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PoliGAF 2015-2016 |OT3| If someone named PhoenixDark leaves your party, call the cops

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"How imploding in the polls is actually a good thing". Classic Nate.

I dont think is as simple as Nate is portraying it. Clinton won 17% of black voters in 2008. Sanders is already at 21% (I can totally see him improving his numbers with post Iowa-NH momentum). He is already pulling 08 Obama numbers with Hispanics (33-35%). Again, I see this number improving after the Iowa-NH momentum, if he wins both of course.

She is doing much better now with black voters, than in 2008. http://www.theroot.com/articles/pol..._day_hillary_clinton_lost_the_black_vote.html


I think it is too late to gain any support among minorities and I don't think it will matter much in the later primaries if Sanders wins IW and NH. He'll probably campaign really hard and Hillary will probably be pressured to do so to. Although, even if she might lose IW and NH she probably will get a good amount of delegates.
Worst case scenario, he dies doing the thing he wants to do most. His Vice President becomes president. I really don't see it as much of an issue personally. This guy has pretty much looked the same for the last 20 years. I'm sure he can take it. He's too stubborn not to.

Kiiiiiinda sorta depends on who his VP pick is, no? I mean I honestly didn't give that much of a shit about a McCain presidency until late August 2008.


No Scrubs
I'm following the NY state of the state address on twitter and it seems like de Blasio has done a pretty good job forcing Cuomo to the left, he just came out for a statewide minimum wage of $15 an hour and universal pre-k for the whole state.

EDIT: and now he's proposing automatic voter registration when you get a driver's licence? What is even happening?

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
I checked some actuarial tables just to ward off this fairly morbid topic, and a man currently aged 74 who has never smoked, maintains moderate exercise, drinks small irregular amounts, and has no close relatives who died of cardiovascular disease has an expected lifespan of 88, meaning Sanders has on average 13 years left by the time he hits office. Possibly something to worry about for a second term, maybe, but it's not such an issue for a first.

Also VP and whatnot.


I'm following the NY state of the state address on twitter and it seems like de Blasio has done a pretty good job forcing Cuomo to the left, he just came out for a statewide minimum wage of $15 an hour and universal pre-k for the whole state.

EDIT: and now he's proposing automatic voter registration when you get a driver's licence? What is even happening?

Fantastic if not for the fact he wanted divided government. The state senate is Republican.


No Scrubs
Fantastic if not for the fact he wanted divided government. The state senate is Republican.

Yea, I know I'm just wondering where this guy has been since the gay marriage thing.


If he gets half of this shit done I'd be fucking ecstatic.


I'm following the NY state of the state address on twitter and it seems like de Blasio has done a pretty good job forcing Cuomo to the left, he just came out for a statewide minimum wage of $15 an hour and universal pre-k for the whole state.

EDIT: and now he's proposing automatic voter registration when you get a driver's licence? What is even happening?

NY trying to be the next Oregon.
I checked some actuarial tables just to ward off this fairly morbid topic, and a man currently aged 74 who has never smoked, maintains moderate exercise, drinks small irregular amounts, and has no close relatives who died of cardiovascular disease has an expected lifespan of 88, meaning Sanders has on average 13 years left by the time he hits office. Possibly something to worry about for a second term, maybe, but it's not such an issue for a first.

Also VP and whatnot.
While his age may not end up being an issue (what with Hillary getting elected and all), I bet it being President of the United States of America is hard to factor into an actuarial table.

It has been awhile since a president has died (not by assassination) while in office so I would like to avoid a possible prolonged illness (which could happen to anyone, yes) and what a transitional period might take.
I checked some actuarial tables just to ward off this fairly morbid topic, and a man currently aged 74 who has never smoked, maintains moderate exercise, drinks small irregular amounts, and has no close relatives who died of cardiovascular disease has an expected lifespan of 88, meaning Sanders has on average 13 years left by the time he hits office. Possibly something to worry about for a second term, maybe, but it's not such an issue for a first.

Also VP and whatnot.

I've never considered using actuarial tables to ward off a morbid topic before.


Unconfirmed Member

Obama's first SOTU vs his last
I said gawd dayum

User 406

Don't forget that the POTUS gets the best medical care on the planet, 24/7. I'm not at all concerned about the age of Bernie or Hillary.


So CNN is reporting that Bernie may not be releasing the details as to how he plans to pay for his health care proposal before Iowa.


Bernie says he wants it out before then, but it sounds like his staff are trying to temper those expectations.

