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Oculus Rift Launch Thread: Ballpark 2016

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It is really infuriating, especially since it seems that my Vive order that I put on the 12th of April (after getting my 38min preorder of the Oculus pushed back to June) seems to have entered the pre-processing stage. In the end it looks like that I will end up with a Vive cause of Oculus' handling of everything. Their loss I guess...

Rift launched a week earlier and as a Kickstarter I fully expected to have mine by now. Instead I've had my vive for a week. I don't even think I'll open my rift, will just sell it on. The focus on comfort and ease of use seems really good though (vive still feels like a beta bit of hardware) so I'm confident the best parts of both will make gen 2 headsets amazing
It is really infuriating, especially since it seems that my Vive order that I put on the 12th of April (after getting my 38min preorder of the Oculus pushed back to June) seems to have entered the pre-processing stage. In the end it looks like that I will end up with a Vive cause of Oculus' handling of everything. Their loss I guess...

Same. My Vive is, by all accounts, going to be in my hands within the week. The Rift that I ordered literal minutes after the site opened is still a month away at best.

I don't think I'm going to give Oculus another shot ever again if I'm honest. This entire process has been absolutely pathetic. The fact that they didn't manufacture enough to cover all preorders the day they launched is laughable at best.
Rift launched a week earlier and as a Kickstarter I fully expected to have mine by now. Instead I've had my vive for a week. I don't even think I'll open my rift, will just sell it on. The focus on comfort and ease of use seems really good though (vive still feels like a beta bit of hardware) so I'm confident the best parts of both will make gen 2 headsets amazing

Yeah, the worse part is that I really think that I would prefer having the Rift over the Vive as it stands right now, due to confort and the fact that I primarily want it for DCS and Elite. But you know what, fuck the wait. If the Vive comes before, the Vive it is.


If your not playing Windlands your missing out! It's a fantastic experience in VR
So I've messed around with Windlands a little bit but what is the objective in the game? I'm probably missing it but it doesn't feel like there's actually anything to do besides just swing around.
I will still hold onto my Rift preorder, that I will get in July (...) because of Touch. Seems Touch will allow some games that wont be possible with a Vive controller while vice versa it wont be a problem.

The thing is, that Oculus really sucks at PR right now. The launch is 1 month ago now and when did we get clarification about the issues? 2 weeks ago.
Palmer acts kinda hostile to the community, a lot of Oculus fans on reddit changed to Vive.
Some indie devs getting rejected.
Oculus Home is barren, while Steam gets new VR content daily.

Its quite strange to see. I mean Oculus Share was great. There were so many great projects on it and what did Oculus Home get? 3 "games", 2 which are experiences rather than games. Things like The Town of Light, The Visitor, Amigdala, Descent, Collider 2, Poly Runner etc. arent even on Oculus Home, but on Steam.

They want people to use Home for VR, but right now they dont give any incentive for people to use it besides exclusive games. And seriously. Home is missing features, that they can implement in one day...


Neo Member
So I've messed around with Windlands a little bit but what is the objective in the game? I'm probably missing it but it doesn't feel like there's actually anything to do besides just swing around.

You have to collect the three crystals to unlock the next area (kind of like the stars in mario) and then optionally you can collect the tablets located throughout the worlds. I don't think the tablets unlock anything, they are just there to collect.
Anyone have the name that shows up on a credit card in North America? I want to call my CC company back to make sure they are still going to let the Oculus charge through but the previous declined order has disappeared and I don't recall the name on the actual charge.


My CC transaction description looks like this:

oculus.com, CA 940250000 US

Changed the 10 character alpha-numeric to Xs since I'm not sure if it is actually self-identifying.
Yes! Oculus just pulled money from my PayPal account and sent me an email that my order is being processed and will be shipped soon. The order page hasn't been updated yet though.

I'm in Norway, and the estimated ship date was 5/2/2016 - 5/12/2016.

It'll be interesting to see how long it takes for the shipment to arrive. These things can vary a lot when shipped from outside the country. I could have it by Friday, or I might have to wait until next week. Either way, things are looking up. :)


Uh, what. My estimated ship date was 5/16/2016 - 5/26/2016 and they just processed mine :eek: . Nice surprise that.

