I forgot which polling screen is more accurate closer to election day: LV or RV?
I forgot which polling screen is more accurate closer to election day: LV or RV?
Thanks. It doesn't even matter, though. Trump could have said the Sun revolved around the Earth and still won that exchange.Trump was talking about Boeing building plants in China to sell planes to China, and he was right. He didn't say all Boeing planes, he specifically referred to planes for the chinese market
though I am not surprised he failed to mention it is mostly due to his party's opposition to ex-im
Then there was retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, who told the assembled well-heeled crowd that he supports a completely flat tax and opposes tax credits.
Any kind of manipulation of the tax system for whatever reason I dont think is a good idea, Carson said.
The real answer to poverty is not government but the private sector, Carson said, arguing that a reduced corporate tax rate would bring businesses home from overseas to invest in poor people.
He added that the private sector, unlike government, can help prevent out-of-wedlock births (and thus poverty) by sending women the right messages.
You dont have to give yourself away to the first person that comes along talking about, You have pretty eyes, Carson said. And Jesus Christ died for your sins. You cant get that message when its government.
Depending on how he does in the upcoming primaries I might cash out after Super Tuesday. If he has a commanding lead by then I'll stay in.
The fact that I just got an email from James Carville with the phrase "tighter than a rattlesnake stuck in a drain pipe" is giving me all kinds of life to day. In fact, I'm donating just in the hopes I get more of his folksy wisdom sent to my inbox everyday .
I got 50 on the Emperor King and 50 on Hillda. Kinda got late in the game but w/e.
Because she hasn't learned a fucking thing since 2007. She should be ashamed of herself. This is embarrassing. I'm embarrassed to be a Democrat right now. Trump and co. are absolutely mauling our politics and national debate in ways I've never seen and Democrats have NOTHING to counter it. Fucking nothing. Well, they have Obama but he can't run again now can he.Anyone know why Clinton is only at 66c on PredictIt for winning the primary? Seems absurdly low... Unless there's something I'm missing.
Because she hasn't learned a fucking thing since 2007. She should be ashamed of herself. This is embarrassing. I'm embarrassed to be a Democrat right now. Trump and co. are absolutely mauling our politics and national debate in ways I've never seen and Democrats have NOTHING to counter it. Fucking nothing. Well, they have Obama but he can't run again now can he.
Biden, please find a way to jump in. It'll look pathetic but we will forgive you. If not I don't think Hillary has an easy WH win anymore. Thus, time to Diablos.
Because she hasn't learned a fucking thing since 2007. She should be ashamed of herself. This is embarrassing. I'm embarrassed to be a Democrat right now. Trump and co. are absolutely mauling our politics and national debate in ways I've never seen and Democrats have NOTHING to counter it. Fucking nothing. Well, they have Obama but he can't run again now can he.
Biden, please find a way to jump in. It'll look pathetic but we will forgive you. If not I don't think Hillary has an easy WH win anymore. Thus, time to Diablos.
When your enemy is making a mistake, do not interrupt him.Because she hasn't learned a fucking thing since 2007. She should be ashamed of herself. This is embarrassing. I'm embarrassed to be a Democrat right now. Trump and co. are absolutely mauling our politics and national debate in ways I've never seen and Democrats have NOTHING to counter it. Fucking nothing. Well, they have Obama but he can't run again now can he.
Biden, please find a way to jump in. It'll look pathetic but we will forgive you. If not I don't think Hillary has an easy WH win anymore. Thus, time to Diablos.
When your enemy is making a mistake, do not interrupt him.
It's pretty strange
As a father, the point of that joke is obviously that everybody says their grandchild is super smart but Hillary thinks her grandchild IS ACTUALLY super smart.
I have made that exact joke multiple times about my (superintelligent) daughter. I am surprised that there aren't any middle-aged parents in the Bernie camp to explain the joke!
Every time Trump said "China", all I could think was "I didn't blame anyone for the loss of my legs. Some Chinaman took them from me in Korea!"
Because she hasn't learned a fucking thing since 2007. She should be ashamed of herself. This is embarrassing. I'm embarrassed to be a Democrat right now. Trump and co. are absolutely mauling our politics and national debate in ways I've never seen and Democrats have NOTHING to counter it. Fucking nothing. Well, they have Obama but he can't run again now can he.
Biden, please find a way to jump in. It'll look pathetic but we will forgive you. If not I don't think Hillary has an easy WH win anymore. Thus, time to Diablos.
Because she hasn't learned a fucking thing since 2007. She should be ashamed of herself. This is embarrassing. I'm embarrassed to be a Democrat right now. Trump and co. are absolutely mauling our politics and national debate in ways I've never seen and Democrats have NOTHING to counter it. Fucking nothing. Well, they have Obama but he can't run again now can he.
