Anthony Weiner, although I can't find his op-ed and have just noticed that Y2kev spelt Wehner, so perhaps not.
Yea, Weiner didn't write a NYT op-ed today. If only he had been able to keep his dick-pics on his phone...
Anthony Weiner, although I can't find his op-ed and have just noticed that Y2kev spelt Wehner, so perhaps not.
He must be taking notes from H. A. Goodman.Lol @ wehner's op Ed in the nyt today. This guy is such a huge worm.
He must be taking notes from H. A. Goodman.
The more I look at polling and other information, I'm actually starting to truly believe Nate Silver is right that Trump will start to fall apart in Iowa and NH.
Micah Cohen ‏@micahcohen
They wouldn't let us in, but here's @NateSilver538 in front of @realDonaldTrump's IA HQ.
He's winning in both states in Nate's model! Polls-plus is something he came up with for this cycle, as far as I know.He must be taking notes from H. A. Goodman.
The more I look at polling and other information, I'm actually starting to truly believe Nate Silver is right that Trump will start to fall apart in Iowa and NH.
This is getting sad. Why won't Trump-sempai notice Nate-san?
He's winning in both states in Nate's model! Polls-plus is something he came up with for this cycle, as far as I know.
Nate Sliver
This is getting sad. Why won't Trump-sempai notice Nate-san?
It makes sense for him to correct his models to incorporate the heuristics he thinks are important.I am 90% certain polls-plus exists only so Nate can continue the narrative that Trump is not the favourite.
It makes sense for him to correct his models to incorporate the heuristics he thinks are important.
The quality of the endorsements matters too. Move-On has boots on the ground. Hillary's got some Union backing, but how enthusiastic are they? The establishment endorsements mean nothing in this election year, at least not for the primary. They add to her halo of inevitability, but that's crumbling under her poll numbers (even though general election match ups are silly right now).Do we really think endorsements are having any impact on the Republican side of the race, though? Like, the performance of Trump/Cruz/Rubio/Jeb is almost inversely proportioned to their nominations.
The quality of the endorsements matters too. Move-On has boots on the ground. Hillary's got some Union backing, but how enthusiastic are they? The establishment endorsements mean nothing in this election year, at least not for the primary. They add to her halo of inevitability, but that's crumbling under her poll numbers (even though general election match ups are silly right now).
Trump slashed ad spending. Fuck!
Well, I heard it's a big thing. I know nothing about it. But I hear it's a very big thing, Trump said, according to an excerpt from an interview with Bloomberg Politics With All Due Respect scheduled to air later Thursday. I think he's a nice guy and I hope he gets it solved.
LOL I feel like someone here fake guessed trump's reaction to the Cruz loan thing.
Jennifer Jacobs ‏@JenniferJJacobs 7h7 hours ago
Trouble for Bernie Sanders: his support concentrated in college towns. But victory in Iowa NOT based on head count.
so what she's saying is that there is a threshold that when met the extra votes are a waste?ohn Deeth ‏@johndeeth 6h6 hours ago
I live in a student precinct. No matter if 50 or 500 people show up, it's 6 county convention delegates. Based on 12/14 D vote.
“Well, I heard it's a big thing. I know nothing about it. But I hear it's a very big thing,” Trump said, according to an excerpt from an interview with Bloomberg Politics’ “With All Due Respect” scheduled to air later Thursday. “I think he's a nice guy and I hope he gets it solved.
LOL I feel like someone here fake guessed trump's reaction to the Cruz loan thing.
"I wanna thank my boy B-Dubs for giving me a heads up."
so what she's saying is that there is a threshold that when met the extra votes are a waste?
caucuses are a confusing mess.
He noticed me before he noticed Nate :LOLOLOLOL
Nail Cruz to the wall Trump, I got money riding on this!
Oh god, stop making me laugh in the office :lol
Kinda sorta. Each district decides how to award their delegates and just running up the numbers in one or two places aren't going to net as many delegates as a state-wide effort will.
so what she's saying is that there is a threshold that when met the extra votes are a waste?
caucuses are a confusing mess.
