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PoliGAF 2015-2016 |OT3| If someone named PhoenixDark leaves your party, call the cops

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we still get to see him swear in senators next January.

can't wait
Sanders raised only 4 million less than Hillary. I don't think the Sanders camp is weeping at these numbers.

I wonder how much O'Malley raised. Hopefully enough that he can eat. He needs to stay fit.

Actually, to be nit picky here...

Hillary raised $55 million through her campaign. $18m of it she can't use, of course, but it was her people who raised it.


I don't hate Nixon. Mainly pointing out how people who were alive during that time, especially Democrats of a certain age, remember Watergate. Hell, if NIxon were running today he'd be the best by far.

In today's climate Nixon would claim a conspiracy by the media and announce a fundraiser. Watergate would earn him millions of dollars in a day.
Why would I forward the National Nurses United endorsement when my mom is a retired member of the NEA which, FYI, endorsed Hillary? My mom is also an intelligent, confident and educated woman capable of making her own decisions without having things Bernsplained to her. A woman, who FYI, does not like Bernie Sanders at all. Not even remotely. A woman who remembers Nixon's dirty tricks, and immediately saw the same coming from Bernie's campaign. A woman who remembers McGovern and what a disaster nominating someone like him was for our party. If you think I don't like Bernie, my mom would give you palpitations. Which is interesting, because she started as leaning Hillary, but potentially up for grabs. Feel free to come for me, but I wouldn't suggest coming for my mom. I simply pointed out how Hillary does have a group of first time donors, many of them women, who are becoming politically active for her in a way they haven't before.

And, my sister and nephew, both nurses, support Hillary.

Weak, Adam, very weak, to suggest that my in jest post, was in anyway an attack on your Mom. I'm simply stating that, much like Hillary's first and third debate performances, temporarily softened my stance towards her, the NNU video might well have the same effect on your Mom.

The National Education Association (NEA) executive endorsed Hillary, not the 3 million, rank and file members. And, assuming your sister and nephew are members of the NNU union, they were democratically out voted, with a majority of their fellow nurses believing that Bernie is the best choice for our nation.
Daniel B·;191050550 said:
Weak, Adam, very weak, to suggest that my in jest post, was in anyway an attack on your Mom. I'm simply stating that, much like Hillary's first and third debate performances, temporarily softened my stance towards her, the NNU video might well have the same effect on your Mom.

The National Education Association (NEA) executive endorsed Hillary, not the 3 million, rank and file members. And, assuming your sister and nephew are members of the NNU union, they were democratically out voted, with a majority of their fellow nurses believing that Bernie is the best choice for our nation.

Don't worry, I wasn't saying it was an attack on my mom. I was suggesting that, should you interact with any Hillary supporter (or undecided) , your tone is very important. If you would have tried to win my mom's vote with any of that, she would have gone full, school teacher mode on you. People don't like being lectured, and people absolutely don't like to have things "explained" to them. That's why "Bernsplaining" is a thing. The issue I take is that those of us who support Hillary are misinformed or too stupid to understand how amazing Bernie Sanders is. Most of us have seen the same things you have, but come to different conclusions.

Yes, yes, we know. The only "real" unions are the ones who endorse Bernie. Any other union is completely controlled by the oligarchy.

And something else I'm annoyed with is this idea that anyone who can donate $2700 is somehow an evil, bad person. In 2007, I maxed out donations for Hillary, and then for Obama. (I was working a good job at the time, and I could afford it.) My dad used to max out donations to candidates as well. (Including Hillary in 2007, the last contribution he made before he passed away.) He came from nothing. After he left the railroad, he worked his way from selling newspapers to managing a newspaper. So, while those who give $2700 aren't worth more than the person who gives $25, they're also not worth nothing. This cycle, I can't do that, unfortunately.


Got home from a family visit down in Miami. On my way back saw a "I ♥ H->" bumper sticker on a white Acura luxury SUV, either 2014-2015 model, white male, affluent.

Florida is on lock I tell you....
I wasn't saying it was an attack on my mom. I was suggesting that, should you interact with any Hillary supporter, your tone is very important. If you would have tried to win my mom's vote with any of that, she would have gone full, school teacher mode on you. People don't like being lectured, and people absolutely don't like to have things "explained" to them. That's why "Bernsplaining" is a thing. The issue I take is that those of us who support Hillary are misinformed or too stupid to understand how amazing Bernie Sanders is. Most of us have seen the same things you have, but come to different conclusions.

Yes, yes, we know. The only "real" unions are the ones who endorse Bernie. Any other union is completely controlled by the oligarchy.

And something else I'm annoyed with is this idea that anyone who can donate $2700 is somehow an evil, bad person. In 2007, I maxed out donations for Hillary, and then for Obama. (I was working a good job at the time, and I could afford it.) My dad used to max out donations to candidates as well. (Including Hillary in 2007, the last contribution he made before he passed away.) He came from nothing. After he left the railroad, he worked his way from selling newspapers to managing a newspaper. So, while those who give $2700 aren't worth more than the person who gives $25, they're also not worth nothing. This cycle, I can't do that, unfortunately.