Also, I'm in Finland for anyone interested.


Alright, back with more of those impressions:

So far, Lucky's Tale is easily the best thing I've experienced with the Rift. It looks great and plays well. It's all around enjoyable to be in that world. I find myself making silly faces at Lucky when he's looking back at me. It's weird but proves to me that I'm enjoying it. I'm going to have to give a big WTF to IGN for giving it a 6/10. I can't agree with that score at all. I even like how they do time trials which is something I'm rarely into.

I tried the intro training and two matches of Eve:Valkyrie. It's a little awkward for me because I have a standing desk and play all my games standing. I need to reconfigure things so that I can pull up a chair without the camera being blocked by the desk. It's a bit of a mixed bag visually. Some things look fine, but anything off in the distance looks like a blurry blob. The combat isn't immediately satisfying, but that could be my inexperience. I was getting a bit woozy after the two matches. The menus take a bit of getting used to, but I actually like how they work. Without people to squad up with, I likely won't give it too much of my time.

Henry was a fine little short although it could have looked a little crisper. Maybe the Rift just really lends well to the bright stark colors in Lucky's Tale. This looks a bit flat in comparison.

The Unreal 4 Showdown demo was neat and looked rather good. I wish E:V looked more like Showdown. I don't like the whole "let's have something get directly in your face" gimmick though.

I tried playing Rocket League in Virtual Desktop. It's fun and works well, but it definitely feels gimmicky. I used the home theater screen at the time, but I'm thinking a closer, curved screen might be better. I'll play around with it more when I have the time.

I tried a couple 360 videos. One was streaming and looked like complete garbage. I'm guessing the other one was 720p or lower and while it looked better, it was still pretty rough. Anything lower than Full HD will probably not be worth even trying to watch.

The headset is comfortable. I really like the built in headphones. It's incredibly easy to get on and off without smudging everything up (unlike the damn DK1). I've noticed the god rays occasionally, but it has never been a real issue.

With how much I've enjoyed Lucky's Tale, I think I'll be getting Chronos after I'm done then picking up Edge of Nowhere in June. I may be the odd one out, but I'm more excited about third person games rather than first. If people continue to be interested in discussing things, I'll be back eventually with some more impressions.


Uh, what. My estimated ship date was 5/16/2016 - 5/26/2016 and they just processed mine :eek: . Nice surprise that.

Also, I'm in Finland for anyone interested.

Cool, seems like EU has jumped ahead on times and estimates, I hope they get back to US later in the evening because I'm just less than 10 seconds away now.
With how much I've enjoyed Lucky's Tale, I think I'll be getting Chronos after I'm done then picking up Edge of Nowhere in June. I may be the odd one out, but I'm more excited about third person games rather than first.

I'm with you. It's easy to assume that VR is best for first-person experiences if you've never really tried anything else (or VR in the first place), but third-person is in many ways better. While I don't know all that much about Edge of Nowhere beyond the basic camera and controls and the setting, it's one of the games I'm most excited about this year. Really looking forward to giving it a try when it comes out.


I have quite a decision to make when I get both the Vive and Rift. I only intended to get the Rift and have bought a couple things on Home already but apparently I didn't cancel my Vive like I thought I did. It should be coming soon since I got pre order authorization email. I didn't want to spend the extra money for Vive, and the Rift looks more comfortable but I'm sure when I have the Vive in my hands the extra money spent will seem a lot easier to swallow and worth it. I will have to pit them both against each other and decide which one to sell since I'm not comfortable with the expense for keeping both of them. Anyway excited to try both now!


I have quite a decision to make when I get both the Vive and Rift. I only intended to get the Rift and have bought a couple things on Home already but apparently I didn't cancel my Vive like I thought I did and it should be coming soon since I got pre order authorization email. I didn't want to spend the extra money for Vive, and the Rift looks more comfortable but I'm sure when I have the Vive in my hands the extra money spent will seem a lot easier to swallow and worth it. I will have to pit them both against each other and decide which one to sell since I'm not comfortable with the expense for keeping both of them. Anyway excited to try both now!

