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November Wrasslin |OT| CM Punk's Countdown to RESPECT


Is this season of The Walking Dead good? The second season was such a bore to watch.

i only saw up to the middle of season 2
where that little girl they were searching for forever ended up being a walker
I cant say I have been all that interested in keeping up with the show. I wonder if i can just skip the rest of that season and go to 3.
The only thing I remember about Jericho's 2012 run is when he slipped and fell on his ass outside the ring when trying to hit Punk the liquor bottle. Great gif moment there.


formerly cjelly
The only thing I remember about Jericho's 2012 run is when he slipped and fell on his ass outside the ring when trying to hit Punk the liquor bottle. Great gif moment there.

So watching Taker vs Foley HIAC for the 957th time.

You know that they keep saying that the fall through the cage was a accident? Is thats just bullshit because to me it looks like it was planned.

Taker is standing on a different panel and he didnt even give Foley a chokeslam as much as Foley fell backward on the cage while taker kind has his hand on his neck.

It seems a little fishy. I am sure people probably had the same idea about this over the years.
So watching Taker vs Foley HIAC for the 957th time.

You know that they keep saying that the fall through the cage was a accident? Is thats just bullshit because to me it looks like it was planned.

Taker is standing on a different panel and he didnt even give Foley a chokeslam as much as Foley fell backward on the cage while taker kind has his hand on his neck.

It seems a little fishy. I am sure people probably had the same idea about this over the years.

I think it was one of those things where they weren't sure if it would break or not. They probably just made sure Taker was in a position not to fall through if it did break.

Taker worked that match with a broken foot, so that's why he probably didn't lift Foley up like normal.
Any other GAFers looking to actually becoming pro wrestlers. Ever since Aries got the title I decided to get more serious about my dream. Going to take MMA classes until the summer and then make my attempt to get into an east coast pro wrestling school. I'm in excellent shape and I should be since I have been bodybuilding for 9 years. Just wondering...

Go for it man. I'm enjoying being involved with a couple groups in Oklahoma but I'm certainly at the low end trying to learn whatever I can. I wish I had gone for real training years ago. Just go for it. Feel free to hit me up sometime if you have any questions.


So watching Taker vs Foley HIAC for the 957th time.

You know that they keep saying that the fall through the cage was a accident? Is thats just bullshit because to me it looks like it was planned.

Taker is standing on a different panel and he didnt even give Foley a chokeslam as much as Foley fell backward on the cage while taker kind has his hand on his neck.

It seems a little fishy. I am sure people probably had the same idea about this over the years.

That was an accident? I could have sworn I saw that panel held together with zipties instead of steel ties they normally used. I need to go back and rewatch it. Again.
That was an accident? I could have sworn I saw that panel held together with zipties instead of steel ties they normally used. I need to go back and rewatch it. Again.

Everyone even Foley himself swears he wasn't supposed to fall through the cage. This is sort of evidenced by everyone going apeshit running in the ring, whereas no one came out for a few minutes after he got thrown off the cell.

EDIT: In fact, going back and looking at it, when they position themselves for the first spot, the corner of a panel rips and Taker's foot goes through it. Foley had to hold him to keep him from going through. That definitely wasn't planned.


more money than God
Curt Hennig never got his just due in WWE. I marked out when he returned in the 2002 RR, but all he did was job after that (although, he did also job to Kane), but it's a shame that a guy with natural charisma and wrestling ability couldn't get more love. Unfortunately, his drug addiction probably kept him out of a bigger run.
It probably didnt help Mr Perfect that he was always out of WWF when it was most popular.

He was in the WWF in the early 80's for a bit but left/let go just before the Hogan era and he worked in the AWA before returning in the late 80's and during the attitude era spike he was in WCW getting paid a lot to do very little until they closed down and he popped up in WWF again for a bit.
You know who doesn't get enough credit? Mr. Perfect.

