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PoliGAF 2015-2016 |OT3| If someone named PhoenixDark leaves your party, call the cops

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Bernie, brah....




What about the blacks voting against their best interests, Bernie?


Editor's note: This column is an excerpt from Crystal Wright's new book, "Con Job: How Democrats Gave Us Crime, Sanctuary Cities, Abortion Profiteering, and Racial Division."

When was the last time anyone heard the “Reverend” Al Sharpton give a sermon? I mean a real one, not a rant that incites racial unrest. Ever since Sharpton came to the defense of Tawana Brawley in 1987, knowing she HAD lied in accusing white men of raping her, he’s been a professional race profiteer. Not only did Tawana lie, she lied big time: spreading dog feces on herself then hiding in a trash can to stage her rape. After Al “marched” in defense of Brawley, a grand jury concluded Brawley had concocted a “hoax” and the lawyers who represented her were disbarred. Steven Pagones, a Dutchess County assistant district attorney, was one of the men Brawley, Sharpton, and her advisors Alton H. Maddox Jr. and C. Vernon Mason accused of raping her. In 1998 Pagones won a defamation lawsuit against the three race-baiting stooges, who were ordered to pay Pagones $345,000 in damages. Brawley was also sued by Pagones and ordered to pay over $400,000 in damages, which she only began paying in 2013.27 In 1988 People magazine referred to Sharpton, pictured with Brawley on the cover its magazine, as “a belligerent black activist” whose actions were a “disgrace.” Today, a thinner, tailored-suit-wearing Sharpton works as a well-paid TV host of MSNBC’s PoliticsNation.

The “Reverend” Al has also been quite successful in not paying over $4 million owed in federal and New York state taxes. Obama’s IRS was masterful at targeting conservative groups from 2010 through 2012 to silence their influence in elections by delaying or not approving their applications for tax-exempt nonprofit status. But you mean to tell me the IRS can’t make Al Sharpton pay the $3 million in back taxes he owes the federal government? In spite of his lawlessness, Sharpton has visited the Obama White House about eighty times. Apparently our Democrat president buys into Al’s hustle. Or, like the Democrat Party in general, he finds it useful for winning elections. The first black president’s embrace of Sharpton—enabling him to pose as a spokesman for us all—should show black Democrats how little Obama thinks of black people. Sharpton calls the president, governors, and congressmen his friends, just like Jesse Jackson, who pops up like a jack-in-the-box at every racial riot or protest alongside him.

But Al and Jesse aren’t alone in belonging to the “black spokesperson” club. When “an unarmed black teen” is killed under America’s first black president, the media also call upon Michael Eric Dyson and Cornel West to be the mouthpieces for black America.

As the Class of 1943 University Professor at Princeton University, West is best known for his book Race Matters. If he were intellectually honest, West would say race matters for keeping him employed, just like so many other black professors working in “Black Studies Departments” at colleges across the country. Dyson is another black professor, an “ordained Baptist minister” turned spokesperson for the black race. Like West, Dyson’s only qualification for the job of speaking for an entire race seems to be his skin color.

As a professor of theology, English, and African American studies at Georgetown University, in 2011 Dyson taught a three-credit course on the black rap/hip-hop star Jay Z: “Sociology of Hip-Hop: Urban Theodicy of Jay-Z.” “His body of work has proved to be powerful, effective and influential. And it’s time to wrestle with it,” Dyson recalled in an interview, as if he were analyzing the work of a great writer like William Shakespeare or James Baldwin. Hip-hop lyrics, including Jay Z’s, are notorious for glorifying gangsta behavior: crime, killing, and treating women like “bitches and hoes.” Yet Dyson found Jay Z’s song-writing talents were critical to the education of Georgetown students, who paid $40,000 in tuition that year.

These are the credentials—race hustler, black preacher, or black studies professor—that catch the eye of liberal news organizations. Democrat-allied journalists further insult blacks when they class Sharpton in the company of true civil rights activists such as Martin Luther King Jr., Medgar Evers, and Rosa Parks. The news media and Democrat politicians know all too well that Sharpton and the rest of the black leaders are nothing more than liberal con artists. That’s why they promote them, because they know blacks keep following the voice of these black Pied Pipers right to the Democrat ballot box without questioning their motives. The day blacks decide to question why black leaders are getting richer every election cycle while the black race wades deeper into an economic wasteland will be the day blacks own political power. “Still today, the best way to make a black leader mad is to say to him that black Americans are capable of being fully responsible for their own advancement,” wrote Shelby Steele. This is quite a revealing point that black Americans should spend some time thinking about. The livelihood of black leaders like Sharpton and others is based upon the Democrat precept that blacks are irresponsible degenerates, buried under a mountain of ignorance—and forever needing to be rescued by the Democrat Party.
That could work.

