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PoliGAF 2015-2016 |OT3| If someone named PhoenixDark leaves your party, call the cops

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Perception mattering more than reality only works as a saying when the reality actually isn't the same thing or "worse."

Bernie actually is a socialist. He has said, on record, on videotape that he is a socialist. The socialist attack proved to be unsuccessful against Obama ultimately because independents didn't buy it, and Democrats of course didn't care. Bernie is a socialist, so there's nothing for independents to buy or not. He IS a socialist, and most Americans hate socialism.

Critics of Obama have stopped using the socialist attack as frequently because it so unsuccessfully stuck to him. Critics of Bernie would have no such problem, because perception would equal reality in the case of his socialism.

I still think it wouldn't be as much as an issue as you guys make it out to be. Regardless I no longer have proof of my claim that Americans would not turn away from Sanders if he was bombarded with attack ads for being Socialist. However, nor can anybody else prove that most Americans would rather vote for a Trump or another clown car Republican over Socialist Sanders. So I'll just end the argument here.

Politics are not about convincing people. It's about mobilizing people who already agree with you

Ridiculous. You do both. Unless you meant to say "campaigning" rather than "politics", then that would be mostly true.



Apparently, Liberty University students had to go to a Trump rally or they would be fined.

Look, I know this game better than anybody. I've been playing this game for a long time, folks, from the other side. I changed sides. I was total establishment. Now I'm like the worst thing that ever happened to the establishment. Because I understand the game! So now, they go to, let's say, Jeb. They say Mr. President, this is very bad thing. I agree it is bad, we have to do this, we can't allow this to happen. Then he is going to get a call from his lobbyist or his special interest, 'Mr. President, they gave you $5 million! You can't not make this deal!'...

"By the way, Hillary, just as bad, even worse," Trump said of lobbyist influence. "They're going to call Hillary and they're going to say Madam President -- by the way, I want to see a woman president soon. But not her. She's a disaster. She's a disaster. She's a disaster. Just think of the corruption and the scandal. We don't want to go through it. You just don't want to go through it. We want to see winning. We want to see win, win, win."

"You'll see if I'm president," Trump began, "you'll say, 'Please, Mr. President, Mr. President, we're winning too much. I can't stand it. Can't we have a loss?' And I say no, we're going to keep winning, winning, winning because we're going to make America great again."


That's a majority of likely voters in the 2010 cycle, which is kind of like polling the GOP field right now and attributing the levels of support found there to all adults

Omph, that is true. Guess I misread. I will retract the source. I am trying to find something that says general population but the closest thing I find is a Harris poll that says 40% that is on a conservative news site and is not sourced.


Right. The context was somebody saying Bernie just needed to convince people to become socialists.

Convincing people to become socialist is grassroots. That is for the little fish to do. Clearly it is working to some effect with Bernie's record individual donations and people being more receptive to the world Socialist over the course of the few years. But it will be a few years more before a possible pink tide could flow through America. Either way, a ground game is something the American left in general needs and not just the hard left.
Looks like Marco missed his moment.
Looks like Jeb's attack ads worked!

Now he just has to watch Trump and Cruz destroy each other Dean/Gerphardt style, while video mailers of the "Jeb Story" sent to primary voters seal the deal. He's got this.



Looks like Jeb's attack ads worked!

Now he just has to watch Trump and Cruz destroy each other Dean/Gerphardt style, while video mailers of the "Jeb Story" sent to primary voters seal the deal. He's got this.


He's losing so bad he literally has to send people a little tv in the hopes that they'll watch his video?
My scorecard for the fourth Democratic Debate (re-watch, via NBC On-Demand (Xfinity)) :

					Bernie	Hillary	Notes
					-------	------		-------

Opening				    1				Her's was good, but his had more gravitas

100 Days				    1

Guns							  1

Black Lives				    1 

Racial Stereotyping /
War On Drugs			    1

UHC					    2				Her line "tear it up and start over again" is an entirely bogus point; with UHC you would have an infinitely simpler system, with no need
									for exchanges, etc, etc, as [i]everyone[/i] would, as a right, have access to healthcare.

