So no one interested in the new Dr Who game? It explains all the TARDIS controls.
Helm panel
1. Eyepiece
Doctor: If the external scanners aren't working, the Eyepiece works as an optical viewfinder, with a much more limited view than the scanners.
Amy: It's a bit like the viewfinder on a cheap camera.
2. Space/Time Throttle
Doctor: This adjusts the speed of travel through space and time, either separately or simultaneously.
Amy: Looks like a throttle on a plane. I went on a simulator once, it was brilliant. I can use this to go faster or slower.
3. Time Rotor Handbrake
Doctor: Immediately stops the TARDIS from travelling through time. Unless you're going too fast, then you'll skid for a bit. Er, apparently...
Amy: This has to be the handbrake, it looks like one anyway. Only one way to find out.
Navigation panel
1. Time and Space Forward/Back Control
Doctor: Forwards or backwards, pretty self explanatory really. I think that's what it's for, anyway.
Amy: Only moves forwards or backwards. That must be all it does. Doesn't this thing have gears?
2. Directional Pointer
Doctor: Orients the TARDIS in space, letting you turn in any direction. Yeah, when it's working of course.
Amy: This spins the TARDIS round, great - like it doesn't do enough of that! How do I know which way is up?
3. Atom Acclerator
Doctor: This provides the energy for travelling through time and space. It's supposed to be powered up before using the Space/Time Throttle.
Amy: No idea what this is, but when I turn it, I can hear something powering up. Must be important.
4. Spatial Location Input
Doctor: This enables you to choose an exact place in physical space to travel to without all that tricky steering.
Amy: A proper keyboard! If I type in where I want to go, will it take me there?
Diagnostic panel
1. Inertial Dampers
Doctor: These compensate for the speed of travel, and stop us getting thrown around. In theory, anyway. Must get them fixed...
Amy: I've seen the Doctor using these to stop things shaking around so much. But I don't think they're working too well...
2. Cooling Systems
Doctor: The engines generate a lot of heat when in use, and require a sophisticated cooling system to stop them overheating.
Amy: That looks like it keeps an eye on the engine temperature. Must stop things overheating.
3. Bunsen Burner
Doctor: Used for heating or burning test samples, in the event of the scanner being unable to identify a substance. Or for boiling water. Sometimes I just fancy a nice cup of tea and a jammy dodger.
Amy: A bunsen burner! Just like in Chemistry at school. I heated the wrong beaker, and smoked out the school for a day. It was brilliant.
4. Mic/Water Dispenser
Doctor: The microphone is for the voice recorder, and broadcasting messages. The water dispenser is for diluting samples for testing. Although if I'm being honest, the water dispenser is mainly used for filling the kettle.
Amy: Don't know what this is for, but I've seen the Doctor fill the kettle from it. Surely it can't just be for that?
Communication panel
1. Digital Com
Doctor: A device for communicating with other spacecraft, or anything with a digital transceiver.
Amy: Communications. We've had people contact us through this before.
2. Analogue Telephone
Doctor: This enables people with older forms of communication to contact me. No matter where the TARDIS is, the call will connect.
Amy: It's a telephone! Just an ordinary telephone. Well, not that ordinary - we got a call from Winston Churchill once. Yes, that Winston Churchill!
3. Voice Recorder
Doctor: A device for recording audio messages. Usually to myself, so I don't forget things. I'm almost as absent-minded as Albert Einstein. He'd forget his head if it wasn't firmly attached but that's another story...
Amy: Looks like the world's oldest dictaphone.
4. Analogue Radio Waves Detect/Monitor/Change
Doctor: For receiving and transmitting radio waves. It can also alter them without the sender realising it.
Amy: Sounds like some sort of radio thingy. You know, for such a new TARDIS, it's got a lot of old junk.
5. Scanner/Typewriter
Doctor: This examines and analyses any substance in the vicinity. It's also a very good typewriter, when it's got a fresh ribbon.
Amy: This can't just be a typewriter, I've seen the Doctor scanning stuff with it before. Looks like it needs a new ribbon too.
Fabricator panel
1. Harmonic Generator
Doctor: This creates resonant harmonics where the TARDIS is about to materialise or dematerialise, so it doesn't cause too much disturbance. And by "disturbance", I mean a massive sonic boom, and a 4-dimensional crisis. Not good, in other words.
Amy: This must be important, the Doctor always uses it before using the appeary/disappeary thingy. Everything goes a bit wobbly when it's on.
2. Materialise/Dematerialise function
Doctor: This engages the engines, and makes the TARDIS disappear and reappear. Leave the handbrake on, it makes a lovely sound.
Amy: I definitely know this - it's the one that makes the TARDIS appear and disappear. It's the last thing the Doctor uses before we start moving.
3. Time Altimeter
Doctor: It's tricky to know exactly when "now" is during time travel. This displays how fast the TARDIS is going.
Amy: This one only seems to move when we're moving through time. Must be a time speedometer or something like that.
4. Fabricated Dispenser
Doctor: The TARDIS can create devices of its own, like a new Sonic Screwdriver. It takes a lot of time and energy, though.
Amy: I saw the Doctor make a new Sonic Screwdriver out of this. I'm going to call it the Makey Uppy Thingy.
5. Heisenberg Focusing Device
Doctor: You can observe a subatomic particle's position and state, but never both at once. This device compensates for that.
Amy: Another control the Doctor seems to mess around with at random. I don't think he actually knows how to fly this thing.
Mechanical panel
1. Engine Release Lever
Doctor: When the engines are fully powered up, this engages the gears and lets them control the TARDIS.
Amy: This is the very last thing the Doctor uses before we appear or disappear. I think it's the gear, it seems to trigger the engines.
2. Door Release Lever
Doctor: Locks and unlocks the doors. I'm always forgetting and walking into them.
Amy: I've used this before, it locks and unlocks the doors. Easy.
3. TARDIS Display Dials
Doctor: From left to right, these display engine cycles per second, engine temperature, time rotor speed and exterior temperature.
Amy: Hmm, display dials. I'm going to ignore those, unless they go into the danger area, then I'll start pressing buttons.
4. Gyroscopic Stabliser
Doctor: When the Inertial Dampers aren't powerful enough, this will stabalise the TARDIS and keep it upright while travelling. Supposedly.
Amy: I think this keeps the TARDIS the right way up when we're getting flung about. We could do with a few more of them really.
5. Locking Down Mechanism
Doctor: A handbrake to stop the TARDIS travelling in physical space. Don't forget the Time handbrake too, or she'll drift off in time.
Amy: The Doctor uses this after we've stopped. There's a Time handbrake, maybe this is the normal handbrake?