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PoliGAF 2014 |OT2| We need to be more like Disney World

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I'd love to see Obama completely shun television "journalists" for interviews/press conferences, and instead focus on print journalists...but not Buzzfeed and Vox. Buzzfeed is a joke and Vox is pretty weak.


I'd love to see Obama completely shun television "journalists" for interviews/press conferences, and instead focus on print journalists...but not Buzzfeed and Vox. Buzzfeed is a joke and Vox is pretty weak.

I think BuzzFeed should split into 2 portals. Their long-form politics stuff is good but you just cant take the site seriously based on that homepage. Even if it is being run by an ex-Politico guy now...
I think BuzzFeed should split into 2 portals. Their long-form politics stuff is good but you just cant take the site seriously based on that homepage. Even if it is being run by an ex-Politico guy now...

They just got adam sewer from MSNBC.com too, he's great.

Buzzfeed is a great news outlet, but yeah they need to differentiate. Though I'm sure that clickbait drives their news.

That vox interview is great. Bams is a really smart guy. I just can't see romney play professor like that.


I'd love to see Obama completely shun television "journalists" for interviews/press conferences, and instead focus on print journalists...but not Buzzfeed and Vox. Buzzfeed is a joke and Vox is pretty weak.

Buzzfeed's been legit for a long time. Their long form articles are great and they have some really well respected editors.


This is semantics, and nothing more
So did anybody else notice how an anonymous Congressman (probably a Democrat) admitted to violating federal campaign finance law on Vox?


It's illegal for a corporation to make campaign contributions to candidates for federal office.


That congressman is right... we are like a Parliament without a Prime Minister. Such a dumb idea.

We are still, despite our shortcomings, the most successful experiment in self-government in history.
Maybe so, but we are still deeply flawed and given the wealth and power in this nation there's really no excuse for all the bullshit.


Fun fact: @Taniel/@Bill Kristol through twitter

If Jeb Bush wins, all the Republican Presidents for a stretch of 36 years will have been members of the Bush family!

If Jeb Bush wins & runs for reelection, in 2024 every winning GOP ticket since 1928--96 years--will have had a Nixon or a Bush.

Seriously think about it, about the humongous share of the population in 2024 who'd never have known any GOP President who isn't a Bush.

Think about it this way: If Jeb wins, in 2024 no one younger than 54 (!!!) will have ever voted for a winning GOP president who's not a Bush

In 2024, no one under 70 would ever have voted for a winning GOP ticket that didn't include a Bush.


Fun fact: @Taniel/@Bill Kristol through twitter

If Jeb Bush wins, all the Republican Presidents for a stretch of 36 years will have been members of the Bush family!

If Jeb Bush wins & runs for reelection, in 2024 every winning GOP ticket since 1928--96 years--will have had a Nixon or a Bush.

Seriously think about it, about the humongous share of the population in 2024 who'd never have known any GOP President who isn't a Bush.

Think about it this way: If Jeb wins, in 2024 no one younger than 54 (!!!) will have ever voted for a winning GOP president who's not a Bush

In 2024, no one under 70 would ever have voted for a winning GOP ticket that didn't include a Bush.

wow thx


Fun fact: @Taniel/@Bill Kristol through twitter

If Jeb Bush wins, all the Republican Presidents for a stretch of 36 years will have been members of the Bush family!

If Jeb Bush wins & runs for reelection, in 2024 every winning GOP ticket since 1928--96 years--will have had a Nixon or a Bush.

Seriously think about it, about the humongous share of the population in 2024 who'd never have known any GOP President who isn't a Bush.

Think about it this way: If Jeb wins, in 2024 no one younger than 54 (!!!) will have ever voted for a winning GOP president who's not a Bush

In 2024, no one under 70 would ever have voted for a winning GOP ticket that didn't include a Bush.

Fun fact: @Taniel/@Bill Kristol through twitter

If Jeb Bush wins, all the Republican Presidents for a stretch of 36 years will have been members of the Bush family!

If Jeb Bush wins & runs for reelection, in 2024 every winning GOP ticket since 1928--96 years--will have had a Nixon or a Bush.

