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PoliGAF 2015-2016 |OT3| If someone named PhoenixDark leaves your party, call the cops

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I know. I thought something was up when the Sanders people didn't release immediately. I figured they were looking for a way to spin it. It's not a bad haul at all, especially for an outsider....but the way some Bernie folks were going on and on on Reddit, they were going to break her back in the funding.

He does have a phenomenal number of small donors and it is a fantastic amount of money. That said, it looks like the concerns that Hillary's donor base was tapped out were unfounded.

Thanks, Trey Gowdy.
$33m with only small donors, while Hillary is full-on with corpo donors by the MILLIONS. Once donations translate into fervent voters Clinton will be OVER.
He does have a phenomenal number of small donors and it is a fantastic amount of money. That said, it looks like the concerns that Hillary's donor base was tapped out were unfounded.

Thanks, Trey Gowdy.

Oh, I agree, It's an impressive haul. I'm shocked he didn't out raise her, tbh. She had a damn good quarter. I think that's why we've seen the race solidify for her so much. The FEC filing was a tangible way to prove that she really has answered a lot of the question marks surrounding her campaign.

It's pretty irrelevant. All that money is going into one pot after the primaries.

Well, had Bernie won the quarter, it would have been extremely relevant to some. As far as to his campaign, ya, I think it would have been relevant. Hillary raised $55 million, $18m of which went to down ballot races. Bernie raised $33m with nothing to help any other Dems out. If he wants a revolution, he needs to get like minded people elected. If he can't bring in money to help the party, then his revolution is going to be a President. who can accomplish absolutely nothing. And, yes, I know that they both have the agreements in place. The issue is, Sander's donors aren't maxing out to eh point of being able to donate to the DNC through the sharing agreements. That's a problem.

It's also important for Bernie to be able to set a narrative. Coming in 2nd to Hillary doesn't help him set a narrative. This is the stuff his campaign is so bad at. They jumped the shark on that 2 million contributions when they announced it a few weeks ago. I wonder if they were thinking they'd outraise her, and use it as a one-two punch.

Yep I donated cause of the Benghazi hearings. God bless my queen Hillary.

My mom as well. She's never donated to a campaign, although she's a reliable voter. She set up a monthly contribution to Hillary on the spot. She's also interested in volunteering with me this season.
anyone following random cruz/trump supporters on twitter? i tell you some of the shit they tweet like every couple of minutes.hours. Do they have no life!?!?
All low level political people are like that. Follow some Media Matters people on Twitter, they're pathetic. I suggest Oliver Willis. He spends all day baiting republicans, posting his half assed political views, and complaining about the media. Even on Friday nights, even on holidays.

You can tell he hasn't gotten laid in years. Speaking of which I hope my poligaf brothers have had some success already in the young year. Don't forget the cranberry juice.

User 406

$33m with only small donors, while Hillary is full-on with corpo donors by the MILLIONS. Once donations translate into fervent voters Clinton will be OVER.


Melkr running away from the fact that this wasn't SuperPAC donations, but campaign donations, which can't exceed $2700 per donor.

As it turns out, small donors are DNC plants!
There can never be bad news for Bernie Sanders, can there?

(Not that I think this is bad news, but it certainly wasn't the expectation most of us had.)


There can never be bad news for Bernie Sanders, can there?

(Not that I think this is bad news, but it certainly wasn't the expectation most of us had.)

Stanning is an art form. You learn to systematically shut out any negatives of your stan of choice and spent copious amounts of time looking at anything you can that could be negative about everyone else. Then you post some gifs.
Stanning is an art form. You learn to systematically shut out any negatives of your stan of choice and spent copious amounts of time looking at anything you can that could be negative about everyone else. Then you post some gifs.

At this point, the only places in the country that might not be full of oligarchs and corporate shrills are New Hampshire and Vermont. That's where the real progressives live.

And, if Bernie does lose, the loss will be a temporary setback in his grand revolution.
I had the craziest dream last night where Paul Ryan set up a vote on the immigration bill and people were outraged and wishing Boehner would come back.

If only.

Melkr running away from the fact that this wasn't SuperPAC donations, but campaign donations, which can't exceed $2700 per donor.

As it turns out, small donors are DNC plants!


^^ Manky fleeing from the revelation that 99.9% of "small donors" don't have the finances to donate $2700


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
^^ Hillary running to the nomination which is conveniently located at the bottom of the stairs


I believe they pay out at a $1 per share for the correct prediction, zilch for the wrong one (obviously).