He did Playa. But back then IC, US titles had the same meaning/effect as the Heavyweight champ title. Well almost. But high tier wrestlers did battle for those titles too.. Maybe not the long run he shoulda had but Zig Zags is keeping up with the Perfect character


more money than God
He did Playa. But back then IC, US titles had the same meaning/effect as the Heavyweight champ title. Well almost. But high tier wrestlers did battle for those titles too.. Maybe not the long run he shoulda had but Zig Zags is keeping up with the Perfect character
I don't know. I also never thought they treated him with much respect during most of his WCW run. He was just there. He would be included in angles, but never really allowed to do much in them.

It probably didnt help Mr Perfect that he was always out of WWF when it was most popular.

He was in the WWF for a but but left/let go just before the Hogan era and he worked in the AWA before returning in the late 80's and during the attitude era spike he was in WCW getting paid a lot to do very little until they closed down and he popped up in WWF again for a bit.
That actually does make sense. His WCW run was lackluster, certainly.
Perfect was well used in wwe. in WCW he was jsut part of the NWO as far as i remember. the only note worth thing was perfectplexing the big show. He he was a great IC champ
Curt Hennig never got his just due in WWE. I marked out when he returned in the 2002 RR, but all he did was job after that (although, he did also job to Kane), but it's a shame that a guy with natural charisma and wrestling ability couldn't get more love. Unfortunately, his drug addiction probably kept him out of a bigger run.

Yeah, that was a gigantic head-scratcher as to why they brought Mr. Perfect back to be a total scrub when he was one of the final three guys in the Rumble that year with HHH and Angle.

I think they originally had him pencilled in to feud with Austin but when the nWo thing started, they dropped it and just had nothing for him to do.
So watching Taker vs Foley HIAC for the 957th time.

You know that they keep saying that the fall through the cage was a accident? Is thats just bullshit because to me it looks like it was planned.

Taker is standing on a different panel and he didnt even give Foley a chokeslam as much as Foley fell backward on the cage while taker kind has his hand on his neck.

It seems a little fishy. I am sure people probably had the same idea about this over the years.

Check this out:


I love "OTR".
Yeah, that was a gigantic head-scratcher as to why they brought Mr. Perfect back to be a total scrub when he was one of the final three guys in the Rumble that year with HHH and Angle.

I think they originally had him pencilled in to feud with Austin but when the nWo thing started, they dropped it and just had nothing for him to do.
Fuck, a Hennig/Austin match would've been so damn good.
lol Taker got so uncomfortable when Landsberg asked Taker if Foley's first bump was "scripted and planned".

Fuck, a Hennig/Austin match would've been so damn good.

They actually had a match on Raw before WMX8 but it was total filler crap. Austin won in about four minutes, making Hennig look like a total jobber. Then the nWo came out and did that brick smashing gimmick on Austin's leg.
Holy shit at this picture.

I still can't believe we ever had inferno matches.

Why its a really safe match. I always laugh during that match when you can clearly see the operator at the controls making the flames go up and camera guy keeps pointing towards him. TLC matches are much more dangerous. Time Bomb matches are where you start questioning peoples decisions. I know lets put a bomb in the ring and let it blow up.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Did Owen and Perfect ever team up?
That'd be my dreeeeaaaam. I know on commentary Vince said to Perfect that he reminded him of Perfect, and Perfect was something like 'I guess. The good looks?' 'No, the ego.'


WCW Souled Out 2000 1/16/2000.


This card was pretty devastated by injuries to Jeff Jarrett and Bret Hart, which shook the card up pretty dramatically the night of the show. Bret was scheduled to face Sid, but his injury suffered by an errant Goldberg kick at Starrcade caused a concussion (and post-concussion syndrome and a torn neck muscle). It was what ended Bret's career. Jarrett also suffered a concussion on the Nitro before the PPV, so his matches with Chris Benoit were also called off. The decision was made to put Sid and Chris Benoit in the main event for the WCW Championship. For some reason, this made them decide to call off the Filthy Animals/Revolution 6 man tag and book Kidman against the Revolution in the Triple Threat Theater match that Jarrett and Benoit were scheduled for. In addition, David Flair vs Vampiro was changed to a triple threat with with Crowbar, because David Flair and Crowbar fight a lot. It took nearly 7 minutes to get through all this and the show run down.

