Apparently Maine lawmakers are gonna try to Impeach LaPage. Lolololololololol
Critics of Maine Gov. Paul LePage have failed to muster enough support to require a vote on an independent investigation that could have led to impeachment over his alleged abuse of power.
Instead, House lawmakers voted 96 to 52 to indefinitely postpone debate after Republican leader Ken Fredette introduced a motion to pre-empt any action on the impeachment order.
Is this...real?
Is this...real?
Is this...real?
Im at work. What are those girls singing?
This is getting sad. Why won't Trump-sempai notice Nate-san?
Yeah... Leave these types of production to Hollywood please.
More like Rubiowned.Jebmentum confirmed?
Jebmentum confirmed? why is Rubio dropping
Ah. Thank you for the explanations. This was always something I could never grasp my mind around throughout the years. Very much appreciated!!There are 1,689 districts in Iowa. Based on their turnout in the last two primaries plus some other factors (whether they have a Democrat in the state legislature, etc), they are awarded an amount of delegates. When the caucus begins, everyone goes to the caucus centre for their district. They have iirc an hour to give speeches in favour of their candidate, to try and persuade people to join them. At the end, everyone casts a vote. The distribution of delegates which most closely matches that vote is sent on to the county caucus. The same thing happens again, with the delegates from the precincts now doing a new caucus at county level, which then produces the final result, in state delegates.
In 2008, Clinton won less district delegates than Edwards, but had a more even distribution, so finished with one more state delegate. It's quite possible and even probable at this right she could do the same to Sanders, who is unevenly distributed across Iowa.
You gotta get guaca bowleY2Kev, any suggestions on what I should do with the grand I'm set to make on predictit with Jeb's nomination
Reports of Jeb Bushs political death may be greatly exaggerated. Not only is Bush essentially locked in a statistical tie for second place in New Hampshire, depending on which poll you prefer, but hes also enjoying the benefits of being largely ignored by the media.
The milieu of lowered expectations can sometimes be a gift and so it is proving for Bush. While Americans, and especially the media, have been riveted by Barnum & Baileys last elephant act featuring Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, Bush has been quietly meeting with small groups in town halls in New Hampshire and South Carolina.
Good read.
Assuming Hillary is the Democratic nom, which GOP candidate depresses turnout the most?
Jeb's favorables are the worst in the entire race, he has no chance of gaining traction. Every Republican already knows about him and hates him. I want him to win the nomination, but he has no chance.
Hillary's hype video for the GOP debate tonight is pretty good:
"Bonus track: Rand Paul Shouldn't Even Be on This Stage"
God I hope Jeb pulls this off.
Morning Consult
Trump 42
Carson 12
Cruz 10
Rubio 9
Bush 5
Trump 38
Cruz 14
Carson 11
Bush 10
Rubio 6
Jeb's in fourth in the aggregate!
Just to confirm, ladies and gentlemen, your three Republican frontrunners are Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and Ben Carson. Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton is struggling against a 74-year-old Jewish socialist from Vermont.
The year is 20XX, the future is here.
NEW Republican poll — NBC/WSJ
Trump 33% (+6)
Cruz 20% (-2)
Rubio 13% (-2)
Carson 12% (+1)
Christie 5% (+2)
Bush 5% (-2)
NBC/WSJ poll
Cruz beats Trump 51-43%
Trump beats Rubio 52-45%
Trump 40%, Cruz 31%, Rubio 26%
Just to confirm, ladies and gentlemen, your three Republican frontrunners are Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and Ben Carson. Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton is struggling against a 74-year-old Jewish socialist from Vermont.
The year is 20XX, the future is here.
Staggering statistic in the NBC/WSJ poll
% of GOP voters who can see themselves supporting Trump
March 2015: 23%
January 2016: 65%