Oh, interesting, so it's not just a stock market model. Seems mostly like sports betting where you can sell off your bet and there are a limited amount of bets. How many shares in the initial offering? (Sorry, I should really just google).
How much did you have to drink last night? :p
Not that much... It's usually pretty rare I have political dreams but I guess reading PoliGAF was the last thing I did before bed. I also was dreaming about predictit and how I wished I'd put more on Trump (I have 25 on him right now, 93 shares).

In spite of that I don't really want to put more in - gambling's a big problem in my family and I don't really want to get carried away.
94% came from donations under $100.

94% of donors or 94% of the overall donated money? Big difference there.

But yeah, this quarter was really strong for Hillary. Also, Bernie´s campaign momentum died after the first debate in October, so the numbers are not that surprising.

Those corpo-donations masqueraded as small donors tho.


What happens if you are still holding shares after the election? Do you just lose that money?

Then they pay out based on the result. If Trump wins I make like $1200.

94% of donors or 94% of the overall donated money? Big difference there.

Overall. $2700 cap remember? I don't know why it's so hard for Bernie fans to wrap their head around the idea that Hillary has widespread grassroots support.


Ew, she wears off the rack?

Never mind. I'm Team Bernie now.

Speaking of pant suits, and I kind of hate that I'm even mentioning this because it shouldn't even matter, but why does Hillary always wear those weird flat front suit jackets? If she wore a button down jacket she would look 10 years younger and very presidential. She should get Huma to take her shopping - she seems to have good style.
$33m with only small donors, while Hillary is full-on with corpo donors by the MILLIONS. Once donations translate into fervent voters Clinton will be OVER.

Yeah, and she refuses to release the average donation amount (or the total number of individual donations, as that would also allow one to calculate the average), as it would damage her campaign, and undoubtedly bolster Bernie's.

Using the figures from the NY Times article, on Bernie's $33 million Q4 haul, Bernie's average donation is now $29:

Mr. Sanders, a senator from Vermont, has now raised $73 million for his nomination fight, his aides said in a news release.

The campaign said more than one million individual donors had made more than 2.5 million contributions, passing President Obama’s previous record for the amount of individual donations, which was set at the end of 2011

If Adam's Mom is still donating to Hillary's campaign, my guess is that, not only did he not forward the National Nurses United union endorsement video to her, he is seriously afraid that her support for Hillary is so fragile, that this single video could, at the very least, get her to question her support for Adam's queen ;).
Then they pay out based on the result. If Trump wins I make like $1200.

Overall. $2700 cap remember? I don't know why it's so hard for Bernie fans to wrap their head around the idea that Hillary has widespread grassroots support.

uh no, 94% of donations were under $100
I think it's karmic justice that Sanders campaign did not raise more than Clinton by doing something very wrong AND THEN playing the victim card. That is not behavior that should be rewarded with a notable accomplishment.
I think it's karmic justice that Sanders campaign did not raise more than Clinton by doing something very wrong AND THEN playing the victim card. That is not behavior that should be rewarded with a notable accomplishment.

It was really gross when they tried to capitalize on the issue to raise some money tbh. Even when they pulled a lot of excuses like the data breacher was a DNC-recommendated person and all that.

Not as gross as Clinton being bought by big pharma, though.
Not that much... It's usually pretty rare I have political dreams but I guess reading PoliGAF was the last thing I did before bed. I also was dreaming about predictit and how I wished I'd put more on Trump (I have 25 on him right now, 93 shares).

In spite of that I don't really want to put more in - gambling's a big problem in my family and I don't really want to get carried away.

It's investing, not gambling.


Sanders raised only 4 million less than Hillary. I don't think the Sanders camp is weeping at these numbers.

I wonder how much O'Malley raised. Hopefully enough that he can eat. He needs to stay fit.
It was really gross when they tried to capitalize on the issue to raise some money tbh. Even when they pulled a lot of excuses like the data breacher was a DNC-recommendated person and all that.

Not as gross as Clinton being bought by big pharma, though.

Yeah, the real reason she's against marijuana legislation.
Speaking of pant suits, and I kind of hate that I'm even mentioning this because it shouldn't even matter, but why does Hillary always wear those weird flat front suit jackets? If she wore a button down jacket she would look 10 years younger and very presidential. She should get Huma to take her shopping - she seems to have good style.

My mom is of a similar age and wears the same cut of things. I think it's the idea that it's a more appropriate look for a woman of a certain age. I used to be a personal shopper, and I often shopped with women in their 60s/70s who wanted thinks that covered their stomachs...even if they were perfectly fit anyway. I actually like a lot of the suits she has been wearing recently. I really liked the cut of that first suit from the 1st debate.