Hmm interesting. Hopefully he can have it out. Maybe he should just propose that Mexico pays for it. Seems to work for Trump.


guys once more establishment candidates drop out the race will surely ch--



So CNN is reporting that Bernie may not be releasing the details as to how he plans to pay for his health care proposal before Iowa.


Bernie says he wants it out before then, but it sounds like his staff are trying to temper those expectations.


Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Interesting. Wouldn't have expected it to be quite so bad. Yeah, this is a Cruz-Trump race now, IMO.

EDIT: I also subscribe to the theory Trump would do better than Cruz in the general.
Someone around here floated the theory that Trump might do better than Cruz in a general. Seems others are thinking similarly.

He has a wider range, which probably includes an all-bets-are-off chance of winning (but also an absolutely historic defeat). Cruz would get more conventionally but definitively steamrolled.

Brutal. Why the fuck did Clinton think it was a good idea to attack Sanders over healthcare?

Clinton can always bring out the quotes from Bernie blaming himself for the defeat of her health care plan. As I recall (my google-fu isn't good enough to parse through all the possible clinton+sanders+healthcare results), he said that he, an avowed Socialist, praising the plan was what doomed it, and he should have railed against it to convince Republicans it was nothing like socialist healthcare.

User 406

Any plan to "pay" for a national healthcare system is just playing with imaginary numbers anyway. There's no need to pretend we're somehow strapped for cash.


Obama's first SOTU vs his last

Modern technology allows us to extrapolate these results to Bernie Sanders:


After 8 years as President:

In all honesty, I don't think Bernie's age is that much of a concern. Unless he goes and names someone absolutely batshit as his running mate, even if his health does become a factor, you're still going to get someone in office putting forward progressive policies. And Bernie doesn't seem like the type to name someone Palin-esque just to court some random segment of the population; he'll want someone who shares his viewpoints on key issues (notably healthcare, education and wealth inequality). So it seems like a really minor concern (especially since Hillary and Trump are both within 5 years of his age).


Any plan to "pay" for a healthcare system is just playing with imaginary numbers anyway. There's no need to pretend we're somehow strapped for cash.


If you reduce the US military budget by 10% it is 10% more likely a country will try to invade us. Brought to you by FEAR tm.


If/when Trump becomes the nominee, I really hope that minorities and like minded people can be rallied in equal measure to the racists and crazies who will no doubt be fired up about it.

This country is so fucked up, it's really depressing. I'd really like to have an honest discussion with someone like Mitch McConnell or Paul Ryan or McCain about whether getting their agenda passed is worth putting Donald Trump in the White House.


I'm impressed that people are now claiming a president dying in office is really no big deal.

Anyway, Bernie will pick Hillary as his running mate, so we'll get her either way.


If/when Trump becomes the nominee, I really hope that minorities and like minded people can be rallied in equal measure to the racists and crazies who will no doubt be fired up about it.

This country is so fucked up, it's really depressing. I'd really like to have an honest discussion with someone like Mitch McConnell or Paul Ryan or McCain about whether getting their agenda passed is worth putting Donald Trump in the White House.

I mean who's more likely to rally, those that are racist/bigoted and back Trump or those that are minorities and despise Trump?

I think it's the latter. There are only oh so many White racist/bigoted voters out there. They can all come out and vote but I think way more people will be doing what they can to make sure that man is never President. They have much more to lose than the other side has to gain.


Kiiiiiinda sorta depends on who his VP pick is, no? I mean I honestly didn't give that much of a shit about a McCain presidency until late August 2008.

Yeah. Man, as much as I think aside from being a historic first, Obama's long term legacy is going to be mediocre... when you compare the current situation with the world that would be had McCain died in office and Palin become president, it's terrifying. I'm usually against prognostication but I don't see any way that would ever have been the better alternative.


Unconfirmed Member
Someone around here floated the theory that Trump might do better than Cruz in a general. Seems others are thinking similarly.
Also lets them go back to the "wasn't a true conservative" rationalization / watering hole if/when he loses, and continue to not self reflect or learn anything.


Yeah. Man, as much as I think aside from being a historic first, Obama's long term legacy is going to be mediocre... when you compare the current situation with the world that would be had McCain died in office and Palin become president, it's terrifying. I'm usually against prognostication but I don't see any way that would ever have been the better alternative.

Yeah but McCain isn't picking a Palin. It's true we don't know who he will pick but Bernie is going to pick somebody he can honestly say he supports and not just a pandering candidate.
Yeah. Man, as much as I think aside from being a historic first, Obama's long term legacy is going to be mediocre... when you compare the current situation with the world that would be had McCain died in office and Palin become president, it's terrifying. I'm usually against prognostication but I don't see any way that would ever have been the better alternative.
Laid the foundation for universal healthcare, led us out of a huge recession, two wars, first president to support marriage equality.

