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PoliGAF 2015-2016 |OT3| If someone named PhoenixDark leaves your party, call the cops

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Why isnt Kansas lower on this list after Brownback's catastrophe?

1. New Hampshire (Maggie Hassan, D)
2. Minnesota (Mark Dayton, D)
3. Vermont (Peter Shumlin, D)
4. Utah (Gary Herbert, R)
5. Colorado (John Hickelooper, D)
6. Massachusetts (Charlie Baker, R)
6. Wyoming (Matt Mead, R)
8. Iowa (Terry Branstad, R)
9. Connecticut (Danneel Malloy, D)
10. Hawaii (David Ige, D)
11. Wisconsin (Scott Walker, R)
12. New Jersey (Chris Christie, R)
13. Montana (Steve Bullock, D)
14. Nebraska (Pete Ricketts, R)
14. Virginia (Terry McAuliffe, D)
16. South Dakota (Dennis Daugaard, R)
17. Maine (Paul LePage, R)
18. Idaho (Butch Otter, R)
18. Washington (Jay Inslee, D)
20. North Dakota (Jack Dalrymple, R)
21. Maryland (Larry Hogan, R)
22. Pennsylvania (Tom Wolf, D)
23. Oregon (Kate Brown, D)
24. Kansas (Sam Brownback, R)
25. Alaska (Bill Walker, I)
26. Delaware (Jack Markell, D)
27. Rhode Island (Gina Raimondo, D)
28. California (Jerry Brown, D)
29. New York (Andrew Cuomo, D)
30. Illinois (Bruce Rauner, R)
31. Indiana (Mike Pence, R)
32. Ohio (John Kasich, R)
33. Arizona (Doug Ducey, R)
34. Michigan (Rick Snyder, R)
35. Missouri (Jay Nixon, D)
36. Texas (Greg Abbott, R)
37. Florida (Rick Scott, R)
38. North Carolina (Pat McCrory, R)
39. District of Columbia (Muriel Bowser, D, mayor)
40. South Carolina (Nikki Haley, R)
41. New Mexico (Susana Martinez, R)
42. Georgia (Nathan Deal, R)
43. Nevada (Brian Sandoval, R)
44. Kentucky (Matt Bevin, R)
45. Oklahoma (Mart Fallin, R)
45. Tennessee (Bill Haslam, R)
47. West Virginia (Earl Ray Tomblin, D)
48. Arkansas (Asa Hutchinson, R)
49. Alabama (Robert Bentley, R)
50. Mississippi (Phil Bryant, R)
51. Louisiana (John Bel Edwards, D)


Finally saw the Marco's Boots ad from Right to Rise. I can see why the establishment is pissed at Jeb, it's catchy and might actually be effective.
He can't pivot away entirely. He's said too much crazy shit to be able to do that. One or two things? Sure. His entire candidacy is based around build a wall, deport people, stop the Muslims. The damage he's done with minorities and (to a lesser degree) women is not something he can backtrack from. The Dem nominee can showmethereceipts.jpeg.
All of that can be argued as economic populism and homeland defense.

He needs to find his 'I'll make the trains run on time", but he doesn't ever face his policy position changes anyway. Saying wages are too high is a problem, but it's not a 47% sort of screw up.
Strom Thurmond (KKK member) was intentionally brought up positively by one of the most moderate Republicans still running for president and was met with cheers if you're keeping score.
Tax policy ain't my thang, but, ya, part of it is punishing companies who ship jobs overseas. You create tax incentives for those that keep jobs in the country. Some jobs, though, are just gone and they're not coming back. So, it's important to focus on the jobs of tomorrow, preferably things that cannot be outsourced.
Worker ownership.



I think i like trump, guys. Name dropping buckley is already pandering to me and then standing up to that mealy mouthed scrote in defense of new yorkers..
Never thought i would be saying something like this


This is semantics, and nothing more
I don't think anyone here has brought up or cared about the fact that Kasich positively brought up Strom Thurmond and got cheers for it:

Well, there was this guy:

Strom Thurmond (KKK member) was intentionally brought up positively by one of the most moderate Republicans still running for president and was met with cheers if you're keeping score.


lol I'm laying in bed and my husband is listening to TYT in the other room. They're talking about the GOP debate and now it's turned into talking about a 38 state landslide for Bernie.
Cruz actually went up by quite a bit in the prediction markets, not just for RNom, but also in South Carolina.