Daniel B·;191045679 said:
If Adam's Mom is still donating to Hillary's campaign, my guess is that, not only did he not forward the National Nurses United union endorsement video to her, he is seriously afraid that her support for Hillary is so fragile, that this single video could, at the very least, get her to question her support for Adam's queen ;).

Why would I forward the National Nurses United endorsement when my mom is a retired member of the NEA which, FYI, endorsed Hillary? My mom is also an intelligent, confident and educated woman capable of making her own decisions without having things Bernsplained to her. A woman, who FYI, does not like Bernie Sanders at all. Not even remotely. A woman who remembers Nixon's dirty tricks, and immediately saw the same coming from Bernie's campaign. A woman who remembers McGovern and what a disaster nominating someone like him was for our party. If you think I don't like Bernie, my mom would give you palpitations. Which is interesting, because she started as leaning Hillary, but potentially up for grabs. Feel free to come for me, but I wouldn't suggest coming for my mom. I simply pointed out how Hillary does have a group of first time donors, many of them women, who are becoming politically active for her in a way they haven't before.

And, my sister and nephew, both nurses, support Hillary.


No Scrubs
Not that much... It's usually pretty rare I have political dreams but I guess reading PoliGAF was the last thing I did before bed. I also was dreaming about predictit and how I wished I'd put more on Trump (I have 25 on him right now, 93 shares).

In spite of that I don't really want to put more in - gambling's a big problem in my family and I don't really want to get carried away.

I've only got about 300 shares in him and I wish the same. I just feel like I've left so much money on the table, but I couldn't afford more anyway.


My mom is of a similar age and wears the same cut of things. I think it's the idea that it's a more appropriate look for a woman of a certain age. I used to be a personal shopper, and I often shopped with women in their 60s/70s who wanted thinks that covered their stomachs...even if they were perfectly fit anyway. I actually like a lot of the suits she has been wearing recently. I really liked the cut of that first suit from the 1st debate.

Why would I forward the National Nurses United endorsement when my mom is a retired member of the NEA which, FYI, endorsed Hillary? My mom is also an intelligent, confident and educated woman capable of making her own decisions without having things Bernsplained to her. A woman, who FYI, does not like Bernie Sanders at all. Not even remotely. A woman who remembers Nixon's dirty tricks, and immediately saw the same coming from Bernie's campaign. A woman who remembers McGovern and what a disaster nominating someone like him was for our party. If you think I don't like Bernie, my mom would give you palpitations. Which is interesting, because she started as leaning Hillary, but potentially up for grabs. Feel free to come for me, but I wouldn't suggest coming for my mom. I simply pointed out how Hillary does have a group of first time donors, many of them women, who are becoming politically active for her in a way they haven't before.

And, my sister and nephew, both nurses, support Hillary.

Nixon almost accomplished something that would have made this country astronomically better off. He may have been a turd, but he was a cooking a diamond that has since been thrown away in this country.

Assuming you know what I usually harp on here on GAF about, do I have to spell it out? ;)


Final year of Obama and Diamond Joe. Hillary and Julian are going to be so boring. Bill's not going to give us enough scandals this time.

User 406

Now we need someone to do the math and find the maximum number of donations that could've been maxed out.

That would be about 13400 or so, if we assume all the small donors stayed below $5 each. For perspective, that would be around the same amount as the number of all the businesses in the US that have over a thousand employees. So if we assume maximum $hill, where every single large donation this quarter was a maxed out donation from an evil corporation, then that means every company in the US with a payroll over 1000 would have had to have done all of their donations to her this last quarter only, for the express purpose of telling her what to do while in office.

This is silly, of course, since they would have already done that earlier in the campaign. At this point, $hillary is clearly being bought body and soul by Big Local Mom & Pop Grocery and Big Neighborhood Daycare.

Also, under this scenario, Hilldawg would still have roughly 210,000 small donors. This quarter.

It was really gross when they tried to capitalize on the issue to raise some money tbh. Even when they pulled a lot of excuses like the data breacher was a DNC-recommendated person and all that.

Not as gross as Clinton being bought by big pharma, though.

Going by this list of pharma companies, that would amount to a bit under half a million dollars. Only 36 and a half million more to explain away!
Nixon almost accomplished something that would have made this country astronomically better off. He may have been a turd, but he was a cooking a diamond that has since been thrown away in this country.

Assuming you know what I usually harp on here on GAF about, do I have to spell it out? ;)

I don't hate Nixon. Mainly pointing out how people who were alive during that time, especially Democrats of a certain age, remember Watergate. Hell, if NIxon were running today he'd be the best by far.
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