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PoliGAF 2014 |OT2| We need to be more like Disney World

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For many issues facing the country and humanity, they won't even get to step one - admitting that there is a problem.

I'd love to see a Democrat point this out in a primetime convention speech, when a somewhat significant portion of the country is paying attention. Maybe Bill Clinton could kill them on this, delivering the message in his usual folksy way..?
So very true:
-Climate change? There's no such thing! It is a grand hoax!
-Inequality? 99.8% of poor people have refrigerators! The minimum wage serves no purpose.
-Healthcare? The previous system was just fine . . . get sick & die if you don't have insurance!
-Race issues? There are no race issues! . . . Well, except white people being discriminated against!
-Womens rights? Nothing needs to be addressed here . . . move along.
-Gay Rights? Bible says "no". That's it.
-Economy? Government should do NOTHING . . . except cut taxes.

But what do they want the government to affirmatively do? I guess they wanted to ban flights from West Africa . . . and that is looking foolish now that the hysteria has died down a bit. I can't think of much else.


But here is the sad thing . . . that is their political governing objective at this point. They don't need to hold majority power to do nothing, they just need enough seats.

Can you name a single thing the GOP actually wants to do?

Cut "entitlements" to those people, you know who.
Lower environmental standards or just go all the way and get rid of the EPA; open up more federal lands for mining and drilling.
Lower income taxes because real Americans shouldn't have to pay for those people's entitlements.
Lower capital gains tax because it's the only "double taxation" that counts.

These are some of the things off the top of my head.
I never understood conservatives' deification of Reagan. Many of the things Reagan did back then they'd consider disgustingly liberal today.

They needed a hero and they didn't have one. So they manufactured one. He's a convenient one because he's dead so he can't do/say anything stupid and he won an election by a large margin. All the stuff that doesn't fit their current agenda? Down the memory hole.

They'll happily ignore that Reagan negotiated with terrorists, sold arms to Iran, backed an illegal war in central america, gave amnesty to illegal immigrants, was pro-gay, signed a gun control bill in California, raised taxes after realizing they were cut too far, ran up a bigger debt than every president before him combined, signed the "Therapeutic Abortion Act" in California, etc.
The need a hero and they didn't have one. So the manufactured one. He's a convenient one because he's dead so he can't do/say anything stupid and he won an election by a large margin. All the stuff that doesn't fit their current agenda? Down the memory hole.

They'll happily ignore that Reagan negotiated with terrorists, sold arms to Iran, backed an illegal war in central america, gave amnesty to illegal immigrants, was pro-gay, signed a gun control bill in California, raised taxes after realizing they were cut too far, ran up a bigger debt than every president before him combined, signed the "Therapeutic Abortion Act" in California, etc.

You forgot signed COBRA into law in 86. Before that, some hospitals could turn people away from their emergency rooms and let people die on the front lawns of hospitals


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
The need a hero and they didn't have one. So the manufactured one. He's a convenient one because he's dead so he can't do/say anything stupid and he won an election by a large margin. All the stuff that doesn't fit their current agenda? Down the memory hole.

Plus communism was our last big foe and Reagan single-handedly defeated the communists.


I'm still waiting for Silent Cal to get his due from conservatives. He'd have a word or two to say about the sorry state America's in right now.

But not three or more.

I never understood conservatives' deification of Reagan. Many of the things Reagan did back then they'd consider disgustingly liberal today.

A former co-worker of mine—a hardcore conservative asshole who long served as a chief of staff for a upstate New York state senator and who bitches constantly about over-regulation and entitlements and other GOP horseshit—absolutely loves Theodore Roosevelt. Worships him.

He has this as his current Facebook banner image:


I find that even more mind-boggling than conservative Reagan worship.
Cut "entitlements" to those people, you know who.
Lower environmental standards or just go all the way and get rid of the EPA; open up more federal lands for mining and drilling.
Lower income taxes because real Americans shouldn't have to pay for those people's entitlements.
Lower capital gains tax because it's the only "double taxation" that counts.