Seriously think about it, about the humongous share of the population in 2024 who'd never have known any GOP President who isn't a Bush.

Think about it this way: If Jeb wins, in 2024 no one younger than 54 (!!!) will have ever voted for a winning GOP president who's not a Bush

In 2024, no one under 70 would ever have voted for a winning GOP ticket that didn't include a Bush.
Hey you know what's neat? All of this will happen if Bush doesn't win and Clinton is a two-termer! And we won't have to deal with Bill Kristol jizzing himself and making dumbass predictions that are immediately repudiated by fate.


Actually, from Bloomberg's new NH poll, since it's semi-related:

7. When it comes to Jeb Bush, do you think the
strength of his potential candidacy is based
more on his unique qualities and achievements,
or his family connections to politics?
GOP voters say:
31% achievements, 59% family
DEM voters say:
14% achievements, 78% family

Same question but for Hillary:
GOP voters say:
22% achievements, 68% family
DEM voters say:
74% achievements, 21% family

Also 41% of GOP Primary voters say it's a Deal Killer if Jeb Bush supports allowing illegal immigrants to stay in the country.


How did it come to this though? How does a party nominate and win* with the same two names over a period of 100 years?

We seem to never go over 8 years without one of the name in the case of bush being on the ballot.*

Dad runs and loses, the son runs 8 years later and now the brother wants to run 8 years later. Nixon runs 3 times, loses on 3rd and comes back 8 years later.


You forgot that Prescott was a Senator.

John Adams and John Quincy Adams. William Henry Harrison and Benjamin Harrison.

Henry Clay was nominated four times in 20 years for President.

From 1900 to 1948, a Roosevelt was on the ballot in 8 of the 12 elections.

People are living longer. The Kennedy's might have looked like this had they not all either died or killed people. Especially if you include future President Schwarzenegger.


We really are a dynasty lol. Everyone and their dad was a Congressman, Senator or Governor. I guess like someone mentioned earlier it was bound to make its way to the Presidency. Obama really was an out of nowhere unconventional candidate.


I think Carter and Clinton were much more obscure than Obama. Who had a big stage Senate campaign and then almost immediately began running for President and getting that media attention.

Carter, while running for President but before he won in Iowa, appeared on that show where actors and famous people tried to guess the person profession or whatever and they had no clue who he was.

Clinton got cheered at the 1988 DNC when he said "in closing..." while introducing Dukakis because his speech had been so long-winded and boring.
You forgot that Prescott was a Senator.

John Adams and John Quincy Adams. William Henry Harrison and Benjamin Harrison.

Henry Clay was nominated four times in 20 years for President.

From 1900 to 1948, a Roosevelt was on the ballot in 8 of the 12 elections.

People are living longer. The Kennedy's might have looked like this had they not all either died or killed people. Especially if you include future President Schwarzenegger.

the bushes do want it to be known this is bipartisan
Who else can at this point? He's gonna have all the money behind him.

Actually multiple candidates will have money, unlike in 2012. Jeb might have the most money but that won't translate into votes. Especially with his immigration stance. I expect Jeb to be roundly rejected in many of the more conservative states, and eventually it'll become clear that Scott Walker is the best compromise candidate.

Consider the primary/caucus schedule...

Jeb isn't winning Iowa. Maybe he wins NH. If it's true that Romney wants someone other than Jeb to be the nominee, perhaps he'll endorse someone early. I think Scott Walker's midwest appeal could make him the favorite in Minnesota, and maybe a Romney endorsement could nab him Utah; both are on Feb 2nd. A Romney endorsement could also be beneficial in Nevada on February 6th.

South Carolina is next on the 13th of Feb...Jeb isn't winning that. Michigan a week later...another midwest state Walker should do well in (and another state where a Romney endorsement could help). Florida's primary is on March 1st and I honestly think that could be the first big win for Jeb. I just don't think he's a good candidate...


Actually, speaking of political "families" and stuff. And Cheney.

Rumsfeld was Ambassdor to NATO under Nixon, Chief of Staff and Secretary of Defense under Ford, and then Secretary of Defense under W. Bush.

Cheney was Chief of Staff under Ford, Secretary of Defense under H.W. Bush then Vice President under W. Bush.