Billy Kidman vs Dean Malenko in a Catch-As-Catch-Can match. This was originally to be a Dungeon match, which was to be a normal match with no ropes and any man going to the floor would lose. So they changed the name, had the same rules, and didn't take the ropes off. Starts off with some sweet chain wrestling, until Dean bails to the floor, seemingly forgetting the rules of the match. The announcers call the match as over, but there is some confusion with Dean and the ref before it is called. Kidman wins. A solid 3 minute match. Fitting that this was Dean's final WCW match. Kidman actually looked more pissed than Dean, for some reason.

David Flair vs Vampiro vs Crowbar. They show two video packages, because they messed up the timing of the first one. In a backstage interview with Scott Hudson, Vampiro is interrupted by Masahiro Chono. Then they argue. Gene hits on Daffney during their interview. Vampiro's taunt is really weird. He just stands and act like he's being electrocuted or something. He's pretty easily taking on both guys. It was pretty much a straight up squash before Crowbar got things turns around. Mind you, David and Crowbar are the tag team champions. This is basically the same match that happened on Thunder. Same spots, just officially a triple threat instead of tag match. Vamp tried the "you can't powerbomb Kidman" spot, but fucked it up, then got pissed he messed it up so he hit a gross backdrop driver on David and really high angle urinagi on Crowbar. Like, dangerous. Both moves. David and Crowbar fight over pins. Vamp eventually hits David with the Nail in the Coffin for the win.

TO THE BACK. Buff arrives. Sweet leather fanny pack, but maybe that asshole could show up to the PPV on time? Mean Gene interviews the Mamalukes.

The Mamalukes vs The Harris Brothers. This isn't bad, at least not like you'd imagine such a match to be, but it is boring as fuck. JTB is the FIP for the match. I don't know why The Mamalukes are wrestling the entire match like faces. Boring chants and everything. Disco tried to cost Vito the match, but accidentally got him the win. I've always wondered what the Harris boys had on McMahon, Russo, and Jarrett to keep continually getting pushes for a decade in WWE, WCW, and TNA. Certainly wasn't on their talent or great look.

TO THE BACK. Madusa and Spice cry like YAKs.

Madusa vs Oklahoma for the Cruiserweight Championship. Oklahoma comes out in a singlet and wearing the title that he stole from Madusa. Madusa came out wearing a Bengals jersey of a player who no longer played for the team, as pointed out by Tony pretty immediately. This is pretty bad. Oklahoma is actually a way better wrestler than Madusa. All that time with Dr. Death payed off. Asya and Spice team up on Oklahoma on the floor. The ref watches and does nothing. Oklahoma grabs Madusa's ass or something, which leads to a roll up and NEW CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPION! Then the girls pour BBQ sauce down Okie's singlet. A great day for that title.

TO THE BACK. Brian Knobs, the new Harcore Champ, is interviewed by Mean Gene. He gives credit to Fit Finlay, but he is going to beat him into a coma tonight anyway.

Meng vs Norman Smiley vs Finlay vs Brian Knobs Four The Hardway match for the Hardcore Championship. Norman is in riot gear tonight. This was your normal WCW Hardcore match. It was a lot of Meng no selling a weapon shot to the head and stiffly punching someone. Finlay did put the riot gear helmet on and headbutted Norman. Smiley climbed to the second rope with the night stick, but was drilled with the riot shield on the way down, giving Knobs the win. Title retained.