You'll have to let us know what you decide! I think it all comes down to what you want out of the headset. I was able to demo the Vive at a Microsoft store. I would love to have something like Tilt Brush when Touch is released though. That was the most impressive part of the Vive demo in my opinion. Space Pirate Trainer was OK, but it wasn't something that would draw me back in over and over. I'm still glad I went for the Rift for its comfort and convenience. I also don't have much room to work with in my apartment right now. In the long run, I'd like to have both.


Neo Member
My cousin gets his rift today. I'm suppossed to be getting mine in the first half of may. I'm really excited to try my cousins rift first and my only vr experience so far has been through the gear vr. Are game purchases tied to your oculus account? I already know that the games I purchased on my gear vr wont show up as bought on cv1. I wanted to buy chronos and elite dangerous and try it on my cousins rift using my account and then continue to own those games when my rift comes in a couple weeks. Would I be able to do something like that?


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
Ok, so initial impressions:

So far I've played bits of Lucky's Tail, Chronos, Pinball FX2 VR and Farlands. Also watched all the Dreamdeck stuff, Henry and Lost.

Looks like I used it for almost 3 hours straight, I didn't realize it was that long so obviously comfort is fine. It took me a couple of tries to get the fit right so that most of the weight was on the back of my head and once I got it was pretty comfortable. Still presses on the very tops of my cheeks but it's not too bad.

My previous experience with VR is the GearVR and the Rift is clearly much better. Positional tracking makes a huge difference. Some of the demos and stuff like Lucky's Tail is amazing when you can get in really close to things. Makes them feel like toys come to life.

The screendoor effect is definitely still there but it's not QUITE as bad as the Gear. I was hoping it would be mostly gone but I can still see it most of the time however once I get into a game you kind of forget about it.

The headphones are really quite good and I'm very glad it's integrated into the headset.

The only issue I have really is the nose gap, it's much worse than I was expecting. For long stretches I don't notice it at all but then occasionally it'll creep into my peripheral vision and it distracts from the immersion because I see snippets of my desk and monitor. It's actually worse with standing experiences because my monitor is below me and bright so it's visible a lot.

Game impressions:

Lucky's Tail - Only played for about 10 minutes but looks amazing. Like I said earlier it's like you're inside this cartoon toy world. Being able to look under and around objects is a game changer.

Pinball FX2 - I got very immersed in this actually. After a while it feels like you're actually playing a real table and you forget it's VR. The sound design helps a lot with this, it's extremely well done.

Chronos - Kind of got stuck not too far into the game but what I played was awesome. At one point you step outside and it's raining and it just felt very immersive. Can't wait to keep playing this.

Farlands - Very cute and the graphics are nice. It's nice being able to walk around a little bit on the planet, great sense of presence.

Next up is Elite Dangerous and Eve Valkyrie.

Nice impressions. Thanks.


Neo Member
I have quite a decision to make when I get both the Vive and Rift. I only intended to get the Rift and have bought a couple things on Home already but apparently I didn't cancel my Vive like I thought I did. It should be coming soon since I got pre order authorization email. I didn't want to spend the extra money for Vive, and the Rift looks more comfortable but I'm sure when I have the Vive in my hands the extra money spent will seem a lot easier to swallow and worth it. I will have to pit them both against each other and decide which one to sell since I'm not comfortable with the expense for keeping both of them. Anyway excited to try both now!

If you can stomach the hit to your wallet for a while, I think it'd be awesome to have both headsets until the Touch controllers release (and if Touch has its own horrific production problems). Once Touch comes out I don't think there's much the Vive will offer that the Rift won't do as good or better, but waiting <calc_error, releasedate.Touch not defined> months for Touch is really rough when everyone is going nuts for the motion controlled games that are already out.


Rift launched a week earlier and as a Kickstarter I fully expected to have mine by now. Instead I've had my vive for a week. I don't even think I'll open my rift, will just sell it on. The focus on comfort and ease of use seems really good though (vive still feels like a beta bit of hardware) so I'm confident the best parts of both will make gen 2 headsets amazing

Going by comparisons I've read you might be better off keeping the Rift instead. Whilst it has a worse 'god ray' effect I've heard that the display is of better quality, and ATW makes things A LOT smoother. Once the Touch controllers are released the Rift is going to be the best all round system out of the two.

