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PoliGAF 2014 |OT2| We need to be more like Disney World

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They don't even have to cheat on their wives, sending out dirty pictures is more than enough.
Reminds me of an old line about how Democrats' sex scandals are at worst someone having an affair while Republicans' sex scandals end with them being caught snorting coke off an underage male prostitute's ass in the bathroom at Cracker Barrel.

Gotta love those family values.
Ooh, speculation that Kyrsten Sinema wants to run for Senate in 2016


Let's double the LGBT women's caucus in the Senate. McCain is vulnerable to a primary challenge and frankly even if he wins his approval ratings are shit across the board. Then again, so were McConnell's, so who knows. But Arizona is different from Kentucky and 2016 should be different from 2014.

I would be thrilled if Democrats picked up AZ, FL, IA, IL, NC, NH, OH, PA, and WI to completely flip the 2014 results.


Ooh, speculation that Kyrsten Sinema wants to run for Senate in 2016


Let's double the LGBT women's caucus in the Senate. McCain is vulnerable to a primary challenge and frankly even if he wins his approval ratings are shit across the board. Then again, so were McConnell's, so who knows. But Arizona is different from Kentucky and 2016 should be different from 2014.

I would be thrilled if Democrats picked up AZ, FL, IA, IL, NC, NH, OH, PA, and WI to completely flip the 2014 results.

Feels like yelling YASSSSSSSSSSSS is appropriate here. She's shrewd, and has moderated a lot since she took office (and can come off fake when she speaks, at least to me), but she's very popular and well-liked and her message seems to resonate with Arizona voters. I liked her a lot more pre-Congress, but I understand why she's taken the positions she has.

Her story is also INSANE.

The prospect of McCain losing to a bisexual non-theist has already got ThinkProgress rock hard.

EDIT: Also, lol: https://vine.co/v/OdlIAzZmBdt
If Democrats just take back the Senate after two years due to a favorable map, I wonder if we'll see any articles proposing a 12 step program for recovering Republicans.


Most substance abusers eventually hit bottom—usually an embarrassing and humiliating postbinge episode indicative of a life out of control. Many ignore the wake-up call, but others seek help, often finding it in the form of the 12-step program laid out in 1939 by Bill Wilson in “Alcoholics Anonymous.” The book’s dozen core principles have since been adapted to treat a variety of ruinous addictions.

So why not a 12-step program for Democrats of the 114th Congress? Surely the party’s defeat in November qualifies as an epic bottoming event. Democrats had been on a six-year bender, a progressive bacchanalia of fiscal mismanagement, job-stifling regulation, harmful foreign policy, heightened racial tensions and executive-branch overreach. On Nov. 5 they awoke with a pounding headache, looked groggily in the mirror and saw the smallest congressional minority in nearly a century.

When Congress convenes this week, chastened Democrats will have the opportunity to start afresh. Bill Wilson’s 12 steps seem ideal to free them of the ideological obsessions that have brought them so low.
Conservative journalists have been harping on the Obama Economy for so long, they didn't get the memo that things are actually going pretty well lately.

I've seen two main defensive tactics: 1) Deny things are going well and go all-in on things like the participation rate, or 2) Try to give credit to Republicans somehow.
Conservative journalists have been harping on the Obama Economy for so long, they didn't get the memo that things are actually going pretty well lately.

I've seen two main defensive tactics: 1) Deny things are going well and go all-in on things like the participation rate, or 2) Try to give credit to Republicans somehow.

Yeah, but this is so incredibly delusional, I just...

This is thread worthy. It's that dumb.
My favorite bit:

8: Making a list of all they have harmed in the past six years will be a challenge for Democrats—it’s a long one. For starters, there are the 20 million people newly enrolled on food stamps during their watch who risk falling into a lifelong cycle of dependency. Then there are the six million Americans who, for lack of opportunity, have removed themselves from the labor market. Oh, heck, let’s count everyone except the fabled 1%.

You heard it: Democrats need to apologize to food-stamp recipients for ruining their lives.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Good news, guys. I got my first elected official following me on the Twitters. Though I'm not sure why given my comment:


"Job-stifling regulation?" Didn't we just get out of the best year of economic growth since 1999? Unemployment's at 5.6 percent, for crissake.

I've heard quite a few right-wingers say that that the job growth is "fake" because it's been artificially inflated by the fed or something.


Unconfirmed Member
Obama giving a SotU preview announcing a free community college program. Seems like a great idea. Obviously will never happen with the current congress, but it seems like a good thing for Democrats to keep drilling as a policy point. Republicans will be sure to complain about it being another handout, but it should be easy to market as an actual investment, not a handout. It doesn't take an economics major to see a more educated populace is good for the economy.

So many good ideas when they don't have power to implement them, funny. Sort of like how they always talk about "ending tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas" every four years.
I think people in washington are finally sick of the log jam. People are proposing ideas again.

Bernie sanders just hired a MMT person and is starting to talk about balanced budgets being bad.

Bams is talking about free college

Warren is talking about student loan reform.

I'm starting to see the picture of actual policy proposals a dem can run on and pass whenever we get congress back. (2030 or so.... lol)

The last few years there as been a dearth of progress or even talking about new ideas.


