Looking at those numbers. Why should Jeb, Christie and Kasich draw anchor when Rubio can't beat Cruz or Trump in a 3-way race? Better to take OH(Kasich) and FL(Jeb) and fight all the way to Clevelend where no one gets a majority.
Looking at those numbers. Why should Jeb, Christie and Kasich draw anchor when Rubio can't beat Cruz or Trump in a 3-way race? Better to take OH(Kasich) and FL(Jeb) and fight all the way to Clevelend where no one gets a majority.
Bumps aren't going to be big, but every little bump that comes with a victory is going to get him closer and closer to that winning percentage.Problem there is that once Trump starts winning he won't stop.
Honestly, if I was a GOP establishment figure, I would push for a brokered convention and give it to Kasich. Just because Trump would then run as a third party, his supporters would be whipped up into a fury, turn out in mass numbers... and all be voting for Republican at Senate and House level; same as Kasich's. You'd be conceding the presidency, but you ain't getting it anyway, and you would 100% secure the Senate.
I'm not sure how you push for that. First they need to keep Trump from getting a majority, but even then, how are they going to get Trump and Cruz selected delegates to vote for Kasich of all people? Wang wrote about this a bit in his latest article:Honestly, if I was a GOP establishment figure, I would push for a brokered convention and give it to Kasich. Just because Trump would then run as a third party, his supporters would be whipped up into a fury, turn out in mass numbers... and all be voting for Republican at Senate and House level; same as Kasich's. You'd be conceding the presidency, but you ain't getting it anyway, and you would 100% secure the Senate.
Finally, if no candidate gets to an outright majority, the convention becomes genuinely suspenseful. Party insiders should not necessarily be consoled by this idea. Delegates are usually selected for loyalty to their candidate. If current trends were to persist, the convention floor in Cleveland would be filled with close to 1,000 Trump delegates. These delegates won’t be from the usual pool of party loyalists. They seem like an unpromising starting point for elites to work their magic.
I'm not sure how you push for that. First they need to keep Trump from getting a majority, but even then, how are they going to get Trump and Cruz selected delegates to vote for Kasich of all people? Wang wrote about this a bit in his latest article:
That's his PACI'm surprised Jeb!'s campaign is capable of making something as effective as this.
Honestly, if I was a GOP establishment figure, I would push for a brokered convention and give it to Kasich. Just because Trump would then run as a third party, his supporters would be whipped up into a fury, turn out in mass numbers... and all be voting for Republican at Senate and House level; same as Kasich's. You'd be conceding the presidency, but you ain't getting it anyway, and you would 100% secure the Senate.
You do run the risk of them voting Trump and no one else and going home.
Or Kasich supporters staying home since the loss is inevitable.
I am actually starting to believe there's a realistic chance (though still very slim of course) that Trump ends up as president if he completely switches from his current right-wing xenophobic populism to full on economic populism in the spirit of Sanders and other anti-establishment messaging in the general. Even if Sanders somehow were to become the Democratic nominee Trump may beat him with the same economic issues that Sanders champions as he is a far better communicator. This assumes of course that Trump actually has absolutely no ideology whatsoever, or at least willing to adopt any political stance necessary to win.
"After careful review of the investigative materials, the Panel determined no further action would be taken at this time; however the materials will be kept on file and reviewed again in the event future issues arise," disciplinary attorney Dan Riley wrote.
Republican Gov. Sam Brownback called on the board to investigate whether commercial sales of fetal tissue were occurring in Kansas following an anti-abortion group's release of secretly recorded video of Planned Parenthood officials in other states talking about the handling of fetal tissue.
Yeah. I do worry about Trump in a general election (at least more than Cruz). But these new Gallup numbers are encouraging:He can't pivot away entirely. He's said too much crazy shit to be able to do that. One or two things? Sure. His entire candidacy is based around build a wall, deport people, stop the Muslims. The damage he's done with minorities and (to a lesser degree) women is not something he can backtrack from. The Dem nominee can showmethereceipts.jpeg.
That's his PAC
Doesn't matter because it won't be a two person race until it's too late for Cruz.Cruz beats Trump 51-43 nationwide? That doesn't seem possible based on all the other polls.
I am actually starting to believe there's a realistic chance (though still very slim of course) that Trump ends up as president if he completely switches from his current right-wing xenophobic populism to full on economic populism in the spirit of Sanders and other anti-establishment messaging in the general. Even if Sanders somehow were to become the Democratic nominee Trump may beat him with the same economic issues that Sanders champions as he is a far better communicator. This assumes of course that Trump actually has absolutely no ideology whatsoever, or at least willing to adopt any political stance necessary to win.