These are some of the things off the top of my head.

Well . . . none of those are a really affirmative acts . . . they are all just cutting back. But yes, I guess they need to get power to cut things further.


Unconfirmed Member

Pew Research putting Democrats up 1 on the generic congressional vote. Bit of an outlier compared to other recent polls but Pew is easily the most respected pollster in the business so I tend to believe them.

I know a slight win on the national house vote won't change anything this election, but it'd make me feel better about which way the country is leaning as a whole.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I never understood conservatives' deification of Reagan. Many of the things Reagan did back then they'd consider disgustingly liberal today.

The simplest explanation is that he's the closest thing they have to a successful Republican president. Hoover isn't too popular in the history books, Teddy Roosevelt created the progressive movement, so LOL on him ever being mentioned in a positive light. Eisenhower refused to lower taxes, called people who wanted to dismantle the welfare state "stupid", and hated the troops (that military industrial complex speech and all). Nixon might have had a suitable level of paranoia but he passed way too many liberal pieces of legislation (the EPA, for example), and has that whole Watergate thing that doesn't make him look too good (even though that's like the one thing Republicans wouldn't give a shit about). Gerald Ford was boring, the Elder Bush raised taxes (marginal rates, in fact!) so he's in the toilet forever, and Dubya was a domestic and foreign policy disaster even though he was more Reagan than Reagan himself (Dubya never cut taxes for example).

So yeah, they don't have a lot of other options.

In other news, Peter King has recently become the most knowledgeable epidemiologist in the world:

Republican Rep. Peter King thinks the doctors are wrong on Ebola, suggesting the deadly virus might have mutated and gone airborne in an interview with Long Island News Radio last week.

“You know my attitude was it’s important not to create a panic and it’s important not to overreact and the doctors were absolutely certain that this can not be transmitted and it was not airborne and yet we find out the people who have contracted it were wearing all protective gear,” said King.

“It’s time for the doctors to realize that they were wrong and figure out why they were wrong. Maybe this is a mutated form of the virus,” adds King later in the interview.

“Listen, I don’t blame doctors or the medical profession for not being up to date on the latest mutation,” says King.
“I mean, they should try to be and they should work at it but less I think they should be less definite when they make these pronouncements. That there is absolutely nothing to worry about, this can’t be transmitted airborne, that there’s nothing to worry about.”

Before anyone laughs, I'd like to let you know that Peter King reads only the most reputable of chain e-mails.


No Scrubs
A former co-worker of mine—a hardcore conservative asshole who long served as a chief of staff for a upstate New York state senator and who bitches constantly about over-regulation and entitlements and other GOP horseshit—absolutely loves Theodore Roosevelt. Worships him.

He has this as his current Facebook banner image:


I find that even more mind-boggling than conservative Reagan worship.

Has he never learned about Teddy Roosevelt? He'd be to the left of Obama if he were around today, shit he'd probably be about where Warren is.


Interesting story from Cook County Illinois and early voting. A Republican state rep Jim Moynihan tried to vote for himself and the computer showed him voting for the Democrat. Every Republican on the ticket he selected showed him picking the Democrat instead. LoL. Officials are blaming a calibration error.
Interesting story from Cook County Illinois and early voting. A Republican state rep Jim Moynihan tried to vote for himself and the computer showed him voting for the Democrat. Every Republican on the ticket he selected showed him picking the Democrat instead. LoL. Officials are blaming a calibration error.
The machine allegedly grew arms and started administering noogies to Rep. Moynihan while chanting "Stop voting yourself"

By the way PPP has a tie in the Michigan governor's race (48-48). Peters is blowing out the Senate race by 14 points (this will never stop being funny). I feel like in a close gov race with Peters dominating at the top, Schauer will win.
The machine allegedly grew arms and started administering noogies to Rep. Moynihan while chanting "Stop voting yourself"

By the way PPP has a tie in the Michigan governor's race (48-48). Peters is blowing out the Senate race by 14 points (this will never stop being funny). I feel like in a close gov race with Peters dominating at the top, Schauer will win.



Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
By the way PPP has a tie in the Michigan governor's race (48-48). Peters is blowing out the Senate race by 14 points (this will never stop being funny). I feel like in a close gov race with Peters dominating at the top, Schauer will win.

I don't know who either of these people are. Which one's the democrat?


Boston Globe has Baker up 9 on Coakley -- 45 to 36.

Basically Martha Coakley's campaigns have been just one long sad trombone sound.


A former co-worker of mine—a hardcore conservative asshole who long served as a chief of staff for a upstate New York state senator and who bitches constantly about over-regulation and entitlements and other GOP horseshit—absolutely loves Theodore Roosevelt. Worships him.
You used to work with Johm McCain?

I feel like in a close gov race with Peters dominating at the top, Schauer will win.
The "top"? Governor's top of the ballot and the only race the media is paying real attention to. Other than Land's early barrage the Senate race has been a peep of ads compared to the Gov race's whisper. House is getting more play than either really. Snyder winning by five points while Peters wins with almost 60% of the vote would not be shocking at all.

I don't know who either of these people are. Which one's the democrat?
Gov: R-Snyder (incumbent), D-Schauer
Sen: L-Fulner, R-Land (Aaron's avatar), D-Peters (D-Levin incumbent)
If the top GOP candidate in the state is a flop, that harms their ticket. And if the gov race is a coin flip then that bodes well for the Democrats. (Schauer and Peters are the Democrats btw)

I know you really want Snyder to win PD but you can at least admit this is a tossup right?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Being from Kansas originally, I remain interested in the goings-on in, and well-being of, the state. Unfortunately, not being in Kansas presently, I haven't been able to justify pouring time into researching those goings-on or that well-being, so I can't offer much on that subject. One interesting (and easily researched) metric may bode well for the state, however: FY2014 (July 2013 - June 2014) state sales tax collections were up 2% over FY2013 (July 2012 - June 2013) collections, despite a cut in the state sales tax rate from 6.3% to 6.15% effective July 1, 2013. A quick calculation shows that those increased collections correspond to a 4.5% increase in sales. Importantly, I don't know how that compares to past years or to similarly situated states that didn't cut taxes, but it's something, at least.

But were those revenue increases because of the tax cuts?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Looks like we can add suicide to the long list of awful things that are the result of the welfare state:

Young on Wednesday was back in the Valley, this time talking with about 100 people at the Palmer senior center run by Mat-Su Senior Services.

Asked about the "lack of support" comment, Young expanded on it and added that suicide in Alaska didn't exist before "government largesse" gave residents an entitlement mentality, according to an audio recording of his senior center appearance.

According to the audio recording made available to the Alaska Dispatch News, the state's largest newspaper, the congressman told voters yesterday, "When people had to work and had to provide and had to keep warm by putting participation in cutting wood and catching the fish and killing the animals, we didn't have the suicide problem."


I can't believe Massachusetts democrats fielded her to run for governor, of all the people in the state.

I didn't know she was running again until this page, or for what office, but that really is incredible. Her time on the statewide ticket for Dems should have ended when she blew the Senate race.


If they were purely playing for the electoral map, it'd have to be Walker-Rubio, right?
That would be a great ticket for the GOP, yeah.

Also, I too have no idea why Coakley is running again. Did they not learn from 2010?
What is it with bad years for Democrats and Martha Coakley?


If she runs for something in 2016 we are doomed.


No Scrubs
Is Ebola this elections October surprise?

What have the democrats done to keep us safe?

Hannity, tonight.

God, that ebola thread is insufferable. So much damn fear mongering. I can only hope the average New Yorker isn't that crazy otherwise the next few weeks will be insufferable.


