McNei1y said:Luke, let me know when you wanna play. I will be gone tonight so I don't think I can play later. If there is a possibility you can be on in the next few hours, let me know. I am available between now and 8est.
LukeSmith said:Yeah, there's no way I'll be out of work during your window today. We'll dance tomorrow?
McNei1y said:Sounds good. I may be back around 12-1 EST but depends if I am drunk or not :lol
If there was a chance I can play, are you able to play around then tonight?
If not, tomorrow around the night should be good too.
his 360RROD, he's donesableholic said:somnia when do you want to play this shitty game?
sableholic said:levious when do you want to play this shitty game?
FrenchMovieTheme said:levious will be the new cowboys owner. i'm going to go boot somnia now
You're kicking the shit out of the fantasy league, btw...Somnia said:Win it Levious!
Rorschach said:You're kicking the shit out of the fantasy league, btw...
...but you got lucky against me! Why do you have so many damn Giants on your team? >:|
LukeSmith said:Yeah, there's a chance - post in the thread if you get back and aren't too loaded to beat up on me
goldlion054 said:DM
Just shoot me an IM when you are ready to play
DMczaf said:Sorry about that, my day went longer than expected. My schedule is a lot lighter tomorrow though.
goldlion054 said:Light schedule today too. Just let me know
storybook77 said:Smokey, are you going to be around later tonight?
he gawneznark said:Sanj can your boy play?
Yeah.eznark said:like from the league?
Around now? Send me a im on aimlevious said:sable, I can play anytime tonight after 7 est.
DMczaf said:GG, I knew if I punted in OT that would be game over. Neither offense could be stopped in the 2nd half
you just want more time to dance to pokerface on kinextstorybook77 said:I'm done with this game. I just can't motivate myself to play it anymore. I'm trading this abortion of a football game in.
AstroLad said:you just want more time to dance to pokerface on kinext
Not while I'm here!storybook77 said:So the Titans got Moss.......
He is in a few money leagues. The combination of people dropping/CPU and not being able to post on the forums lost his interest I guess. He is good at the game though, did more with the Bills than I would have imagined.FrenchMovieTheme said:sanjuro what happened to your friend?
i thought he was a good addition to the league!