The RNC clearly secretly wants single-payer healthcare.
The enemy of my enemy...basically Operation Chaos
Its not transparent at all!
They have a staunch history of defending socialists, real or imagined!
Don't recall seeing this posted, but CNN is now hosting the February 26th Republican debate:
I'm just one dude that can report on what I see for signs and Facebook posts. Trump is certainly strong here. I've seen signs for him, Carson, Fiorina, and maybe Bush and Paul (can't recall). When canvassing and making phone calls, those who don't support Hillary or Bernie typically are for Trump.You should know more than we do. Mr. New Hampshire.
Andrea "Greenspan" Mitchell has decided that South Carolina is going to be a nail bitter. Because reasons. I mean, there were no reasons provided, other than Bernie is now touring barber shops and will, therefore, become the overwhelming favorite.
Even though thepeopleHillary supporters they interviewed said they were tired of Bernie saying the same things all the time. (Their words not mine).
*didnt use Nixon in China because you didn't want to get banned for Dick pics**pics*
The GOP candidate made several pointed attempts to appeal to the young, Christian crowd during his address, mentioning his pride in his Protestant faith and his oft-repeated campaign promise that the phrase Merry Christmas will become repopularized if he moves into the Oval Office. While promoting his book The Art of the Deal, he made sure to note that the Bible blows it away. Theres nothing like the Bible
lolI know someone mentioned Trump at Liberty University earlier, but this is just amazing.
The Bible. Amirite? It's YUGE. It's so good. That Jesus guy, ya? Totally love him. He woulda built a wall. A yuuge wall. So yuuge. Jesus.
And if Palin endorses Trump, where will teh rest of the GOP's intelligentsia go?
Nixon was a RINO. Just like Hoover, Eisenhower, Ford, H.W. Bush and W. Bush.*didnt use Nixon in China because you didn't want to get banned for Dick pics*
Wod have been great to see him throw hard balls, particularly at Trump.Telemundo must have said they were gonna ask Ramos to do it.
Shows you how much the people who say Hillary is unelectable know. Of course it sucks that Bernie is being targeted like this too.:/Hey he may be a socialist, but at least he has a damn penis, am i rite?
GOP coming across pretty scared of Hillary. Can't help but love that. surprising bit about that article is the fact that people still give money to Karl Rove.
Daniel B·;192599547 said:I
P.S. Given Bernie's crystal clear explanation, what percentage of viewers do you think will have trouble understanding that, with UHC, they would be paying significantly less for healthcare? 1%?
Don't do that. It's bad enough that Hillary gets asked about her husband and about her "relationship" with Putin. In the debate thread people weren't even addressing Andrea Mitchell by name, but instead sneering "Greenspan's wife" as if she didn't have a career and reputation of her own.Andrea "Greenspan" Mitchell
Nixon was a RINO. Just like Hoover, Eisenhower, Ford, H.W. Bush and W. Bush.
Guess Rubio, Huckabee, Paul and Cruz are the only TRUE Republicans.
Don't do that. It's bad enough that Hillary gets asked about her husband and about her "relationship" with Putin. In the debate thread that people weren't even addressing Andrea Mitchell by name, but instead sneering "Greenspan's wife" as if she didn't have a career and reputation of her own.
Guess Rubio, Huckabee, Paul and Cruz are the only TRUE Republicans.
RICK SANTORUM IS DIRECTLY EVEN WITH REAGANGuess Rubio, Huckabee, Paul and Cruz are the only TRUE Republicans.
Guess Rubio, Huckabee, Paul and Cruz are the only TRUE Republicans.
I think Mamba talked about this a few months ago.. Stupid statement aside.. They aren't policy positions? I believe that was the crux of the reasoning why Carson is that far left.I take issue with Carson being that far to the "left." I mean, shouldn't there be a "too stupid for words" metric that drags him closer to the far, far right? I feel like that should be a thing.