I mean, it's been months. I shouldn't be shocked he doesn't tailor his stump speech. He doesn't tailor it when he's asked about foreign policy, and somehow manages to go back to the millionaires and billionaires. But...come on. This is like basic stuff here.


He really does come up with his speeches completely on the fly. That still surprises me for some reason whenever its blatantly obvious.


Perhaps you should take some advice from the FLOTUS, Mr. Meaty Tuck.


In a move sure to appeal to 11-year-old voters across the country, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie promised to do away with First Lady Michelle Obama’s healthy school lunch initiative to a boy who bemoaned that the pizza and crispitos once served at his school cafeteria have gone away under the Obama administration.

If he is elected president, Christie told 11-year-old Jacob Royal on Monday while campaigning here in Iowa, he can go back to eating “whatever you want to eat" at school.

"The first lady has no business being involved in this,” Christie told Royal during a town hall at a Village Inn, a restaurant chain that Christie said is a favorite of his to frequent when he comes to Iowa.

“Using the government to mandate her point of view on what people should be eating every day is none of her business, it just isn’t,” Christie said of Mrs. Obama. "I want people to eat healthier. I’ve been trying to eat more healthy. We all should be trying to do that. It makes us better, makes us living longer, better quality of life, all the rest of it. But in the end, it’s your choice."
I'm not understanding the context here.

His southern tour at the moment is to try and shore up some type of actual support among African American voters. So, if he's trying to do that, maybe don't focus on white working class people for your big outreach. Be mindful of your audience and your particular goals. It's basic retail politics.

Like when he got the question at the debate about African American support, and went full on Trump "Meh polls are great! Did you see how great my polls are?" And, we all have, especially the numbers among people of color...that's why we're trying to tell him to actually expand his base outside white voters.
Ladies and Gentleman.. I am 23 years old and if this were to actually happen.. If I were to die after the inauguration, I would really be okay with that because I don't think anything will compared to what sort of crazy shit we might see here.

You're 23!? Get off my lawn. Ugh. I'm getting so old. Gross.

I think Palin should be Trump's speech writer. I mean, they both have that word salad thing going down. IF he gets her endorsement, that has to help him in Iowa, doesn't it? I mean....the wackados love her. I'd be sending her to Iowa as many times as she'd be willing to go. A few joint events, maybe.


He really does come up with his speeches completely on the fly. That still surprises me for some reason whenever its blatantly obvious.

He definitely repeats a lot of things. I have heard that "we're going to win so many times you're going to beg to lose" a number of times going back to last year.


From December:
She doesn't plan to endorse any time soon. And, in a nod to her history of backing candidates who didn't win, she joked that the presidential hopefuls wouldn't want her backing, anyway.

"Not if they're smart!" she said.

But Palin wasn't shy about saying her two favorite candidates in the 2016 GOP race are Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Donald Trump.

She offered some kudos for the "libertarian leanings" of Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, and said she does "so respect" retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson. But she offered the kindest praise to Cruz, the GOP front-runner in Iowa, and Trump, who leads in national polls.

"I'm not going to pick one right now, but what a nice problem to have if it came down to Cruz and Trump," Palin said. "That's a good problem for voters to have, because we know that, as you say, they are both strong and very decisive and someone who would take the initiative. That is what we need today, and both of those candidates would fit that bill."

Though the former Alaska governor wasn't endorsing anyone, her daughter Willow Palin -- who attended Monday night's event -- says she's backing Trump.
You're 23!? Get off my lawn. Ugh. I'm getting so old. Gross.

I think Palin should be Trump's speech writer. I mean, they both have that word salad thing going down. IF he gets her endorsement, that has to help him in Iowa, doesn't it? I mean....the wackados love her. I'd be sending her to Iowa as many times as she'd be willing to go. A few joint events, maybe.

I am indeed 23 Adam.. Sorry to make you feel like the old cat man that you are.

And I believe that it would help him win Iowa.. Jesus.. Can we imagine them together.. Picture it Adam.. That is amazing.

Pretty sure NeoGAF has the same rules as Logan's Run.
If that were the case.. Then half of the NFL thread posters would be dead and it would be down to like 12 people maybe?
I'm going to be 29 in March.

: sobs hysterically :

Palin and Trump. Potential Veep pick? I'm sure he thinks he could control her well enough. Plus, He could argue that it would give the ticket foreign policy expe...HAHAHAHAHAHA. I couldn't. I tried.

User 406

It's the most brilliant strategy ever. Just tell young people to vote in the midterms. Tell racist whites to stop voting against their own interests. Tell America to stop being scared of Socialism. I don't know why nobody ever thought of it before. It really is a political revolution.

I'm going to be 29 in March.

: sobs hysterically :

Haha, you kids and your, "oooo, I'm soooo old!" schtick.


Palin and Trump. Potential Veep pick? I'm sure he thinks he could control her well enough. Plus, He could argue that it would give the ticket foreign policy expe...HAHAHAHAHAHA. I couldn't. I tried.
Palin's too smart to ever run for office again. Except maybe Senator.
His southern tour at the moment is to try and shore up some type of actual support among African American voters. So, if he's trying to do that, maybe don't focus on white working class people for your big outreach. Be mindful of your audience and your particular goals. It's basic retail politics.

Like when he got the question at the debate about African American support, and went full on Trump "Meh polls are great! Did you see how great my polls are?" And, we all have, especially the numbers among people of color...that's why we're trying to tell him to actually expand his base outside white voters.

To be fair you're just falling into Hilary camp because she doesn't like to look at polls or whatever.

And then you like to post polls yourself.

Anyway there really isn't context then to that blurb? Aside from him trying to reach multiple demographics in Alabama?

This isn't commentary on whether or not he is effective at it.


Palin has the stink of a loser and a quitter on her though. Trump will trot her out to rally the base but I can't seriously believe he'll give her anything more.


Palin has the stink of a loser and a quitter on her though. Trump will trot her out to rally the base but I can't seriously believe he'll give her anything more.
She quit to make big money, so she's actually a winner. And off her name, which makes her the biggest type of winner.
To be fair you're just falling into Hilary camp because she doesn't like to look at polls or whatever.

And then you like to post polls yourself.

Anyway there really isn't context then to that blurb? Aside from him trying to reach multiple demographics in Alabama?

This isn't commentary on whether or not he is effective at it.

Wait....what? Most politicians say they don't like to look at polls. I freaking love polls. They're great. They, you know, tell you what you need to do to win supporters. They let you know where you're strong and where you're week. I've posted polls in this thread that have been good for Hillary and not good for Hillary. Occasionally, I think we get polls that are probably a bit off, and I'll point that out. (And I'll defend why I believe that too as rationally as I can.) I did the same a few months ago when there was that ridiculous Iowa poll that showed Hillary ahead by like 30 points.

If you followed politics in 2008, you may well remember Hillary's poorly worded "working, hard-working Americans, white Americans" thing that was ridiculous. When you have a demographics problem, and you're supposedly trying to fix it, tailor your stump speech. Be careful with words This won't hurt Bernie, but that's not the point. If he ends up being our nominee, he has to be better at being a politician.

User 406

I think the most delicious part of a Trump/Palin teamup would be the bit where he talks about how much he likes her in his usual condescendingly sexist way.
Wait....what? Most politicians say they don't like to look at polls. I freaking love polls. They're great. They, you know, tell you what you need to do to win supporters. They let you know where you're strong and where you're week. I've posted polls in this thread that have been good for Hillary and not good for Hillary. Occasionally, I think we get polls that are probably a bit off, and I'll point that out. (And I'll defend why I believe that too as rationally as I can.) I did the same a few months ago when there was that ridiculous Iowa poll that showed Hillary ahead by like 30 points.

Okay then. But you would agree there is nothing wrong to wanting to boast about polls. I'll admit Hilary is a juggernaut... so Bernie is going to take what he can get and if that means pointing out polls... So be it.

If you followed politics in 2008, you may well remember Hillary's poorly worded "working, hard-working Americans, white Americans" thing that was ridiculous. When you have a demographics problem, and you're supposedly trying to fix it, tailor your stump speech. Be careful with words This won't hurt Bernie, but that's not the point. If he ends up being our nominee, he has to be better at being a politician.

I actually agree. I love Bernie, like a ton... But he does need to work on getting outside of what he typically runs on if he wants to get elected.

But I don't think that's the ultimate outcome for him... I think getting people to think more liberally and push the Dem nom to the left a bit more is what he wants at the very least.

EDIT: Also... I'm older than you... 31 here.
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