Yeah, but what about the optics, me old mucker, the optics ;).

Damn, your family really takes politics seriously. If you don't mind me asking, when you were making good coin, how much were you earning? I'm kidding (although, if you want to share, that's cool), but perhaps you would tell us what position you held? At the peak of my Software Engineering career, I was earning about $75k (at today's exchange rate), but never felt the need to donate to a Labour party candidate (would have been Blair onwards) in the U.K., as candidates don't need large sums of money to run a campaign.
Daniel B·;191052894 said:
Yeah, but what about the optics, me old mucker, the optics ;).

Dann, your family really takes politics seriously. If you don't mind me asking, when you were making good coin, how much were you earning? I'm kidding (although, if you want to share, that's cool), but perhaps you would tell us what position you held? At the peak of my Software Engineering career, I was earning about $75k (at today's exchange rate), but never felt the need to donate to a Labour party candidate (would have been Blair onwards) in the U.K., as candidates don't need large sums of money to run a campaign.

I was making good for a 20 year old, living at home with no real bills. $2300 was my bonus check for three months. I just donated it until I maxed out.
I was making good for a 20 year old, living at home with no real bills. $2300 was my bonus check for three months. I just donated it until I maxed out.

Sorry about your Dad's passing (I will make a real effort to read posts more carefully in future).

Was there anything in particular that made you donate your whole bonus check?
Daniel B·;191053983 said:
Sorry about your Dad's passing (I will make a real effort to read posts more carefully in future).

Was there anything in particular that made you donate your whole bonus check?

Thank you. No worries. He passed away in 2008. :)

Uh, not particularly. I never counted on that money, specifically. I adored Hillary and wanted to do what I could to help her win. Like I said, I normally would have just spent the money on games or something.
Man, do you remember the Bush years?

$2300 bad, when Hillary and Barack could call on their really wealthy donors, for whom that sort of money is chicken feed?

P.S. Thank the heavens; some local, wealthy Bernie fans are stumping up the cash, to pay the rent for our local office. So to refer back to Adam's earlier point, becoming wealthy doesn't automatically make you forget your roots, or make you not care about society, and want keep all the riches for yourself, society be damned.
Daniel B·;191054418 said:
$2300 bad, when Hillary and Barack could call on their really wealthy donors, for whom that sort of money is chicken feed?

: slight chuckle :

If selling my left kidney would have gotten Shrub out of the White House, I'd have cut it out myself. And included a few other organs to sweeten the deal.

But, seriously, this is what I mean. I know it may surprise you, but some people can be excited about candidates that are NOT Bernie Sanders. That Wall Street guy you hate so much gave $2300, but guess what, so did I. I had the ability to do so, so I did. I also donated to the groups who helped to settle all of Hillary's campaign debt from the last primary. If I couldn't have given that much, I'd have given what I could, like in 2010, 2012, and, now, 2016. (2014 was strictly a volunteer year for me because I couldn't have given an ounce of water in a rain storm.)

As excited as you are for Bernie? I feel the same way about Hillary...except I have a few drops of vinger with each teaspoon of sugar. I'm a realist about it, but I genuinely like and am excited for her to be our nominee.

User 406

And something else I'm annoyed with is this idea that anyone who can donate $2700 is somehow an evil, bad person. In 2007, I maxed out donations for Hillary, and then for Obama. (I was working a good job at the time, and I could afford it.) My dad used to max out donations to candidates as well. (Including Hillary in 2007, the last contribution he made before he passed away.) He came from nothing. After he left the railroad, he worked his way from selling newspapers to managing a newspaper. So, while those who give $2700 aren't worth more than the person who gives $25, they're also not worth nothing. This cycle, I can't do that, unfortunately.

This explains everything. Obama was bought by Big Adam387 so he would push through the PPACA, tailor made to help adam387 with his health issues. Then there was the whole marriage equality thing. Our democracy was bought and paid for. Next Hillary is going to obey her corporate master and sign an executive order for the creation of a reality show featuring Martin O'Malley doing wilderness survival with no shirt. All is lost.
This explains everything. Obama was bought by Big Adam387 so he would push through the PPACA, tailor made to help adam387 with his health issues. Then there was the whole marriage equality thing. Our democracy was bought and paid for. Next Hillary is going to obey her corporate master and sign an executive order for the creation of a reality show featuring Martin O'Malley doing wilderness survival with no shirt. All is lost.

All is lost, or all is awesome!?

We're also going to change the national anthem to a Panic! at the Disco song as yet to be determined by me.

The notion that the government began spying on us at all recently is hilarious.

I read a biography of Hoover, and one of the points of it was that he gathered intel for sitting presidents up through LBJ. He traded this intel for influence (augmented with blackmail material as well). However, he faced increased scutiny during the Civil Rights movement and decided it was too dangerous to continue. Hence, Nixon had to hire his own dirty-work team (which got caught).


The notion that the government began spying on us at all recently is hilarious.

I read a biography of Hoover, and one of the points of it was that he gathered intel for sitting presidents up through LBJ. He traded this intel for influence (augmented with blackmail material as well). However, he faced increased scutiny during the Civil Rights movement and decided it was too dangerous to continue. Hence, Nixon had to hire his own dirty-work team (which got caught).