The powerful Zionist cabal is at its old tricks again. Using its significant assets in both the media and on the ground, it has perpetrated yet another ludicrous fraud. Once again, the fabrication is based on crisis actors, absolute fakes, who lend their faces and names for a fee. It is through such fakes acting as if real that the hoaxes have substance.
All a hoax!
I didn't know she was running again until this page, or for what office, but that really is incredible. Her time on the statewide ticket for Dems should have ended when she blew the Senate race.
That would be a great ticket for the GOP, yeah.

Also, I too have no idea why Coakley is running again. Did they not learn from 2010?
What is it with bad years for Democrats and Martha Coakley?


If she runs for something in 2016 we are doomed.
To be fair the poll showing her trailing 9 points is an outlier in all likelihood. It has sample size of 500, telephone only. But it did show Independents swing wildly in favor of Baker into double digits. Even though it may be extrapolated, the trend is worrisome for Coakley. For all intents and purposes, the race is a dead heat.

But yeah, Coakley should have been booted. Not for losing the Senate, Obama's supermajority hence the entire Democratic agenda, but for taking a vacation in the middle of campaigning for Ted Kennedy's seat.


I didn't know she was running again until this page, or for what office, but that really is incredible. Her time on the statewide ticket for Dems should have ended when she blew the Senate race.

That would be a great ticket for the GOP, yeah.

Also, I too have no idea why Coakley is running again. Did they not learn from 2010?
What is it with bad years for Democrats and Martha Coakley?


If she runs for something in 2016 we are doomed.

To be fair the poll showing her trailing 9 points is an outlier in all likelihood. It has sample size of 500, telephone only. But it did show Independents swing wildly in favor of Baker into double digits. Even though it may be extrapolated, the trend is worrisome for Coakley. For all intents and purposes, the race is a dead heat.

But yeah, Coakley should have been booted. Not for losing the Senate, Obama's supermajority hence the entire Democratic agenda, but for taking a vacation in the middle of campaigning for Ted Kennedy's seat.
I think I answered some questions about "Why Coakley?" before, but the short version is this: she has a comparatively huge network of actual powerbrokers, especially law enforcement groups. She can outraise almost anybody else in the primaries as well as having footsoldiers. Her main competition was self-funding around half of his campaign, if not more, just to be competitive. There's always been suggestions that she's a "good friend" in the AG's office for the party's members.

Coakley probably has like 90% of the sheriffs and DA's in the state backing her. She's got both police unions. She also got all the women's groups by default. Plus she has name recognition despite her blatant incompetence at both her job and campaigning.

She still only got 23% of the vote at the convention and 42% of the vote in the primary.


Why are you guys so concerned about Mass Gov? Besides, Baker would probably qualify as a democrat in any other state.
If the top GOP candidate in the state is a flop, that harms their ticket. And if the gov race is a coin flip then that bodes well for the Democrats. (Schauer and Peters are the Democrats btw)

I know you really want Snyder to win PD but you can at least admit this is a tossup right?

I don't think Land harms the ticket because the top of the ticket (Snyder) is relatively strong. Synder is up 4 according to Real Clear Politics' averages. This is not a toss up. It's a race about the economy, and nearly 50% of folks in the state think we're heading in the right. And if not they certainly believe the state is better off than it was during the last administration, which Shauer has direct ties to.

Land isn't even doing events with Snyder. She's completely divorced from the main attraction.
I don't think Land harms the ticket because the top of the ticket (Snyder) is relatively strong. Synder is up 4 according to Real Clear Politics' averages. This is not a toss up. It's a race about the economy, and nearly 50% of folks in the state think we're heading in the right. And if not they certainly believe the state is better off than it was during the last administration, which Shauer has direct ties to.

Land isn't even doing events with Snyder. She's completely divorced from the main attraction.
I'm going by PPP's most recent poll which showed a tie. I tend to trust their polling above most others.

This will come down to turnout. If turnout is high Schauer wins.

Let me ask you: Do you think Snyder would prefer - for the sake of his own campaign - if Land was in a close contest, or if she were getting blown out like she is now?

Sam Wang has Senate control at 50-50. Nice to see after it fell so hard recently.
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