I take issue with Carson being that far to the "left." I mean, shouldn't there be a "too stupid for words" metric that drags him closer to the far, far right? I feel like that should be a thing.
I think Mamba talked about this a few months ago.. Stupid statement aside.. They aren't policy positions? I believe that was the crux of the reasoning why Carson is that far left.
Note that all of them align perfectly on Carson.The first of these systems, DW-Nominate, is based upon a candidate’s voting record in the Congress. The second method, developed by Adam Bonica, a Stanford University political scientist, makes inferences about a candidate’s ideology based on the groups and individuals who have contributed to his campaign. The third method, from the Web site, works by indexing public statements made by the candidate on a variety of major policy issues.
Because DW-NOMINATE measures distance from the norm, not anything related to actual ideological positions.What I don't understand is how the Pauls' manage a libertarian fan base when their Congressional voting record (ie the most important metric on that chart by far) is arch-conservative.
Because DW-NOMINATE measures distance from the norm, not anything related to actual ideological positions.
You can predict historical Congressional DW-NOMINATE scores simply by knowing what % of seats are taken up by which party.
Guess Rubio, Huckabee, Paul and Cruz are the only TRUE Republicans.
DW-NOMINATE finds the Republicans to be the socially "liberal" party in the Senate by far:
90+% of DW-NOMINATE scores after 1988 are based on economic-related legislation. Ron Paul voting no on everything alone shoves him to the right of the field. As every other member of Congress will vote yes at least half the time.That still doesn't explain why they'd be more conservative than their peer group by it (if it was simple deviation from the norm by Congressional balance then Rubio should be similar to Rand). It's clearly capable of measuring both ways too.
I get why "Sanders is more electable than Hillary" is a useful/fun talking point, but anyone who actually believes it is stupid.
Look at the 95% bars on the D's vs. the R's in the last Senate:
Something wacky going on there.
They have him farther to his right for his career:Bernie is off the scale? lol
Why isn't the Democratic spread any larger than the Republicans past Warner and Flake respectively? Yet the error bars go insane on one side only.Is it ? I mean beyond the Democratic tendency to value compromise and the Republicans strong position of being as intransigent as possible since Obama's election.
Look at the 95% bars on the D's vs. the R's in the last Senate:
Something wacky going on there.
The first problem here is that you're visiting Allen West's website. The second is that you're discussing anything on it with other people on it.Just made a comment about recidivism on Allen West's sight. Was taken down or hidden immediately.
Dat safe space.
^this one actually sounds like him but not nearly as funny.
The first problem here is that you're visiting Allen West's website. The second is that you're discussing anything on it with other people on it.
Also, after visiting it I noticed he has two comment sections for every post. A discus one and a facebook one.
truf teller:
Hamza Ben 1 week ago
he does better Bill clinton than she does Hillary clinton. She needs to get new writers
Someone didn't see this story obviously:Oooooh.
Bombshell emails from the State Department show that a top official at the agency suggested to Hillary Clintons aide, Huma Abedin, in August 2011 that the then-secretary of state begin using a government email account to protect against unexpected outages of her private email server.
But as the emails show, Abedin pushed back on the suggestion, telling the official, Stephen D. Mull, then the executive secretary of the State Department, that a State-issued Blackberry equipped with a email address doesnt make a lot of sense.
Besides showing that Clintons top aides were against the idea of her using a email account, the emails show for the first time that top State Department officials were aware of Clintons private email server arrangement.
Besides Mull, the emails show that Patrick Kennedy, the under secretary for management at the State Department, knew of the private server. Kennedy is a powerful figure within the State Department. The career diplomat handles logistical issues within the agency and was the official responsible for requesting emails from Clinton and her aides.
The first email in the Aug. 30, 2011, chain was sent from Mull and addressed to Mills, though Abedin, Kennedy, and Monica Hanley, another Clinton aide, were copied on the correspondence.
Thanks for alerting me to the communications issues the Secretary has been having, Mull wrote.
