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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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A combination of factors, like I said, from the mid 50s to the early 70s Britain enjoyed relative peace and prosperity, and for the most part governments that were both Conservative and Labour respected the welfare state and nationalized industries created by the 1945-1951 Labour government.

As with all the other Western economies, Britain experienced a particularly hard economic slump in the 1970s, and the decade was pretty much marked by industrial strife and the relations between the labor unions and the governments. In the winter of 1978-1979 a large number of labor unions went on strike in what's known as the Winter of Discontent. This made Jim Callaghan's Labour government extremely unpopular and led to a vote of no confidence and an election held in the spring of 1979, which Thatcher won.

Thatcher was so successful because of infighting between the Labour left and right in the early 80s, which debilitated the opposition from posing a major threat and led to the Conservatives election victory in 1983, and the North Sea oil, which turned around the economy and led to their second victory in 1987, and she used the cover of a strong economy to privatize much of the public sector, like utilities, industry and transportation. She had pretty much fundamentally changed Britain's economy from an industrial one to a service one, with a strong financial sector.

With this the opposition had to change as well, Labour largely gave up socialism and pursued more moderate, center left, social democracy after 1983.

Very interesting. Its strange to see the left extinguished across the Western world. I can't really think of other left wing Western nations outside of the Nordic countries.
Well during Occupy Wall Street they accused the protesters of being lazy college dropouts who didn't want to find jobs and didn't lay out clear goals for the movement, in spite of numerous occasions of Occupy Wall Street protesters laying out clear goals for the movement.

The only difference was that the Labour left had an actual leader, Tony Benn, who was a lifelong MP and was an extremely charismatic and media savvy politician. The movement actually produced results too, for example Trotskyists controlled the Liverpool City Council and had two Labour MPs, and the left wingers on the Greater London Council led by Ken Livingstone were such a threat that Thatcher completely got rid of the GLC in 1985.

I wonder what the Occupy movement would look like if they actually had a charismatic leader going on Sunday shows and doing interviews where they defended the movement, and what would happen if the movement actually elected progressives to the House or Senate.


Unconfirmed Member
Fight Poverty By Giving Poor People Money

Interesting article by Yglesias. Its all something that we already know, but the study done is interesting because it follows how the Cherokee casino windfall impacted young people. Young people in poverty who received that windfall were less likely to be involved in crime, more likely to graduate from high school and have better mental health. The earlier they received that money, the better off they would be. I think the convincing part is that there was no improvement in the youth who were middle class or above.

NPR had a very similar story about the same thing happening in places like Uganda just a few months ago.

The reason why Americans won't support such a program, as well as are against any form of helping the poor, because they don't believe that blacks and latinos will use the money half decently and stay poor. They think they are too ghetto and will stay ghetto and will never move into the middle class. They aren't the same hardworking whites who came here one hundred years ago.
My brother has gotten my mom watching the Sandy Hook conspiracy videos! I closed the window of the youtube video and said it was bullshit to which she responded "How do you know?"
So I'm watching one of these Sandy Hook conspiracy videos that my brother told me to watch and holy shit they are a riot.

Take this video for instance (the one I believe they are watching).

9:58 - They claim that on their facebook where the post of the morning was about fundraising for their dead daugther but hours later they talk about the school being in lockdown! Inconsistency! Except that their facebook page is all jumbled up. What fucking facebook page looks like that? Why are the post times not displayed on some posts? If the person is live recording off their desktop, then where is the cursor? It looks like some photoshop type program or something. Not to mention if these people were professionals how could they fuck up that bad? Why would they be stupid enough to post fundraising prior to the shooting happening. Even if they were that stupid why wasn't that post deleted by the time it was found? Am I not suppose to believe that the government isn't efficient enough to check the pages on the facebook timeline with 1,000s of other people able to comment (most government employees according to this conspiracy). Out of the hundreds of government employees looking at that page and commenting nobody noticed that they were commenting on something before the operation happened?

4:14 - This states that there were "4 handguns" according to the latest info. It then shows this newsreport. The problem with this is that it starts off with the guy saying "this continues to be a complex investigation". That's something only said when its something new and developing. How the fuck is that "the latest info"? Breaking news stories are contradictory? No shit.

