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Hey PD, did you watch the Kentucky debate? Grimes said something to the effect of "I won't be the senator who votes to rip away insurance from half a million people"

Didn't see it but that's a good way to frame the issue, I like it. Given how much hand wringing republicans did about a relatively small group of people losing their insurance late last year, you would think that running on taking away insurance from 10 million people would be an affront so obvious that it would be a big issue.


Unconfirmed Member
Nah, I'm bracing for a GOP majority. I still think Dems will hold the Senate, but I don't discount the strong possibility.

On election night you'll be the one saying the GA or LA runoffs will surely save us.
On election night you'll be the one saying the GA or LA runoffs will surely save us.
If Dems have to count on GA/LA runoffs going their way to win the majority they're in trouble... the GOP will nationalize the race(s) and turn out every Republican voter in the state(s). They'll only have a chance if they're not of any consequence (either padding a Democratic majority or boosting the minority, as happened in 02 with Landrieu).

I like to think I'm more reasonable than you all give me credit for
So the Turtle is going to win? Blegh. At least him losing would've been a way to help soothe what will likely be a bitter election night.

He was always going to win, kicking him out was always a long shot.

I haven't given up on her. If she can get a lot of women on her side, she's got a shot.

And there was a recent poll that showed her a smidge ahead of the turtle. It is close enough that they'll work the GOTV efforts hard.


I kinda hope that Republicans win control of the Senate. They'll do what they always do and overreach and the public will react negatively to it, increasing Dem's favors in 2016.

And it's not like they'll get anything passed. Obama will veto that shit. Nothing was going to happen these next two years either way.


No Scrubs
I haven't given up on her. If she can get a lot of women on her side, she's got a shot.

And there was a recent poll that showed her a smidge ahead of the turtle. It is close enough that they'll work the GOTV efforts hard.

She's got a shot yes, but it was always just a shot in the dark. When it comes down to it, I think I would be more surprised if she won.
I kinda hope that Republicans win control of the Senate. They'll do what they always do and overreach and the public will react negatively to it, increasing Dem's favors in 2016.

And it's not like they'll get anything passed. Obama will veto that shit. Nothing was going to happen these next two years either way.
Meh. I've seen a lot of people say this (and I have too) but I guess my most preferred outcome will always be Republicans losing.

Also if there's a GOP Senate and something happens to one of the SCOTUS judges, things could get ugly.
Oh yeah . . . this is supposed to be their smart guy.

KENOSHA, Wis. (AP) — The planet has faced climate change forever and humans' pollution might not be to blame, Republican U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan said Monday during a debate against his Democratic challenger.

Ryan, favored to win re-election to his seat representing GOP-leaning southern Wisconsin, faced off against businessman Rob Zerban for an hourlong forum that touched on world events, domestic politics and the economy. One of the sharpest differences came when the moderator asked each candidate if he thought human activity is to blame for changes to the planet's climate.

"I don't know the answer to that question," Ryan said. "I don't think science does, either."

Ryan also said efforts to combat climate change are costly and unproven, a popular position among the Republican base he will need should he seek the GOP's presidential nomination in 2016.

You'll be on the wrong side of history . . . just like you are with gay rights.
Got in the weirdest Facebook argument hole tonight. Got called un-American for talking about how Christopher Columbus is a very not good person. People stanning for CC is fucking odd.


Got in the weirdest Facebook argument hole tonight. Got called un-American for talking about how Christopher Columbus is a very not good person. People stanning for CC is fucking odd.



No Scrubs
Got in the weirdest Facebook argument hole tonight. Got called un-American for talking about how Christopher Columbus is a very not good person. People stanning for CC is fucking odd.

It's not something you'll ever get used to. God forbid there be some shades of gray or black marks in our history.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Got in the weirdest Facebook argument hole tonight. Got called un-American for talking about how Christopher Columbus is a very not good person. People stanning for CC is fucking odd.