: slight chuckle :

If selling my left kidney would have gotten Shrub out of the White House, I'd have cut it out myself. And included a few other organs to sweeten the deal.

But, seriously, this is what I mean. I know it may surprise you, but some people can be excited about candidates that are NOT Bernie Sanders. That Wall Street guy you hate so much gave $2300, but guess what, so did I. I had the ability to do so, so I did. I also donated to the groups who helped to settle all of Hillary's campaign debt from the last primary. If I couldn't have given that much, I'd have given what I could, like in 2010, 2012, and, now, 2016. (2014 was strictly a volunteer year for me because I couldn't have given an ounce of water in a rain storm.)

As excited as you are for Bernie? I feel the same way about Hillary...except I have a few drops of vinger with each teaspoon of sugar. I'm a realist about it, but I genuinely like and am excited for her to be our nominee.

Hillary is very lucky to have you as such a devoted supporter (how was Chelsea's wedding dress? ;) ) :).

I and I'm sure Bernie don't hate the folks on Wall St., but we sure as shit want justice to be applied equally to them, with the same zeal as regular folks, and if they break the law, where appropriate, they should be facing serious jail time, which would absolutely act as a deterrent (as long as jail isn't a holiday resort), unlike "cost of business" level fines.

My uncle was actually a Wall St. banker, who I haven't seen in many years, and when my Mom and I hopefully get together with him, in New York, for Thanksgiving, I suspect he will be just as discouraged with the shenanigans on Wall St., as the majority of the American people.


Ahem. That'll be the job of the First Gentleman, thank you very much. :)

Your Sea Manky's wife?

So what does Bill do as First Gentleman exactly? He would be the inaugural holder and the role is undefined.

In the United States, the title of First Gentleman may be accorded to a male person who is married to the head of state of a State government, analogously to the unofficial use of "First Lady" for the wife or hostess of a head of state, including the wife of the President of the United States. As of 2015, no persons have been accorded the "First Gentleman" designation as a husband of a U.S. president.
$33m with only small donors, while Hillary is full-on with corpo donors by the MILLIONS. Once donations translate into fervent voters Clinton will be OVER.

I concur. Hillary should be worried that 21 million of her 37 million came from huge fundraisers in Q4. That leaves 16 million from the common folk. Bernie doubled that from his common folk. Will the unpassionate supporters of Hillary who have not donated step up and vote? Does Bernie's supporters who haven't given outnumber Hillary's? Probably so. Bernie is winning on both metrics. The only hope Hillary has is the illusion she's the frontrunner by the media. With polls being way off nowadays(Remember 2014 when GAF thought the Dems would keep the Senate and even pick up Kansas?)...well it's a toss-up as far as I'm concerned until we start seeing some votes. I think the passion is definitely on Bernie's side. The polls could be way off as they have been before. Thankfully we get some answers in a month with Iowa.
Your Sea Manky's wife?

So what does Bill do as First Gentleman exactly? He would be the inaugural holder and the role is undefined.

Yes, I am Sea Manky's wife. I'm not much of a gamer, so I just decided to go by Mrs. Manky.

And since the First Gentleman's position is completely undefined, Bill Clinton gets to do with it what he wants. Keep in mind that the First Lady position has evolved over the years, from just hostess to advocate as well.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009

These people will carry my pick to victory.

Here is my path to the GAF nomination:
  1. Bush comes in a respectable fourth place in Iowa
  2. Bush blankets NH in ads funded by his "uncoordinated" SuperPAC. His on the ground advantage has him outperform polls. He consolidates the establishment vote, edging out Rubio just barely.
  3. His performance in NH is a surprise. A serious bump is felt across polling in the other states.
  4. Bush continues being aggressive in the next debate, targeting Rubio and Christie. Trump, falling in the polls, attacks Bush but the ringer audience makes the attacks seem meanspirited.
  5. Bush finishes respectably in South Carolina. More establishment support in terms of endorsements, including from Lindsay Graham, help boost him here.
  6. Christie withdraws; Rubio cuts back staff after maxing out his credit card.
  7. Trump and Cruz whatever

Write my name on the GAF nomination please.



These people will carry my pick to victory.

Here is my path to the GAF nomination:
  1. Bush comes in a respectable fourth place in Iowa
  2. Bush blankets NH in ads funded by his "uncoordinated" SuperPAC. His on the ground advantage has him outperform polls. He consolidates the establishment vote, edging out Rubio just barely.
  3. His performance in NH is a surprise. A serious bump is felt across polling in the other states.
  4. Bush continues being aggressive in the next debate, targeting Rubio and Christie. Trump, falling in the polls, attacks Bush but the ringer audience makes the attacks seem meanspirited.
  5. Bush finishes respectably in South Carolina. More establishment support in terms of endorsements, including from Lindsay Graham, help boost him here.
  6. Christie withdraws; Rubio cuts back staff after maxing out his credit card.
  7. Trump and Cruz whatever

Write my name on the GAF nomination please.

I like how at no time does Jeb come in higher than third place.
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