Billy Kidman vs Saturn Bunkhouse Brawl. Hopefully this lasts a little longer than the match with Dean. Saturn hit a spring board clothesline with Kidman sitting on the ropes, and they both fell hard to the floor. They talk more about Benoit vs Sid than the match at hand. Also, a lot of references to Bobby's drinking habit. No mention of the past relationship between Saturn and Kidman in the Flock. Saturn's top rope elbow is so much better than Punk's. SATURN POWERBOMBED KIDMAN! Of the falling variety. It led to a Kidman comeback, hitting his tornado bulldog and short powerbomb, only for Saturn to belly to belly him over the top through a table on the floor. Pretty gross. Looked like Kidman's head clipped the apron on the way down, too. Doesn't get a win, though. Saturn did some hot dogging before climbing to the top. Kidman jumped up with him. I think the idea was to do the Don't Powerbomb Kidman spot off the top, but Saturn slipped and it ended up as a back drop. Then Saturn tried to powerbomb Kidman again, which was reversed, giving Kidman his second win in the Triple Threat Series. A lot better than 2 minutes of the Dean match.

TO THE HOOD. Recap of Stevie Ray revisiting the HOOD. He doesn't forget where he came from. For some reason, Stevie Ray thinks it is terrible that Book would want to forget living in the ghetto. Mind you, while he's giving shit to Book for turning his back on the hood (which included dressing nice on Nitro), he was wearing an expensive leather jacket, dress slacks, and a nice gold chain. Mean Gene gets a pre match interview with Stevie. That beating he's going to lay on Book is going to hurt Booker a lot more than it is going to hurt him.

Booker T. vs Stevie Ray. Booker is out with Midnight. Booker's outfit is...odd. The top part of it is open all the way to his belly button. So it looks like strange red pleather overalls. It just looks really goofy. No flames. All red. Book sends Midnight to the back. Booker is in control for the first few minutes, until Stevie hits a lariatoooo that is sold with the Jannetty/Kishi flip bump. I was always shocked at how much better Booker was. The gulf in talent between those two is pretty immense. By this point in the show, Tony and Mike are getting really annoyed with Brain's drunkenness, so they're all getting pretty snippy with each other. Stevie Ray spit while he had Book in a never ending headlock, and then they did a camera angle from the floor where you could see the spit that landed on the rope. Totally artistic. Attempted slapjack was countered, Book hit the side kick, ax kick, SPINAROONIE, Book End!. AHMED JOHNSON?!?! WELL I'LL BE A SON OF A BITCH! I KNOW WHO THAT IS! Hilariously fat and out of shape Ahmed Johnson comes out to attack Book. A Slapjack and Pearl River Plunge lay Book out. Midnight came out, but never got in the ring to help Book. BIG T! He says Book threw it all away for a FISH! Kind of. He was so blown up from running to the ring and hitting the PRP that it came out even more garbbled than your normal Ahmed Johnson promo.

TO THE BACK. Mean Gene's guest is Sid. Sid and Benoit good, close friends, it seems. I wasn't aware of that. You know, when Sid isn't talking in crazy Sid voice, he seems like he'd be a really sweet guy. Recap of Tank and Huckleberry Flynn's differences over the past few weeks.

Jerry Flynn vs Tank Abbott. SHOOT FIGHT RULES. This was supposed to be in The Block, which is the WCW Boiler Room Brawl knock off. No explaination of why this is in the ring. Sweet powerbomb out of an arm bar from Tank. Tank gets the win in under 2 minutes after the KO punch to the back of the head while Jerry was on his knees. Except he missed the first time, so he had to do it again. Awkward "two martial arts guys who are wrestlers pretending to be MMA guys having an MMA fight" match. Too short to be anything, though.

Recap of Buff, Kim, and DDP's issues.