Christopher Columbus: the only illegal conservatives like


I think that one has started to get a little cliche and overblown to where everyone (of the "'intellectual' elite") always brings up the hypocritical racism of the Founders.

I mean Columbus' "great" act was one of conquest.

The rich, racist, elites who made up the Founders at least have their liberal writings. (And some have their various scientific endeavors. Like Franklin, who also had sex with everyone in France, the greatest act of all the Founders.)

Columbus's writings were more like this:
Oh Columbus was thousands of times worse than the Founders. The point is that somehow it's unheard of to criticize the Founding Fathers, despite the fact that they had a lot of flaws as individuals. Columbus was just an all around scumbag who was responsible for murdering and torturing millions of people...


I guess I was trying to say that I hear and see regular criticism of the Founders all the time. Especially compared to Columbus who only gets brought up this time every year.

But I do run in different circles from some of you folks.
Nah, it really only comes up during CC.

But yeah, CC is just a straight up evil man.i was elaborating on some of the more heinous crimes against humanity of his (mutilation/sex slavery/dismemberment) and got a "Liberal lies! if you hate this country so much why don't you leave!"

It was really fucking odd.


Meh. I've seen a lot of people say this (and I have too) but I guess my most preferred outcome will always be Republicans losing.

Also if there's a GOP Senate and something happens to one of the SCOTUS judges, things could get ugly.

Yup. SCOTUS through 2017 is my only worry. Aside from that, I'm not sweating much. I'll miss Mary if she loses, not because I'm a big fan of her policy-wise, but more because she has the mere gall to win, and that kind of thing really pisses-off the hillbillies down here.

A bonus if the GOP does take the Senate: they won't get much of what they want past Obama. That, and their base will howl with anger that they aren't being "tough enough" on him. In contrast with a lot of Dems, they're going to go into these last two years expecting big things.
Nah, it really only comes up during CC.

But yeah, CC is just a straight up evil man.i was elaborating on some of the more heinous crimes against humanity of his (mutilation/sex slavery/dismemberment) and got a "Liberal lies! if you hate this country so much why don't you leave!"

It was really fucking odd.

There is no logical explanation for fierce CC defense forces outside of that it's a reactionary movement to combat the "liberal" position against CC; chalk it up as partisanship reaching ridiculous heights. Columbus is treated like a Founding Father, and essentially deified to the point where any criticism=anti-American.

I suppose admitting to CC's crimes would also create a slippery slope wherein you'd have to admit US settlers also committed genocide against Native Americans, and lord knows we can't admit that. Just imagine the reaction if Obama used the g-word in relation to this issue.


Can someone explain to me why Martha Coakley is the candidate for Governor in Mass?

Is it corruption? Did she "work" her way in line and no one can run against her until she wins an office?

Joe Molotov

I was in a classroom last week, and I heard the teacher telling the kids that Columbus brought the Pilgrims to America on the Mayflower.

She was only a speech teacher though, at least.
Columbus was a real piece of shit. Theres documentation of him enslaving natives and doing horrible, horrible shit, a tradition our exemplary fathers kept intact.

National Democrats are reserving $1 million more for ads in Georgia, where they see the Senate race moving in their direction thanks to attacks against Republican David Perdue’s record of outsourcing.

The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee has pumped in $700,000 for the ads to start airing Wednesday for two weeks in Atlanta, the state’s biggest media market, and is in the process of snapping up another $300,000, sources told POLITICO.

The National Republican Senatorial Committee authorized its independent expenditure arm on Friday to spend an additional $1.45 million in Georgia.

The most recent Democratic internal polls show Democrat Michelle Nunn, a former nonprofit executive, leading Perdue and close to 50 percent, the threshold she would need to reach to avoid a Jan. 6 runoff, according to people who have reviewed the polling.
I think Perdue's comments about outsourcing (and his subsequent doubling down on them) are really hurting.

