There are Sanders supporters like this. Thankfully, it's a fraction of Sanders' support, there simply aren't enough people like this to be attracting ~40% of the Democratic primary vote.If Bernie ends up as President, they'll do the same to him. The reality of governance just doesn't fit their fantasy West Wing scenario where the right wing gets brutally shamed by cutting dialogue from their rockstar candidate while all the policies they want get passed by magic TV political treknobabble writing.If the left was reborn thanks to Obama why do they think he's a sellout shill?Thankfully it didnt took much more for the GOP to destroy itself for a generation (in the presidential level, at least). And thank god Obama didnt settle for Illinois. Him winning changed politics forever in the US. The left was reborn thanks to Obama.
I remember this one young guy on irc who was the biggest Obama mark you ever saw, the world was gonna change, fierce urgency of now, this is our time, political revolution, etc, etc, right up until the PPACA was passed. Then it was all he let us down, sellout, the corporations got to him, why do I gotta buy insurance I'm healthy this is bullshit, politics sux, democrats sux, and so on. I asked him if he voted for any other offices besides President, he said no. My eyes rolled up into my head so hard they sit higher on my face permanently now.
Thankfully, this is a pretty small and irrelevant segment of the electorate. They're loud and embarrassing, but they can't cause that much damage.
A potentially "yuge" difference between a Bernie and Hillary presidency, is that, unlike the lacklustre support Hillary will engender in a GE, Bernie's support will continue to break just about every presidential campaign record out there, which could give Bernie the votes he will need in The Congress, to at least put some of his proposals into action.
I certainly won't be beating Bernie up, if we, the American voters, don't deliver that decisive mandate, that isn't sufficient to carry the day. And, I also could never see Bernie nominating characters like Larry Summers (one of the architects of the 08 crash...), and recently Dr . Robert Califf (the "Ultimate industry insider"...), for top government positions (the Fed / FDA, respectively), or championing another top-secret trade deal, that would send more American jobs to low-wage countries.
Finally, I think it was Bam Bam Baklava, who is still pedalling the myth that enthusiastic Bernie supporters will stay home entirely, if we fail to win a reprieve from the Clintons (the thought of Chelsea continuing the dynasty...), as, although that newly re-discovered enthusiasm in American politics, which we thought we'd lost with Obama, will entirely evaporate, we will still largely vote to keep a Democrat in the White House, however, without the boundless energy that Bernie creates (following the success of our "Grand Opening", last Saturday, I estimate our Bernie volunteer group tripled in size, to 30!), if Trump isn't just a big joke on the American people, which I think is entirely possible (they just hadn't accounted for the Bernie factor
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