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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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But why is it "#p2"? I don't get it.

Progressives 2.0. It was created to be shorter than prior progressive twitter hastags and more broad in subject matter and have a more global scope.

I don't use #p2 and had to Google its origins, I didn't know this off the top of my head.


Mike Lee is apparently giving the "Tea Party" response to the SotU address.

Why are we giving the Republicans two responses again? Unless the news agencies are wanting to give Bernie Sanders a response also.....


This might be one of the greatest things ever. That expression after is gold.



Michelle sure looks happy around real men.
Mike Lee is apparently giving the "Tea Party" response to the SotU address.

Why are we giving the Republicans two responses again? Unless the news agencies are wanting to give Bernie Sanders a response also.....

Who is giving the Regular republican response?
Mike Lee is apparently giving the "Tea Party" response to the SotU address.

Why are we giving the Republicans two responses again? Unless the news agencies are wanting to give Bernie Sanders a response also.....

Well anybody can give a response (even you!). The question is why any media would cover it.

It would actually be quite amazing if citizens starting filming their own formal responses and throwing them up on youtube. That'd be an interesting tradition.
Ezra to VOX?


Edit: More Importantly 9th Circuit Applies Heightened Scrutiny to Sexual Orientation

It seems the lower courts are taking Kennedy's decision which was rather limited in its rhetoric and claims and saying 'we're not gonna just wink and nod'
Windsor review is not rational basis review. In its words and its deed, Windsor established a level of scrutiny for classifications based on sexual orientation that is unquestionably higher than rational basis review. In other words, Windsor requires that heightened scrutiny be applied to equal protection claims involving sexual orientation.


Those crazy, crazy tea partiers held some shenanigans this weekend in SC. Some highlights:

The Four Craziest Moments From South Carolina's Tea Party Convention

1) A white Senate candidate said, "I have a dream"—to ban abortion

Candidate Richard Cash, a South Carolina businessman with a degree in theology, had his own idea of how to commemorate Martin Luther King Jr. Day: "Today is Martin Luther King Day...what I want to say to you today is, I too have a dream. When we consider the 55 million unborn children that have been killed in this land since 1973, I too have a dream. When we consider that one-third of the generation since 1973 is not with us because of abortion, I have a dream. And what is it? I have a dream that one day each and every unborn baby created in the image of God will enjoy the same constitutional protections that you and I receive. That's our promise, that's what the Republican Party stands for."

2) Barry Goldwater was blamed for the GOP's lack of black support

K. Carl Smith of the Frederick Douglass Republicans argued that the GOP lost the African American vote because it nominated Barry Goldwater for president in 1964.

3) High-school grads learned they each owe the government $880,000

Charlie Kirk, who founded the non-profit Turning Point USA to promote free-market economics, gleefully recounted his encounter with a political science class at Columbia University when he discovered the students there "haven't even heard about the merits of free markets, about why we need to have responsible government. They hadn't heard of Paine, or John Locke, or what the Federalist Papers were all about." Kirk explained that his organization exists "to empower and educate the youth of America to be able to fight back against the liberal progression in higher academia," and calculated that each high school graduate owes over $880,000 to the federal government to pay back the national debt.

4) Louie Gohmert channelled Jim Belushi in Animal House

After suggesting that the NSA “get a life" and "quit butting into everyone else's," Texas Representative Louie Gohmert invoked Jim Belushi in his attempt to call the Tea Party to action, reciting Bluto's rallying cry to the men of Delta from Animal House.


In my elementary school's fake election, I voted for Bob Dole.

I didn't know anything about politics (my parents were Clinton supporters), I just liked his name better.

I voted for Bush in my elementary election lol. Only two people in the entire 3rd grade voted for Gore, iirc. All I knew was that I had done a President report on Teddy Roosevelt that year and thought he sounded awesome, so I must like Republicans. Plus everyone else and everyone's parents were voting for him so it must be right!
This worked out so well for them last time:GOP urges candidates to stand ground on abortion

On a tactical basis, I can't really blame them. I think abortion is a single issue voter thing that is keeping the GOP alive. If the issue of abortion were to magically completely disappear, I think the GOP would be in deep deep trouble. A lot of people that vote against their own interest might change their vote if that issue did not exist.

Though in other areas, the GOP is losing ground heavily . . . like gay rights and veiled racism. This is one area where the public opinion is still around the 50/50 mark and they can use it to construct a voter base.
I voted for Bush in my elementary election lol. Only two people in the entire 3rd grade voted for Gore, iirc. All I knew was that I had done a President report on Teddy Roosevelt that year and thought he sounded awesome, so I must like Republicans. Plus everyone else and everyone's parents were voting for him so it must be right!
I went to an urban city school so I'm sure Gore won handily. I remember there being a few Nader voters.
On a tactical basis, I can't really blame them. I think abortion is a single issue voter thing that is keeping the GOP alive. If the issue of abortion were to magically completely disappear, I think the GOP would be in deep deep trouble. A lot of people that vote against their own interest might change their vote if that issue did not exist.

Though in other areas, the GOP is losing ground heavily . . . like gay rights and veiled racism. This is one area where the public opinion is still around the 50/50 mark and they can use it to construct a voter base.

I still don't get why abortion is an issue when we settle that shit FORTY years ago.


Get the fuck over it.

Conservative radio and Fox News host Sean Hannity on Monday threatened to leave New York over remarks Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) made last week that "extreme conservatives" don't have a place in the state.

"I want you to know that and I can’t wait to get out of here," Hannity said on his radio show. "I really can't. I don't want to pay their 10 percent state tax anymore. I live in the second-highest property-taxed county in the entire country in Nassau County. I can't wait to sell my house to somebody who wants it. I can't wait to pay no state income tax down in Florida or Texas."

Hannity addressed the governor and said that he will take his money and business elsewhere.

"Gov. Cuomo, I'm going to leave and I'm taking all of my money with me – every single solitary penny," he said. "And by the way governor, because I work here – there's a whole bunch of people that work for me and benefit because I do two shows. And I guess maybe some of them will be out of work, governor. I'm sure you'll take care of them."

I like how he admits by being a selfish prick he's putting people out of work. What a child.
So the former RNC chair Ed Gillespie jumped into the Senate race in Virginia against Mark Warner. The punditry has tripped over themselves to prop up one of their own and declare it an uber-competitive race. Here's the first poll:

Roanoke College said:
Mark Warner (D-inc) 50
Ed Gillespie (R) 21


Hillary Clinton (D) 46 (40 last month)
Chris Christie (R) 38 (40 last month)
It's a way to take out the distorting effects of the forex market and measure a more 'true' value comparison of the underlying value of the currency.

It emerges from the idea that everything a
Has the same price (in its local currency) once you take out the differing costs of transport costs, tarrifs and political factors. See the big Mac index

The Big Mac index makes no sense though. Big Macs are going to be cheaper in the US due to the fact that we subsidies the hell out of the stuffy in a Big Mac while other stuff can be more expensive. Foreign exchange students always commented on how cheap fast food was here but how expensive fruit was.

I was wondering if its true in Realtime that Landrieu from New Orleans is a good govenor. If so too bad he can't run.


I voted for Bush in my elementary election lol. Only two people in the entire 3rd grade voted for Gore, iirc. All I knew was that I had done a President report on Teddy Roosevelt that year and thought he sounded awesome, so I must like Republicans. Plus everyone else and everyone's parents were voting for him so it must be right!

You sound like me.
ha speaking of school elections, I remember being the only non-black person to pick Obama in my 8th grade history class
(this was obviously 2008 before someone throws out some witty age remark)
The Big Mac index makes no sense though. Big Macs are going to be cheaper in the US due to the fact that we subsidies the hell out of the stuffy in a Big Mac while other stuff can be more expensive. Foreign exchange students always commented on how cheap fast food was here but how expensive fruit was.

Its not supposed to be ironclad, and Big Macs are everywhere and involve multiple ingredients so its a useful guide of observation. Things are incredibly inexpensive in the US though, going into a Walmart from Coles in Australia is mindblowing.
I played basketball at a private Baptist school during the early Bush years; I also took a few science classes there (I was homeschooled at the time). The school had a big bulletin board outside of the administration office. It was called the "Ugly List" and it had pictures of Osama Bin Laden, other terrorists...and Al Gore and Hillary Clinton.

At the time I was sort of the token "good" black kid, there. The principle would often come up to me and say stuff like "hey Phoenix, your teacher told me you have the highest grades in her class. Maybe you can get these guys *points at the other two black male students* in order!" I realized he was joking but it was still ehh. This was done many times, as I was a pretty quiet good kid at the time, whereas admittedly the other two black dudes at the school were constantly getting demerits lol.

I got demerits for saying I would have voted for Gore. The teacher showed me some abortion pictures and was like "you'd still vote for the man who thinks this is ok?" I was like yup. 10 demerits.
I had a hard time explaining to a few people this weekend their taxes didn't 'pay' for the government

Ha. Probably the hardest thing you'll ever have the opportunity to persuade somebody of.

I just like asking people where money comes from and then watching them grow silent as they ponder how so simple of a question could be so hard for them to locate an answer in their brain for. Very intelligent people, too.
Its not supposed to be ironclad, and Big Macs are everywhere and involve multiple ingredients so its a useful guide of observation. Things are incredibly inexpensive in the US though, going into a Walmart from Coles in Australia is mindblowing.

So the average American will live better than the average Australian?
Are you sure he's lying?

Yes, Kids at an Ivy League school did not take US history in Middle or High School. They probably all flunked the AP test too.

Why is he defending Paine? Paine was a popular rationalist and was shunned after he questioned religion and god, advocated a Guaranteed Minimum Income (Paid for by an estate tax and land value tax) to all US citizens (possibly the first to formulate it in the modern sense) because the landed families were screwing them over.
Ha. Probably the hardest thing you'll ever have the opportunity to persuade somebody of.

I just like asking people where money comes from and then watching them grow silent as they ponder how so simple of a question could be so hard for them to locate an answer in their brain for.

The bathtub example helps a lot. But still you get buzzwords thrown about, gold, inflation, people won't hold dollars etc that I often take them time to answer but end up leading the argument down a defensive path instead of stating the simple observation that spending creates money and taxes destroy it, its not the water cycle
Didnt this guy have his name in the presidential ring?

Why are republicans so fucking dirty?

Former Virginia governor Robert F. McDonnell and his wife, Maureen, were charged Tuesday with illegally accepting gifts, luxury vacations and large loans from a wealthy Richmond-area businessman who sought special treatment from state government.

Authorities alleged that for nearly two years, the McDonnells hit up executive Jonnie R. Williams Sr. again and again, lodging near constant requests for large loans, clothes, trips, golf accessories and private plane rides.

In exchange, authorities allege, the McDonnells worked in concert to lend the prestige of the governorship to Williams’ struggling company, a small former cigarette manufacturer that now sells dietary supplements.


Someone needs to start running ads under the "GOP Playbook" hashtag
I hate sounding like a cheerleader for Democrats right, but looking at the differences between red and blue states it's pretty obvious the Dems are much more competent governing than the Republicans.
I hate sounding like a cheerleader for Democrats right, but looking at the differences between red and blue states it's pretty obvious the Dems are much more competent governing than the Republicans.

That's because we're in a recession where most of the economic problems are a lack of demand, Dems are cutting less relatively and Republicans are cutting more (and in areas that most need demand). No real surprise.
I doubt it, Americans make less. Waiters make $20 an hour over here, easily.

In American dollars or Australian?

I always found it weird that according to the charts that French, Japanese, and Finns had 40 less income than we do. I always assumed that chosts of living differed here too much.

That's because we're in a recession where most of the economic problems are a lack of demand, Dems are cutting less relatively and Republicans are cutting more (and in areas that most need demand). No real surprise.

Its always been like this. To be fair the South has always been poorer than the North. But to also be fair they have had a 140 years to close that gap.
Chris Christies America:

As millions take to an evening commute in the strongest snowstorm of the year....

His transit agency website fails, meaning no service alerts or advisories. Reports coming in of two hour waits for buses at PANY

" We are currently performing emergency maintenance on njtransit.com."



Chris Christie's state university sent everyone home at 3pm. Great storm management guys.

“I think it was not a very good idea for some jurisdictions to run on a half day schedule,” said Gary Szatkowski, meteorologist-in-charge at the National Weather Service in Mount Holly. “I’ve got to imagine it’s very difficult to get around out there. Traffic outside our office is at a standstill.”
In American dollars or Australian?

I always found it weird that according to the charts that French, Japanese, and Finns had 40 less income than we do. I always assumed that chosts of living differed here too much.

Australian dollars, though the value of the dollar doesn't matter much, since you have to exchange it at the point of sale anyway. The US is very liberalized with a lot of economies of scale and very low labour costs. Many things are over twice as expensive here compared to the states.
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