Where are the new, innovative GOP proposals to counter this new flurry of progressive proposals?

We got the usual: tax cuts, de-regulation, and knee capping ACA. But what else?
To me, it almost seems like Obama is laying the groundwork for his 2016 successor's campaign and administration.

Also, helps that it's a "fuck you" to the GOP.
So many good ideas when they don't have power to implement them, funny. Sort of like how they always talk about "ending tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas" every four years.

I see it feeding into the both parties are the same narrative.

Democrats propose progressive things ONLY when they know it has no chance of happening. That way progressives vote for them, but the corporate overlords arent inconvenienced.

When pro-corporate (republican) policies pass, as they always do, the only difference between the parties is that the republicans will celebrate the passing, while the democrats will look sad and issue a scorn press release. But in reality, they do nothing to stop it.

AKA: See every budget deal where the elderly and students are hurt while rich companies get thrown more tax breaks.

So yes, both parties are the same in that the end goal is to pleasure corporations. All the rest of the time it's proposing things they know cant pass.

I think the only ones who actually do exactly what they say theyll do are the far right evangelicals. Marriage, abortion, etc.
Where are the new, innovative GOP proposals to counter this new flurry of progressive proposals?

We got the usual: tax cuts, de-regulation, and knee capping ACA. But what else?
The last sentence could be said for liberals, it's such a broad catagory.

You could just as easily say where are the new liberal proposals all we have are the usual: tax increase, new government programs and more spending.

Your just describing their philosophy about the government and economy.

There is some interesting stuff of criminal Justice reform, tax reform (Lee's stuff is quite a bit different than the normal just cut rates mantra), foreign policy changes etc.


"Early" Jeb vs. Romney debate (David Corn tweets):

Can you imagine a Romney versus Jeb Bush debate? Your head start in life was so much bigger than mine!

Romney versus Jeb Bush debate. I worked for Bain. I worked for Lehman.

Romney versus Jeb Bush: "I've flip-flopped on immigration more than you!"

Romney versus Jeb Bush: "I supported the Iraq War!" "Well, I did, too!"

Romney versus Jeb Bush: "I worked for a hedge fund." "I started a hedge fund."

Romney versus Jeb Bush: "You have a brand problem." "You have a brand problem."

Romney versus Jeb Bush: "Two of your presidential campaigns failed." "Two of your presidencies failed."
Conservative journalists have been harping on the Obama Economy for so long, they didn't get the memo that things are actually going pretty well lately.

I've seen two main defensive tactics: 1) Deny things are going well and go all-in on things like the participation rate, or 2) Try to give credit to Republicans somehow.

The Ohio GOP has been playing this messaging game for about three years now, since Ohio has recovered faster than the nation as a whole while under strong Republican control.

Basically the overarching GOP message ended up being, "Ohio is doing great thanks to our Republican governor and Republican General Assembly! But golly gee, we'd be doing even better if it weren't for that pesky Obama."

It failed to get Ohio in the Romney column in 2012 and also failed to unseat Sherrod Brown, but it kept the legislature and all of the statewide offices red in 2014. We'll now see how this sort of dissonant messaging works for them on the national level.


Unconfirmed Member
Where are the new, innovative GOP proposals to counter this new flurry of progressive proposals?

We got the usual: tax cuts, de-regulation, and knee capping ACA. But what else?

Keystone pipeline, which alone was more than anything Democrats had in the 2014 campaigns.


To me, it almost seems like Obama is laying the groundwork for his 2016 successor's campaign and administration.

Also, helps that it's a "fuck you" to the GOP.

Yeah, that's pretty much it. He's also trying to establish some proposals that he hopes Hillary might take up if she's elected.
Yeah, that's pretty much it. He's also trying to establish some proposals that he hopes Hillary might take up if she's elected.
I could see Obama's proposals on education - free pre-K, free community college, more funding for teachers and updating resources and shit, coupled with Liz Warren's student loan reform - being rolled into a comprehensive education reform bill for Hillary or whoever else to run on. There's already a foundation for legislation addressing cap & trade, immigration reform, and repealing the sequester, we would just need a Congress willing to do it.

Can't wait to see her on C-SPAN.


The media and larry sabato thinks a credible 3rd party candidate in 2016 in case of Clinton vs bush? Not gonna happen. People will hold their nose.

Besides the electorate with memories of Clinton and Bush will be fresh and cover millennials who grew during both families presidency. Our generation should never forget Bush and his screw ups while clinton gave us peace and prosperity.. so the choice should not be hard. Both candidate start at 45% regardless of both extremes.


Kamala is 50? dont look it at all. Aaron you must be a Californian. I see you take an extreme liking to Kamala. I always figured she was gonna run. WIth Clinton on top of ticket it should be a no brainer
I really wish Jerry Brown was a few years younger or would commit to a 2016 run regardless, because he'd be awesome. He's dug California out of the hole we were in, and I think he'd be pretty great at the national level.
Hard to deny it's rather puzzling that the US did not participate on any noteworthy level. It's the type of unforced error this administration has perfected over the last six years.
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