I think history will look on him very kindly.

Well even the newly-crowned RINO calls Rubio's plan amnesty. He is so done.
I think that's a NeoGAF Gold feature? :D

This would explain it!

I thought the opposing party winning mid-terms was usually a thing (at least when you weren't at war)?

Not always like this, no. Remember, Dems are less likely to vote in midterms. 2006 was a direct referendum on Iraq.

See, I guess I always remember McCain pre 2008 primaries as a moderate who was heavily liked across the board (Kerry thought about him as a VP pick in 2004 IIRC), and was seen as the Anti-Bush because of how harsh Bush was against him in the 2000 primaries. Along with a fairly hawkish Democrat HRC - I was worried that a moderate Democrat vs a moderate Republican who would be able to avoid the Bush stink because of his moderate stances (at the time) and publicly known political battles against GWB could end poorly.

Sure, this is true of McCain. But it doesn't matter, he was a Republican and in 2008 Republicans were toxic. Remember, GWB didn't even speak at the convention! The sitting President!

The Dems took even more House Seats and even took 60 seats in the Senate, which was unheard of at the time.

The voters were never voting a GOPer in 2008. I'll agree that Obama inspired more promise for the future than Hillary ever would have but it wouldn't matter. Nothing could avoid the Bush stink.

Part of this is definitely colored by watching Kerry lose to GWB and watching the Dems botch that presidential race. I definitely thought Clinton / the Dem machine at the time could similarly botch a race again. We had spent a lot of energy trying to show everyone how important the 2004 election was going to be (because of SCOTUS replacements); and we had been mostly ignored. Basically I was worried a non-Obama candidate would lead to a similar situation that we had in 2004, an election we should have won but due to voter apathy (economy) + party incompetence + not enough differentiation between the candidates, we would end up somehow pulling defeat from the jaws of victory.

this is all wrong. In 2004, GWB was popular. I knew GWB was winning pretty easily that year. The Dems did not snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. It would have been an upset. The economy at the time was at an upswing, we were at war which at the time was popular, and the the republican was an incumbent.

Democrats deluded themselves into thinking they'd win because the 2000 election was stolen in their eyes and that voters would correct that. But voters were mostly fine with GWB. Remember, the people that were born in the late 80s and 90s didn't start voting yet. It was a different voter base than today. There were people with Bush Derangement Syndrome that believed they were the majority but in reality they are no different than those with ODS today.

But hey, if I'm wrong (and you do make some darn good points), I am super duper happy to be wrong. :D

You are :)

honestly, I think we'd be better off had HIllary won and lasted 8 years with Obama now coming in. Obama should have been a transformative candidate. But he wasn't as much as he should have been. Not for a lack of effort but because the GOP went absolutely batshit insane when he took office. Had Clinton took office, I don't think it would have been so bad. I think being a Clinton, despite the disdain they have for that family, it would have gone differently. With the GOP working with her a bit, I think it would have set the stage for Obama now. And Obama would have had a different reaction in 2016 than in 2008 (he won because of the crisis only, not America changing!) and would have been able to truly make a Reagan size shift in this country.

Of course, at the time, I believed Obama/Hillary would be a 1 term President. I thought the economy would not recover fast enough. I thought the GOP would argue "see, we tried it and it failed, let's go back to our way." Instead, the GOP went so batshit insane that Obama could win again (something I never predicted in 2008). And they probably don't for Hillary so without that guarantee I'm glad Obama got it.

But in a perfect world I would reverse the two Presidencies.


Again, the thing that destroyed Rick Perry was his more human and kind outlook on immigration. He was murdered in the polls due to that long before the rest of the nation caught up with the fact that he's a dumbass ("oops" moment). And Perry was a white, gun toting, Reagonomic Texan in control of a state that was performing quite well compared to others.

Republicans are nativists to their core, and the immigration debate that really started gaining steam a decade ago has only emboldened them.


I mean who's more likely to rally, those that are racist/bigoted and back Trump or those that are minorities and despise Trump?

I think it's the latter. There are only oh so many White racist/bigoted voters out there. They can all come out and vote but I think way more people will be doing what they can to make sure that man is never President. They have much more to lose than the other side has to gain.

I really hope you're right. I just worry that evangelicals will decide this is their opportunity overturn Roe v. Wade, get an anti-gay marriage amendment, whatever...
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