Prime example:

6:08 -This argues that its unlikely that an "autistic psycho" would be capable of killing so many kids because he has no gun experience. It compares the deaths and injuries to the Aurora shooting and Virgina Tech. I got to hand it to them. This does make sense. I mean the Aurora shooter and the Virginia Tech shooter were professional shooters just like this video claims. This also has me thinking...why would you trust a video that states that the Aurora and Virginia Tech shooters were "professional shooters"?

The entire video is nothing but with bullshit like this. It claims something in the beginning only in text with no evidence, and then shows a piece of the news story that is contradictory.

Or bad Photoshops. Seriously did China do this? And again, why would they even consider that Emily "the girl who was suppose to be dead" to take a picture with the president. Why would they even think about that or mistake that? Did the photo coordinator think to themselves "Bring the girl who was suppose to be dead out to get hugged by the president? Maybe they are trying to prove that the conspiracy is a hoax!" Also "she forgot to change" from the first photo? She isn't wearing the same outfit. Just pay closer attention to what you are trying to morph together.

However there are two parts of it that do seem weird:

2:14 - This is "unaltered" video of the second gunman at Sandy Hook getting arrested after running into the woods. The problem with this is that its not unaltered. It does a HUGE fucking cut into a man getting arrested. Though I will admit the beginning is suspicious but the running looks weird. I mean who are they chasing? That being said you can't see shit from so far. Wouldn't be surprised if that was animated being how choppy it is.

8:09 - This part is the only one that stood out to me. The dad seems fine for one second. And then starts acting

lmao. You live with them?

You know how like 80% of college graduates move back in with their parents? I am the 80%.


My brother has gotten my mom watching the Sandy Hook conspiracy videos! I closed the window of the youtube video and said it was bullshit to which she responded "How do you know?"
Don't feel to bad.. my parents believe in 9/11 conspiracies, anti-vaccination and alternative medicine.. shit sucks.
Random thing I noticed.

The Republic of Kenya was established in 1964.

Bams was born in 1961.

How hasn't anyone in the media pointed this out when dealing with birther nonsense?


Random thing I noticed.

The Republic of Kenya was established in 1964.

Bams was born in 1961.

How hasn't anyone in the media pointed this out when dealing with birther nonsense?
It was still called Kenya when it was a colony.
Also, you really looking for reason in this birther nonsense?

However, this will give me one more chance to post the greatest thing to come out of the Obama presidency -

And no, I will never get tired of this.
And a whole generation of young American men was destroyed as well.

But to be honest if LBJ never had escalated Vietnam and focused on domestic issues he would've been a better President than FDR, and we would've avoided things like inflation, high crime and urban decay.
There's no way of knowing that. The civil rights issue was still on fire, as were cities. He could have lost in 1968 even without Vietnam, given the social unrest of the time and Richard Nixon being the perfect politician to take advantage of it. Ultimately it's hard to make definitive statements but it's clear that period would have still been full of unrest regardless.
Siena NY poll

Not much new, Cuomo is still popular as all hell (66/28 favorable, 54/46 job approval, leads 2014 opponents by nearly 50 points), the most interesting numbers are of course Chris Christie.

- Christie's favorability ratings have dropped from 63-25 in November to 49-39.

- In November, Christie actually beat Cuomo 47-42 in a presidential match-up. Now he trails 55-35. Hillary wallops him 60-32, compared to 56-40 two months ago.

- 28% support Cuomo's pilot program to provide medicinal marijuana to patients, while an additional 49% support legalizing MM outright. Legalizing recreational use is opposed 41-54.

Speaking of Christie:

Christie, who is widely seen as a potential 2016 candidate commented on his relative readiness when Yahoo's Matt Bai reminded him of a 2011 conversation they had in which the governor said he was not ready to be president.

"Yeah. I’m readier, if that’s a word,” Christie said.


Random thing I noticed.

The Republic of Kenya was established in 1964.

Bams was born in 1961.

How hasn't anyone in the media pointed this out when dealing with birther nonsense?

Plus his mother was an American citizen so it doesn't matter where he was born. There might be some additional constraints on that now but not at the time.
- Christie's favorability ratings have dropped from 63-25 in November to 49-39.

- In November, Christie actually beat Cuomo 47-42 in a presidential match-up. Now he trails 55-35. Hillary wallops him 60-32, compared to 56-40 two months ago.


Still higher than they should be but at least it's dropping.
Happy MLK, Jr. Day!

"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." – Martin Luther King, Jr.

Mr. President, in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. and all who commit to ending any racial divide, no more playing the race card

Palin's facebook
I posted a while ago that Christie's problems (like everyone's), will come in threes, and they have.


