkham City would be almost ideal for me, as were those takes on the characters.
Just asked my 6 year old:

Superman vs Spidey
Ironman vs Batman
Wonder Woman vs Black Widow

Marvel won each time. All of the DC movies in his lifetime have either been too adult, or just bad...therefore he hasn't seen a single one.

I asked my 4 year old and he said Superman would beat them all.
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