The only two things that the Vive has over the Rift is a slightly smaller 'god rays' effect and motion controller support.

ATW is a huge difference between the two though, particularly if you're going to be playing something like Elite Dangerous or any other game that's going to need high specs to run. Although perhaps given a bit of time and work Valve's reprojection may be able to catch up with it.


The Climb releases on Thursday, along with a game called Fated: The Silent Oath.

Oh shit, didn't realize Fated was coming out so soon. It had a pretty huge booth at PAX East last weekend. I heard they were blowing fans on people and crap.

Seems really cool.


My cousin gets his rift today. I'm suppossed to be getting mine in the first half of may. I'm really excited to try my cousins rift first and my only vr experience so far has been through the gear vr. Are game purchases tied to your oculus account? I already know that the games I purchased on my gear vr wont show up as bought on cv1. I wanted to buy chronos and elite dangerous and try it on my cousins rift using my account and then continue to own those games when my rift comes in a couple weeks. Would I be able to do something like that?

I would assume so. Does anyone here have Home installed in two locations that can provide an answer?

The Climb releases on Thursday, along with a game called Fated: The Silent Oath.

I didn't even know about Fated. Looks like it could be super cool.
It is really infuriating, especially since it seems that my Vive order that I put on the 12th of April (after getting my 38min preorder of the Oculus pushed back to June) seems to have entered the pre-processing stage. In the end it looks like that I will end up with a Vive cause of Oculus' handling of everything. Their loss I guess...

My order got delayed from May to June...

If I order a Vive today will I likely get it before June? I might do it if so, but I still have a space issue to deal with.


If you can stomach the hit to your wallet for a while, I think it'd be awesome to have both headsets until the Touch controllers release (and if Touch has its own horrific production problems). Once Touch comes out I don't think there's much the Vive will offer that the Rift won't do as good or better, but waiting <calc_error, releasedate.Touch not defined> months for Touch is really rough when everyone is going nuts for the motion controlled games that are already out.

Yeah I'm glad I'll be able to compare the two headsets personally to see if I do find the Vive to be less comfortable spending time in and if that's enough of a noticeable difference to me. With how forward thinking Valve and HTC are on this motion tracking stuff if the Rifts touch controllers with the ability of knowing where fingers are for some things turns out to be a real game changer, I'm sure they can put out new improved controllers next year for people that are interested.


I have been charged for my Vive that I ordered just 4 days before their release date. While the headset that had all of my hype and excitement for years up until it's "launch" or really failure of a launch is still no where in sight when I preordered it just 6 and a half minutes into orders being available and also that order took place a couple months before they had to provide it unlike my Vive order. Yay.... at least I'll get to play with the Vive soon. Thanks Oculus for pushing me to get this other headset.


Both games look like they would really benefit from the Touch Controllers.

I don't really know much about Fated (it looked more like a story-based game to me from the first article I looked up), but I think The Climb is one of those games where it sounds like it would work well with motion controllers but the practical application might not pan out that well.

Maybe they will figure something out and add it when Touch releases, but just thinking about it on the design end it seems like it would be harder to accommodate than it sounds. How do you handle scenes where the hands have to be extended well above the head for long periods (which I assume happens a lot in this game)? Also, I don't really know how easy it would be to account for the differences in physical reach between players.
Both games look like they would really benefit from the Touch Controllers.

There was a discussion about the Climb and how it was basically annoying to hold your hands above your head constantly or out or w/e. I mean think about climbing, you have them outstretched a majority of the time. With no actual feedback (grabbing) your hands would just be held out/up.

That would suck.


Neo Member
I would assume so. Does anyone here have Home installed in two locations that can provide an answer?

I guess I'll just try to buy something cheap off my oculus account and see if I can play my library when I'm signed in versus my cousin's library when he's signed in. Another question, I preordered my rift solo so I should be getting lucky's tale and eve valkyrie. My cousin, preordered one of those rift pc bundles because he didn't have the chops to build his own. I was helping him set up his oculus and I only saw lucky's tale for free and he didn't seem to get an eve valkyrie download code. Did they not offer eve for free for the pc/rift bundle preorders too?