DDP vs Buff Bagwell in a Last Man Standing match. Buff's music plays, but it sounds like another song is playing at the same time. Never. Not in WCW. Buff is serious. No hat, no strut. Just the stuff. They fight into the hockey area of the arena, and then back to ringside. DDP is doing some Cena levels of calling spots in the ring. You hear him like 5 spots in a row. Now they're fighting at the .com play by play guys. MARK MADDEN! Both men take the monitors off the table and throw them at each other. They were unplugged and off, though. And then DDP breaks a keyboard over Buff's back, but it sure sounded like Tony called it a "T barn" the first time I heard it. I had to replay it before I heard "keyboard". Buff climbs the WCW.Com set and drops an elbow, putting Page through the announcer's table they have. The ref is nowhere around to count Page out, though. And the announcers wonder where he is and why he isn't counting. They brawl back to the ring, where DDP gets back in the match. Ring post crotching. DDP has a huge cut from his arm pit to shoulder blade. Crowd is pretty solidly behind DDP. Buff hits a VADER BOMB and the ref starts a count for the first time in the match, even though DDP was for sure down over 10 seconds after the table bump. Slick Johnson's animated counting is hilarious. I think we have four 9 counts in a row. Buff hits his DDT, Shelton's t-bone, and a Blockbuster. DDP somehow gets up. He takes his boot off where he was hiding the police baton and lays a few shots in. DDP again gets up at 9, staggers into Buff and hits a Diamond Cutter. Buff gets up before 10 anyway and wins the match. He was supposed to have held on to the ropes to block the move, which the announcers called after the fact, but he didn't really, so it just looked like he got up from a Diamond Cutter before DDP did. Kim comes out. While Buff is looking at her, DDP grabs the baton and lays a beating on Buff. Kim looks a bit distressed, but walks away with DDP. This is shockingly good, even with the loud spot calling and ref weirdness. For sure Buff's best match ever.

Billy Kidman vs.....THE WALL in a Caged Heat (HIAC) match. The Wall was Shane Douglassssss'sssss mystery man that would have been in the 6 man match had it actually happened. So now we get Kidman vs The Wall in a Hell in a Cell match. Makes sense. Shane Douglas wore some truly awful looking shirts during this period of time. Shane tells the crowd to sit their welfare asses down. Fuck the 47%. And again does the COOOOOOOCKKKKKKKKK........roaches line. You can tell either he or Russo think that is a really clever way to call someone a dick. People give WWE shit for the meaningless HIAC matches, but WCW ran Kidman vs The Wall in one. As an attempt to make up for the lack of Benoit vs Jarrett. They go on and on about how they've never seen a cage like this, how unique it is. Apparently the 4 or 5 HIAC matches didn't count. The crowd got really excited about something, but it definitely wasn't in the ring. Kidman countered a chokeslam with a rana. Then got caught in a chokeslam in the next move anyway. A 5 minute classic CAGED HEAT match.

Terry Funk vs Kevin Nash. Kevin Nash wins, he is the new commissioner of WCW. If Funk wins, the nWo disbands. Loud boos for Terry Funk. That's kind of weird. Only Terry Funk could make Nash look young and spry again. Within 3 minutes, Nash has powerbombed Funk through the announce table. Now Nash is going to do his own commentary, Lawler style. He tells Funk that if he can make it back into the ring, he can keep his commissionership. Funk gets back in the ring. "I'm a lyin' son of a bitch!" to a huge pop. Funk is bleeding. Nash tries to clothesline him over the top, but ends up having to muscle him over. But Funk held on to the bottom rope, wrapped his knees around the top rope, stayed there frozen upside down for a few seconds, and then dropped straight on his head. It was weird. Nash is hitting Funk with a chair in the back a few times and an "IN THE FACE" chant starts up. Funk makes a comeback with some chair shots and a DDT, but the fans are booing it. They are not into Funk at all. There are two chairs sitting opened with a flat chair bridged in between them. And Nash powerbombs Funk onto/through them. It was gross. Kevin Nash is the new commissioner of WCW. Funk's reign lasted all of 13 days.

TO THE BACK. Chris Benoit is doing Hindu squats. Sid is talking to himself. Arn Anderson will still be the special referee. He should have been there for Funk. Kevin Nash is going to kill the company.