Trifecta is complete.


Rep. James Lankford has announced that he's running for Tom Coburn's soon-to-be-vacant Senate seat.

Tom Cole has apparently announced he isn't running, which was who I was hoping for (yes, that's how far we've fallen).

Worst-case scenario. Lankford is a pure theocrat (his only professional experience before getting elected to Congress was running Falls Creek, Oklahoma's largest Baptist youth camp), plus he's a puppet for our Koch-esque titans of industry.

At least he won't be my congressman any more, but whoever replaces him will likely be as crazy or crazier than him.

We have so much potential as a state, and it really sucks to see it squandered because of political extremism.
Plus his mother was an American citizen so it doesn't matter where he was born. There might be some additional constraints on that now but not at the time.
Yeah, the whole birther thing died down immensely when Ted Cruz became the conservative darling. That seems to be what has mostly killed off birtherism.

Principles, my ass. As soon as they had a guy born outside of the USA to an American mother, the whole birther thing about Obama largely dropped off the radar.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Palin's facebook

Please tell me that is not real. Please. Holy absolute shit. What vomit inducing words. With all the recent behavior, you cannot convince me anymore that the Republican party is not filled with a majority of racist bigots. I used to actually be a middle of the road voter as well (having voted for Democrats, Republicans, and other in the past).
Please tell me that is not real. Please. Holy absolute shit. What vomit inducing words. With all the recent behavior, you cannot convince me anymore that the Republican party is not filled with a majority of racist bigots. I used to actually be a middle of the road voter as well (having voted for Democrats, Republicans, and other in the past).

Its really revealed a lot of lingering racism.

I understand where it comes from (the bases anger rather), its a sense of increasing isolation, decreasing power, being forgotten and marginalized. But its blatant racism seeking to solve their very real problems (brought on by the policies they vote for) by pretty much going back to the 1960s where if they're mad they can just blame the "blacks, chinese and mexicans"

Edit: Davis' back story was a big part of her rise and its what she's using in her campaign. To say otherwise is a lie. But these facts really don't change the overall gist of her story and the abbott attacks will go to far and become sexist I imagine.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
If you're bringing this up because it's something you want to talk about, then talk about it. If you're bringing this up because "isn't it interesting that PoliGAF hasn't said anything about this," then I suggest you not do this.

Had to Google it to see what you were talking about. *shrug*

Isn't it interesting how someone brings up a legitimate question about Democratic corruption, and then all of a sudden the poligaf brownshirts coincidentally appear?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
So 5th dimensional pixie, Reince Priebus, decided to celebrate MLK day as you would expect from the party of MLK - by bringing up Benghazi:


Can I just ask one question? In fact, it's the ONLY question I've ever had since this farce began: Why the hell would Obama want to have his own ambassador killed?

Right-wing conspiracy theories are generally retarded, but with most of them, I can actually sorta understand the line of thinking (using that word quite loosely). The IRS thing? Yeah. Solyndra? Sure. Fuck, even the birth certificate, I can at least understand where they're coming from.

But the idea that Obama for some reason had no desire to help Chris Stevens? It would be one thing if some Republican like Boehner or Cruz was there and he gave a stand down order. At least I could see the wingnuts make an argument for that. But as it is right now? Makes even less sense than the usual bullshit these idiots peddle.


No Scrubs
So 5th dimensional pixie, Reince Priebus, decided to celebrate MLK day as you would expect from the party of MLK - by bringing up Benghazi:


Can I just ask one question? In fact, it's the ONLY question I've ever had since this farce began: Why the hell would Obama want to have his own ambassador killed?

Right-wing conspiracy theories are generally retarded, but with most of them, I can actually sorta understand the line of thinking (using that word quite loosely). The IRS thing? Yeah. Solyndra? Sure. Fuck, even the birth certificate, I can at least understand where they're coming from.

But the idea that Obama for some reason had no desire to help Chris Stevens? It would be one thing if some Republican like Boehner or Cruz was there and he gave a stand down order. At least I could see the wingnuts make an argument for that. But as it is right now? Makes even less sense than the usual bullshit these idiots peddle.

Wow, we haven't heard from him in a while. I figured someone finally got him to say his name backwards and banished him back to whence he came.
Edit: Davis' back story was a big part of her rise and its what she's using in her campaign. To say otherwise is a lie. But these facts really don't change the overall gist of her story and the abbott attacks will go to far and become sexist I imagine.