Democratic internals certainly paint a rosier picture for Democrats in most races. They all have Braley, Pryor and Udall leading, for example. Hopefully Democrats are modeling their polls after the electorate better than the public pollsters are.


But Republican National Committee Chair Reince Priebus on Tuesday morning sent out a Tweet that turned the tables. “Tom Steyer’s dark money group can’t win on the issues, so they're suppressing the Republican vote instead,” it read, linking to an opinion piece under Priebus’s byline on FoxNews.com.

Renowned Civil Rights Campaigner Reince Priebus fights against voter suppression!


Priebus begins the piece ominously. Steyer and his supporters can’t overcome voters’ anger at the Obama administration, he claims, “So they have a new plan: suppress the Republican vote.”

Now, to people familiar with this nation’s history, voter suppression conjures images of lynchings and riots, poll taxes, literacy tests, and the ugliest elements of the Jim Crow south. So what heavy-handed and maybe even illegal tactics is Steyer using?

Priebus points to a September 10 memo sent by Democratic political consultant Chris Lehane to NextGen state-level teams outlining the group’s nefarious scheme.

According to Priebus, “NextGen lays out a plan to “degrade Republican performance” by “dampening Republican enthusiasm levels.”

Wait. What? That’s it?

Yes indeed, the “voter suppression” scheme spearheaded by NextGen involves no intimidating poll watchers, no voter caging, and no misleading mailers with false information. Steyer and his minions will, instead, try to make some Republican voters rethink their support for GOP candidates by…wait for it…telling them what the candidates stand for.

When it comes to voter suppression, it turns out, Steyer and his associates are rank amateurs. They couldn’t even come up with a scary sounding name for the program, settling instead on the “Republican Haircut Strategy.”

The “key takeaway” from the Lehane memo, on which Priebus bases his article, is as follows:

In virtually every state NextGen is electorally engaged, there is an issue where the Republican candidate's anti-climate, anti-basic science beliefs has manifested itself in policies with harmful consequences for all voters in the state, including Republican voters. Our Republican Haircut Strategy -- a precision focus on a specific harm in target Republican markets -- we will seek to degrade Republican performance.”

What in the fucking fuck?

The kicker is that piece is from the Financial Times which generally backs most right-wing stuff. But in the UK, the conservatives are not on board with climate change denial. OK, some are but it is the fringe, not the conservative party line there like it is here.
That's a bummer about DSCC pulling out of KY. But this race has been getting away from Grimes and unseating the minority leader was always going to be a tough haul. I hope she or someone else good will run in 2016 for Rand's seat.

I recall saying early on that Georgia would be a better pickup opportunity than Kentucky, and it's interesting to see that born out by the spending there. Nunn is a great candidate and the state is on a similar trajectory as NC.
Renowned Civil Rights Campaigner Reince Priebus fights against voter suppression!



What in the fucking fuck?

The kicker is that piece is from the Financial Times which generally backs most right-wing stuff. But in the UK, the conservatives are not on board with climate change denial. OK, some are but it is the fringe, not the conservative party line there like it is here.
Amazing. Aljazeera has a headline right now on a 3rd party taking Georgia to court because 40,000 of its voter registrations mostly from Black and Hispanics has not been added.


This is semantics, and nothing more
This could be fun:

FantasySCOTUS said:
FantasySCOTUS is the leading Supreme Court Fantasy League. Thousands of attorneys, law students, and other avid Supreme Court followers make predictions about cases before the Supreme Court. Participation is free and Supreme Court geeks can win cash prizes up to $10,000.

FantasySCOTUS is 100% FREE, and you can:

  • Predict case outcomes and justice votes.
  • Make predictions at any time up to decision release.
  • Create custom leagues, public or private, for your firm or school.
  • View real-time, aggregate predictions for case outcomes.
  • Compete for prizes up to $10,000!
FantasySCOTUS is run by LexPredict and generously sponsored by Thomson Reuters.