There haven't been many endorsements, though.Do we really think endorsements are having any impact on the Republican side of the race, though? Like, the performance of Trump/Cruz/Rubio/Jeb is almost inversely proportioned to their nominations.
There haven't been many endorsements, though.
So Bernie could win 60-40 and still lose Iowa handily.
That sounds so stupid.
So Bernie could win 60-40 and still lose Iowa handily.
That sounds so stupid.
No. He'd almost certainly win if he got 60-40. More that Clinton could win if she only lost, say, 47-53 in the popular vote. Anything above that and Sanders would almost definitely win. I'm still trying to find this article because it was really good and I can't.Should have linked you guys to it when I first read it.
So Bernie could win 60-40 and still lose Iowa handily.
That sounds so stupid.
Yup.forget 4 how about two. We need the IA Governorship. We need the WI Governorship. We need the MI Governorship. We need the FL and OH Governorship. etc
Look at Louisiana & Kentucky to see how quickly things change when you change parties.
Aaron's state was 4,000 votes away in 2010 from becoming the next WI.
Clinton has 10x what they have. Previous Republicans had a lot more, too.Jeb and Rubio have a good amount
Yeah, I'm confused too.Caucuses make no goddamned sense.
No. He'd almost certainly win if he got 60-40. More that Clinton could win if she only lost, say, 47-53 in the popular vote. Anything above that and Sanders would almost definitely win. I'm still trying to find this article because it was really good and I can't.Should have linked you guys to it when I first read it.
Yeah, I'm confused too.
I was being more theoretical that realistic. I'm pretty sure it wouldn't happen like that but yeah, something like Bernie wins 52-48 and still loses.
Edit: in other news, Planned Parenthood just sues Center For Medical Progress. I haven't looked into it, but my guess is it's for illegally taping.
Incidentally, another example of DWS fixing the race is that the caucus is in Feb 1st this year and not Jan 3rd, meaning that students are at university not at home. The distribution of students all across Iowa in 2008 really helped Obama as the insurgent candidate.
Incidentally, another example of DWS fixing the race is that the caucus is in Feb 1st this year and not Jan 3rd, meaning that students are at university not at home. The distribution of students all across Iowa in 2008 really helped Obama as the insurgent candidate.
Considering Sanders didn't start surging in the state until very recently, it's actually good for him that it's later. Clinton was up in every single poll taken around that date.
Exactly what are the signs that Trump will start to fall apart in New Hampshire?
I'm not saying Trump will lose my home state, I just expect him to under perform if he does so in Iowa, which I believe he will between his questionable ground game, polling data and the fluidity of voters (Santorum 2012). There could be a domino effect here. As an anecdote, so take it as a grain of salt, I found this discussion by (mostly younger) Real New Hampshire Residents™ on my Facebook feed interesting.He's winning in both states in Nate's model! Polls-plus is something he came up with for this cycle, as far as I know.
This conversation was edited said:"Cruz. The field isn't great, but he has the best chance to beat Trump. Rubio isn't a bad choice either, IMO."
"I'm down to Kasich or Trump. Kasich because he's a smart no nonsense kinda guy who will get things done. Trump....well because he's simply Trump,"
"I still am seriously considering Cruz. Him or Kasich."
"I like cruz the best even though he in Washington everyone hates him. Second choice probably trump"
"I'm starting to lean Kasich. Rubio is high on my list as well."
"Trump! He's the man for the job"
"Donald Trump, because there is absolutely no room for political correctness in this world. The man says what everyone else is afraid to say."
"The man says whatever comes out of his ass. He's going to cause the next world war saying something stupid and offensive to the wrong people.""I can be a complete jerk to everyone that disagrees with me and purposely be politically incorrect for the hell of it too. Doesn't mean I should be president.""I'm torn between Cruz and Trump. Trump doesn't hold back. He's probably the most honest politician I've ever seen! Cruz has some pretty decent plans in regards to obeying the constitution and doing what's right for the country."