Biden, please find a way to jump in. It'll look pathetic but we will forgive you. If not I don't think Hillary has an easy WH win anymore. Thus, time to Diablos.
While I think Clinton will be our next president, I do wonder what the Dem primary would look like without her and her long and somewhat controversial political history. Would we be heading towards a Sanders sweep or would someone charismatic, well-funded, and well-connected poltician like Senator Gillibrand be heading towards the win?
While I think Clinton will be our next president, I do wonder what the Dem primary would look like without her and her long and somewhat controversial political history. Would we be heading towards a Sanders sweep or would someone charismatic, well-funded, and well-connected politician like Senator Gillibrand be heading towards the win?
No, someone else would have jumped in. Biden definitely would have been in, and someone who could pull the Establishment strings would have been in as well. Warren has said she has no desire to be President, but I can imagine a non-Hillary world in which she thought she had the numbers to win. Gillibrand may have jumped in. O'Malley might have gained more traction.
While I think Clinton will be our next president, I do wonder what the Dem primary would look like without her and her long and somewhat controversial political history. Would we be heading towards a Sanders sweep or would someone charismatic, well-funded, and well-connected like Senator Gillibrand be heading towards the win?
Biden wouldn't have been in it, the death of Beau would have seen to that. He needed to be jumping in around the time Beau died, even if Hillary had stayed out of it the timing just never worked for him.
Would also suggest that he's the best man to take on Trump on a style over substance debate, fwiw
By Todd Starnes, Fox Nation
Donald Trump and the Mainstream Media are foaming at the mouth over the comment Senator Ted Cruz made about New York values.
Now, all of us folks who are not New York City liberals know exactly what Senator Cruz was talking about -- and it had nothing to do with the aftermath of 9-11.
Senator Cruz was talking about cultural and political values.
Duck Dynasty values versus Bill de Blasio values.
He was referring to the permissive New York values celebrating public debauchery that would make the citizens of Sodom and Gomorrah blush. Just ask the families from the Heartland whove been accosted by topless women in Times Square.
Remember Occupy Wall Street -- turning public parks into human cesspools - people defecating on police cars? He was talking about those values, too.
Along with the values that propelled citizens into the streets to justify violence against police officers.
Senator Cruz was talking about the values that banned churches from public spaces and relegated Christians to second class citizens.
He was referring to the values that let a candidate says he's a pro-abortion Democrat one day and a pro-life Republican the next -- the kind of values that would compel someone to use a national tragedy like 9-11 to score cheap political points.
You see - in that land New Yorkers like to call fly-over country - character counts. A man's word matters.
Those are the values Senator Cruz was talking about.
Eh, I think he would have, honestly. If there were 2-3 establishment people in there splitting the vote, he may have thought he could come in and unify that base. I think his refusal to run was both the lateness AND the fact that Hillary had everyone he would have needed all sewn up. I'm not sure he would have won, but I think he'd have given it a go.
He got paid to write this?
The Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz, already facing scrutiny for not disclosing a Goldman Sachs loan he used for his 2012 Senate campaign, also failed to disclose a second loan, from Citibank, for the same race, according to a letter he sent Thursday to federal election officials.
The one-page letter said that the underlying source of money for a series of personal loans Mr. Cruz made to his Senate campaign in Texas included both bank loans, which totaled as much as $1 million. Both loans were inadvertently omitted from the required filings, the letter said. Previously, Mr. Cruz has only acknowledged using the loan from Goldman for his campaign.
Same thought. I almost never comment on other threads here, so this'll be the last time when it comes to Hillary: what the hell? Saying Hillary is as bad as Cruz and Trump, lmao.I shouldn't have gone in that Hillary thread, should I?
I shouldn't have gone in that Hillary thread, should I?
Oh, this is rich. This is golden.
Once is an instance, twice is a hobby.
If you guys missed it from the debate thread, Ted Cruz is a Metal Gear villain
It's the price you pay being in the political spot long for so long. She and Bill were against it for a lot longer in the eyes of the public even if they weren't in reality. Bernie and Obama switched on it but, at least with Obama he flipped around on it relatively quickly in comparison to what people saw with HillaryI sort of hate that Hillary gets shit on for changing her views on gay marriage, but we've just forgotten that Obama and Bernie did the same thing.
Me too, and I sort of think it's a subtle sexism thing. The goal post is always pushed back when it comes to her, her views, her accomplishments, and it's generally always men who are doing it. It's something that women go through a lot and we're really seeing it on a larger scale here because Hillary is running for the highest office in the country. I also think that if Hillary doesn't win this then there won't be a female President for at least another generation.I sort of hate that Hillary gets shit on for changing her views on gay marriage, but we've just forgotten that Obama and Bernie did the same thing.
What kept you waiting, huh?Am I a bad person for never having played a Metal Gear game?
Am I a bad person for never having played a Metal Gear game?