Why do you say that? He's certainly the most entertaining strategist in panels.which makes it even more surprising because mike murphy is the biggest hack out there.
I am actually starting to believe there's a realistic chance (though still very slim of course) that Trump ends up as president if he completely switches from his current right-wing xenophobic populism to full on economic populism in the spirit of Sanders and other anti-establishment messaging in the general. Even if Sanders somehow were to become the Democratic nominee Trump may beat him with the same economic issues that Sanders champions as he is a far better communicator. This assumes of course that Trump actually has absolutely no ideology whatsoever, or at least willing to adopt any political stance necessary to win.
Yeah. I do worry about Trump in a general election (at least more than Cruz). But these new Gallup numbers are encouraging:
Independents hate him (even more so than Hillary), and Democrats will turn out.
How is Fiorina only a -20 with democrats? HOW?
Also, LOL at Carson still being in double-digits. That campaign is a trainwreck.
Here are the numbers recalculated by familiarity:These are net numbers so there's probably a lot of people on that list with 20 percent or more people not knowing who they are so they have no opinion.
How is Fiorina only a -20 with democrats? HOW?
Also, LOL at Carson still being in double-digits. That campaign is a trainwreck.
http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2016/01/man-behind-trump-theme-song-loves-trump-freedom.htmlLast night's rally for Donald Trump in Pensacola, Florida, was no ordinary rally it featured a special musical performance by a group called the USA Freedom Kids. Three members of the group, Bianca, Izzy, and Alexis, sang, danced, and synchronized-gestured their way through an original song complete with Trump-themed lyrics such as "Cowardice, are you serious?" "Apologies for freedom I can't handle this!" "President Donald Trump knows how to make America great," and "Deal from strength or get crushed every time."
One might mistake these lines for something off Trump's Twitter account, but they were written by Jeff Popick, a Florida-based entrepreneur and the manager of USA Freedom Kids. (His daughter, Alexis, is front and center in the video.) "That line was originally going to be about General George Patton," Popick says. "But when Donald Trump announced his candidacy, I was inspired to change it to something more contemporary."
Popick, who calls himself an "independent" and a "free thinker," says the group doesn't take cues from Trump: "We're trying to spread an inspirational message of freedom, so we go to wherever were called to do that." There are, however, certain aspects of Trump's platform that appeal to him personally: "I think the single most important job of the president of the United States, without even a close second, is our national security," he says. "I think we need to protect our land, we need to protect our people, and we need to protect our freedom, and that's one of Donald Trump's priorities." He also backs Trump's (vague) economic policies because "he knows what he's doing, and he makes the right decisions."
"Ive studied Donald Trump personally, and Ive read every book hes written, and I think hes a genius on many fronts," Popick says. "He's always inspired me."
As for the girls, Popick says they just love to perform. "These girls can go to any school and sing the national anthem, they know all the words to the Pledge of Allegiance, and theyre even well on their way to being scholars of the Constitution," he says. "This is the best of America."
He, Bianca, Izzy, and Alexis even got to meet Trump: "It was awesome. I just think hes a terrific guy. The more you get to know him, the more you understand hes a real human being with a great heart and a brilliant mind." Popick's been in touch with every single campaign every Republican campaign, he's quick to clarify but Trump's was "by far and away the most responsive."
Why no Democrats? "When you have a business you have to identify who the market is, and the Democrats are not our market," he explained. "They dont seem to really respond to the patriotic call, if you will, in the way the Republicans do. The Republican people, like me, have tears in their eyes when they hear the national anthem. I think youre either on the side of freedom or youre not, the Republicans choose that team more than the Democrats do."
So what's next for the now-famous USA Freedom Kids? According to Popick, they're set to release a new album (including some EDM singles) and perform a Memorial Day show. "We have more requests than we can handle at the moment."
Yeah. I do worry about Trump in a general election (at least more than Cruz). But these new Gallup numbers are encouraging:
Independents hate him (even more so than Hillary), and Democrats will turn out.
Yeah. I do worry about Trump in a general election (at least more than Cruz). But these new Gallup numbers are encouraging:
Independents hate him (even more so than Hillary), and Democrats will turn out.
Sanders campaign have a press conference at 6 PM to announce a "hugeyoog" endorsement. No idea who it'll be, but cue rampant speculation about Warren.![]()
26,000 unreported sexual assults in the military-only 238 convictions. What did these geniuses expect when they put men & women together?