"Why the hell won't you people take Rand Paul seriously? Trump? He's a side show. Cruz? He's an out of touch bigot. Religion has no place in politics. Keep your fake god at home."
"But to answer the question. . Cruz!"
"Ted Cruz all the way"
"Rand Paul"
"Trump all the way. Is he loud, arrogant, and racist? I'd say most would agree. But we have a dipshit in office that HATES AMERICANS! We gave the current asshole 8 years worth of trying to fix everything so why not give Trump a shot?"
"Trump. He's tough, not afraid to flex americas muscles, and has the backbone america needs to take on the bullshit going on around the world. He's also an experienced and tough dealmaker."
"Rand Paul. He's the only one that actually believes in what he's saying, has a firm grasp on reality and isn't already bought by corporate money."
"Trump, just like Sanders, loves to talk. He has no clue how to operate a country. He has no discernable knowledge about how things work. Dude is a side show. He's a distraction. All Trump supporters really need to look at Rand Paul. He has a brain, strategic ability, and isn't a circus animal. God damn are some of you silly."
"I hear ya but I don't think he has the backbone to go along with the job. Seems like he could get in and just fall into the masses like everybody else does. Do I personally think that trump could be an awesome president? Maybe not. BUT there needs to be someone that has a set of balls that will shake it up. I think Paul will get chewed alive first. Great thing about politics brother is we all have different opinions haha. They may not be the same but if they were we'd REALLY be fucked up!"" He's got the nut. You just never hear about him and his stances because he's not bought and paid for. Trump is an absolute joke. Just like Sanders, he's just yelling out extreme things he knows people will like. Shock value doesn't make you a decent candidate.""^ but Fox News' benefactors won't make oil money off of Rand so his potential voter base isn't aware he exists."
"The Donald. I think operationally speaking he can easily run the country based on his business record. He will need a good strong cabinet to keep some of his opinions at bay. Overall though, I think he is the more sensible pick. I actually do not like any of them."
"Ben Carson, because of the jesus painting" *posts Jesus painting*
They corrected it.Today 538 posted an updated "five ring circus" graph. My favorite part is how they forgot Pataki dropped out two weeks ago.
Cruz is going to pick up Democrats in the general.
Incidentally, another example of DWS fixing the race is that the caucus is in Feb 1st this year and not Jan 3rd, meaning that students are at university not at home. The distribution of students all across Iowa in 2008 really helped Obama as the insurgent candidate, and even then it still favoured Clinton. As far as we can tell, popular vote would have given delegates 17/14/14 B/E/C not 16/15/14 B/C/E.
But, even though Clinton came in second with respect to national delegates, she came in third in terms of state delegates (by 0.3% behind Edwards) --- which is what the media reports as its vote totals. So, optics-wise, she came in third place.
Incidentally, another example of DWS fixing the race is that the caucus is in Feb 1st this year and not Jan 3rd, meaning that students are at university not at home. The distribution of students all across Iowa in 2008 really helped Obama as the insurgent candidate, and even then it still favoured Clinton. As far as we can tell, popular vote would have given delegates 17/14/14 B/E/C not 16/15/14 B/C/E.
But the GOP one is the same time. Jan 3 is a stupid time to have a caucus, IMO, because it's right after New Years. I'm not going to argue against a change, there.
On the flip side, the fact that Iowa, a nearly inconsequential state has any say this early benefits Bernie immensely. What if Texas was first?
The caucus itself is stupid. Arguing things like the date (decided before Bernie even was considered to enter IIRC) and such seems pointless.
I thought that effort was in limbo.Apparently Maine lawmakers are gonna try to Impeach LaPage. Lolololololololol
You're right about that; it's like no one else is competing. Trump seems to be relying heavily on new caucus goers though, which could backfire.Human, Cruz and Trump have the best Iowa ground games. Trump supporters are the most rigid.