									Also, despite their best attempts to try and highlight "increased middle Class taxes", under his plan, which is another bogus point,
									he explained it very well, with the bottom line being: "You'd be paying significantly less for healthcare".

Wall St.				    1(.5; courtesy of Martin ;) )

Taxes				    1

Climate Change 			    1				She wasn't given a chance to speak, but he spoke well on the subject (I give her a similar point on the Russian Reset)

Syria (Iraq)				    1

Russian Reset					   1		Probably her best moment (not applicable to him).

Bill Clinton (inc. Goldman	    1		   1

Closing				    1				Again, his was significantly more weighty

					--------	--------
					  12.5	   3

P.S. I have intentionally not seen any other comments on the debate.

P.P.S. As shown, you can use GAF's "code" tags to post a table, using tab characters to line up colunns (in PS3 browser, you need to somehow copy tab character to clipboard, as not available from on-screen keyboard - I used JavaScript to add character to textarea's value property etc).
That's a majority of likely voters in the 2010 cycle, which is kind of like polling the GOP field right now and attributing the levels of support found there to all adults

its also using one questionable pollster. A different poll taken at the same time says otherwise- and 2010 was the absolute height of the anti obama, anti democrat backlash.


In fairness to the GOP the poll indicates that the country generally seems to have become a bit unhinged. Overall, 40 percent of Americans think Obama's a socialist, 32 percent think he's a Muslim, and one in four think that "he is a domestic enemy that the U.S. Constitution speaks of."

so no, there is no data that says "most of" the country thinks Obama is a socialist.
O'Malley doesn't get any points Daniel?

He had some good moments, but man, I wish he would drop that "intelligence on the ground" spiel. Overall, I'm not sure he won any points, outright (I wasn't paying much attention, on the re-watch), but I remember his point on requiring warrants to circumvent encryption, seemed a good one.


Clinton's closing statement was the best of the night(and this includes opening statements) because it was the only one that wasn't part of a stump speech. She outlined a problem affecting the health of tens of thousands of Americans and highlighted what actions she's already taken to help them. I don't even remember the other ones.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Clinton's closing statement was the best of the night(and this includes opening statements) because it was the only one that wasn't part of a stump speech. She outlined a problem affecting the health of tens of thousands of Americans and highlighted what actions she's already taken to help them. I don't even remember the other ones.
It wasn't the best closing statement because it wasn't suppose to be. She gave the best answer to the question, unless you want to say O'Malley was more thorough. Why they finished on that instead of an actual closing statement is unknown to me.
Clinton's closing statement was the best of the night(and this includes opening statements) because it was the only one that wasn't part of a stump speech. She outlined a problem affecting the health of tens of thousands of Americans and highlighted what actions she's already taken to help them. I don't even remember the other ones.

A safe bet is Bernie always mentions millionaires and billionaires. If you put your money on that, you're golden. Just not too much money. Can't appear to be an oligarch.

If, somehow, the GOP manages to shove Bush through I will, literally, laugh my ass off. If they manage to pull that off, their base is going to flip the fuck out. The far, far right will just completely implode. I will die a happy man.

Also, I had a job interview today where my interviewer had a Bush/Cheney 2000 sign framed on her wall. It wasn't signed. It was just kinda....there. I...I don't know why.


Some of the top trending questions on Google during Sunday's Democratic presidential debate related to Hillary Clinton's legal troubles.

"Will Hillary Clinton get prosecuted?" is the top question being asked on Google searches concerning the Democratic front-runner during the debate, in Charleston, S.C.


And the top trending question for third-place candidate Martin O'Malley is, "Why is Martin O'Malley running for president?"


Daniel B·;192587139 said:
My scorecard for the fourth Democratic Debate (re-watch, via NBC On-Demand (Xfinity)) :

					Bernie	Hillary	Notes
					-------	------		-------

Opening				    1				Her's was good, but his had more gravitas

100 Days				    1

Guns							  1

Black Lives				    1 

Racial Stereotyping /
War On Drugs			    1

UHC					    2				Her line "tear it up and start over again" is an entirely bogus point; with UHC you would have an infinitely simpler system, with no need
									for exchanges, etc, etc, as [i]everyone[/i] would, as a right, have access to healthcare.

									Also, despite their best attempts to try and highlight "increased middle Class taxes", under his plan, which is another bogus point,
									he explained it very well, with the bottom line being: "You'd be paying significantly less for healthcare".

Wall St.				    1(.5; courtesy of Martin ;) )

Taxes				    1

Climate Change 			    1				She wasn't given a chance to speak, but he spoke well on the subject (I give her a similar point on the Russian Reset)

Syria (Iraq)				    1

Russian Reset					   1		Probably her best moment (not applicable to him).

Bill Clinton (inc. Goldman	    1		   1

Closing				    1				Again, his was significantly more weighty

					--------	--------
					  12.5	   3

P.S. I have intentionally not seen any other comments on the debate.

P.P.S. As shown, you can use GAF's "code" tags to post a table, using tab characters to line up colunns (in PS3 browser, you need to somehow copy tab character to clipboard, as not available from on-screen keyboard - I used JavaScript to add character to textarea's value property etc).

I don't see anything biased about this. At all.
Andrea "Greenspan" Mitchell has decided that South Carolina is going to be a nail bitter. Because reasons. I mean, there were no reasons provided, other than Bernie is now touring barber shops and will, therefore, become the overwhelming favorite.

Even though the people they interviewed said they were tired of Bernie saying the same things all the time. (Their words not mine).
We could let Martin on stage and debate himself. Maybe a strip debate. Like, every time I don't like an answer to a question he has to take something off?

Come through President Abs, come through!


Andrea "Greenspan" Mitchell has decided that South Carolina is going to be a nail bitter. Because reasons. I mean, there were no reasons provided, other than Bernie is now touring barber shops and will, therefore, become the overwhelming favorite.

Even though the people they interviewed said they were tired of Bernie saying the same things all the time. (Their words not mine).

At this point just ignore the likes of Chuck, Calizza, Mitchell etc. The media love ratings and contradicts itself all the time.

Remember Wold Blitzer dead heat of 2012?
Remember Hillary needs a primary challenge not a coronation? Now its she's doomed to lose now that bernie is poised to win IA, NH and somehow NV now?

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Don't recall seeing this posted, but CNN is now hosting the February 26th Republican debate:

Priebus said that the debate will include Telemundo, the NBCUniversal-owned Hispanic media company that had been scheduled to co-host the debate; National Review, NBC's original conservative media partner; and Salem Communications, CNN's conservative media partner in previous debates.
The RNC's debate committee held a vote on Monday afternoon and decided unanimously to terminate NBC's involvement and hand control to CNN, which has already hosted two Republican primary debates and is scheduled to host another one in March.
Wisconsin and Illinois are tout a fait accompli. Volunteers in those states and nearby states can be diverted to Ohio and Pennsylvania.

I think our local Democratic party is having a ramp up for the primary next week. Supposedly, Hillary's people have been distributing the stuff we need to canvas. I haven't talked to anyone, though, it's just what one of my friends told me.

I hope to get to do a lot for Strickland. If I get this job, I'll be working later hours, so I can canvas during the day before I go in. Fingers crossed.

At this point just ignore the likes of Chuck, Calizza, Mitchell etc. The media love ratings and contradicts itself all the time.

Remember Wold Blitzer dead heat of 2012?
Remember Hillary needs a primary challenge not a coronation? Now its she's doomed to lose now that bernie is poised to win IA, NH and somehow NV now?

Oh, I don't believe them. I just find it adorable. They concern troll sooooo hard just to get a horse race. But then, some say that the media is in Hillary's pocket and I just laugh and laugh and laugh. I can't stand Chuck Todd and Andrea Mitchell. Those two just drive me absolutely bonkers, especially Chuck Todd. The rest of NBC News team isn't completely annoying..

And I have a girl crush on Rachel Maddow. She's my bae.

Did anyone see that Cher is donating 184,000 bottles of water to Flint. I love her too. If you're going to be a cliche, be a good one, right?
You got Nina Turner(was die hard Hillary supporter), Cornell West, and Killer Mike all supporting Bernie Sanders. Dude is gonna keep getting more black votes.


Yeah, no shit:


Republican operatives are having a strange crush on Bernie Sanders.

During Sunday night’s Democratic debate, the Republican National Committee made the unusual move of sending no fewer than four real-time e-mails to reporters defending the self-described democratic socialist from attacks by Hillary Clinton or echoing his message against her. Based on their content, one could be forgiven for thinking the RNC communiques came from the Sanders campaign.

One RNC e-mail, which was titled “Clinton’s Misleading Health Care Attack,” defended the Vermont senator from what it described as “the Clinton campaign’s inaccurate remarks on Sanders’ single-payer plan,” and quoted news articles that featured rebuttals of her arguments. A second message countered Clinton’s attacks on Sanders over gun control by pointing out her gun-friendly statements in the past. Two other e-mails sought to bolster Sanders’ case that Clinton is too close to Wall Street and the drug industry.

After the debate, the Republican political action committee America Rising promoted the narrative that Sanders won the debate. “Clinton needed a win last night. Instead, everyone is talking about how well Bernie Sanders, her chief rival, did,” the group’s communications director Jeff Bechdel wrote to reporters.

Meanwhile, American Crossroads, a group co-founded by Karl Rove, is airing an ad in Iowa bolstering a core tenet of Sanders’ case against Clinton: that she has received large sums of campaign contributions from Wall Street, and therefore can't be trusted to crack down on big banks. “Hillary rewarded Wall Street with a $700 billion bailout, then Wall Street made her a multi-millionaire,” a narrator in the ad says. “Does Iowa really want Wall Street in the White House?”

"In Iowa, American Crossroads is helping Bernie Sanders by depicting Hillary Clinton as a Wall Street insider," Jack Pitney, a political science professor at Claremont McKenna College, wrote on his blog.

"My guess is that Republican operatives know that Clinton is likely to win the nomination even if Sanders upsets her in Iowa and New Hampshire. But an extended challenge will force her to use up money too early, and nudge her farther to the left," Pitney wrote in an e-mail to Bloomberg. Whether it will work remains to be seen, he said. "But at this stage, campaigns will grab for every advantage they can get."

Priorities USA, a group backing Clinton, said the ad was designed by Republicans to “interfere with our primary process” in an “attempt to clear their path to the White House.”
At Sunday night's debate, Clinton made a note of the ad, too. “I’m the one they don’t want to be up against,” she said, referring to the financial sector.

The efforts indicate that Republicans aren't buying recent polls that show Sanders out-performing Clinton in hypothetical head-to-head match-ups against GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump. One reason may be that, unlike Sanders, Clinton has been through the wringer of Republican attacks. While a spokesman for Sanders didn't immediately return a request for comment on the Republican attempts to boost him, the senator went out of his way in Sunday's debate to invoke recent surveys to make the case that he's electable.

“In terms of polling, guess what? We are running ahead of Secretary Clinton in terms of taking on my taking on my good friend, Donald Trump,” Sanders said. A NBC/Wall Street Journal poll finds him leading Trump nationally by 15 points, while Clinton leads Trump by 10 points.

Republican candidate John Kasich indicated in a debate last week that he'd love to face Sanders. "We're going to win every state," he said, "if Bernie Sanders is the nominee."
I'd venture a guess that there's no scenario where Bern somehow takes the nom and doesn't try to take Hills as VP.

Key words being "try to", evidently.

Whereas to hills bern as veep doesn't sound like a particularly good plan, the inverse to him? yaz plz
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