I found the federal budget tool
I was able to achieve $418b for 2015, which over the next 15 years for a total of $1.4t by (amount on left is for the year, amount on right is overall):
Although not entirely accurate, but it does give you a sense of where the money can come from. I was able to save a total of $1.4t by basically bringing back Clinton tax levels and whole bunch of other stuff that doesn't have a prayer in hell to pass the congress. Sanders needs to save 10 times as much as I did. It's impossible without bringing back FDR era income tax levels.
It's incredible that a guy as ugly as Ted Cruz might be nominated for president.
Was Cruz ever a birther?
So, there's a good chance the Democratic and Republican nominee will both be in prison on election day. Awesome.
Presidential pardonNo rule against that! They just can't vote for themselves.
Real-estate tycoon Donald Trump blasted the unnamed "bastard" responsible for setting up a faulty sound system at a Wednesday-night campaign rally.
"And by the way, I don't like this mic," Trump said after criticizing US trade policy with China during his speech in Pensacola, Florida.
The Republican presidential front-runner then crudely instructed his staff to not pay the person responsible.
"Whoever the hell brought this mic system, don't pay the son of the b----," he said.
Trump added: "This mic is terrible. Stupid mic keeps popping. Do you hear that George? Don't pay him! Don't pay him. You know, I believe in paying, but when somebody does a bad job like this stupid mic, you shouldn't pay the bastard. Terrible. Terrible. It's true."
The billionaire businessman said he hoped the sound system was functioning for the packed crowd, but he kept hearing a "boom" sound.
"So we're not going to pay," he continued. "I guarantee you I'm not paying for this mic. Every two minutes I hear like, 'Boom! Boom!'"
Reporters covering the rally said they had difficulty understanding the candidate as well.
Presidential pardon
No. Hillary pardons Hillary.Obama pardons Hillary because, obviously. And, in the ultimate act of irony, he refuses to pardon Cruz because he's unsure of his status as a natural born American.
Your GOP front runner!
I think the DMR/Selzer numbers coming out in 6 hours are gonna be bad for Clinton, really bad. The way the campaign is acting, you know their internal polling is showing something.
Maybe I'm wrong but it just doesn't feel like it.
I.. Just..
Words.. What are they really? Adam, somebody help? Can you formulate a thought here because I honestly can't.
I think the DMR/Selzer numbers coming out in 6 hours are gonna be bad for Clinton, really bad. The way the campaign is acting, you know their internal polling is showing something.
Maybe I'm wrong but it just doesn't feel like it.
And some people actually think Trump cares about them and is going to make their future better. Better polish his boots perfectly or no minimum wage for you!
Man of the people right there...
Is there a reason your healthcare costs are so high for universal?
Pretty much every other developed country has something which is a fraction of that per capita or per % GDP. Your health care costs seem hilarious inflated for some reason.
where did you find this out at?
Clinton's attacks here are clumsy but she's not attacking single payer. She's attacking Bernie's plan to get rid of what we have now, in favor of universal health care... being administered by individual state governments. And we saw how that worked out in Republican states with Obamacare. So while it's great for states like New Hampshire or California with Democratic governors, states with Republican governors are fucked. She's also pushing him to releasing his plan to pay for the $15 trillion price tag, because he promised his paid leave plan was the only one in which he would raise taxes on the middle class, but with such a high price tag, well...I had never seen this clip before. Now I'm more annoyed with Hillary attacking Bernie's single payer system.
So what are the odds that Democrats (especially Sanders) win if we keep hearing about terrorist attacks somewhere in the world every month leading up to the election? November was Paris, December was San Bernardino, and now January is Jakarta.
Bams by any chance would you be devastatingly affected by a Republican win?
Clinton's attacks here are clumsy but she's not attacking single payer. She's attacking Bernie's plan to get rid of what we have now, in favor of universal health care... being administered by individual state governments. And we saw how that worked out in Republican states with Obamacare. So while it's great for states like New Hampshire or California with Democratic governors, states with Republican governors are fucked. She's also pushing him to releasing his plan to pay for the $15 trillion price tag, because he promised his paid leave plan was the only one in which he would raise taxes on the middle class, but with such a high price tag, well...
Listen, Clinton supports single payer, as do many other Democratic legislators, as well as free tuition, but they're not so naive to promise things that can't be accomplished. The 2009/2010 Obamacare shenanigans weren't that long ago. Do you forget? Sanders is appealing to people's emotions but he's just letting them dream. It's naive.
If you'd been a dog
They would have drowned you at birth
That's good. Fox Business moderators better not get in the way of the smackdowns.Trump won't use the Goldman-Sachs stuff until the debate. No reason to give Cruz the benefit of knowing how he will attack or if he will.
"Hey look Ted, I like you, you're a great guy, but you took money from Wall Street. Period. It happened. And your wife worked for them. I don't have to take a loan. I've made enough money to never have to take a loan for a campaign. And if I did take a loan, I wouldn't hide it. And I wouldn't ask Melania to get it for me.'
I think so too. But she can't really get much traction until he reveals his full plan and how he'd pay for it. Which he might not even do before Iowa now. lolShe definitely seems to be going about telling people his plan has little chance of success (or implementation in red states at all) the wrong way
Maybe a bit less hyperbole would serve her well
Trump won't use the Goldman-Sachs stuff until the debate. No reason to give Cruz the benefit of knowing how he will attack or if he will.
"Hey look Ted, I like you, you're a great guy, but you took money from Wall Street. Period. It happened. And your wife worked for them. I don't have to take a loan. I've made enough money to never have to take a loan for a campaign. And if I did take a loan, I wouldn't hide it. And I wouldn't ask Melania to get it for me.'
Trump is probably better off using the media to attack Cruz on this like he has with the birther stuff instead of in a debate where Cruz will have prepared and practiced response to give to it.
The problem with trying to prepare for Trump is that he's too quick on his feet and you can never be sure which way the hit is coming from. Plus there's no defense here, Cruz literally broke campaign finance laws by not disclosing the loan and is a straight hypocrite on the issue.
Well Cruz will lie about it of course. And we have seen how easy it is to lie and get away with it in these debate formats.