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PoliGAF 2014 |OT| Kay Hagan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad News

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Grimm was already in swingy territory (Obama district, ethical issues plaguing him since day 1) and I think this'll give his Dem challenger a nice boost.

Not really expecting the Dems to pick up the House at this point, but I could see a 10 seat swing or so. Hillary can finish the job and get a supermajority in the Senate while she's at it.
Direct video of Rep. Grimm

I heard him say "I'll throw you off of this fucking balcony" and "I will break you."

Wait, This is his response?

“I was extremely annoyed because I was doing NY1 a favor by rushing to do their interview first in lieu of several other requests. The reporter knew that I was in a hurry and was only there to comment on the State of the Union, but insisted on taking a disrespectful and cheap shot at the end of the interview, because I did not have time to speak off-topic. I verbally took the reporter to task and told him off, because I expect a certain level of professionalism and respect, especially when I go out of my way to do that reporter a favor. I doubt that I am the first Member of Congress to tell off a reporter, and I am sure I won’t be the last," reads the statement.

Makes sense that he just lost his spokesperson


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Guys maddow is having the most amazing debate with huelskamp right now and just obliterating him. He's almost shaking. Haha.

She killed him on Benghazi and executive orders. It was amazing TV.

Ahaha maddow and Hayes just clowned him after the interview.

Edit forgot to mention be called her a cheerleader and not a journalist. This was after she called him out on security bills for foreign embassies and such. lol

I must see this. It's rare to witness Rachel going head to head against a right-winger.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
For some reason it seems like Kos went to bed early. He didn't cover either Mike Lee or Rand Paul's response to the SOTU.
If Kasim Reed, mayor of Atlanta was on your presidential wish list....



Guy is going to be roasted all week.
Wait... what?

I think I knew someone who used to Intern for him lol

Edit: I think it was yoder not him.

It's too bad that video didn't show Chris Hayes after and Maddow clowning him.

Hayes, in particular, went at him. Something like "this is exactly what's wrong with the GOP. You ask a direct question about something and all of a sudden it's 'we want to work with this president and BENGHAZIIIII" or something.

East Lake

This may be a stupid question but, why would a country take private debt instead of public debt?
There's probably more reasons but here's a couple quotes from an article on Goldman's loan to Greece.

“Greece actually executed the swap transactions to reduce its debt-to-gross-domestic-product ratio because all member states were required by the Maastricht Treaty to show an improvement in their public finances,” Laffan said in an e- mail. “The swaps were one of several techniques that many European governments used to meet the terms of the treaty.”

Under Eurostat accounting rules, nations were permitted until 2008 to use so-called off-market rates in swaps to manage their debt. Greek officials, including Sardelis, say they learned that other EU countries such as Italy had employed similar methods to shrink their debts, taking advantage of the secrecy of over-the-counter derivatives compared with swaps traded on exchanges.


Some of the article has some tedious finance stuff but it's interesting to read.
"Is bringing the troops home your definition of 'being against the military'?"


edit: Now he's mad at Obama for suspending parts of Obamacare? :lol

edit 2: "If there was no authority, then he has no authority." :lol x 2

Find the full thing here. http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/watch/huelscamp-gives-voice-to-extremist-right-129649219657

Chris Hayes with a great point. "Obama proposes photo ops and something that affects 500k people and all he hears is Caesar riding into to Rome to destroy the democracy and cover up Benghazi." lololol

And Maddow's follow-up. haha.


I gotta say, I'm watching this SOTU address right now, and this doesn't even seem like controversial stuff.

Obama is far from perfect as a leader and President, but I can tell he cares about this stuff. It really makes you wonder how much he could have accomplished if there weren't unprecedented levels of obstruction.

Clean energy, immigration reform, education investments, etc. are not controversial.

Will keep watching, though.


It's good, a nice reminder of just how completely fucking crazy the opposition to Obama is. And to think, this is how these people act in public or on TV. Who the hell knows what they say and think behind closed doors.


I thought it was a good speech, and nothing majorly upsetting from the peanut gallery like the "you lie" or Roberts thing, but it always upsets me the day after when I realize how little will actually be accomplished because of the poisoning of the well from the opposition. There really is so little they can find common ground on anymore because Obama has supported policies previously pushed by Republicans, and now Republicans are basically jump off a cliff batshit insane far right.


that hunger-bill from the other day just passed the house. wonderful. once this is signed, dems will have managed to allow foodstamps to be cut 2 years in a row, despite a struggling ecnomy.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
Idaho Lawmaker: Pre-emptive strike needed to help the faithful

BOISE, IDAHO — Idaho lawmakers and conservative Christian allies who contend faith is under siege by gays, lesbians and the government are launching a "pre-emptive" strike to bolster rights of licensed professionals to refuse service or employment to those they conclude violate their religious beliefs.

On Tuesday, Rep. Lynn Luker outlined a plan to shield religious people from the threat of having their professional licenses — issued for everything from midwives and doctors to physical therapists and nurses — revoked.

Luker, a Boise Republican, knows of no example in Idaho of an actual challenge to a professional's license on these grounds. Still, he points to efforts by gays and lesbians elsewhere seeking to end what they contend is discrimination against them as a sign Idaho must act quickly to protect the faithful before something similar arises closer to home.

"This is pre-emptive," Luker said. "The issue is coming, whether it's 10 years, or 15 years, or two years."

I love my state, I just hate the people who live here.:p We are seriously trying to legalize discrimination.
So the new outrage seems to be Obama's "tyrannical use" of executive orders.

Apparently Obama says he's willing to use other means outside of Congress to get things done.

So the new Faux Outrage seems to ignore how Obama has used less executive orders than just about any President Ever.


Congress is broken and is the least productive on record. Are people actually outraged that Obama has given up on Congress to get things done? Doesn't seem like it.
Cory Remsburg's story is a lousy metaphor for America's problems.
Cory Remsburg's struggle to recover from war injuries (after -- God help us -- ten deployments) really is hard. But what we have to do in this country isn't hard at all; it's relatively easy. Republicans simply have to meet Democrats partway; they have to hash out a few bills in conference committees and cast a few votes. They have to stop acting as if losing a primary to a tea party challenger is a life-altering disaster comparable to, well, the incident in which Remsburg suffered his injuries -- a defeated member of Congress leaves office with health intact, with great benefits, and with many, many opportunities to make very nice money.

But the biggest problem with this analogy is that it plays into the notion that our political problems are caused by lack of effort. We could solve them if we just tried harder. This is particularly damaging to the president himself -- he's blamed for the brick wall of Republican resistance he faces every day. He's not trying hard enough. He's not leading hard enough. The problem isn't that you can't knock down a brick wall of resistance by repeatedly running into it headfirst; the myth is that he really could knock it down if he made a few more runs at it, or ran faster.

America isn't in trouble because the president and other politicians lack guts and persistence. America is in trouble because Republicans are malignant and willful and have terrible ideas. It would be easy for Republicans to do the right thing if they wanted to, but they simply don't want to -- they've dug in their heels and chosen to do the wrong thing until they win the White House, and then they're going to do even more appallingly wrong things, because those appallingly wrong things are what they believe in, and what their donors believe in. And our system lets them do that. In our system, they're free to destroy the country if that's what they decide to do, and if the voters keep voting them back in. Obama can't stop them with greater effort.


So the new outrage seems to be Obama's "tyrannical use" of executive orders.

Apparently Obama says he's willing to use other means outside of Congress to get things done.

So the new Faux Outrage seems to ignore how Obama has used less executive orders than just about any President Ever.


Congress is broken and is the least productive on record. Are people actually outraged that Obama has given up on Congress to get things done? Doesn't seem like it.

There's a big difference between being critical of the president, and then being the current GOP.
The farm bill finally passed the House, for those interested.

I don't know if it got posted here, but The Atlantic did a really terrific piece on the impact of the farm bill delay on agriculture's relationship with the Republican Party. I certainly agree that it had a pretty significant - and severely underreported - impact on Senate elections in rural states in 2012.

I grew up on a farm, and until about two years ago, I worked in agriculture. It's always been a conservative environment, but it really became toxically conservative between 2008 and 2011. If this stupid farm bill debate has accomplished anything, I hope that it fully divorces the farm community from extreme conservatism. (I don't think it will impact their largely extreme social conservative views, sadly, but I think it has really shaken their trust of the Republican Party in its current state.)
I'd like a paper on how the republican mindset of work at all costs or be fired has led to the entire destruction off a major metropolitan area when confronted with a light snow dusting
Metaphor? Why take it as a metaphor? I took it as a personal interest story about one of our soldiers. If you want to expand it further, just think of all the similarly situated soldiers.

A metaphor of the USA? That's just manufacturing your own weird theories.

Cory is here tonight. And like the Army he loves, like the America he serves, Sergeant First Class Cory Remsburg never gives up, and he does not quit. (Cheers, applause.) Cory. (Extended cheers and applause.)

My fellow Americans -- my fellow Americans, men and women like Cory remind us that America has never come easy. Our freedom, our democracy, has never been easy. Sometimes we stumble; we make mistakes; we get frustrated or discouraged.

But for more than two hundred years, we have put those things aside and placed our collective shoulder to the wheel of progress: to create and build and expand the possibilities of individual achievement; to free other nations from tyranny and fear; to promote justice and fairness and equality under the law, so that the words set to paper by our founders are made real for every citizen.