EDIT: And speaking of SCOTUS:

Damon Root said:
Jones v. United States centers on the criminal sentences handed down by a judge to three men for conspiring to distribute drugs. However, those men had been acquitted of the conspiracy charge by the jury, which voted only to convict them of distributing a small amount of drugs. The question before the Supreme Court was whether the harsher, judge-imposed sentence violated the Constitution.

In his dissent today from the Court's denial of the case, Justice Scalia, joined by Justices Thomas and Ginsburg, explains both the stakes and why the Court's refusal to hear the appeal got it wrong:

The Sixth Amendment, together with the Fifth Amendment's Due Process Clause, "requires that each element of a crime" be either admitted by the defendant, or "proved to the jury beyond a reasonable doubt." Any fact that increases the penalty to which a defendant is exposed constitutes an element of a crime, and "must be found by a jury, not a judge." We have held that a substantively unreasonable penalty is illegal and must be set aside. It unavoidably follows that any fact necessary to prevent a sentence from being substantively unreasonable—thereby exposing the defendant to the longer sentence—is an element that must be either admitted by the defendant or found by the jury. It may not be found by a judge. [Internal citations omitted.]
That's a bummer about DSCC pulling out of KY. But this race has been getting away from Grimes and unseating the minority leader was always going to be a tough haul. I hope she or someone else good will run in 2016 for Rand's seat.

I recall saying early on that Georgia would be a better pickup opportunity than Kentucky, and it's interesting to see that born out by the spending there. Nunn is a great candidate and the state is on a similar trajectory as NC.

Daily Kos says Nunn just released a really good commercial on Perdue's outsourcing comments. I haven't seen it/can't link at work but she has done a good job running in a red state. Whereas Grimes want to get cute. Everyone knows she voted for Obama, she was a delegate...it reminds me of in 2012 when republicans wouldn't answer abortion questions. Not saying she "disqualified" herself but she definitely buried her already struggling campaign.
Daily Kos says Nunn just released a really good commercial on Perdue's outsourcing comments. I haven't seen it/can't link at work but she has done a good job running in a red state. Whereas Grimes want to get cute. Everyone knows she voted for Obama, she was a delegate...it reminds me of in 2012 when republicans wouldn't answer abortion questions. Not saying she "disqualified" herself but she definitely buried her already struggling campaign.
I don't think the "won't say if she voted for Obama" thing was a big deal, but not one of her finer moments.

In Colorado, Udall leads Gardner 66-17 among Latinos. SUSA had Gardner winning Latinos 49-35, yet only leading by 2 overall. And this is why Udall will win, no pollster knows how to fucking poll the Latino community. The director of SUSA did an interview today where he basically admitted that but didn't know what to do about it and said it wasn't a big deal. It is when it completely skews your results.
Daily Kos says Nunn just released a really good commercial on Perdue's outsourcing comments. I haven't seen it/can't link at work but she has done a good job running in a red state. Whereas Grimes want to get cute. Everyone knows she voted for Obama, she was a delegate...it reminds me of in 2012 when republicans wouldn't answer abortion questions. Not saying she "disqualified" herself but she definitely buried her already struggling campaign.
Everyone fucking knows she voter for barack supershock obama. Its not going to sway any undecideds, but is simply a piece of red meat for the base. Its not going to decide the election.


This is semantics, and nothing more

Fifth Circuit puts Texas Voter ID back in place.

"Very likely" that ruling reinstating Texas voter ID law will be appealed to SCOTUS, says lawyer for plaintiffs.

Early voting in Texas starts next week.

Makes sense. As the court notes, after surveying recent Supreme Court decisions:

While the Supreme Court has not explained its reasons for issuing these stays, the common thread is clearly that the decision of the Court of Appeals would change the rules of the election too soon before the election date. The stayed decisions have both upheld and struck down state statutes and affirmed and reversed district court decisions, so the timing of the decisions rather than their merits seems to be the key.
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