That will only appeal to Texans all the more.


Isn't it interesting how someone brings up a legitimate question about Democratic corruption, and then all of a sudden the poligaf brownshirts coincidentally appear?

Isn't it interesting how someone brings up a legitimate question about Republican corruption, and then all of a sudden Republicans try to distract and deflect with tenuous charges against Democrats


Anyone see this yet? Scandals keep piling up for Christie.

tldr: Christie dropped a plan to appoint Carl Lewis, a nine-time olympic gold medalist, as the states first physical fitness ambassador, when he launched a political campaign to run for state senate against a Christie friend.

Not major, but just further shows a clear history of politically bullying anyone who threatens him OR (apparently) friends of his. I wasn't quite as convinced as everyone else that his 2016 chances were buried, but I'm definitely getting there (that, and if anyone gets an immunity deal from the bridge closure, he's completely fucked). Not even convinced he serves out his full term as Governor now.
And if you go to the UK thread on Something Awful they're all left wingers, I guess it depends on who the active posters are, and UK Poligaf doesn't have many.
This is true. Some sites tend to have people from the country one wing or another.

What I noticed on GAF:

America - Liberal
Canada - Liberal
France - Moderate
Scandinavia - "Mixed" for Scandinavia at least, very left for world issues
Australia - Conservative, very distasteful with immigration, like they are from Texas or something
U.K. - Conservative with a few socialists in the woodwork
Germany - Conservative with a few liberals here and there.
Brazil - Liberal
Argentina - Moderate or further right. Hate for Kirchner
Venezuela - Immense hate for Chavizmo with Sandy Hook-like conspiracies sporting everywhere
Honduras - Socialist (I've yet to meet one that is not. very far left wing)


Every time the Republicans are accused of hating Obama because he's black.

Obama himself has never used the race card. He has said that they don't want to pass legislation because republicans don't want him to win but that's the extent of his statements.
This is true. Some sites tend to have people from the country one wing or another.

What I noticed on GAF:

America - Liberal
Canada - Liberal
France - Moderate
Scandinavia - "Mixed" for Scandinavia at least, very left for world issues
Australia - Conservative, very distasteful with immigration, like they are from Texas or something
U.K. - Conservative with a few socialists in the woodwork
Germany - Conservative with a few liberals here and there.
Brazil - Liberal
Argentina - Moderate or further right. Hate for Kirchner
Venezuela - Immense hate for Chavizmo with Sandy Hook-like conspiracies sporting everywhere
Honduras - Socialist (I've yet to meet one that is not. very far left wing)

a cursory glance at the last few pages of the Australian version of PoliGAF says otherwise
Rush Limbaugh said:
“It seems, when you boil it all down, that Wendy Davis would have ended up being really poor and destitute were it not for a man, but that's no problem. They just made stuff up. It worked for Obama. … She's a liberal Democrat. They make things up. They lie, just like Hillary and Obama lied about a video in Benghazi.”
Joe Biden said:
“We may not be black, but I'll tell you what: We're Irish and we know how to fight.”
Poli-GAF seems curiously quiet about Wendy Davis's biography.

She's going to lose anyway.

I will say that it's pretty pathetic that because her ex helped her fund her education, all of a sudden the conservative spin has become "her education was fully paid for by her ex!" That's not true.
So 5th dimensional pixie, Reince Priebus, decided to celebrate MLK day as you would expect from the party of MLK - by bringing up Benghazi:


Can I just ask one question? In fact, it's the ONLY question I've ever had since this farce began: Why the hell would Obama want to have his own ambassador killed?

Right-wing conspiracy theories are generally retarded, but with most of them, I can actually sorta understand the line of thinking (using that word quite loosely). The IRS thing? Yeah. Solyndra? Sure. Fuck, even the birth certificate, I can at least understand where they're coming from.

But the idea that Obama for some reason had no desire to help Chris Stevens? It would be one thing if some Republican like Boehner or Cruz was there and he gave a stand down order. At least I could see the wingnuts make an argument for that. But as it is right now? Makes even less sense than the usual bullshit these idiots peddle.

Isn't obvious?

Obama is a Kenyan Muslim and he loves it when his Muslim brothers in Africa kill white Americans. How can't you understand that?
Yeah, I'm joking obviously but you know there are many many people out there who believe that.
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