Neo Member
Finally got charged for my Vive and Rift today! I've never been so happy to see charges on my CC.

Did you actually see a charge for your Rift? My Best Buy Rift shipped yesterday and UPS says it's already in my city, but I still haven't had my credit card charged.

Did they not offer eve for free for the pc/rift bundle preorders too?
I got emailed an Eve code for my Best Buy unbundled bundle the day before it shipped.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
Chronos is really good, been playing that the most so far. The sense of scale is some areas is awesome.


iOMoon is out.



iOMoon is a made for VR first person exploratory experience where you pilot a research vehicle equipped only with a flare and camera, into the heart of Jupiter's moon iO. Explore and survive while gathering photographic evidence in a fantastic world full of surprises.
Looks like US shipping estimates were bullshit for the most part.

I haven't been following activity, what do you mean? The new dates, or the original ones?

The original dates were obviously not even close. I've checked my order status and it still says the same it did when they did the update: 5/9 - 5/19. Have these been slipping?
I haven't been following activity, what do you mean? The new dates, or the original ones?

The original dates were obviously not even close. I've checked my order status and it still says the same it did when they did the update: 5/9 - 5/19. Have these been slipping?

Unless they ship a lot over the weekend. A lot of US x- 5/5 and no movement. I'm a 5/2-5/12 and a 7:32, they are barely getting through 20 seconds a week right now and are around 6:20ish.


Neo Member
Unless they ship a lot over the weekend. A lot of US x- 5/5 and no movement. I'm a 5/2-5/12 and a 7:32, they are barely getting through 20 seconds a week right now and are around 6:20ish.

The delightfully obsessive order number analyzers have shown there's likely a much denser number of orders in the 5:00 to 6:59 range. Once they get past the 7:00 mark we should see them advancing through order times much faster.

Huge margin of error, of course, but if the next few batch sizes stay the same as last week's, the next batch should be roughly 6:25 to 7:43, and the one after that would be 7:43 to 15:23.
The delightfully obsessive order number analyzers have shown there's likely a much denser number of orders in the 5:00 to 6:59 range. Once they get past the 7:00 mark we should see them advancing through order times much faster.

Huge margin of error, of course, but if the next few batch sizes stay the same as last week's, the next batch should be roughly 6:25 to 7:43, and the one after that would be 7:43 to 15:23.

I can only hope! But the lack of movement and inconsistencies really don't bode well.

I'm on that subreddit and shipping threads way more than what would be considered sane, lol


Did you actually see a charge for your Rift? My Best Buy Rift shipped yesterday and UPS says it's already in my city, but I still haven't had my credit card charged.

I got a pending charge on my CC so I'm guessing it will go through eventually.

Unboxed the Rift tonight and all I can say is WOW! This thing is a really nice piece of tech. Very refined, very easy to put on/adjust, and everything just works out of the box. SDE is minor and barely noticeable compared to a DK2, the FOV seems fine, and the Godrays are minimal.

Now to the Games. I've played Dreamdeck, Lucky's Tale and Project Cars; would have played some Elite but that is still downloading. So far the games have been really fun especially Lucky's Tale. I was actually impressed with how good Lucky's Tale really is. You can tell they've spent a lot of time building a good platformer in VR.

Now to the Software. Oculus home has been a pretty big letdown. The whole process is a little janky when I constantly have to take the headset off to make sure something is working. It was apparently downloading Elite until that somehow stopped and I had to start all the way over. When I start SteamVR Oculus home has to start for some reason and same with Virtual Desktop through Steam. I'm just not a fan with some other piece of software, which uses large amounts of CPU, being open in the background all the time. I'm sure it will be fine once everything is installed within Oculus Home but it's kind of a pain in the ass right now. Also, installing the Xbone wireless controller on Windows 7 is a nightmare and I had to find drivers on a Reddit post because Windows Update couldn't find them.

Overall I am extremely happy with the headset and game offerings they have right now. It will be nice once they get the software buttoned up or SteamVR can launch without Oculus Home open.

When you start a game your other downloads stop... Seriously Oculus what year is it? :I
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