Looks like it's Paul Kirk
Clinton's attacks here are clumsy but she's not attacking single payer. She's attacking Bernie's plan to get rid of what we have now, in favor of universal health care... being administered by individual state governments. And we saw how that worked out in Republican states with Obamacare. So while it's great for states like New Hampshire or California with Democratic governors, states with Republican governors are fucked. She's also pushing him to releasing his plan to pay for the $15 trillion price tag, because he promised his paid leave plan was the only one in which he would raise taxes on the middle class, but with such a high price tag, well...
Listen, Clinton supports single payer, as do many other Democratic legislators, as well as free tuition, but they're not so naive to promise things that can't be accomplished. The 2009/2010 Obamacare shenanigans weren't that long ago. Do you forget? Sanders is appealing to people's emotions but he's just letting them dream. It's naive.
Donald Trump
* When you appeared on the talk show of conspiracy theory promoter Alex Jones, you told him that his "reputation is amazing" and added, "I will not let you down." Jones has championed many conspiratorial notions, including that the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School never happened and that the attacks on the World Trade Center were an inside job. So what's "amazing" about him?
Ted Cruz
* You have described Trump's efforts to raise questions about you eligibility to be presidentdue to your birth in Canadaas a "silly" sideshow. But some of your own supporters, such as Rep. Steve King of Iowa, have questioned whether Obama was born in the United States and whether he is eligible to be presidenteven though, like you, his mother was indisputably a US citizen. Have King and other conservative birthers engaged in a silly sideshow?
Ben Carson
* More than half of every dollar your campaign has raised has gone into the bank accounts of the consultants you've hired to raise that money. Why should conservatives continue opening up their checkbooks for a cause that's mainly enriching political professionals?
Jeb Bush
* Paul Wolfowitz, a deputy secretary of defense in your brother's administration, was one of the architects of the Iraq War, and prior to the invasion he made a series of predictions about the war that were wildly inaccurate. Why did you sign him up as a foreign policy adviser for your campaign?
Just to confirm, ladies and gentlemen, your three Republican frontrunners are Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and Ben Carson. Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton is struggling against a 74-year-old Jewish socialist from Vermont.
The year is 20XX, the future is here.
Those favorable numbers for Trump give me a little relief. Maybe just seeing all the Sanderstans here be like "Sanders or Trump lol!" but it's pretty clear that won't be happening en masse.
Independents are a bigger concern - but Romney won them and lost by 4 nationally so it probably won't even matter.
danny8bit (from YT said:This is absolutely the WRONG thing to focus on, assuming we're talking about spending, say a billion dollars, when you could save infinitely more American lives, by switching subsidies from GMO corn, to the production of fresh fruit and vegetables (thus making them affordable, instead of nutrient difficient junk food), which should be grown sustainably, without soil destroying pesticides, such as Roundup. Not only would affordable healthy food choices significantly reduce cancer rates, it would also have a big impact on other major diseases, responsible for the untimely death of many American's, such as heart disease, and type two diabetes.
In addition, we should be forcefully tackling other environmental causes of diseases, such as wanton industrial polution, as highlighted by the recent New York Times article on DuPont's deplorable behavior, for which the E.P.A only gave them a slap on the rist (fine only represented 2% of the associated profits)...
Sure, the VICE story, on what looks like a very promising cancer treatment, is exciting, and of course, not all cancers are caused by environmental factors, but our government should also be budgeting for what is necessary to improve the nutrition of the American people, and our environment, and I know Kyle, you are vocal on these areas, too, and to not mention them, as also a vital weapon against cancer, is an oversight.
Daniel B·;192217962 said:Kyle, from Secular Talk, was all for Obama's (Joe's) new fight against cancer, but I think they both missed a vital component:
P.S. Google tried to stop me posting this on YouTube, from the PS3 browser, but I found a way (Post button doesn't enable - JavaScript to the rescue).
Bushs spokesperson, Tim Miller, rejected the notion that the candidate and his backers were taking on Trump solely out of strategic self-interest.
Jeb has attacked Trump more than anyone, Miller said. I am mystified as to why other campaigns have not done so. He added that Rubio and Chris Christie have mostly held their fire when it comes to Trump because they are afraid to be attacked.
Asked to respond, Rubio campaign spokesperson Alex Conant fired back, I do appreciate the irony of Jebs camp now offering strategy advice to us Last time I checked, theyve spent millions against every candidate not named Cruz in this race.
Jeb's camp and Rubio's camp like each other so much:
why don't candidates announce their running mates before the primary to increase their appeal?
why don't candidates announce their running mates before the primary to increase their appeal?