The America we want for our kids -- a rising America where honest work is plentiful and communities are strong; where prosperity is widely shared and opportunity for all lets us go as far as our dreams and toil will take us -- none of it is easy. But if we work together; if we summon what is best in us, the way Cory summoned what is best in him, with our feet planted firmly in today but our eyes cast towards tomorrow, I know it's within our reach.

I don't agree with the article you posted but it did seem to be a metaphor

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
The farm bill finally passed the House, for those interested.

I don't know if it got posted here, but The Atlantic did a really terrific piece on the impact of the farm bill delay on agriculture's relationship with the Republican Party. I certainly agree that it had a pretty significant - and severely underreported - impact on Senate elections in rural states in 2012.
Davis and her husband, Julius, both in their 60s, farm corn, peanuts, cotton, and wheat in Sumter County. She told me she thought putting food stamps into the farm bill had confused the public, making them think farm subsidies were a form of welfare, when nothing could be further from the truth. Obama, she said darkly, wants to give handouts to "his people," most of whom are not really needy but "have figured out how to beat the system."

"I have seen on the street signs that say 'Obamaphone,'" she said. "I pay for mine, but it's a free phone for them." (The myth that the Obama Administration has created a program to give taxpayer-funded cell phones to poor people is commonly repeated on right-wing talk radio.) Farm payments, on the other hand, were something landowners had earned. "I work for what I have," she said. "So I have a sore spot about that." Later, I found the Davises in the Environmental Working Group's farm-subsidy database. They had received at least $108,000 from the government between 1995 and 2012.



No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Based on my Facebook feed, Obama announced himself to be a dictator during the State of the Union. He's hellbent on pushing his socialist agenda... while also being responsible for the widening wealth gap.

So... I guess he's magically the least effective dictator of all time.


Ask them why the dollar menu stays the same across state borders regardless of state minimum wage.

Because obviously McDonald's can afford it but if we made every company pay lazy people $15 an hour while I'm only making $17 an hour the whole economy would collapse or it would be a $3 Menu!!! ::derp

And then when I ask how they feel about most people workin minimum wage needing government assistance which actually uses their tax dollars they say that should be cut too and they have faith the republican government would pass the savings along in the form of tax cuts.
PPP: Kentucky, Georgia Senate races both tossups

PPP said:
Kentucky Senate

Mitch McConnell (R) 45
Alison Lundergan Grimes (D) 44

Georgia Senate

Michelle Nunn (D) 42
Paul Broun (R) 41

Michelle Nunn (D) 44
Jack Kingston (R) 42

Michelle Nunn (D) 44
Karen Handel (R) 40

Michelle Nunn (D) 45
Phil Gingrey (R) 41
Support for raising the minimum wage is predictably large and polling indicates it could be a winning issue for Nunn and Grimes.

Great numbers overall for the Democrats, I'd say.
Because obviously McDonald's can afford it but if we made every company pay lazy people $15 an hour while I'm only making $17 an hour the whole economy would collapse or it would be a $3 Menu!!! ::derp

And then when I ask how they feel about most people workin minimum wage needing government assistance which actually uses their tax dollars they say that should be cut too and they have faith the republican government would pass the savings along in the form of tax cuts.

Lol poor people already get everything back and the right complains about it rather vocally too.

The business community reacted with…dismay when several Volkswagen officials from Germany visited the plant and hinted that it would be good to have a labor union because that would help establish a German-style works council. Such councils, comprising managers and representatives of white-collar and blue-collar workers, seek to foster collaboration within a factory as they forge policies on plant rules, work hours, vacations and other matters.

So you have politicians, including the state’s governor and TN senator Bob Corker, along with conservative activist Grover Norquist, trying to block VW management from working with the union.

Not surprising, but still aggravating.
A group of House Republicans is pushing a resolution to bring legal action against President Barack Obama for overstepping his authority in executive orders.

The STOP (Stop This Overreaching Presidency) resolution, sponsored by Rep. Tom Rice (R-S.C.), targets Obama for allowing a year extension health care policies that were ended because of Obamacare; delaying the employer mandate for one year; deferring the deportation of illegal immigrants brought to the country as children and waiving part of the welfare work requirement.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2014/01/gop-wants-to-stop-obama-102814.html#ixzz2rpWx9Cox

This in addition to Cruz's ridiculous WSJ op-ed and the ridiculousness of last night.

basically, the GOP has now formulated a strategy to pain Obama as an emperor.

They actually think this is a new winning strategy? They've called him a dictator for years, anyway These guys have no idea how to win elections, anymore.

It's amazing how much Obama's existence throws these guys into a tizzy.
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