In the email, Mull mentioned Clintons use of the personal email server and also proposed providing Clinton with a new Blackberry equipped with a email account.
We are working to provide the Secretary per her request a Department issued Blackberry to replaced her personal unit which is malfunctioning, wrote Mull, noting that the device was malfunctioning possibly because of [sic] her personal email server is down.
He offered to prepare two Blackberries, one of which would include an operating State Department email account.
And curiously, Mull noted that the official version would mask her identity but would also be subject to FOIA requests.
Likewise, Mulls suggestion that Clinton begin using a Blackberry device was met with resistance from Abedin, the emails show.
Lets discuss the state blackberry, doesnt make a whole lot of sense, Abedin wrote.
The State Department has claimed in court filings that Clinton was not provided a government-issued Blackberry. In August, the agency stated in response to another FOIA lawsuit that it does not believe that any personal computing device was issued by the Department to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and has not located any such device at the Department.
Thanks for reminding all of this very helpful context, Mull responded solely to Abedin.
She emailed back: Its pretty silly and she knows it. It is unclear if Abedin was referring to Clinton or to Mills, who was the first to email Mull about the communications issues.
Too bad the audio is terrible.You got Nina Turner(was die hard Hillary supporter), Cornell West, and Killer Mike all supporting Bernie Sanders. Dude is gonna keep getting more black votes.
Even those who do share Sanders’s critique of American politics and endorse his platform, though, should have serious doubts about his nomination. Sanders does bring some assets as a potential nominee — his rumpled style connotes authenticity, and his populist forays against Wall Street have appeal beyond the Democratic base. But his self-identification as a socialist poses an enormous obstacle, as Americans respond to “socialism” with overwhelming negativity. Likewise, his support for higher taxes on the middle class — while substantively sensible — also saddles him with a highly unpopular stance. He also has difficulty addressing issues outside his economic populism wheelhouse. In his opening statement at the debate the day after the Paris attacks, Sanders briefly and vaguely gestured toward the attacks before quickly turning back to his economic themes.
Against these liabilities, Sanders offers the left-wing version of a hoary political fantasy: that a more pure candidate can rally the People into a righteous uprising that would unsettle the conventional laws of politics. Versions of this have circulated in both parties for years, having notably inspired the disastrous Goldwater and McGovern campaigns. The Republican Party may well fall for it again this year. Sanders’s version involves the mobilization of a mass grassroots volunteer army that can depose the special interests. “The major political, strategic difference I have with Obama is it’s too late to do anything inside the Beltway,” he told Andrew Prokop. “You gotta take your case to the American people, mobilize them, and organize them at the grassroots level in a way that we have never done before.” But Obama did organize passionate volunteers on a massive scale — far broader than anything Sanders has done — and tried to keep his volunteers engaged throughout his presidency. Why would Sanders’s grassroots campaign succeed where Obama’s far larger one failed?
So even if you fervently endorse Sanders's policy vision (which, again for the sake of full candor, I do not), he has chosen an unusually poor time to make it the centerpiece of a presidential campaign. It can be rational for a party to move away from the center in order to set itself up for dramatic new policy changes; the risk the Republican Party accepted in 1980 when Ronald Reagan endorsed the radical new doctrine of supply-side economics allowed it to reshape the face of government. But it seems bizarre for Democrats to risk losing the presidency by embracing a politically radical doctrine that stands zero chance of enactment even if they win.
Like this sentence does?In his opening statement at the debate the day after the Paris attacks, Sanders briefly and vaguely gestured toward the attacks before quickly turning back to his economic themes.
Okay, so I think Trump finally has a major scandal. At Liberty University, he pronounced the Bible verse Second Corinthians "Two Corinthians."
Checkmate, atheists. ?:^V
Kyle Feldscher ‏@Kyle_Feldscher
This is like in Inglorious Basterds where Fassbender gives away that he's English by using the wrong signal for 3.
I'll put it in the thread.Best description of this: