Okay, well that was one hell of a ride. I've decided to indulge in a bit of self-centeredness and post my 10 favorite episodes, with commentary from now and from when I first watched the episode. These are in chronological order, not in the order in which I liked them. My 5 favorites in order were Dalek, The Silence in the Library 2-parter, Blink, The Empty Child 2-parter and The Unicorn and the Wasp.
1. Dalek - Series 1/ Eccelston+Rose
WanderingWind said:
I'm on the episode called "Dalek," which is the only thing I knew about Doctor Who besides the image of some curly-haired guy in a scarf...
Whoa. The Doctor just lost his shit at the Dalek. "Why don't you just die!" Again with some small moments of silliness. "I own the internet" guy, mostly.
Now: I've said it before, and now having watched all of the modern Who episodes, I'll say it again. Eccleston is my favorite Doctor. All three of them were excellent, in their own way, but Eccleston is the one actor who brought a measure of danger to the role. The acting when Eccleston showed his anger at the captured Dalek was a great bit of acting. That little bit of emotive resonance (with the help of the fantastic setting of "The End of the World") are what truly made me a fan.
2. The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances Eccleston + Rose + Jack
WanderingWind said:
Watching The Empty Child, which I guess is that Moffat dude's first episode. So far, I've noticed alot more dramatic camera work. Makes it immediately more interesting. Also, some just creepy ass visuals. That little kid is going to give me nightmares.
Now: Of course these two episodes were going to be on the list, as I imagine they are on most peoples. Fantastic. The only part that I don't like is the repetition of the "Are you my mummy." But, as I later found out, Moffat loves doing the repeating line thing. A small price to pay for quality. These two episodes were the first to really play with the camera angles as a storytelling device.
3. School Reunion - Tennant + Rose + Sarah Jane Smith
WanderingWind said:
...why do I feel insulted all the sudden. :lol
EDIT: NO K-9!!!!! Why did that just hit me like a sack of bricks? Why? Goddamn show, playing with my emotions.
"You're a good dog, K-9"

x 1,000,000
EDIT AGAIN: HURRAH! Doctor Who just made me an emotional little bitch!
Now: Truthfully, outside of the K-9 bits, I don't recall much of this episode, but clearly I loved the hell out of it when I watched it. Weird how that can happen. Still, the end was emotional for me for some reason. It' very possible I watched this show as a very young child and simply don't remember. At least my repressed memories are of the Doctor...
4. The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit Tennant + Rose
WanderingWind said:
The Ood: The Beast and his armies will rise from the pit to make war against God.
Rose: I'm sorry?
The Ood: [whacks communication sphere] Apologies. I said: I hope you enjoy your meal.
The Satan Pit was amazing. The scene where he drops down the hole is breathtaking in it's simplicity. The devil at the bottom of the pit was really well done. Now, on to this Love & Monters episode everybody is talking about.
Now: Oh, god I should have just skipped the next episode after these. Pavement blowjobs....fuck you Moaning Myrtle. Fuck you forever.
5. Army of Ghosts/Doomsday Tennant + Rose + Rickey's dumb ass
WanderingWind said:
"I'm burning up a sun, just to say goodbye."
Really good ending for the series, and brilliant send off for Rose. I'm really going to miss her character, which should be obvious since I've been ranting about her since day one. She really was amazing in this, even though she was about as smart as a phonebook.
Watching this and the episode with Sarah James really showed how cold the Doctor really is.
Doctor: "Come with me! See the universe! Have more adventures than anybody could ever have! Now, fuck off, I've got other shit to do!"
Also, I don't know who that is in the wedding dress, but she's ugly and I already hate her.
Now: Poor Donna. First impressions are everything. Fantastic send off for Rose, but one that was ruined a bit when she was brought back.
6. Human Nature/Family of Blood Tennant + Martha
WanderingWind said:
Ew. Heh. The Doctor can't fire a weapon, huh? Seems to be that he's probably killed more lifeforms than any other living thing in the universe.
Mr. Smith - "What exactly do you do? What good are you to him?"
Martha - "...lol he's lonely."
EDIT 2: Oh, fucks. Emotional scene with the watch letting him see a possible future. Aw, fuck. This is K-9 level of emotion. I shouldn't have doubted the Doctor.
EDIT 3: Oh, double fucks. Don't piss of the Doctor. He's like the living embodiment of The Monkey's Paw. He'll grant your every wish, but you won't like the result. "He imprisoned her in a mirror. Every mirror."
EDIT 4: His lover would have made a fantastic companion. "If the Doctor hadn't chosen this place on a whim, would anybody have died?" Aw, man. Low blow.
EDIT 5: Clearly, I loved these episodes. The epilogue with WW1 was fantastic. These types of episodes really played to Tennant's strengths. The director was not afraid to take off the leash and let him act. He was fantastic in these. I'd really like to see him in another movie or series. The end with the funeral was fucking amazing. Fucking amazing.
EDIT 6: On to Blink.
Now: I doubt this one is among anybody's favorites list, but I really enjoyed it. The WWI scenes stick out for me, personally. It was also interesting to peak inside the mind of the Doctor. Clearly, he wants a permanent companion.
7. Blink Tennant + Sparrow
WanderingWind said:
"You're not looking at the angel."
"Neither are you."
OH FUCK. Okay, that scene with the lightbulb scared the shit out me. Holy hell.
I want that as a gif for an avatar.
Now: Well, clearly, I loved this episode. Thanks again for the avatar, Keyser. Personally, I think they should have kept the Weeping Angels as a one-time enemy. Having them reappear and talk in series 5 really ruined the scariness they showed in this episode. There is a reason everybody loves this episode.
8. The Unicorn and the Wasp Tennant + Donna
WanderingWind said:
I think The Unicorn and the Wasp is one of my favorite episodes, ever.
Dr. - "I need something salty!"
Donna - *hands over bottle*
Dr. - "What is it?!?"
Donna - "Salt!"
Dr. "That's too salty!"
Now: The dialogue turned what could have been a very basic episode and elevated it to something really special. This was my favorite "silly" episode. Very, very fun.
9. The Silence in the Library/The Forest of the Dead Tennant + Donna
WanderingWind said:
I'm midway through Silence in the Library, and I have to say, the world they built for this one is one of the best things about Doctor Who. It's beautifully realized and absolutely science fiction-y.
Moffat loves his sound clip repetition, eh? ARE YOU MY MUMMY DONNA NOBLE?
Now: Of all the episodes, these two are the ones that have stuck in my mind the most. The alien life forms were scary as shit, and the Doctor saying "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" actually made my hair prickle just a bit. Great, great two-parter.
10. The Eleventh Hour Smith + Amy
WanderingWind said:
Well, that was not the introduction I expected.
"Can I have an apple? :lol
Gotta watch out for those trees, Doc. Well, so far this Doctor is a dick. COOK ME BACON BITCH!
Oh, I think I'm going to get along just fine with this guy. "Beans are evil!"
Now: Well, this one is sort of pointless, as I just watched this last week. But still, a great introduction to both Amy and Smith. The scenes with little Amelia waiting on him were heartbreaking. Very nice introduction to a very solid season.
Well, thanks for putting up with my questions, comments and dumb observations guys. Watching while talking to other fans really heightened the experience, IMO. Very sad to have to wait for a year plus for new episodes, but I now have 40 years of backlog to work through, so it'll be time well spent.