I think this is just buyers being dumb, but we'll see.
At this point, I'm beginning to wonder if the prediction markets are going to be undervaluing Trump's chances of being the nominee even while he's giving his acceptance speech at the convention.
lol I'm laying in bed and my husband is listening to TYT in the other room. They're talking about the GOP debate and now it's turned into talking about a 38 state landslide for Bernie.
Better than Kagro. Every morning, Greg Dworkin finds a way to say that the polls are better for Clinton. When the polls started looking good for Bernie, he went to 'polls+'. And he'd done exactly the opposite if the 'polls+' favored Bernie and the actual polls showed 'Clint-mentum'.
It actually makes a lot of sense that Bernie Sanders does very well during Republican debates. People have a natural urge to seek something true after watching so much insanity.

User 406

the day has finally come
i have found a person with more half assed image editing skills than me

I'm hurt.

I've been posting shitty halfassed image edits for a long time now, and you haven't noticed me sempai.

Unless you mean the creator of Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff, who is an MSPaint genius.

I'm hurt.

I've been posting shitty halfassed image edits for a long time now, and you haven't noticed me sempai.

its just, you edited one word and didn't bother to make the fonts look the same. the blatant lack of effort made me smile.

i would now like to divert the attention of the fine readers of poligaf to a topic seldom covered in the biased, some say "liberal" media: the state of the presidential campaign of rand paul.
As Sen. Rand Paul prepares for a live online event tonight — his answer to being excluded from the Fox Business prime-time debate — a super PAC that once worried his campaign is readying some good news. Concerned American Voters, run by former Freedomworks president Matt Kibbe and Young Americans for Liberty President Jeff Frazee, raised about $3 million in the third fundraising quarter. All of that has been pointed at voter contact efforts in the Iowa and Nevada caucuses. And in an interview, Frazee suggested that the campaign had identified enough potential Paul supporters to win the caucuses.
Yet Paul, said Frazee, really and truly had built on his father's 2012 Iowa network. He had more caucus captains, 1,019, then anyone else who had announced them; he had, through Concerned American Voters, a grass-roots organization in no danger of flipping to anyone else.
1019 caucus captains! that's a lot! that's like one for every benji joke about hillary going to jail, or one for every explanation about the importance of the supreme court from hyliantom, or one for every time adam367 hit on martin o malley.
In conclusion, rand paul's ground game is not to be smirked at and I hope he does well in Iowa because he is the best the republican party has to offer in 2016. I hope we can get some rand paul appreciation going on in here ;)


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I think the Republican Party decided between Tuesday and Thursday that they hate Cruz more than Trump.

I'm not really seeing this. I think all the establishment is heading to Cruz because he isn't really anti-establishment, regardless of how many times he says it. His policies fall exactly in line with their wants.

User 406

its just, you edited one word and didn't bother to make the fonts look the same. the blatant lack of effort made me smile.

Full disclosure, I'm using GIMP on a mac, and I did take a few seconds to google "gimp comic sans", but there were just results for copying the font file in windows, when I should have googled "gimp comic sans equivalent", but then it was too late, although I did open up the font menu and god DAMN GIMP has way too many fuckin' fonts I'm not scrolling through all that shit, and there you have it.

Obligitory political thing: I like Christie's quote from the debate, "And we are going to kick your rear end out of the White House come this fall." Obama is totally not getting reelected this time, guise.


Is Bernie really going to win Iowa? I know he fares well in some GE polls but those would be suspect at best this far out... I feel like a democrats are getting drowned out by the GOP. Even if they're acting dumb, they're getting all the headlines.

I feel like we're losing, and the media is failing us by the way. It's basically all Trump, all the time.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I want so badly for planned parenthood to produce the check Christie gave them. Some bank must have an image of it somewhere.
My favorite moment of the night was Jeb begging for mercy from Trump. "Come on, man."

What did she say in 08?

She had a whole thing about "small town real America" vs. big city... idk, fake America, I guess.

None of the candidates at that point were New Yorkers, so I guess that's why nobody played the 9/11 card explicitly.
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