H.W. himself was Ambassador to the UN under Nixon, then made Chairman of RNC by Nixon, then Ambassador to China under Ford, then Director of CIA under Ford.

James Baker was Chief of Staff, Secretary of Treasury and Secretary of State under Reagan and Bush. Then Iraq Study Group and Special Envoy under W. Bush.

To be bipartisan, Leon Panetta was Director of OMB under Clinton, then Chief of Staff under Clinton, then Director of CIA under Obama and then Secretary of Defense under Obama.

The Kings and Champions though are Elliott Richardson and George Schultz.
Richardson: Secretary of HEW, Secretary of Defense, Attorney General, Ambassador to the UK, Secretary of Commerce under Nixon and Ford.
Schultz: Secretary of Labor, Director of OMB, Secretary of Treasury, Secretary of State under Nixon and Reagan.

Casper Weinberger did alright before his indictment:
Chairman of the FTC and Director of OMB under Nixon, Secretary of HEW under Nixon and Ford, then Secretary of Defense under Reagan.

There's also a whole swath of W. Bush people who came up through Nixon/Ford/Reagan/Bush as like mail room guys who later become NSA or some shit.

The Obama Administration rehashed so many old Clinton people simply because there weren't any of these type of people left in the Democratic Party from Carter and Johnson.

Consider the primary/caucus schedule...
Worth noting that any states between Mar 1 and Mar 15 will be proportional allocation. Something new in the GOP primaries. After that will be winner take all.


Actually multiple candidates will have money, unlike in 2012. Jeb might have the most money but that won't translate into votes. Especially with his immigration stance. I expect Jeb to be roundly rejected in many of the more conservative states, and eventually it'll become clear that Scott Walker is the best compromise candidate.

Consider the primary/caucus schedule...

Jeb isn't winning Iowa. Maybe he wins NH. If it's true that Romney wants someone other than Jeb to be the nominee, perhaps he'll endorse someone early. I think Scott Walker's midwest appeal could make him the favorite in Minnesota, and maybe a Romney endorsement could nab him Utah; both are on Feb 2nd. A Romney endorsement could also be beneficial in Nevada on February 6th.

South Carolina is next on the 13th of Feb...Jeb isn't winning that. Michigan a week later...another midwest state Walker should do well in (another another state where a Romney endorsement could help). Florida's primary is on March 1st and I honestly think that could be the first big win for Jeb. I just don't think he's a good candidate...

but how are delegates proportioned? winner take all? With dozens of candidates possibly all winning different states, none of the candidates could have a majority of delegates to get the nomination and a brokered convention is possible where jeb benefits. Split conservative vote: jeb benefits.

Jeb as nominee? you betcha


Primaries and caucuses before March 1st, it's up to them. March 1st to 15th, they are proportional. After March 15th, winner take all.

Rand Paul has a better chance of winning the nomination before a brokered convention happens.


Kennedy doesn't count because that was a conspiracy that went higher than him, he was just follow LBJ and the East Germany Stasi's orders.


If you are a Clinton supporter, and want to feel a surge of optimism, consider this challenge: Name a presidential candidate who was in this solid a position at this point in the cycle, and didn't win? (Political historians can argue that one out in the comments.)

by Steve Singiser/

not me

Mike M

Nick N
If you are a Clinton supporter, and want to feel a surge of optimism, consider this challenge: Name a presidential candidate who was in this solid a position at this point in the cycle, and didn't win? (Political historians can argue that one out in the comments.)
Clinton 2008?
If you are a Clinton supporter, and want to feel a surge of optimism, consider this challenge: Name a presidential candidate who was in this solid a position at this point in the cycle, and didn't win? (Political historians can argue that one out in the comments.)

Politics is a bit older than the last few cycles
Despite PD's insistance, I just dont see Scott Walker as Presidential material. Ted Kasich, maybe. But not Scott Walker. Scott has all the charisma of a wet diaper and looks like a sesame st puppet. He does not seem "driven" or forceful...I think a candidate's presence goes a long way towards overcoming any deficits. In my opinion, if he decides to run, he will be Tim Pawlenty of 2016.
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