GOP Rep. Scott Rigell retiring, potential pickup for the Democrats. After redistricting it went 51-49 for Romney - if Trump or Cruz or someone similarly unelectable were the nominee it would almost certainly flip if Democrats got a good recruit here. Sabato moved it to Tossup, Rothenberg to Lean R and Cook to Likely R so it's hard to say how this will shake out.
If this seat, Randy Forbes' old seat (the biggest victim of the redraw and now safely Dem) and Barbara Comstock's seat (R+2 and Dems got a good challenger here) all flip Democrats would actually have a 6-5 edge in the Virginia delegation, a huge improvement over their current 3-8 (pathetic in an Obama state, yay gerrymandering)
Sabato now has 15 GOP-held seats as tossups - and 5 more as Lean D or better. Compared to Democrats who only have 4 tossups and 1 seat (FL-2) as Safe R. With a Trump nomination, many of these would fall, and Democrats would probably start racking up wins in the Lean R/Likely R columns too. I think with Trump at the top, control of the House could very well be a tossup.