Chris Benoit vs Sid for the WCW Heavyweight Championship Belt. Arn Anderson is the referee. According to Michael Buffer, Benoit is the master of the crippler. Jesus Christ, these intros won't end. It's nice that they are making the title and match seem like a huge deal, but fuck, wrap that shit up, Buffer. DA BOYS IN DA BACK are now out at the ramp, watching the match. Well, 4 minutes of Sid vs Benoit did more to put over the WCW Championship than anything they had done since 1998. So far, this has been all Sid, throwing Benoit around like a kid. Until a basement drop kick gets things turned around for Benoit. Benoit puts Sid's leg between the ring post and steps and drop kicks it. Twice. Crowd seem to be more into Sid than Hardcore Holly. Snap suplex with ease. Benoit only got one German off. Benoit did a diving drop toe hold into a heel hook. Well, that was interesting. Another German suplex. Benoit heads to the top for the diving headbutt. He hits it. Sid kicks out WITH AUTHORITY! Ridiculous chokeslam only gets a two count, because Benoit's foot was under the ropes. Benoit slaps on the Crossface, Sid immediately taps, and Benoit is the NEW WCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP BELT holder. Sid's foot was under the rope, but Arn missed it. This is an unqualified good match. Not "good for a Sid match". It's a good match. It's great for a Sid match.

TO THE BACK. Mean Gene interviews the new world champion. Benoit gives Sid some respect, talks about going to Stampede and watching the Dynamite Kid. Arn congratulates Chris. Commissioner Nash says to enjoy your time while it lasts. "Well, from the litte turd to the big turd, best of luck". Chris Benoit's final moment on WCW television was calling himself a little turd.

Of course, this would be the last show that Benoit, Malenko, and Dean would be on, as they would leave the company the next day along with Eddie. This show is really WCW in a nutshell. They try to start another big nWo angle despite Bret, Scott Hall, and Scott Steiner being injured. Then they continue to let Bret wrestle despite having concussions. Their big plans to have Goldberg run through them ended DAYS after they started the angle when Goldberg fought a limo. They then plug Sid into the program, but Bret has to vacate the title the day of the show due to his injury. And Jeff Jarrett was hurt a week before the PPV. So they throw Sid against Benoit for the vacant title and give it to the guy who they had to know was leaving as soon as possible. And they let him take his buddies, who were the core of the mid card for years. You also had Madusa wrestling a writer doing a Jim Ross impersonation for the Cruiserweight Championship, Bobby Heenan clearly being drunk, Kevin Nash vs Terry Funk (in 2012!) another old out of shape WWF guy (Ahmed) being brought in...just everything bad about WCW rolled into one show. It really blows my mind that they just let the Radicalz out of their contracts. And gave Benoit the belt anyway.
How was the HHH/Taker match, anyway?
An over the top kick out fest which ramps the stupidity up so high it truly has to be seen to be believed, only good for a one time watch I imagine and even then it's not really good, it's just a showy spectacle of big moves.

The RC helicopter mission in Vice City is some bullshit.

That was in a construction site right? at least you could rotor blade peoples faces off.


So not worth it
That thing's just too hard to control though. Wish Rockstar would spend more time on fixing their controls, all their games are so much fun but are so shitty to play heh.

Just ordered Persona 4 Golden though, I'm well excited, hope it arrives next week.
I managed to go without cheats in VC up until the mission where you had to fill some chaos meter by blowing shit up or something, at that point I called in the tank.


I think it was easier on a ps2 controller, but it's impossible on this kb+m, and it's way too weak. I'm pretty sure I had to use cheat codes when I played it on ps2.

I'm with you 110%, brother. I had to go to GTA fan forums, upload my save and have someone beat the mission for my. The RC missions in GTA are complete dog-shit that have never been properly tuned for each platform individuality.

I was going to do a playthrough on YouTube of every GTA game on PC leading up to GTAV but then I remembered I'd never be able to finish VC/SA (can't remember if 3 had them too) then.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I'm with you 110%, brother. I had to go to GTA fan forums, upload my save and have someone beat the mission for my. The RC missions in GTA are complete dog-shit that have never been properly tuned for each platform individuality.

I was going to do a playthrough of every GTA game on PC leading up to GTAV but then I remembered I'd never be able to finish VC/SA (can't remember if 3 had them too) them.

All flying missions in GTA games are pretty shit. It was a little better in 4 though.

3 is just balls hard in general. The last mission is the only moment in a game to cause me to throw a controller.
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